Gaydon Parish Magazine September 2015

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     Parish Council Meeting      Weds 2nd 8pm             Village Hall
     Coffee Morning              Sat 12th 11am            Village Hall
     Village Hall Committee      Mon 14th 8pm             Village Hall
     French Evening              Sat 19th 7pm             Village Hall
     Friendship Club             Tues 22nd 2.30pm         No 2 Cottage
     Harvest Festivals           Sunday 27th 10.30am      St Giles' Church
                   and also at 3pm at All Saints' Church, Chadshunt
     Library                     Mondays 7th & 28th       Telephone Box
     Pilates                     Tuesdays 6.30pm          Village Hall

    CHRISTMAS FAIR          SAT  28th  NOV           VILLAGE HALL
    CHRISTMAS LUNCH         SUN  6th  DEC            VILLAGE HALL
    BURNS' NIGHT            JAN  2016                VILLAGE HALL

Parish Council News

Slurrying Following the slurrying works in Gaydon, Cllr Adrian Claxton met County Highways who are arranging for a number of issues to be addressed. Unfortunately, we do not have a timescale for this.

Church Clock Our pre-application grant to the War Memorial Fund for the repairs to the clock has been accepted. This means that we are eligible for a grant and so we have now submitted a formal grant request which we are hoping will be determined by the end of September.

Additional land on dual carriageway Jaguar Land Rover have explained that they requested an additional temporary lane on the new dual carriageway and will be funding this; but the plans have been drawn up by County Highways and the county contractors will be carrying out the work. In view of this, we have asked County Cllr Chris Williams if he would arrange for a representative from County Highways to attend our September meeting to explain the details and answer any questions.

Fire Response Base at Aston Martin A representative from Atkins, the planning company employed by the County Council, may be attending our meeting in September to discuss the plans.

Cemetery Jaguar Land Rover are going to help tidy our cemetery. By the time you read this article the work should have been carried out.

Hedges and driveways Apologies for mentioning this again but we still have hedges overhanging paths. Could you please check all of your boundaries and ensure that the footways are kept clear for pedestrians. Also could residents with gravel driveways please ensure that the gravel is regularly swept back on to the driveway.

Bonfires Just a polite note to ask you to check that washing is not on the line or that your neighbours are not entertaining in the garden before lighting your bonfire.

Next Meeting The next meeting is at 8pm on Wednesday, 2nd September, in Gaydon Village Hall.

Church Services in September

Sunday 6th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough
Sunday 13th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion        Gaydon
    10.30    Joint Methodist Service Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by ext.     Northend
     6.00pm  Evening Prayer        Burton Dassett
Sunday 20th
      9.00   Holy Communion        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Worship       Fenny Compton
      3.00pm Pets' Service         Burton Dassett
Sunday 27th
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Farnborough
     10.30   Harvest Festival Prayer & Praise Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend
      3.00pm Harvest Festival      Chadshunt

Saint Giles' Day

The patronal festival of St Giles occurs on Tuesday, 1st September.

Nature Notes

One Swallow

The saying 'One Swallow doesn't make a summer' may not apply to our own Gaydon population. They are much less numerous now. I can recall 20 years ago when there were often over 50 in the skies around the village: now there are barely a dozen arriving to nest here.

Barn conversions and a general tidiness+insulation and blocking of holes in brickwork may be one reason. The old name Barn Swallow reflected their habit of using agricultural buildings. As a child, I hand-milked cows in an old-fashioned parlour. Above us were large beams packed every year with the swallows' mud nests, often repaired over many years (a mixture of saliva, mud and chaff). I had to avoid droppings by keeping the bucket clear, sheltered by the cow's broad back which would be spattered with white detritus! The bonus around the farm was that they caught thousands of flies; but insect numbers are much lower now, too.

To get to the point though: I am pleased to relate that one new Barn conversion has reversed this process and saved a whole brood of birds who decided to re-occupy the new site. It was a case of two new neighbours in the old Gaydon farm who rescued them from the ground and called me round. We were able to install the artificial nest I had brought because the other had fallen apart. The fledglings, which had been carefully kept safe, were put back and the parents soon returned to feed them. Later, their rescuers rang me to say the birds had flown. They are pretty sure to return from Africa next year. Great news!

The related House Martins tend to use the eaves of houses whilst the black, faster-flying Swifts have now raised broods and departed a few weeks ago. A good place to see large numbers is a wide stretch of water like Compton Verney Lake. Swallows come long distances to skim the surface for insects, often swallowing a large pellet of thousands to feed back to nestlings.

On my way back from the Lake, a large Goshawk soared along the side of the car carrying a rabbit in its claws. It resembled a very large Sparrow hawk and was a rare sighting of this secretive bird!

I'm sure we have all seen the very large Emperor and other large Hawker Dragonflies and Peacock butterflies this month: a good year for them. I'm breeding some Deaths Head Hawk larvae. They are now 6 inches long and still growing, so you may see me around collecting Privet leaves to feed their voracious appetites.

Ravens, Buzzards, and even the odd Red Kite too, in Gaydon's skies, may have reduced the Rabbit population - nothing nibbled on my allotment as yet! Bernard Price

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Monday 7th and Monday 28th of September from 1.30pm-2pm at the Telephone Box.

Village Hall News

The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will be held on Monday 14 September at 8pm in the hall.

Friendship Club

The September meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Jan Ewers, No 2 Cottages, Gaydon Hill Farm.

Coffee Morning

Saturday 12 September 11am at Gaydon Village Hall: Our coffee mornings begin again this month to raise money for the Parish Church. Bring and Buy produce, bric-à-brac and books. Raffle. Everyone welcome!

Update from the Heritage Motor Centre

Whilst the road works on the the B4100 continue, so too does the construction of the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust's new Museum Collections Centre, a new accessible store, which will allow the reserve vehicle collections to be seen by the public for the first time.

The building will also house a viewing gallery to the new vehicle restoration and conservation workshop and provide space for enhanced education programmes.

The new Museum Collections Centre will be open to the public for a 3 week preview period from 7-29 November 2015.

After this the main Museum and the Collections Centre will close to the public from Monday 30 November 2015 in order to undertake a £1.5m redevelopment of our exhibitions and create a new visitor cafe within the Museum environment.

The main Museum and the Museum Collection Centre will re-open on Saturday 13 February 2016.

Home Composting

Warwickshire County Council are holding free workshops about home composting. The workshops will provide those attending with enough information to start composting; or offer those already composting at home valuable advice and information.

Anyone attending the workshop will be entitled to buy a compost bin for only £5.00 (RRP £49.95).

The next workshop will be held on Wednesday 23 September at Stratford Methodist Church Hall, Old Town, Stratford-upon-Avon from 6.00pm to 6.45pm. To book a place on the course simply go to this webpage

Katey Stoneman, Waste Projects Officer, Waste Management Economic Growth at Warwickshire County Council. Telephone: 01926 412724; email:

Spare Garage?

Do you have an unused garage that you would be prepared to rent out?

I am looking for a place to keep a gently ageing car so that it stays out of the worst of the weather if possible.

If so, please contact Martin on 07803 603467 or drop a note into The Vine House on Church Road.

Windmill Open Weekend

Chesterton Windmill will be open to the public this year on Saturday and Sunday 12-13 September from 10.30am-4.30pm. Postcode CV33 9LB; £1.50 donation; free Car Park, no admission after 3.30pm.


French Evening with Supper and Musical Entertainment in Gaydon Village Hall
Saturday 19 September at 7pm
Raffle and Licenced Bar
 Tickets £15 to include a glass of wine
Telephone 642248 to book your table!

Fenny Compton Car Boot and Garage Sale

Saturday 12 September 1pm-5pm
The people of Fenny Compton are holding a Sale in aid of Fenny Compton Scout Group and the Church Fabric Fund.
The residents will sell from their drives and garages or have a stall in the Merrie Lion or School Car park.
To help you browse the stalls, there will be a programme and map for £1,
from the Village Hall and other places in the village.
It will give all the stall locations and a brief description of the goods for sale at each.
Refreshments will be available from the Village Hall throughout.

Ride and Stride

Charity Cycle Ride on Saturday 12th September 10am-6pm.

Anyone wishing to take part in this annual event, in aid of one of our churches, should contact Chris Compton on 01295 770355 or email for a sponsorship form.

Community and Police Priorities

The next meeting of the Wellesbourne/Kineton Community Forum is planned for Thursday 24th September, at a venue to be confirmed. Police from the Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team attend the event and offer a surgery before the meeting and then give a presentation on local policing.

Please give some thought to issues that are affecting you locally and let us know what they are by Friday 11th September, allowing us time to collate the results and publish the online voting form at least two weeks before the Community Forum Meeting. Please reply to this email address:

Visit for more force information.

Shipston Home Nursing Events

Country Car Boot Sale on Sunday 6th September at Honington Hall Estate Near Shipston CV36 5AA; gates open 8.30 to General public, 8am Gates open for Carbooters. Book in advance or pay on the day.

To book a slot please call Rebecca on 01608 674929.

SHN Golf Day on Friday 11th September at Tadmarton Heath Golf Club, OX15 5HL; Tee off 9am; Coffee and Bacon Rolls available from 8am. 18 hole Stableford Competition with Buffet Lunch, Auction and

Prize-giving. To enter a team please call Rebecca on 01608 674929.

Age UK Web Wise Course

People who do not use the internet can become excluded from normal life opportunites and activities. Web Wise is provided by Age UK Warwickshire, in conjunction with Stratford District Citizen's Advice Bureau. We organise courses in local venues and there is a 2-hour lesson each week. The course lasts 6 weeks.

The profect is funded by Comic Relief and the courses are free. Bring your own laptop or tablet if you like, or use one of ours.

Wellesbourne Church Centre: Tuesday mornings, 1st September;

Southam Grange Hall: Monday afternoons, starting 7 September.

If you would like to attend a course, please contact John Sawyer on

07881 812 943 or email


There were two christening ceremonies in St Giles' Church in July this year at which Bella Roud and Anabella Orr were wecomed into the family of the Church in Gaydon.

Messy Church

There will be Messy Church and Café Church at Temple Herdewyke Community Centre on Sunday 6 September at 3.30pm. There will be Messy Church at Fenny Compton Village Hall on Sunday 13 September from 3.30pm till 5.30pm.

Harvest Festival Services

You have a choice of services on Sunday 27th at which to celebrate the Harvest this year. At the parish church of St Giles there will be Prayer and Praise at 10.30 in the morning and at 3pm we shall be gathering in the ancient church of All Saints at Chadshunt. As always, the church will be lit only by candles and will be beautifully decorated for harvest time. Please come and join us!