Gaydon Parish Magazine August 2015

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     Parish Council Meeting    Tues 4th 8pm             Village Hall
     Open Day                  Sat 15th noon-4pm        Barnfield
     Library                   Mon 17th                 Telephone Box
     Pilates                   Tuesdays 6.30pm          Village Hall

    FRENCH EVENING          SAT  19th  SEPT          VILLAGE HALL
    CHRISTMAS FAIR          SAT  28th  NOV           VILLAGE HALL
    CHRISTMAS LUNCH         SUN  6th  DEC            VILLAGE HALL
    BURNS' NIGHT            JAN  2016                VILLAGE HALL  

Parish Council News

Overgrown Vegetation: We have received a number of complaints regarding vegetation blocking footways and roads. Would you all please ensure that the vegetation on all of your boundaries is cut back sufficiently for people with pushchairs or in wheelchairs to walk past; and in the case of roads, not to obstruct visibility or access. County Highways have been asked to cut back the vegetation on the footway between St Marks Close and St Giles Road.

Lights: The light on Church Lane has been reported to the County Council and should be fixed shortly.

Dual carriageway between Junction 12 and JLR: At the Gaydon Liaison Meeting Cllr Claxton was told by JLR that the new road between The Heritage Centre and JLR would be 3 lanes instead of 2. County Cllr Chris Williams has looked into this for us and reported that he supports the additional lane and that a planning application is not required. JLR have offered to speak to us about this amendment and we are hoping that a representative will attend our September meeting.

M40 roadworks: Highways England have been notified of the orchids and other wild flowers which are growing on parts of this land. They have met a resident and agreed to fence these areas to protect them from construction traffic. We thank them for listening and working with us.

Cemetery: JLR have met Cllr Brine and have agreed to cut back the vegetation in the cemetery. They are hoping for a team of approximately 20 employees to help with this task. If you wish to assist please contact the clerk.

Dog fouling: Whilst we appreciate that most dog owners do pick up after their pets we still have a few who do not. If you see someone not 'picking up' after their pet whether in the village or on the public footpaths, can you please note the type of dog, time and date and let the clerk or the dog warden know. If we all work together we can stop this.

Flooding: County Highways have been asked to clear the Cart Wash on the Kineton Road and also ensure that the 'grips' are clear on this road.

Next meeting: Tuesday, 4 August, at 8pm in the Village Hall to discuss the planning application for the Gaydon Inn field only.

Church Services in August

Sunday 2nd
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough
Sunday 9th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion        Gaydon
    10.30    Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by ext.     Northend
     6.00pm  Evening Prayer        Burton Dassett
Sunday 16th
      9.00   Holy Communion        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Worship       Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
Sunday 23rd
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Farnborough
     10.30   Prayer & Praise       Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend
Sunday 30th  Group Communion at Burton Dassett

The Vicar's Letter

Be Loyal

I was reminded the other day that in 2007, a group of twenty-three South Korean missionaries was captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Although the Taliban confiscated their possessions, one of the Korean women managed to hold on to her Bible. She ripped it into twenty-three pieces and secretly gave each of the group a portion so that wherever they were, each person could read a part of Scripture when no one was watching.

The group knew that the Taliban had decided to kill them one at a time for refusing to deny their faith in Jesus. Yet, one by one, the missionaries surrendered their lives once again to Jesus saying,

'Lord, if you want me to die for your sake I'll do it.' Then the pastor said, 'I've talked to the Taliban because they are going to start killing us and I've told their leaders that if anyone dies, I die first because I am your pastor.' Another said, 'No, because I also am a pastor and I am your elder, I die first.'

Then the pastor replied, 'You are not ordained. I have been ordained so I die first.' And sure enough, he died first. Two more were killed before the rest were eventually rescued. These twenty-three South Koreans had demonstrated extraordinary loyalty to God and to each other. They were following in the footsteps of the apostles who showed extraordinary loyalty to Jesus by preaching the Good News despite repeated imprisonment and floggings for doing so.

Loyalty is a combination of love and faithfulness that is tested and demonstrated through our actions and not simply our words or promises. It is a quality which unfortunately is often lacking in our society today. Disloyalty destroys families, churches, businesses, political parties and even nations; but by remaining faithful to God and his teachings in Scripture we can sow the seeds of new hope and new life into the communities where we live and work. Revd Mike Cadwallader

Nature Notes

July: It looks set to be a good butterfly year. The recent hot spells have promoted the growth of many nectar-rich flowers, not to mention the ubiquitous Buddleia bush which is a magnet to any passing species. It is not a native plant but was brought over from China in the 18th century and named after the botanist who discovered it within the walls of the Imperial Palace.

Already, you are sure to see well-worn Painted Ladies, fresh Red Admirals and brilliant orange Commas. This species was rare in the 1930s but has spread from the hop gardens in the South of England, now feeding on Russian Vine in the Midlands! The magical hay meadow behind the church was alive with Marbled Whites, Ringlets and Meadow Browns last month. It has been cut now but after-grass will now emerge to feed next season's larvae. How lucky to have such a rich habitat on our doorstep, so to speak!

The verges and churchyard have large numbers of Bush Crickets and Grasshoppers at present and their chirping on a quiet day is a true sound of the countryside. Buzzard and Kites are also heard (listen for a long-drawn-out gentle scream!) and seen above the village, high up on the thermals. Groups of Swallows, Swifts and House Martins are now "hawking" for insects to feed their young although they are far less numerous these days - possibly climate change may be the reason. Small groups still make it here from Africa, so if you're lucky enough to have a nest under your eaves, please cherish it.

This is a great time to walk the footpaths as they are very dry underfoot. A walk around Itchington Holt will give good views of the workings of the new junction 12; hopefully tranquility will return next year. It's still a good place to see Fritilleries, Blues and Skippers; maybe even a White Admiral. Our ancient milestone is being protected by wire fencing panels though there is some concern for the verges around the old junction, a great Orchid habitat, which are being flattened. On the edge of the village you often see a family of four fox cubs playing on the verge: all poultry or rabbit keepers be aware!

The Humming bird Hawk Moths are around again, too. They particulary like the Red Valerian flowers which grow in every nook and fissure but no-one knows how they got here! Always a fascinating species to observe; again, they have flown here from North Africa. Bernard Price

Gaydon Village Store

We are delighted to be stocking Hogan's Cider, the perfect summer drink. Hogan's cider is produced in Haselor, near Alcester. Their ciders and perries are made from just fresh pressed English apples and pears. No sugars are added prior to fermentation and no apple or pear juice concentrate is used. Give it a try.

Get Your Electric Blanket Tested Before the Winter

Warwickshire Trading Standards Service is providing FREE Electric Blanket Testing for over 50s at the following venues: on Wednesday 7th October at Leamington Spa Library; on Friday 9th October at Stratford Briar Croft Residential Home. Book today by calling Simon Cripwell on 01926 414016 9am - 5pm or email:

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Monday 17 August from 1.30pm-2pm at the Telephone Box.

Barnfield Open Day

Barnfield residents, in Church Lane, are having a family and friends Open Day on Saturday 15 August from 12 noon till 4pm. Everyone is welcome!


I would like to thank all the kind people who helped clear up the grass in the churchyard recently. We were able to fill several green bins lent by neighbours and the job was made easier and pleasanter with so many willing helpers.

Margaret Phelps

Fenny Compton Car Boot and Garage Sale

Saturday 12 September 1-5pm
£10 to sell, small charge for entry programme
Contact or ring 01295 770865
Craft and Society stalls welcome; refreshments in the village hall
In aid of the Fenny Compton Scout Group and the Church Fabric Fund

French Evening in Gaydon Village Hall

Saturday 19 September at 7pm
Parisian Menu with Musical Entertainment
Raffle and Licenced Bar
Telephone 642248 for Tickets £15 to include a glass of wine

Quiz Night

The Charity Quiz at the Malt Shovel on 17 July raised about £300 which was shared by the Parish Church and the Shakespeare Hospice. A fun evening was enjoyed by all the participants, especially the winning team and the winners of the raffle prizes. Many thanks to the donators of the prizes; to Debi Morisot; and everyone else who contributed to the success of the event.

Gaydon Village Hall Committee's Big Lunch

on 19 July was very enjoyable thanks to the friendly group of villagers who came along to share their Sunday lunches. It was such a lovely day that we were able to have a barbecue and sit outside the hall in the sunshine.