Parish Council Tues 3rd 8pm Village Hall Pebbles Sun 8th 10.30am Village Hall Village Hall Committee Mon 9th 8pm Village Hall Men's Group Thurs 12th 7.15pm Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 17th 2.30pm Trevose Gift Day Sat 21st 2pm Village Hall Pebbles Sun 22nd 10.30am Village Hall Pilates Tuesdays 8pm Village Hall Toddler Group Thursdays 10-11.30am Village Hall Mobile Library Thursdays 5th and 26th
Flood Defence Plan
Highways have just confirmed that the installation of the pipe across the Banbury Road is on the 'reserve list' for 09/10. If one of the scheduled projects should fail then work on the Banbury Road pipe will commence. We have been assured that the work is scheduled to begin in September/October 2010. The Parish Council will be actively pursuing this and we have been told by our County Councillor that funds have been put aside for this project.
Highways have confirmed that the pond is their responsibility and they will be arranging for it to be partially cleared.
More investigations will be carried out on the drain near the roundabout on the Warwick Road.
Fire Service
It's not too late to complete a questionnaire or log on to the Fenny Compton Fire Station website: Questionnaires can be left in the Parish Office on a Saturday morning.
Unsightly Signs
The Parish Council has been working with Highways to try and reduce the number of temporary signs which seem to be appearing around Gaydon.
Play Area
We are waiting to hear if the District Council will grant us some money to refurbish this much needed facility and also if we have been successful in our Lottery bid. The Parish Council has funds of £2000 and local businesses have pledged £2000. If we receive a grant we can move forward.
Proposed Wind Farm at Knightcote
The Parish Council has lodged an objection to the proposed test mast, which would measure the wind speeds at the proposed site, prior to an application for the wind farm itself. We have also attended various meetings relating to this proposal - other Parish Council meetings and a presentation by the wind farm company. Please let us know if you have a view on this at a Saturday surgery or at the next Parish Council meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 3 November, at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Village Hall on Sunday 13 December at 12.45 for 1pm. Invitations will be sent out this month; contact Liz Thomas on 641144 if you would like to come but do not receive an invitation.
Thursday 12th November: Rev Philip Francis on the subject 'Afghanistan 2009' and the talk will be illustrated.
Starts at 7.15 for 7.30pm in the Village Hall and a donation of £6.50 towards costs would be much appreciated.
Please telephone John Goldsmith by Tuesday 10th November at the latest if you wish to attend. Remember to bring your dinner and dessert plates and knife, fork and spoon!
Next Meeting
The meeting in January 2010 will be on Thursday 14th and the speaker, Tim Bryan, Head of Collections and Interpretation at the Heritage Motor Centre, will give an illustrated talk on 'The life and work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel'.
The Library will visit Gaydon on Thursdays 5th and 26th this month.
We meet this month on Tuesday 17th at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Pauline Layton, Trevose, Kineton Road.
The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will take place on Monday 9 November at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Autumn around Gaydon
The season "of mists and mellow fruitfulness" came with a certain rapidity this year. The very dry conditions have delayed the wild mushrooms, though some Parasols and Blewits have come up in the churchyard after recent rains. One must hope that others will appear later.
A huge crop of berries; notably sloes, Hawthorn and wild plums. Blackberries are also much in evidence as "The devil has not yet put his cloak over them" - frost being absent so far.
I notice that many Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks have entered my house and are hibernating in corners. They appear like black triangles with wings folded over their backs. Please check these and by surreptitious use of a piece of card and a glass, remove them to a cool sheltered place (like a shed or garage); but away from cobwebs as House spiders often eat them. Having slid the card under their legs, it's easy to push then onto a surface to continue their sleep - they will otherwise think it is spring when you turn on the heating!
I have also discovered Hedgehogs sleeping in my greenhouse and have removed them to a cosy corner of the Garden in a cardboard box: remember that they are prickly and flea-ridden!
Some interesting birds visit our gardens from the northern Boreal Forests at this time of year. Look out for flocks of Siskins, Bramblings and, if you are lucky, Siberian Ruby throats and Northern Goldfinches (bigger and brighter than our native species). A good bird book is however essential as they all resemble our common finches!
Ravens are again much in evidence around the village and a Kestrel is a regular hunter around Poplars Farm. The fields, bereft of their crops, often have enough stubble to support the odd covey of grey partridge. I came across such a group yesterday and they make a fine sight speeding away like bullets only a few feet from the ground....
Bernard Price
Old Time Music Hall
Gaydon has never seen anything like it before! A group of singers called Gaydon Voices treated the village hall audience to a splendid selection of songs and recitation on September 26th. The cast - and a few of the audience - were arrayed in Victorian costume and the whole production went with a tremendous swing. In the interval a cold supper was served with drinks from the bar. There is obviously much talent in Gaydon and the evening was greatly appreciated by all who went. RD
is coming to Gaydon Village Hall on Saturday 21st November at 2pm.
Come along and Buy local produce and homemade cakes; Enjoy a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie; Buy tickets for the Grand Raffle; See Father Christmas; Hang your gift on the Gift Aid Tree.
Children's activities will be provided!
St Giles' Church, Gaydon, is holding a Christmas Gift Day again this year and we hope that you will come along and put your gift of money on our Christmas Tree. If you are a taxpayer you can add 28% to the value of your gift by putting it in a Gift Aid envelope. All the money will go towards the upkeep of St Giles' Church so that we can continue to serve the village community by providing Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Toddler Group and Sunday School activities, which in turn help support the Village Hall.
1 8.00 Eucharist Burton Dassett 10.00 Eucharist Fenny Compton 11.15 Morning Service Gaydon 11.30 Eucharist Farnborough 8 9.00 Eucharist Fenny Compton 10.40 Eucharist Northend Memorial 11.00 Remembrance Service Farnborough 11.00 Remembrance Service Gaydon 6.00pm Evening Service Burton Dassett 15 8.00 Eucharist Farnborough 9.00 Eucharist Gaydon 10.30 Morning Service Fenny Compton 10.30 Joint Service Knightcote 22 9.30 Eucharist Northend 10.30 Family Service Fenny Compton 11.30 Family Eucharist Gaydon 6.00pm Evening Service Farnborough 29 11.00 Group Eucharist Burton Dassett
Weekday Services
Requiem eucharist at Fenny Compton on Monday 2nd at 7pm. BCP Communion at Gaydon on Wednesday 18th at 11am.
Saturday 7 November at 7.30pm at Deddington Church The Warriner Choral Society under Musical Director Martin Quinn presents Haydn's greatest work, The Creation, in its English translation, accompanied by the Akeman Chamber Orchestra with visiting professional soloists.
Refreshments included in Tickets £10 (£8c) from Jenny on 01295 721224, or on the door.
Please come along and hear members of our local choir, Gaydon Voices, who will be singing in the chorus.
This is a plea for you to be generous.
Please be generous with your time. Make the effort to turn up at one of the Remembrance Day services in the Group and remember the fallen, not just in past world wars but in various conflicts and the recently fallen in Afghanistan. Over OP HERRICK 10, which ran from March until July, we lost 66 British soldiers, more if we count the Danes and Estonians who fought with the Brigade.
Please make the time to stand and honour the dead and to show respect for their families, people from all walks of
life, throughout the land and the Commonwealth, who will be remembering loved ones with pride and honour but also much grief.
Please be generous with your prayers. Pray for the members of our Armed Forces, pray for all who have served or are serving now in Afghanistan. Pray for those injured and those who bear mental and spiritual scars, for those in Selly Oak Hospital and Headley Court and all who care for them. Pray for Afghanistan and for peace.
Please be generous with your gift. The Poppy Appeal is needed more than ever and we are seeing greater numbers of widows, orphans and severely wounded personnel than ever before. Over 250 soldiers and marines were catastrophically, seriously injured on OP HERRICK 10. These people will need care for a long time if not for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the work of the Poppy Appeal and all of the other military charities, dependant on public funding, will be required more and more to give people a better quality of life.
Please be generous: remember, pray and give.
5th November
Bonfire Night -- Our Annual Bonfire Night is nearly here. This years theme is Sci Fi, we will be in fancy dress, will you? Half of your entrance fee will go towards this year's charity which is 'Help for Heroes'. £2.50 for adults; £1.00 for children 5-12 years children under 5 years free. Don''t miss this fantastic Night of Fireworks, Bonfire, BBQ and most of all fun!
*Friday 20th November*
*Steak Night -*Join us for a variety of different Steaks, from 6pm till 9pm - we also have a Veggie option.* *
*Monday 23rd November
*Christmas Menu starts - if you haven't already picked up a copy, Menus are now available; we are also serving food Christmas Day!
*Saturday 28th November
*Music - Louise James is here again with lots of laughs as usual!
*Sunday 29th November*
*Quiz Night - Starts at 7.30pm, test your knowledge! ££2.00 per person maximum teams of four, which includes a cheese supper!
*Thursday 31st December
Don't forget to Join us for your 2010 New Year Celebration! It should be one to remember!
Natalie and Marie at The Gaydon Inn, Banbury Road, Gaydon, CV350HA
Invite you to the annual Bonfire and Firework Display on Saturday 7th November on the School Playing Fields.
Gates Open : 1800; Tickets on sale in the school office and around the village. Higher charges will be in force at the gate on the evening of the event. No personal fireworks or sparklers are to be brought to the site.
Pre-sale Charges: £3 Adults; £2 Children.