Fete Meetings Weds 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Bedford House Coffee Morning Sat 11th 11am Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 21st 2.30pm Corner Cottage Parish Plan Tues 21st 8pm Village Hall Mobile Library Thurs 2nd, 16th & 19th
After living for over 30 years in the parish Kevin Heath is moving to the Rugby area. He would like to thank his local good friends for their support in the past few years and promises to keep in touch with them.
Dinner Party
A dinner party was held in early May by Jean Godfrey and Liz Thomas to raise money to pay for the Over 60's Lunch 2005. A total of £130 was raised and Jean and Liz would like to thank all those who came to the evening and gave their support.
Many thanks to everyone who helped with the TTS on 21 May in the Village Hall. There were plenty of stalls with a wide variety of interesting objects and the sum of £140.85 was raised towards the Over 60s Christmas Lunch.
We are planning to hold the Lunch this year on Sunday 11 December and hope that all our usual helpers and lunchers will make a note in their diaries.
Parish Councillor Vacancy
There is now vacancy on the Parish Council. If you are interested in serving the community as a councillor, please contact the Clerk, Corinne Hill. There will be an election if more than one person applies.
Gaydon has entered the Best Kept Village Competition again this year. Judging takes place in June or July, so please tidy up your front gardens!
The Fete will be in the Gaydon Inn Field on Saturday 16th July. A group of people are working hard on ideas but more ideas and help will be welcomed with open arms.
Fete meetings are on Wednesday evenings at Bedford House (that's the white house next to the church).
Please come along and join in or speak to one of the organisers:
Anna Perry 641971, Bernard Price 640757, Heather Golding 640953, John Rickman 640349, Madeleine Hill 640636. Next meetings Wed 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th June at 8.00pm with wine and nibbles.
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 21 June and it will be held at Corner Cottage, Church Lane, at 2.30pm.
The next coffee morning will take place on Saturday 11 June in the Village Hall at 11am.
As well as cakes and produce, we hope to have plants for sale, so if you have any left over after planting out, please bring them along. We hope to see some new faces as well as our regular customers!
All profits go to the Church Fabric Fund.
Gaydon and Chadshunt Parish Plan: My apologies for having to cancel the last meeting of the group. The next meeting of the Parish Plan group will be on Tuesday, June 21st at 8pm in the Village Hall.
If you are unable to attend but want to raise any issues of importance to you or the village please contact Jonathan Crowe on 01926 640394.
Gaydon Report
The first week of May brought a few problems to Gaydon. A new and larger second group of Travellers tried to take-up residence at the Land Rover site but were moved on within 24 hours.
Attempts were made to break into the petrol station, The Malt Shovel and to take a vehicle. On each occasion three males were seen wearing baseball caps. Although nothing was taken considerable damage was caused. On one occasion a red Ford Escort registration
N 175 VHP was seen to leave the scene. Any information please to
PC 1626 Ghigi at Stratford Police Station on 01789 414111 x 4520 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Local Crime
Break-ins were reported during May to public houses in Charlecote and Bubbenhall.
Trading Standards have reported cases in the County involving high pressure and high priced fire equipment salesmen. Also attempts to obtain confidential banking information by people claiming to have a large parcel for delivery. These took place in Villages outside of Gaydon.
Please keep up to date with the latest scams by checking the Warwickshire Trading Standards website. www.warwickshire.gov.uk/latestscams
Temple Herdewycke
Good News. A neighbourhood watch group is starting up 'outside of the wire' at MOD Kineton.
Holiday Watch
Please notify your Street Co-ordinator if you will be away on holiday.
A ladies' watch was found in Church Lane on Sunday 23 April. Please contact 640828 for information.
This month the van is due to be at Telephone Box Green at 1.10pm and at St Marks Close at 1.25pm on
Thursdays 2nd, 16th and 30th.
June 25th at 6pm Mr & Mrs Francis Liddington of Windy Ridge, Warwick Road, have very kindly offered the use of their grounds to St Giles Church for a barbecue.
The invitation is open to all, admission free, but please ring Mary Fox on 641834 for a ticket to give us an idea of the numbers expected. There will be a small charge for refreshments.
Vicar Revd Philip Francis BA MTh 01295 770400 email: Philip.francis@regents.ox.ac.uk Editor Julie Rickman 640349 email: rickman@argonet.co.uk Parish Clerk Corinne Hill 641220 email: corinnehill@parishgaydon.freeserve.co.uk Churchwardens Margaret Phelps 640559 John Goldsmith 642571 Village Hall Chair Debbie Price 640757 Bookings Sue Middleditch 640695 22 St Marks Close Neighbourhood Watch Ian Miller 641796
"N'ere cast a clout....
......till May be out!" This is an old country saying which many gardeners and farmers might interpret as waiting till the end of the Month before planting frost-tender potatoes or beans.
However, it almost certainly does not refer to the Month but to the May or Hawthorn Blossom which adorns our hedgerows in festoons of white and sometimes Pink. This year the spring continues to be cold and we might well take both elements into consideration!
In Gaydon we have two main species of Hawthorne. The Midland or Warwickshire Hawthorne has far more indented leaves and is often pink flowered. This is an ancient species which was even mentioned in the building of Hadrian's wall. It is much associated with death too, for many people died in May during medieval times, having just managed to survive the shortages of winter under the feudal system and the flowers of May were used to decorate graves.
It is considered bad luck to bring it indoors even today but it is a crucial hedging plant with sharp thorns and will grow into a small gnarled tree if unchecked. It has hard, dense orange wood, excellent for fires as it is long burning and scented. I always buy my logs from a local hedgelayer if I can. To birds the berries are a valuable food source.
A rather small number of Swifts and Swallows have returned to the village so far. House Martins are checking their old nests in Church Road and a Cuckoo has been heard in Pipers Hill (near Itchington Holt) and another possibly seen in Church Walk.
I saw a Green Plover (Lapwing) nesting on the Kineton Road. Rabbits are very numerous again, even venturing into the centre of the village at night. A wild polecat and several Badgers have again fallen victim to cars along with a half-grown fox cub.
Cowslips continue to increase but as yet no evidence of Orchids which will flower later this month. If you know of a place, check it later on. Bee orchids are very erratic but seem established here in small colonies.
Early butterflies are having a hard time this year. Orange Tips, Brim-stones and Peacocks may have hopefully found time to mate and lay eggs during the mild spells. Speckled Woods and Holly Blues have been quite numerous around gardens this month.
The Churchyard looks very verdant with Jack by the Hedge and Meadow Buttercups in the unmown areas. We must hope the wildflower plantings will follow. Bernard Price.
Advice on Learning and Work at Kineton Library
Every Thursday 1130-1300 starting from 2 June
A new free information and advice service on the following:
Learning Opportunities, Returning to Work
Career Changes, Re-training
Job Search, CV Writing
Interview Skills, Application Forms
Contact Helen Broomfield
email: helenbroomfield@stratford.ac.uk
Tel: 07917 489133
Information and Advice Sessions are open to everyone
and are available by appointment to suit you
or just drop into Kineton Library at the above times.
The flag was raised in May for the birthday of John T Davies and for the wedding anniversary of John and Julie Rickman.
The Village Flag Officer is George Hayward at
The Old School, Kineton Road, 642963. Please contact him if you would like the flag flown for a special occasion.
Green 3 piece suite, good condition £60
Colour TV, good working order £20
12 Fencing panels, 6' high, £5 each
Contact Kevin Heath on 641404
or 07930 193297