Gaydon Parish Magazine September 2014

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     Parish Council Meeting          Thurs 4th 8pm           Village Hall
     Harvest Festival & Lunch        Sun 7th 10.30am         Church & Hall
     Village Hall Committee          Mon 8th 8pm             Village Hall
     Coffee Morning                  Sat 13th 11am           Village Hall
     Library                         Mon 15th                Telephone Box                 Pilates                         Tuesdays 6.30pm         Village Hall
                            GAYDON  CALENDAR
  HARVEST FESTIVAL           SUN  5th OCT          CHADSHUNT
  REMEMBRANCE DAY            SUN  9th NOV          ST GILES' CHURCH
  CHRISTMAS FAIR              SAT 29th NOV          VILLAGE HALL
  CHRISTMAS LUNCH             SUN 7th  DEC          VILLAGE HALL
  BURNS' NIGHT                SAT 24  JAN           VILLAGE HALL
  VILLAGE BARBECUE            SAT  7  JUN           VENUE TBA

Parish Council News

New dual carriageway

Despite an objection from the Parish Council and representation at the County Regulatory Committee, the County approved the spreading of the surplus subsoil next to the dual carriageway. The Parish Council had requested that this subsoil be used to construct a bund to protect residents from noise and light pollution.


When cutting back plants, hedges and shrubs from the footways could you please ensure that the cuttings are removed from the footway.

Next Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting takes place on Thursday 4 September at 8pm in the Village Hall.

Church Services in September

Sunday 7th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Harvest Festival & Lunch at Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough
Sunday 14th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion with Archdeacon, Gaydon
    10.30    Communion with Archdeacon,Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by extension at Northend
     6.00pm  Evening Prayer        Burton Dassett
Sunday 21st
      9.00   Holy Communion        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Worship       Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
      6.00pm Songs of Praise       Northend
Sunday 28th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Farnborough
    10.30    Prayer and Praise     Gaydon
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Northend
     6.00pm  Harvest               Fenny Compton

Nature Notes


The temperature drop is quite evident in the last few days, giving an almost autumnal feel; there's an unseasonal ripening of Sloes and Hawthorn berries, too. This a good time to forage for seasonal foods if you know where to look. There have been large crops of field mushrooms and a substantial crop of Hazelnuts which, though green Cobb nuts now, can dry out for the winter. The bramble bushes are already laden with luscious blackberries - again, these are several weeks earlier than normal.

The huge number of butterflies from the recent hot spell may well be resting up prior to hibernation in late September, although there is speculation that some may produce a second brood of larvae. Migrants like the Painted Lady and Clouded yellow have been attracted to the magnificent Red Clover field off Watery Lane but will not survive any frosts.

It has also been a good year for dragonflies: the large Hawkers like the Green Aeshna are still patrolling my garden in search of Mosquitoes and Flies.

Once the skies clear, many birds glide over Gaydon in the early morning. A pair of Ravens who make the familiar gruff "cronking" are quite distinctive and often as many as four Buzzards are mewing high on the thermals. The odd Red kite often joins them.

The stentorian calls of the Great Spotted Woodpecker and the piping of Goldcrests (a species that has taken the Leylandii as a favourite habitat) have replaced the dawn chorus.

The Rabbit population continues to increase, which has not been good news for some vegetable plots; and the dry conditions have encouraged a great deal of mildew, which saps the growth of species like Acanthus and Marrows.

The combination of windfall cooking apples and newly-picked blackberries, sprinkled with fresh hazelnuts, makes a great free dessert! Bernard Price

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Monday 15 September from 1.30-2pm at the Telephone Box.

Friendship Club

The next meeting wll be on Tuesday 23 September at 2.30pm at Dormers, Church Road, by kind invitation of Mrs Gay Talbot.

Coffee Morning

Gaydon Village Hall on Saturday 13 September at 11am. Our monthly coffee mornings to raise funds for St Giles' Church are starting again after the summer break. We have a bring-and-buy stall, second-hand books and a raffle.

Coffee and a biscuit is 50p and conversation is free. Do come along to meet other villagers and exchange news and views!

Harvest Festival and Lunch

Harvest Festival on Sunday 7 September at 10.30am: Service of thanksgiving at St Giles' Church

Harvest Lunch. Following the service we shall cross the road to the village hall for Harvest Lunch. Everyone is welcome at the lunch. If you would like to come, just let us know (for catering numbers) by contacting Julie Rickman on 640349 at the Old Bakehouse, Church Road; or Alastair Hotchkiss on 642248 at Almesley Chase, Kineton Road.

Patronal Feast

The banner of St Giles, the patron saint of the parish church of Gaydon, appears on the front cover of the September magazine to celebrate his feast day, 1st September. He is the patron saint of the disabled and his symbol is a hind, his emblem an arrow. The banner, made by the children of Gaydon, can be seen in the church.

Humanitarian Appeal for Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza

This letter came to St Giles' Church from the Bishop of Warwick, the Right Reverend John R A Stroyan, on 13 August:

Dear Friends,

In case you have not seen it, I would like to draw your attention to the appeal for the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. You will be painfully aware of how extremely difficult the situation is.

The Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Diocese of Jerusalem and treats all in the local community regardless of faith or culture. We have supported the hospital before and I hope we can again in this time of dire need.

Bishop Suheil wrote to me recently about the Humanitarian Appeal that the Diocese of Jerusalem has launched.

'On 15 July, as the bombardment in Gaza intensified, the Diocese of Jerusalem issued a humanitarian appeal for Al-Ahli Hospital, where staff maintain an around-the-clock presence, receiving wounded people and providing them with critical medical care. Like other hospitals in Gaza, Al-Ahli Hospital is experiencing shortages in medicine, fuel for electrical generators, food for patients and their families, and food parcels for many in the community seeking help. The airstrikes have also caused structural damage to the hospital, including to its ventilation system in the operating theatre and the emergency room. In addition, windows have been broken in many buildings, as well as in the new diagnostic center.

'In the last few weeks, our partners from all over the world have answered our call, and we still hope to achieve our goal of raising just over $500,000 to help Al-Ahli Hospital treat victims of one of the worst conflicts in Gaza's history. While it is hoped that a ceasefire will end the violence, an end to the fighting will not bring an immediate end to the suffering in Gaza or to patients at Al-Ahli who are severely wounded or have lost their families.'

Donations may be made online at the JMECA (Jerusalem and Middle East Church Association) website: where you will find a link to the appeal on their home page;

or by cheque (payable to The Jerusalem and the Middle East Church Association) sent to the Secretary, JMECA, 1Hart House, The Hart, Farnham, Surrey. GU9 7HJ. Please Gift Aid your donation if possible as this will increase the value of your donation at no extra cost to you. There is a downloadable form on the JMECA website for this purpose.

Please continue to pray for the situation in the Holy Land.

Yours in Christ, + John

Come and volunteer at Upton House and Gardens!

Open Weekend, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 September 11am - 4pm

Our team of volunteers love meeting people, sharing stories and most of all having fun. Come and join us for a chat and cuppa to find out more - we look forward to welcoming you to Upton!

For further details contact: 01295 670266 email:

or see website:


We welcome to the village new(ish) residents of Manor Farm Lane, Emily and Andrew Leadbetter and hope that they are enjoying life in Gaydon.

Welcome, too, to Jayne Smith and family who have come to live in one of the new houses at Gaydon Farm Barns. We hope that they will be very happy here.

Shipston Home Nursing

Hospice Care at Home

We invite you to take part in our Bake-A-Thon on Sat 20th September from 8am to 10pm at Shipston Sports Club, 21London Road, Shipston-On-Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4EP.

You can bake as many items as you like! All produce baked will be sold at Shipston Food Festival on 21 September in aid of SHN. There will also be a raffle with great prizes so come along and say hello at the sports club or at our stall at the food festival. You will need to bring your own ingredients and baking tins on the day: we provide preparation space, tables and ovens - possibly even a washer-upper or two!

For more information or to register your place, please contact Jodie Wright on 07835425244 or email

Gaydon Village Hall News

The next village hall committee meeting will be held on Monday 8 September at 8pm in the hall.

Harvest Festival and Lunch

The Harvest Festival at St Giles' Church will be held on Sunday 7 September at 10.30am. There will also be the baptism of Sebastian Russell. Harvest Lunch in the village hall will follow the service. If you would like to come, just let us know by contacting Julie Rickman on 640349 at the Old Bakehouse or Alastair Hotchkiss on 642248.

Messy Church

Messy Church will take place at Fenny Compton Village Hall on Sunday 14 September at 3.30pm. Contact Lesley on 01295 771171 for further details.

At Temple Herdewyke Community Centre on Sunday 28th at 3.30pm there will be Messy Church for children and a café church for adults.

Decorating the Church for Harvest

The church will be decorated for the Harvest Festival on the morning of Saturday 6 September at 11 o'clock. Gifts of fruit and flowers will be very welcome as well as other produce. A local farmer has kindly donated some sheaves of corn and we are hoping to make the church look lovely for the service. Please come and help!


The flag on the Village Green was raised in honour of the birthday of the Princess Royal, HRH Princess Anne, on 15 August.

Cheap Heating Oil

Energy Warwickshire - top up your oil before prices rise!

With colder months just around the corner now is the time to think about topping up your oil tank and taking advantage of the lower oil prices that have been enjoyed recently.

We are delighted that for the fourth month running we have managed to achieve a per litre price below 50p. In August our members paid just 49.99 pence per litre, saving 4.51 pence per litre against the average. As a charity that works solely for the benefit of rural communities we are delighted with these results.

If you are reliant on heating oil and would like to join our members in making savings contact us on 01789 472611 or have a look at our dedicated website

The syndicate is open to households, community groups and businesses across Warwickshire.

'Energy Warwickshire' (previously Warwickshire Community Oil/LPG Syndicate) is run by Warwickshire Rural Community Council, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9EF.

Seasonal Recipe

Butterscotch Pears


Garden pears, fairly firm, any variety, up to 8

500ml organic double cream

100gm Fairtrade soft brown sugar


Select one pear per person, peel and arrange in a close-fitting baking dish with deep sides. Keep the stalks on and sprinkle the pears with lemon juice to prevent oxidation.

Using a non-stick pan, bring the cream to the boil. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar until it is evenly dissolved in the cream.

Pour the mixture over the pears and cook at 180° for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size and number of pears. Test one with a fork and if not soft, cook a little longer.

Serve one pear per person with the jaunty stalk sticking up; spoon some sauce over it. Of course, the more pears you cook, the less butterscotch sauce there is to share out with them, so do not hesitate to increase the amounts of cream and sugar to suit your taste!