Parish Council Meeting Thurs 5th 8pm Village Hall Coffee Morning Sat 14th 11am Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 17th 2.30pm No 2 Cottages Pilates Tuesdays 6.30pm Village Hall Library Thurs 2nd & 23rd Telephone Box GAYDON CALENDAR BIG LUNCH SUN 20th JULY VILLAGE HALL HARVEST FESTIVAL LUNCH SUN 7th SEPT CHURCH & HALL HARVEST FESTIVAL SUN 5th OCT CHADSHUNT REMEMBRANCE DAY SUN 9th NOV ST GILES' CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAIR SAT 29th NOV VILLAGE HALL CHRISTMAS LUNCH SUN 7th DEC VILLAGE HALL
Cllr John Rickman was re-elected as Chairman, with Cllr Bernard Price as Vice-Chair, at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 8th May.
Village Green Parking
Complaints were received regarding vehicles parking on the Village Green. If residents see a vehicle parked on the Village Green can they please note the time, day and registration number and tell the Clerk. The Parish Council is looking at either a fence or stones to stop vehicles damaging the Green. Western Power will be re-inspecting the Green shortly to ensure that it is recovering from the recent laying
of cables.
If any resident is interested in helping with the improvements to the play area, please contact the Clerk.
Gaydon Inn
The Clerk has spoken to the agent of the owners of the Gaydon Inn site requesting that they improve the security and remove the litter.
Following concerns over the safety and condition of the Banbury Road lay-by councillors have been told that modifications will be made to the exit allowing HGVs to turn right more easily. The County Council, as the landowner, has also been asked to arrange for the water leak to be fixed. County Cllr Williams explained at our meeting that this lay-by is low priority.
Banbury Road
The footway along the Banbury Road, which has collapsed into the ditch, will be reinstated in June.
Highways are aware of the sinking drains along the Banbury Road.
Could all landowners please arrange for any footpaths that have not been reinstated to be reinstated.
The Parish accounts have been prepared. Any resident wishing to view the accounts should contact the Clerk.
Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Thursday 12 June at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Sunday 1st 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Burton Dassett 10.30 Morning Prayer Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Gaydon 6.00pm Evensong Farnborough Whit Sunday 8th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton 10.30 Communion by extension at Northend 6.00pm Evening Prayer Burton Dassett Sunday 15th 9.00 Holy Communion Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon 10.30 Morning Worship Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Northend Sunday 22nd 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Farnborough 10.30 Prayer and Praise Gaydon 10.30 Morning Prayer Northend Sunday 29th 10.30 Group Communion Burton Dassett
Whit Sunday falls on 8 June this year and will be celebrated at St Giles' Church with a service of Holy Communion at 9am.
Messy Church will be at Fenny Compton on Sunday 8 June at 3.30pm in the village hall and on Sunday 22nd at Temple Herdewyke with Café Church. Contact Lesley on 01295 771177 for more details.
Help Yourself to Hay
Old Father Time will be scything the churchyard grass in the course of this month. The cut grass will be left in heaps to dry out before being barrowed away for disposal.
This hay makes excellent bedding for small pets and fodder for larger ones. The Church invites villagers to help themselves to it.
Bring a large bag.
Fill it with hay from a stack.
Tidy up after yourself.
Er, that's it!
It is hard work cutting the long grass and even harder having to clear it up afterwards; so any help in removing the hay will be much appreciated by the mower, John Rickman.
A quiet month except for this Police report:
'The local village shop in Gaydon was burgled in the early hours of 6 May 2014 by offenders who damaged the front door to gain entry and took cigarettes and cash.
'Two people who were seen acting suspiciously nearby by police officers were questioned and subsequently arrested and then taken into custody.'
Leamington Spa Courier, December 1900
Wednesday, before the Rev. H. Mills (in the chair) and Mr Bolton King.
Youthful Housebreakers
Percy D.... and Lewis W........, school lads, of Gaydon, were severally charged with breaking into a shop belonging to the Gaydon Industrial Co-operative Society, in that parish, on the 13th November, and stealing therefrom about two shillingsworth of coppers, two packets of cigarettes and two packets of tobacco, the property of the said Society.
When the case was called on, some difficulty arose in consequence of the non-attendance of Florence Beddington, the manageress of the stores, who had promised to be present as witness.
Mr. Bolton King said that he thought it was one of those cases, considering the youth of the defendants, that might have been settled by outside punishment, after what had transpired between himself and Sgt Smith respecting it.
Sgt Smith denied having come to any arrangement in the matter with Mr King, beyond promising to see him again.
Superintendant Clarke said that as the case had been reported to him, he had no alternative but to take out summonses against the lads.
The Chairman expressed himself as being of opinion that the case should be proceeded with and so the evidence of P.C. Clifford who had charged the lads was taken.
The defendants, in the presence of their parents, admitted that one of them kept watch while the other broke into the stores, by removing a pane of glass from the window. Two pocket knives were produced in court, one of which had been bought with the proceeds of the robbery.
Both defendants pleaded guilty and it was stated by their parents that they had been well thrashed for the offence.
The Chairman, after giving the lads a severe lecture, said the summons would be dismissed. Addressing Spt Clarke, he said he thought he had taken a perfectly right course in dealing with the matter.
The last day of April was as hot as midsummer and bees were swarming on a lichened tombstone as the Prayer Book Society gathered at All Saints' Church to take part in a service of Matins.
The bells were rung to summon the faithful and a congregation of about forty souls joined in the repetition of matins and the ancient Litany of the Book of Common Prayer.
Menu Chicken Liver Parfait with Red Onion Marmalade or Broad Beans, Asparagus and Ricotta on Ciabatta xxxxxx Belly of Pork Slow Roasted with Fennel Seeds, Garlic and Rosemary, served with Butternut Squash Gratin and Roast Potatoes or Four Cheese Pancake Cannelloni with Spinach served with salad xxxxxx Chocolate Brioche Pudding with cream, custard or ice cream or Strawberry and Lemon Cheesecake 3 courses for £20 or 2 courses for £15 all dietary requirements catered for
Bookings now being taken for our second evening on Friday 20 June. Reservations only.
email: phone: 01926 641221
Dates for your Diary: Friday 29th August and Friday 31st October
Recently, the very warm spell seems to have inspired everyone to begin gardening and several villagers have discovered Smooth and Great Crested Newts hiding in crevices a long way from water.
Newts are true amphibians, though often mistaken for lizards
(a scarcer, faster-moving reptile). They have entered ponds only recently, in order to spawn and mate. Their bright-coloured bellies are often a surprise when a stone is turned over: the vivid colouring is a warning to predators that they are toxic to eat.
It is a great treat, too, to hear that a specimen of the Flat-bodied Darter Dragonfly has been seen and photographed. Mobile phones are great for "spur of the moment" stuff, as wildlife does not wait around while you fetch your camera; and you can also identify the species easily.
In Church Road a group of three red kites have been seen flying over the village and a number of rare Bee Flies.
A first brood of Speckled Wood butterflies have emerged to join the Orange Tips and Green-veined Whites which have spent the winter as pupae. The rather worn Peacocks and Small Tortoishells are now laying clutches of eggs on Nettle patches.
I got my first sighting of a large female Cuckoo this week and Skylarks can be heard high in the clouds before dropping like stones into the fields.
Rabbits seem to be making a comeback: many are very young and risk grazing the roadsides by day. There seems to be a population-surge of Woodpigeons nesting in gardens and flying in large flocks around the rapeseed fields.
This is the time of year to look out for Orchids in any unsprayed, neglected areas of grassland. The tall Early Purple is more obvious, though sometimes small Bee Orchids crop up too. It is impossible to predict their emergence as they will often only flower if their root system is injured, otherwise being content to remain underground. I can only say that they have been found in several spots around Gaydon in the past. Bernard Price
The Parish Council have been notified that the District Council's public consultation on JLH and other proposals in the Core Strategy will run from 5 June to 17 July. Residents should keep an eye on the PC notice board for further information.
email and 01789 260330
The Library will visit Gaydon on Thursdays 2nd and 23rd June from 1.30-2pm. The van now calls at the Telephone Box only.
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 17 June and it will take place at the home of Mrs Jan Ewers, No 2 Cottages, at 2.30pm.
Saturday 14 June at 11am in the Village Hall. Contributions of cakes and bric-à-brac are welcome and there will be a raffle. Please come along! Proceeds go to St Giles' Fabric Fund.
The Village Store AGM was held on 20th May and a new member joined the committee, which now consists of Gerry Scott, Bev Pirie, Adrian Claxton, Claire Hamm, Martyn Hamm and Sue Roberts.
The break-in, when cigarettes were stolen and damage to property caused, was discussed. The goods were retrieved when the culprits were apprehended but the damage to the door remains to be sorted out. SR
Highways Agency documentation regarding the proposed alterations to Junction 12 of the M40 is now available for the public to view at the District Council Offices in Stratford upon Avon.
The documents are on display in Reception at Elizabeth House, Church Road, CV37 6HX.
For further information contact Diane Keene on 01789 267575 or at
At the AGM, held in the hall at 8pm on Monday 12 May, the Chair, Debbie Price, commented that the Hall was now very attractive and popular with hirers. The toilets and kitchen have been refurbished over the past year and she thanked the committee for all their work running the village hall.
Hospice at Home Armscote Manor Workshops 1. Thursday 5th June, Melanie Wright. Painting with words, a Day in the Garden. A creative Writing-from-nature Workshop. £50 including light lunch and glass of wine. 2. Wednesday 18th June, Summertime: Our return to Light. A day of Yoga and Discourse on Wellbeing and Nutrition with Barbara Wren and Janice Hellens. 9.30-3.30pm. £95 including light lunch. 3. Monday 23rd June, Melanie Wright. Light and Form, a Day in the Garden. A Drawing and Watercolour Sketching Workshop. £50 including light lunch and glass of wine. 4. Thursday 26th June, Amanda Luther. Garden Flowers. £50 including light lunch & glass of wine. To book please call Deborah or Madeleine on 01608 682 375. Ming's Shopping Day Friday 6 June, 10am-4.30pm Lower Farm, Great Wolford - Lots of Fabulous Stalls! Barton House, Barton on the Heath Antiques Valuation by Bonhams, plus Garden Day on Thursday, June 12th, 10.00- 3.00pm by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Cathie. Contact NFU Mutual Shipston for more details on 01608 661370. Entrance fee £5 for gardens. Valuation fee £3 per item. Golf Day at Tadmarton Heath Golf Club Tuesday 24th June 9am tee off; 8am registration and bacon butties. Team of 4 players, £240 per team. Buffet and Auction. Contact Rebecca 01608 674 929 to book your team.
Welcome to Paul Fowle and family who moved into one of the converted barns at Gaydon Farm in April! We hope that you will enjoy life in the village.