Parish Council Tues 2nd 8pm Village Hall Village Store Barbecue Sun 7th 2pm The Old House Village Coffee Morning Sat 13th 11am Village Hall Village Hall Committee Mon 15th 8pm Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 16th 2.30pm Trevose Pilates Tuesdays 8pm Village Hall Toddler Group Thursdays 10-11.30am Village Hall Mobile Library Thursdays 4th and 25th
7 8.00 Eucharist Burton Dassett 10.00 Family Eucharist Fenny Compton 11.15 Morning Service Gaydon 11.30 Eucharist Farnborough 14 9.00 Eucharist Fenny Compton 10.00 Morning Service Farnborough 10.00 Eucharist Northend 11.15 Growing Together Gaydon 6pm Evening Prayer Burton Dassett 17 11.00 Eucharist Gaydon 21 8.00 Eucharist Farnborough 9.00 Eucharist Gaydon 10.30 Guest Service Fenny Compton 10.30 Village Communion Northend 28 9.30 Eucharist Northend 10.30 Family Service Fenny Compton 11.30 Family Eucharist Gaydon 3.30 Harvest Festival Chadshunt 6pm Evensong Farnborough
There will be a service of Eucharist (BCP) on Wednesday 17th at 11am.
There will be two opportunities to celebrate Harvest this year. The first will be at All Saints' Chadshunt on September 28th at 3.30pm; and the second, at St Giles' Gaydon on Sunday 12 October at 11.15am, will be a Growing Together service which can be enjoyed by all ages.
To arrange baptisms, marriages, confession, visits at home or in hospital, or for any other pastoral matter, please contact the Vicar on 01295 770400 or email
Sometimes the old country sayings prove to be correct. It rained on St Swithuns day and it has rained nearly every day since then! It has been a dreadful time for farmers and gardeners and only now, in late August, are people able to get some harvesting done.
I hope that the bad weather will teach us that we need to remember that the creation is not something we can take for granted but that we need to approach it with humility and awe. For all our scientific and mechanical skills, we still and always will have a fine balance to live with nature.
Our harvest thanksgiving is a time to come humbly before God and acknowledge both the wonder and mystery of creation; and reflect on our place in the order of the world and work out how we can best fulfil our part as stewards of creation.
Children's Church Activities
(Pebbles Group)To supplement our Church Family Worship on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month we are inviting children between 4 and 8 yrs old to attend an activity and teaching session prior to the morning service.
The sessions will take place in the village hall, beginning at 10.15am on 2nd Sundays and 10.30am on 4th Sundays and will include craft and play based teaching. We will finish with refreshments before moving over to church to join in the family worship.
The first session will take place on Sunday October 12th at 10.15 am.
For further details please contact either Jo Hotchkiss (01926 642248) or Chris Corner (01926 640523).
Betty Davies 1928 - 2008
Betty and John Davies came to Gaydon in 1970 and settled in Banbury Road, sharing their home and garden over the years with chickens, ducks, several generations of cats and, at one time, two goats. Betty was very active in village life, being involved with the W.I., becoming secretary, treasurer and, eventually, president of the local branch. It was she, on the closure of that institution in Gaydon, who felt that the ladies of the village should have the opportunity of regular contact with others, sharing ideas and experiences; and thus in 1987 the Friendship Club was formed. She took an interest in village matters right up until her last illness and was always to be found at annual meetings of the Parish Council and Village Hall. Above all, Betty was a good friend and she will be greatly missed.
Bramble Syllabub 2lb/900g brambles ¾ pint/425ml double cream 4-6oz/125-175g caster sugar 1 small wine glass dry white wine
Cook the brambles without any extra liquid in a pan with a tightly fitting lid over a very gentle heat until the juices begin to run from the berries. Cook until soft and add the sugar to taste. Save 6 whole berries for decoration. Purée the mixture and sieve to remove the seeds. Whip the cream and wine together. When the purée is cold, fold it into the wine-flavoured cream. Taste for sweetness and add more sugar if needed. Divide between 6 serving glasses, top with a whole bramble and serve with shortbread biscuits.
This month, Gaydon's favourite walk "The Cemetery Round".
This walk is short but is not suitable for people of limited mobility and is very mucky in the winter or after prolonged rain.
Start at the back of the Church and go up the short drive to the gate into Church Meadow. Cross the meadow by the well-marked footpath, watching where you put your feet, to the stile on the far side.
Over the stile, keep left and follow the hedge down to the cemetery. It always seems to be farther than you expect. Turn left at the cemetery and 25 yards on turn right into the place where Gaydon's dead have been buried since the Churchyard was closed in the 1930s.
After paying your respects, leave the cemetery by the main gate and make your way back to Gaydon alongside the B4100, turning left into Church Road and back to the Church, passing the Gaydon Inn on the way if you can resist the temptation.
This walk can be clearly seen on the map of Gaydon Parish which is on the Gaydon website at www,
It is good news to see that the ditch near St Marks Close has been cleared, thanks to the Housing Association.
No news yet, however, from Highways about improving the drainage on the B4100; and none about stopping the water flooding down into the village from the fields behind Kineton Road. JR
This is the first time that I have seen so few Nymphalidae (Red Admirals, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell Butterflies) on my Buddleia bushes. I have only seen a couple of each of these species, plus the rarer Comma and even one Brimstone which is early in emerging. This latter species is the longest-lived British species and can be around for a year or so, with a break for hibernation during winter. The bright sulphur-yellow male is the first to emerge in spring (female is the colour of green cheese).
Wet, lush green growth is the order of this month, which should be a time of drying hay and harvests - whilst in Spain the reverse is true! Perhaps this dry spell may drift towards us via the Gulf stream later this month.
A second brood of Goldcrests in my garden and many Goldfinches; whilst second broods of blackbirds and starlings have had a good survival rate. Buzzards are again the most high-profile bird seen around the skies of Gaydon. Swifts and Swallows join Housemartins to hawk for midges on Church Meadow which luckily was cut at exactly the correct time for the haymeadow flowers to seed and produce a good verdant crop of aftergrass.
The numbers of these seasonal visitors continues to decline and they may stay later this season if the weather holds. The churchyard is also in good condition, having been cut, and we may hope for the chirp of grasshoppers if the weather turns dry for a spell.
Several Barn Owls hunting around the village, even around my garden on one occasion. Quite a lot of small rodents and frogs are about, owing to the rainy conditions. Let's hope we will have an "Indian Summer" this autumn to dry things out a little and ripen fruit. My figs are still yet to ripen: I was harvesting them at this time last year! Bernard Price
Jemma Rickman, youngest daughter of Julie and John Rickman, was married to Jon Roud on Saturday 16 August in St Giles' Church. The reception was held in Gaydon Village Hall and at the Old Bakehouse.
The Library Van's next visits are to be on Thursday 4 September and Thursday 25th; 1.50pm at the Telephone Box and 2.15pm at St Marks Close.
Harvest Supper 11th October
Last year's Harvest Supper was great fun: this year it will be held on Saturday 11 October in the Village Hall. More details next month.
The next Coffee Morning and Produce Market will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 13 September at 11am.
The usual attractions will be on offer and any gifts of produce or small raffle prizes will be most welcome.
All proceeds will be given to the Church Fabric Fund.
The group will meet at the home of Mrs Pauline Layton, Trevose, Kineton Road, on Tuesday 16 September at 2.30pm.
This group, held on Thursday mornings from 10-11.30am, provides the opportunity for babies, toddlers and their carers to meet, play and chat. It is a very friendly, happy group and everybody is welcome.
If you haven't the responsibility of a child to watch but could spare an hour occasionally to help with the drinks and snacks, please speak to Margaret Phelps or Olive Richards - perhaps pop in to see what we do.
Sunday 7 September from 2-6pm at The Old House, Church Road. Tickets £5 adults and under 11's £3.50 from the Malt Shovel Pub or Claire Hamm on 647854.
The flag was raised on Saturday 16 August to celebrate the wedding of Jemma Rickman and Jon Roud. We wish them every happiness.
I would like to thank all those who sent cards and helped me during Betty's illness. Thanks, too, to those people who went to Oakley Wood and those who helped in the village hall afterwards. John Davies
A quick reminder that we are having our first fundraising event on Sunday 7 September from 2-6pm at The Old House, Church Road. It will be a beer, boules and BBQ event. There will be children's entertainment, a raffle, licensed bar, BBQ and music. We will hold a boules competition for the adults with special prizes. If the weather isn't so good then we will hold it under cover. Tickets are priced at £5 adults and under 11's £3.50 and the price includes a burger, banger and salads. Vegetarian options available as well. Tickets are selling well and can be purchased from the Malt Shovel or via myself on 647 854. Look forward to seeing you there! Claire Hamm
Pilates continues in the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings at 8.00pm. There are currently a few spaces if anyone else would like to join. Pilates is an exercise system that is particularly good for your back. Our instructor Debbie Birch is fully trained and qualified. It costs £35.00 for five sessions. We are a mixed group and anyone is welcome, you can be any age, male or female. There is no age limit - we have had people from fourteen to seventy five years old in our group. There are even people from Other Villages!
If you are interested please call Madeleine on 640394.
New Refuse and Recycling System
All residents in Gaydon should have received 2 wheeled bins - one for recycling and one for refuse. If you have not received your bins please call the District Council on 01789 260925.
Flood Defence Plan
The Housing Association has cleared the ditch at St Mark's Close.
We have received a number of complaints about people parking on footways and on grass verges. Please do not park illegally in the village.
Plants are growing rapidly now so would everyone please ensure that plants outside their house are not blocking footways. Please consider people with small children in pushchairs and people in wheel chairs when deciding how far to cut back.
Warwick Road pathway to Heritage Motor Centre has now been cleared of the felled tree.
Church Road Bench
We would like to thank Andy Thomas for fitting a temporary seat to the Church Road bench.
We have applied for a community grant to purchase a new bench for the cemetery.
Telephone Box
The District Council have objected to the removal of Gaydon's telephone box.
Next Meeting
The Parish Council will meet on Tuesday, 2nd September at 8pm in the Village Hall. All residents are welcome.