Gaydon Parish Magazine November 2010

index of magazines


Parish Council             Thurs 4th 7.30pm         Parish Office
Village Hall Committee     Mon 8th 8pm              Village Hall
Remembrance Service        Sun 14th 11am            St Giles' Church
Friendship Club            Tues 16th 2.30pm         Corner Cottage
Men's Group                Thurs 25th 7pm           Village Hall
Christmas Gift Day         Sat 27th 2pm             Village Hall
Pilates                    Tuesdays 6.30pm          Village Hall
Mobile Library             Thurs 4th and 25th
Toddler Group      Alternate Thursdays 10-11.30am   Village Hall

Church Services

7                 8.00           Eucharist                          Burton Dassett
                 10.00           Eucharist                          Fenny Compton
                 11.15           Morning Service                    Gaydon (MP)
                 11.30           Eucharist                          Farnborough

Remembrance Sunday
14                9.00           BCP Eucharist                      Fenny Compton
                 10.00           Family Service                     Farnborough
                 10.55           Lay Wreath at War Memorial outside Church
                                          followed by Remembrance Service                                                                                 Gaydon (JD)
                 10.40           War Memorial followed by Eucharist
                                           at Church                Northend
                 6.00pm        Evening Service                     Burton Dassett

21                8.00           Eucharist                           Farnborough
                  9.00           Holy Communion BCP                 Gaydon (RB)
                 10.30           Joint Methodist Service             Fenny Compton
                 10.30           Eucharist                           Northend

28               10.00           Eucharist                           Northend
                 10.30           Family Service                      Fenny Compton
                 11.30           Family Eucharist                    Gaydon (RB)
                  6.00pm         Evensong                            Farnborough


It is with great sadness that we record the death of Mrs Joan Hare on 20th October. We offer our sympathy to her family and friends.

Parish Council News


We have been advised by Cllr Williams (Warwick County Councillor Kineton Ward) that the Banbury Road pipe will be installed before the end of this financial year. We are keeping pressure on Highways to ensure that this work is carried out as agreed.

The drain cleaner/road-gutter cleaner has been in the village in the past few days. However, as the leaves are now falling they will collect over the drain grids and it would be very helpful if you could clear leaves from drains that are near your property.

Highways have been asked to revisit and investigate the pipe which goes underground by Claylands, Kineton Road.


Earlier this year Esso wrote to us saying that they would fit a shield to the light at the back of the garage. It appears that this has not been done and so we have written to them again.


Pavements are not parking bays, they are there for people to walk on. Could you ensure that you, your visitors and your expected delivery drivers do not use the pavements to park vehicles.

This anti-social behaviour appears to be increasing around the village. Pedestrians, including those who have pushchairs or use wheelchairs, are finding that they have to go out into the road, putting their lives at risk, to get round the cars, vans and lorries that block the pavements.

We have received complaints about Paragon vehicle-transporters parking on the pavements on Warwick Road. We asked both Paragon and Jaguar Landrover to stop their drivers from doing this.

Wheelie Bin Speed Aware Stickers

You may have seen the speed aware stickers on some of the wheelie bins along the Banbury Road aimed at slowing drivers down. If you would like stickers for your wheelie bin please contact Chris Fossey at the County Council on 418612 or email

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday, 4th November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

The Gaydon Inn, Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire. CV35 0HA

Saturday 6th November

Bonfire Night! - Fire will be lit at 6.30pm and fireworks will start at 7pm £4.00 for adults £1.00 for children 5-15 years) children under 5 free.

Friday 26th November

Live Music -fantastic performance by the talented Lou James, always a fun night!

Sunday 28th November

Jewellery Party -- what remarkable choice and value!

Monday 29th November

Christmas Menu starts: if you haven''t already picked up a copy they are now available. We are also serving food on Christmas Day!

Tuesday 30th November

St Andrew's Day:- join us for Scotland''s national dish - Haggis!

Friday 31st December

Don''t forget to Join us for your 2011 New Year Celebration.

Gaydon Village Hall

The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will take place on Monday 8 November at 8pm.

Parish Plan

Thanks to all who attended the village hall on Saturday 25th September, and to those who have registered their interest in taking part in the Parish Plan Steering Group.

It was great to see such a good turn out and the interest received in the design and planning of the Parish Plan questionnaire. The next step is to set up a meeting with all of you who have volunteered your services to create the Gaydon Parish Plan and get the steering group off the ground - we will be contacting you soon.

Gaydon Cemetery Tidy Up

Parish Councillors and volunteers were working hard in the cemetery on Saturday 16th October. We are working to re-instate the pathways and fix the gaps in the fencing, tidying trees and shrubs. There is still much to do and the work is ongoing.

If you are interested in volunteering your services to help for a couple of hours at your convenience, please contact your parish councillors. Call into the Saturday surgery in the Parish Council Office between 10am and 11am.

Father Christmas

is coming to Gaydon Village Hall on Saturday 27th November at 2pm.

Come along and...

Buy local produce and homemade cakes
Enjoy a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie
Buy tickets for the Grand Raffle
See Father Christmas
Hang your gift on the Gift Aid Tree

Children's activities will be provided!

St Giles' Church, Gaydon, is holding a Christmas Gift Day again this year and we hope that you will come along and put your gift of money on our Christmas Tree.

If you are a taxpayer you can add 28% to the value of your gift by putting it in a Gift Aid envelope.

All the money will go towards the upkeep of St Giles' Church so that we can continue to serve the village community by providing Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Toddler Group and Sunday School activities, which in turn help support the Village Hall.

Nature Notes

The last House Martins have left the stable block for the long migration to warmer climes. Newly-ploughed fields have removed cover crops from mice and rabbits.

My small terrier delighted in hunting around the furrows last week but to my suprise, two Buzzards that had been circling the thermals above me, dropped like stones. The shadows of wings above her made her flee back to me in terror: this was obviously a case of mistaken identity - she'd been mistaken for a rabbit!

Buzzards are not strong in the talon and the week before I observed this when driving past Tollgate Cottage towards Kineton. In my path, a buzzard frantically picked up a half-flattened roadkill but dropped it three times in a flurry of beating wings, before eventually taking it up into a roadside tree. Roadkill or carrion is a staple for Buzzards but it may have to compete with the "Vultures of the Temperate Zone" aka Crows and Magpies. They tend to win out owing to size rather than intelligence!

You may still see the odd Peacock and Red Admiral butterfly on your fallen fruit: colder frostier weather will make these hibernate. If they come indoors, try to encourage them to sleep in a cold area like a garage; otherwise, when your heating goes on, they will wake up thinking it is spring and be battering fruitlessly on your windows to get out.(Should this happen, it's best to transfer them via a jar and piece of card to a cold place.)

A fantastic year for blackberries, Crab apples and Sloes: if you are planning to make Sloe Gin or Crab apple/Bramble jelly, this is the perfect time as almost every hedegrow is laden! The "Devils Cloak", i.e. frost, has not yet spoiled them.

A number of Woodpeckers live around the village. I have two Walnut trees and they come to my garden for these every year. Their colours are tropical and their stentorian cry "peek peek" and undulating flight are often present.

Though harvest time is not what it was, here there is still an aura of Abundance of produce. Fungi are also of interest and I have collected Boletus and field mushrooms in some numbers this week. Bernard Price

Compton Verney

The exhibition at Compton Verney from 13 November to 12 December is entitled 'Kurt Tong: In Case it Rains in Heaven'. Photographs document the creation of paper offerings for the dead which are burnt ceremonially in contemporary Chinese culture.

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Thursdays 4th and 25th November.

Friendship Club

Our meeting this month will be on Tuesday 16th at the home of Mrs Mary Fox in Church Lane.

Gaydon Gentlemen's Evening

Thursday 25 November at 7pm in the Village Hall

Hurrah! I hear you cry - another evening of fine dining, good company and some fascinating information from a guest speaker and yes, it's for us, chaps.

To start the season, Hugh Conway will take us through his presentation called 'Bugatti - an Italian family'; and no, it's not just about cars. Carlo, Ettore, Jean, Rembrandt and Roland were engineers and artists of high renown - Hugh will fill us in.

So join us at 7 for 7.30pm armed with a plate, a dish and some cutlery - oh, and £6 towards the cost of the proceedings. I look forward to hearing from you (by the the 22nd if possible, chaps) and to seeing you at the Village Hall.

David Faulkner on 691191

'Forties Favourites

A nostalgic evening of songs and sketches from WW2. The audience is requested to dress in appropriate costume

Supper is included in the ticket price of £7.00.

The concert takes place in Gaydon Village Hall on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th November at 7.30pm. Licensed bar available. Tickets from Gaydon Village Store, The Barn, Church Road, Gaydon.


The Union Flag on the Village Green was raised on 21 October to commemorate Trafalgar Day.


Handel's Messiah to be performed by the Warriner Choral Society at St Mary's Church Bloxham on Saturday 11 December at 7.30pm. Interval Refreshments. Tickets £10 (£8 concessions) are available from Jenny on 01295 721224 or on the door.

Over Sixties' Christmas Lunch on Sunday 5th December

Village Hall at 12.45 for 1pm. Invitations will be sent out this month: if you would like to come but do not receive an invitation contact Liz Thomas on 641144.

Shipston Home Nursing

Christmas Gift Fair ay Ettington Community Centre, Rogers Lane, Ettington CV37 7TA on Wednesday 10 November 6pm-9pm and Thursday 11th 9.30am-4pm. Entry £3 includes coffee or tea and biscuit.

On sale: Mulled wine and Mincepies and Lunches. Over 70 stalls with great ideas for Christmas!

Rebecca 01608 674929 or email

Warmington Craft Market

Warmington Village Hall Saturday 13 November from 10am to 4pm Christmas crafts to suit all tastes!

St Giles' Parent and Toddler Group

10-11.30am at Gaydon Village Hall

The Toddler Group will meet fortnightly, during term time. For information about the group please ring Kelly Hilditch on 07739 354043 or email her at

Gaydon Village Store

Gaydon Village Store has now employed a part time Manager called Sharon Summerfield. Sharon's role is to oversee the day to day management of the store and to explore new suppliers and products. We hope you will take a moment or two to welcome Sharon to the store. Although we have the benefit of Sharon's extensive retail experience, we do still need more volunteers to join the rota. Volunteers are not committed to working a regular shift each week in the store. Many of our volunteers offer different hours each week. It is an excellent way of getting to know your neighbours and village life in general. If you are interested in joining our team then please call into the store and leave your details.

Gaydon Village Store is currently promoting the ordering of veg boxes. Unlike many veg box schemes available elsewhere, the store can order fruit, veg or bunches of fresh herbs which are not restricted to seasonal produce. There is no minimum order, simply pick up an order form from the store and it will be available for you to collect the next day.

Finally, if you would like to purchase a share in Gaydon Village Store for only £10, please leave a note of your details in the store or alternatively call 01926 641805 and leave a message. Remember, by being a shareholder, you can have a direct say at our AGM next May in how the store is managed and which good causes we should put our profits towards.

Claire Hamm

Gaydon Voices: Forties Favourites

You may or may not remember the war but we all know the music of the era. Here's a chance to relive those days!

Gaydon Voices' 'Forties Favourites' brings you the best-known songs and melodies from the wartime period, songs such as 'White Cliffs of Dover' and 'A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square'.

All who come to the show are encouraged to dress in 1940s styles, so ladies, get out the gravy browning and paint those seams on your legs; gents, smarten up: 'This is the army, Mr Jones!' and get ready to jitterbug and Lindy hop.

The show will be staged in the village hall on Friday and Saturday 12th and 13th November at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £7 per head and include a Ploughman's Supper - no spam fritters here!

A licensed bar is also available with Hook Norton real ale. Tickets can be purchased from Gaydon Village Store, The Barn, Church Road or may be reserved by calling 01926 647854.

Come along and wave your flag and celebrate the very best of British entertainment! MH