Parish Council Meeting Thurs 6th 8pm Village Hall Coffee Morning Sat 8th 11am Village Hall Friendship Club TBA Pilates Tuesdays 6.30pm Village Hall Mobile Library Mondays 10th & 31st Telephone Box
Stratford District Focused Consultation: 2011-2031 Housing Requirement and Strategic Site Options
This consultation asks 3 questions:
Should the Core Strategy cover the 20 year period 2011-2031? Should the District accommodate 10,800 additional homes between 2011 and 2031?
And your preferences for the five strategic options i.e. where you believe housing should be built.
The options are further dispersal of housing across the district (i.e. more homes in the villages and Stratford town); Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath; Long Marsden Airfield; South-east Stratford (Tiddington/Alveston Hill area); and north of Southam (former cement works plus a separate site at Stoneythorpe).
The consultation closes at 5pm on 14th March 2014. There is an interactive consultation document for completion at
The new Dual Carriageway
Cllr Rickman spoke against lighting on this road at the District Council Planning Meeting and the County Regulatory Committee. He has asked Highways to review the lighting at the Gaydon Roundabout and to consult the Parish Council on the lighting of the dual carriageway.
Street lighting
The County Council engineers have said that the street light outside Last Cottage cannot be repaired. This is because of the age of the light and the difficulty in obtaining parts. They have suggested replacing the light with a metal structure at a cost of approximately £1000. This will be discussed at our March meeting.
Village Green
Western Power have said that they will restore the Village Green to its original condition and that they will also be looking at the verge damage along Pimple Lane.
Banbury Road lay-by
The County Council Flood Defence Officer has been notified of the flooding issues in the lay-by. The District Council have been informed about the continual fly-tipping that takes place here. We are requesting that a bin is installed in the hope that this helps the situation.
Gaydon Liaison Meeting
There is a meeting with Jaguar Land Rover, The Heritage Centre, Aston Martin and the parishes on 3rd March. If you have any issues you would like discussed please contact the Clerk.
Next Meeting
Thursday, 6th March 2014.
2nd 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Burton Dassett 10.30 Morning Prayer Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Gaydon 6.00pm Evensong Farnborough 5th Ash Wednesday 7.30pm Holy Communion Farnborough 9th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton 10.30 Morning Prayer Northend 6.00pm Evening Service Burton Dassett 16th 9.00 Holy Communion Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon 10.30 Morning Worship Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Northend 6.00pm Songs of Praise Gaydon 23rd 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Fenny Compton 10.30 Family Service Farnborough 10.30 Prayer and Praise Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion Northend 30th 10.30 Mothering Sunday Group Communion Farnborough
N.B. We regret that there will be no Mothering Sunday Service in Gaydon this year.
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day - falls on the 4th March.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March. Holy Communion will be celebrated in Farnborough at 7.30pm.
Mothering Sunday on the 30th March - also the start of Summer Time.
Easter Day is on Sunday 20th April.
Although February is traditionally one of the bleakest winter months, we have had no severe frosts; but, as elsewhere, the amount of rain is exceptional. Many fields resemble sponges, waterlogged under the surface. There are muddy tracks, standing water and most ditches full to overflowing: torrents are fighting through the brick archways of small bridges. The most conspicuous birds are large flocks of Redwings, Starlings and Sea Gulls although a flock of over a thousand Woodpigeons stayed briefly on a field on the Kineton road, attracted by Clover and Oil seed rape.
One remarkable wader has been quite common this year. Today I flushed a Woodcock from my garden, an indication of how widespread they are, perhaps? They have wonderful camouflage and will sit tight until almost trodden on. The courtship of this bird begins next month and "Roding" is a joy to behold. If you are lucky enough to find the right spot around dawn or dusk, you will marvel as the males rise into the air vertically, flapping their wings and purring with zeal.
They are still a game quarry and were once a great delicacy served on Toast. It's rather sad to be shot, especially after some have migrated from Siberia: now is the time for them to be protected, like the Curlew. They are an exciting, attractive bird and are said to carry their chicks on their backs in flight.
Although I shoot myself [eats shoots and leaves? ed.] I would like to protect the Black Grouse, Golden Plover and Snipe as they have all become quite scarce; and although I've eaten them all in the past, they now need to be relegated to the pages of an old "Mrs Beeton's Cook Book".
I read an interesting survey in my daily paper this week on the subject of elusive sightings. Top of the list was the Nightjar - only 3% had ever seen or heard one. I think it is ten years since I saw one hunting moths at the Kineton Army Depot. Like the Woodcock, it's a crepuscular species, most active between sunset and dusk.
Light and noise pollution prevent us from hearing and observing many natural sights and differentiating between the songs of bird species. I notice that my bird feeders, whilst attracting the usual acrobatic groups of blue tits, are under-used as yet. Mistle Thrushes are calling in the evenings, to establish territory; I have several mistletoe balls in my apple trees now, created by smearing the berries into bark crevices with the motion of a thrushes beak-cleaning. The seed is surrounded by a natural sticky gel and adheres well.
Snowdrops at Chadshunt are a magical sight and some of them that were planted in Gaydon churchyard are establishing themselves, too. Bernard Price
The Library will be here on Mondays 10th and 31st of March from 1.30-2pm. The van now calls at the Telephone Box only, no longer visiting St Marks Close.
The date and place of the March meeting will be arranged by telephone.
Saturday 8 February at 11am in the Village Hall. Contributions of cakes, produce and bric-à-brac are welcome
and there will be a raffle. Please come along! Proceeds go to St Giles' Fabric Fund.
Hospice at Home
We thought that our supporters would be interested to hear some news about our wonderful nurses and the care they give each month. During February, Janet, out Nurse Manager, has received five new referrals, three ladies and two gentlemen. At present, there are thirteen Nurses on our books and they have covered 34 hours for nights and 65 hours for daytime.
Rebecca Mawle, Fundraising Co-ordinator, 01608 674929 and 07940 716345.
Spring Vintage and Second Hand Clothes Sale
Saturday March 22nd, 9.30am-12.00 noon at Sheldon Bosley Hub, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4DQ
If you would like to book a rail phone Rebecca - please call soon to avoid disappointment! Or we would be grateful for any clothes in perfect condition to sell on, to raise funds for the Charity. Thank you!
The Restaurant Scheme in March
The Chequers, Ettington CV37 7SR
To book a table please call James or Kirstin on 01789 740387.
The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will be held on Monday 10 March at 8pm in the hall.
The next Community Forum will be held on Thursday 6th March at Newbold Pacey and Ashorne Village Hall which is at 1 The Green, Ashorne CV35 9DT. Start time is 6.30 for 7pm.
The Forum area covers the villages of: Avon Dassett, Burton Dassett, Chadshunt, Combroke, Compton Verney, Farnborough, Fenny Compton, Gaydon, Kineton, Lighthorne, Lighthorne Heath, Radway, Ratley and Upton; Shotteswell, Warmington and Arlescote, Charlecote, Fulbrook, Hampton Lucy, Moreton Morrell, Newbold Pacey and Ashorne; Wellesbourne, Northend, Knightcote, and Temple Herdewycke.
If you have a specific concern or problem then come along to the drop-in surgery at 6.30pm where you can speak informally to officers from your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team, Councillors and Officers from Warwickshire County and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils. Join us for a cup of tea.
Find out more about:-
Living in Warwickshire 'The Headlines'; update on the District's Core Strategy; Superfast Broadband - the latest update; and lots more.
Help set the Police Priorities for the next 3 months in THE BIG VOTE - vote for your priority on the night or on-line from 20th February to 5th March at:
If you would like to suggest a topic for a Community Forum meeting, or find out more, contact Amanda Wilson-Patterson on 07780 995817 or email
on Saturday 22 March from 1-3pm Entrance fee £1. Good quality children's clothes, toys and equipment: 0-13 years. For more details and a Seller's Pack (£1) ring 640010 or email
Everyone at Barnfield would like to say a big 'thank you' for the Christmas basket kindly donated by Gaydon Parish Council. The chilli nuts, fudge, chocolates and shortbread biscuits were delicious!
From John, Keith, Philip, David and Donald (via Helen, Support Worker)
I would like to thank all those kind people who have sent me cards and good wishes after my recent operation. I am feeling much better and hope to return to normal very soon. Mary Fox
There has been no flooding in the village so far in 2014. However, there is still plenty to be done on flood defences when the land is dry enough for work to start. JR
Number plates were stolen overnight on 19 February from three vehicles parked in Church Road. The 'plates were then used a short time afterwards to carry out bilkings (thefts of diesel or petrol) from the Welcome Break service station on the M40. The team have reviewed the cctv at the services and the incidents are
currently being investigated. If you have any information, contact Martin Sanford PCSO 6060, Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team at Stratford on Avon police station, Rother Street, CV37 6RD Tel 01789 444600.
The PCC has now received the official approval from the Diocese for the new nave roof at All Saints' Church, and it is hoped that the work will start in April of this year. The Restoration Committee would like to say a huge thank to all of you for supporting our fund-raising efforts over the past year, which have been very successful. As a result, we are pleased to tell you that the Committee is able to contribute the sum of £12,500 from our funds towards the cost of the roof.
However, we are continuing our fund-raising to help pay for the cost of a CCTV or similar security system for the Church. It is sad to think that we have to protect our Churches in this way but unfortunately it is a sign of the times and something that no doubt the insurance companies will ultimately require.
Pauline Carr, Burton Dassett Restoration Committee
The Children's Society would like to thank all those who kindly fill a box each year with their loose change. The total raised in Gaydon in 2013 was £114.71. Over 100,000 children run away from home or care each year and box collections go towards providing project-workers who reach out to these runaways and try to protect them from harm like sexual exploitation and drug abuse. If you are interested in having a box to collect in please ring me on 640349. Julie Rickman
We are delighted to welcome another family to the village this month. Darryl and Maria Mainwaring and their two daughters have recently moved into Church Road. We hope that you will enjoy life in Gaydon.
Stratford on Avon District Council is proposing to produce the above plan in order to allocate land for new Gypsy and Traveller sites in the District. They say that there is a need for 52 new pitches in the District in the period 2011-16, plus an average of two pitches per year after that.
The consultation documents, including a summary leaflet and a 'Call for Sites' form, can be viewed on the District Council's website They can also be viewed at the District Council offices at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX. Any resident is welcome to make comments. Responses can be made on-line, by email to or posted to Stratford-on-Avon District Council, FREEPOST CV2468, Chief Executive's Unit, Elizabeth House, Church Street ,Stratford upon Avon, CV37 6BR .
Please note that this consultation is separate from that being undertaken on potential changes to the Core Strategy. Comments must be received by the District Council by 5pm on Friday 28th March.
The Parish Council has put a new safety-ladder in the church tower so that the man who maintains the clock can do his job without taking his life in his hands. The picture on the front of this month's magazine shows the works of the clock, which are up in the tower. Cast in relief on the iron frame is the name of the makers, the firm that still looks after our clock:
J. Smith & Sons Midland Clock Works Derby
The clock is the village War Memorial and was installed in memory of Gaydon's glorious dead, killed in action 1914-18. The tablet on the wall to the right of the church porch records their names.
Funds for the clock were raised by public subscription; details can be seen in a frame inside the church. There were three clock faces originally; a fourth was added to commemorate the consecration of the new Coventry Cathedral in 1963.
Messy Church will be at Fenny Compton on Sunday 9 March at 3.30pm in the village hall and on Sunday 23rd at Temple Herdewyke. Contact Lesley on 01295 771177 for more information.
Apologies to our readers and advertisers on the rather grubby condition of the last two editions of the Parish Magazine. We are having technical problems with the printer but hope to put things right in time for Easter. Ed.