Gaydon Parish Magazine July 2014

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     Parish Council Meeting         Thurs 3rd 8pm           Village Hall
     Coffee Morning                 Sat 12th 11am           Village Hall
     Big Lunch                      Sun 20th 1pm            Village Hall
     Friendship Club                Tues 22nd 2.30pm        Corner Cottages
     Pilates                        Tuesdays 6.30pm         Village Hall
     Library                        Thurs 14th              Telephone Box

                              GAYDON  CALENDAR
  REMEMBRANCE DAY           SUN  9th NOV          ST GILES' CHURCH
  CHRISTMAS FAIR            SAT 29th NOV          VILLAGE HALL
  CHRISTMAS LUNCH           SUN 7th  DEC          VILLAGE HALL

Parish Council News

M40 Junction 12 Improvements

The Highways Agency has confirmed that it will be providing a 1.2m footway over the M40 along the northbound direction, which will tie into the bridleway and footpath to the northwest of junction 12 and will also tie into the proposed cycleway/shared use facility to be provided by the County Council. The Parish Council would like to see a cycleway and we have written to them requesting this.

Village Green

Following a number of complaints from residents, small posts will be positioned on the edge of the Village Green to stop vehicles parking on the Green. If you see a vehicle parked on the green could you please note the date, time and registration number of the vehicle and contact the Clerk. May I also remind residents that signs are not permitted on the Green.


We understand faster broadband will come to Gaydon this summer.


An ex-resident has kindly volunteered to spray the paths in the cemetery. We are liaising with Jaguar Land Rover to try and arrange for a team to help with cutting the vegetation in the cemetery. We will keep you updated.


Cllr Rickman inspected the drains along the Banbury and Warwick Road. He identified at least 7 drains that were blocked with mud and leaves. Highways has confirmed that they need to jet from The Heritage Centre to about half way to Gaydon. The first section has a piped main and discharges into a small pond and is then followed by the section that runs to the 30mph limit which is a ditch that needs digging out. They say that it is impossible to get to the ditch from the roadside without removing a lot of trees and hedges. They are looking at accessing the ditch from the field side. They cannot jet the gullies until the ditch is clear.

Overgrown Vegetation

Could all residents please ensure that the footways outside their properties are kept clear so that pedestrians can easily walk on them. We have received a number of complaints regarding overgrown hedges and plants intruding on the footways.

Proposed Fire Station in Gaydon

County Councillor Chris Williams confirmed at the meeting with Jaguar Land Rover and the parishes that the proposed fire station would be on JLR land.

Gaydon Liaison Meeting Update

Cllr Bernard Price attended this meeting with Jaguar Land Rover, Aston Martin and the surrounding parishes. Jaguar Land Rover said that they have no plans for a four wheel drive track behind Gaydon village. Their 'park and ride' scheme is proving very successful with their employees and traffic has reduced. They experimented with using the 'back entrance' to access the site but this was not very popular with employees and so will not be used in the future. They confirmed that the Lighthorne Heath housing development was not required for Jaguar Land Rover employees.

Contacting the Clerk

Would residents please note that the Clerk is available from Monday to Thursday from 9.30am to 3pm should you wish to speak to her.

All complaints should be made in writing and either emailed or posted to the Clerk so that they can be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Draft Submission Core Strategy

The Parish has one hard copy of this draft. It is available on the District Council's website but if you have difficulty accessing it or do not have internet access please contact the Clerk and she will make arrangements for you to borrow the Parish copy. To make a representation on the soundness of this document please contact the Clerk. She can provide you with copies of the guidance notes and the form which must be completed. The District Council is encouraging residents with the same issues to respond together and we understand FORSE are organising a joint response. The Parish Council will decide whether to comment on this document at their meeting on 3rd July. You have until 5pm on Thursday 17th July to respond.

Land at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath

Councillors John Rickman and Annette Conway represented the Parish

Council at a workshop arranged by Stratford District Council, Commercial Estates, The Bird Group and Jaguar Land Rover on 27th June. An update will be given on 3rd July.

At our June meeting councillors and residents present agreed some of the facilities that they would like included in the new housing development: a primary school, as most local primary schools are at fully capacity; a secondary school in the centre of the development, to encourage children to walk to school and to provide after school activities; a nursery; a medical centre, able to deal with minor injuries and with a helipad for emergency transport to local hospitals; a small retail centre; a leisure centre; cycleways and footpaths to connect to Bishop's Itchington, Leamington and Kineton. If you have any ideas on what you would like, contact a councillor or come to our meeting on 3 July.

In addition, there should be funding from this development and councillors would like to see some of this money spent in the local communities. If you have any ideas on what you would like improved in Gaydon then please either come to our meeting on 3rd July or email the Clerk.

Commercial Estates and the Bird Group have organised an exhibition and consultation event at Lighthorne Heath Primary School on Friday, 4th July from 5pm til 8.30pm and Saturday, 5th July between 10am and 2pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Banbury Road Layby

Still liaising with Highways to try and arrange for Severn Trent to look at the leak by the tree.

Banbury Road Street Light

Following requests from residents we are now asking e.on to look at this light and let us know whether they could fix it. The County Council has said that they are unable to buy the parts required since the light is over 40 years old.


We would like to thank all landowners for clearing the public footpaths.

Overgrown Vegetation

Could all residents please ensure that the footways outside their properties are kept clear so that pedestrians can easily walk on them. We have received a number of complaints regarding overgrown hedges and plants intruding on the footways.

Next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Thursday 3 July at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Church Services in July

Sunday 6th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough
Sunday 13th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion        Gaydon
    10.30    Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by extension at Northend
     6.00pm  Evening Prayer        Burton Dassett
Sunday 20th
      9.00   Holy Communion        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Worship       Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
      6.00pm Songs of Praise       Farnborough
Sunday 27th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Farnborough
    10.30    Prayer and Praise     Gaydon
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Northend          

Nature Notes


The declining numbers of House Martins and Swallows reflect the national trends, though at least there are still some returnees to their previous years' nesting sites in St Marks Close and Poplars Farm. However, we have a good number of Swifts, a very high-profile bird with its frantic call and daredevil aerobatics.

Other birds to look out for are Great Spotted Woodpeckers which seem to be visiting village gardens, especially if you have left some high-protein food blocks in your feeders. Wrens and Robins now have fledglings which you may hear "piping" in undergrowth.

The idyllic chirping of Skylarks is a feature if you walk the fields; along with flocks of Goldfinches and pairs of Yellowhammers, whose familiar call "A little bit of bread and no cheese" from the hedgerows is also

a pleasure.

Perhaps the most spectacular show this month is the huge display of early Purple Orchids near the new extension of Junction 12 - over 100 in flower. Having consulted maps, I think that this site will not be destroyed by the road works but I will keep an eye on them. You may also spot a rare Bee Orchid in the odd rough patch of ground. Butterflies, like the Marbled White, are on the wing soon and I have also seen a few migrant Painted Ladies and Red Admirals on the nettle patches. Nettles and Thistles, though nuisance weeds, are vital food plants for many butterflies. If you can spare a patch, you may well be rewarded by colonies of black spiny caterpillars under a protective web in the next few weeks.

I have also seen a pair of partridges with chicks and a Roe deer with a fawn in the ripening Barley crops; and even heard a very loud Cuckoo which will be enjoying a few weeks in the UK before migrating back

to Africa.

The population explosion of Rabbits and Mice continues - if my cats' "gifts" are anything to go on! Bernard Price

Help Yourself to Hay

Please continue to help yourselves to hay from the churchyard. It makes excellent bedding for small pets and fodder for bigger ones. Just bring a large bag and fill it up. Please tidy up after yourself.

Coffee in the Garden at Lighthorne Heath

Thursday 21st August from 9.45am to 12.15. Please come and join us in Bitham Road. All donations in aid of the Air Ambulance. Martin Phillips

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Thursday 14 July from 1.30-2pm at the Telephone Box.

Friendship Club

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 22 July and it will take place at the home of Mrs Mary Fox, Corner Cottage, Church Lane.

Coffee Morning

Saturday 12 July at 11am in the Village Hall. Contributions of produce, cakes and bric-à-brac are welcome

and there will be a raffle. Please come along! Proceeds go to St Giles' Church Funds.

Gaydon Village Store

New Volunteer

Gaydon Village Store is pleased to welcome Liz Ackers to the volunteer team. Liz has been in the village for a few months and helping in the shop is a great way to meet people from the village and surrounding area.

You could join our friendly team too - we desperately need more volunteers.


Don't forget that you can order fresh meat (from Carpenters Farm Shop), vegetables and fresh bread; which is delicious with our Fowlers cheese and local chutneys - a great ploughman's lunch! SR

Big Lunch

Gaydon Village Hall
Sunday 20 July at 1pm
Usual format: bring a plate of food to share.
If it is a nice day, the village barbecue will be alight and you can
cook your own sausages and burgers.
Wine and soft drinks will be available.

Want more details? Ring Debbie on 640757 or Julie on 640349

Gaydon Village Hall News

The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will be held on Monday, 14 July, at 8pm. Big Lunch will be on Sunday 20 July, do come! Please note that the doors and front of the Hall look a lot smarter now than they did when that old Big Lunch photo was taken a few years ago!


Congratulations to Gerry and Tim on their marriage which took place at Compton Verney on Friday 27 June. We wish them health, wealth and happiness!

Gaydon Churchyard Update

The notice I produced a few years ago, regarding the wildflowers in the graveyard, is now resting in the church porch. When I started the project, I was able to list the species that colonised the grassland after spraying was stopped.

In subsequent years, with the help my countryside management students, I was able to transport and plant hundreds of Snowdrop bulbs from Chadshunt and also scatter Cowslip and Oxlip seeds in some areas. These have now increasedin numbers.

I also noticed that butterfly species like Ringlet, Large Skipper, Marbled White and Meadow Brown have established colonies there; along with several grasshopper and cricket species which I hope we shall hear chirping again this year.

I think we can probably find a number of species to add to the original list and so I hope to begin recording these before the scything finishes later this month. I think the grass species we find will be of particular interest. We also need to control the odd invasive species.

Any help (I know a work party is planned ) will assist to preserve this area which received several plaudits from the "Best kept Village" inspectors. Bernard Price

NB If you are interested in helping with this study, Bernard can be found at the Village Cottage on Church Road, telephone 640757. Ed.

Composting made easy!

Warwickshire County Council want households to take up the offer of a £5 compost bin. All they ask from you is that you attend a 45-minute workshop where you will be shown how to use your new bin.

Workshop dates are as follows:

8th July, 6pm, Trinity Parish Centre, Stratford

14th July, 6pm, Barrack Street, Warwick

To book a place on a workshop simply contact the Waste Management Team by sending an e-mail with your name, address and contact telephone number to or telephone 01926 412593.

A payment of £5 is required at the time of booking to secure your place on the workshop.


The flag was raised in June on the following occasions:

2nd - The Anniversary of HM The Queen's Coronation

10th - Birthday of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

14th - Official birthday of HM The Queen

17th - Birthday of HRH the Duchess of Cornwall

Neighbourhood Watch

A quiet month again in Gaydon.

Holiday Security Check-list: if you are going on holiday this summer, please make ensure you take the relevant precautions to make sure your home is safe and secure from burglars.

  * Make sure your premises are secured every time you leave, even if
    only for a short time and make sure your alarm is set
  * Put lights, TV and radio on a timer switch to make your house look
  * Cancel milk, newspapers etc. and  ask a neighbour to push post
    through your letterbox
  * Ask a neighbour to park a car on your drive and get close friends or
    relatives nearby with a key to draw your curtains night and morning
  * If you have a lawn, mow it before you go away
  * Don't display your home address on the outside of your luggage
  * Don't publish your absence on the internet with status updates,
    comments and photos on social media
  * Ensure any outdoor tools such as ladders are securely stored away
    as these could be used to force entry into your home.
  * Don't leave a message on your answer phone saying that you
     are away.

Heritage Motor Centre

The Heritage Motor Centre would like to make you aware of a forthcoming Triumph Live 2014 event on the 12th July which is expected to attract up to 10,000 visitors.

There will be camping taking place on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 July on site and in a field adjacent to Swallowfield's Farm. As with all events, traffic management systems will be in place along the B4100.

As part of the event there will be live music on the site on Friday from 6pm to 11pm; and during the day on Saturday until 11pm. As usual, every effort will be made to minimise disruption to the local community.

Andrea Bruneau, Operations Assistant, Heritage Motor Centre

Tel: 01926 645003; email:

Messy Church

Messy Church will be at Fenny Compton on Sunday 13 July at 3.30pm in the village hall and on Sunday 27th at Temple Herdewyke with Café Church. Contact Lesley on 01295 771177 for more details.

Temple Herdewyke Fete

Saturday 19 July
Theo and his Puppet Friends present
'Lost and Found' at 3.15pm
Everyone Welcome!

Village Barbecue on 7 June 2015

Please put this date in your 2015 diary and await further news!

Advertise in Gaydon Parish Magazine

There is now an advertising space available on the cover of the magazine. The charge for a year works out at less than £3 an advert. Please get in touch with the Editor if you are interested: you can provide your own advertisement or we can design one for you.