Almighty God, who hast set our gracious sovereign Queen Elizabeth upon the throne of this realm, and given her to surpass all others in the years of her reign: Receive our heartfelt thanks for her service to her people, confirm and encourage her in the continuance of the same, and keep her in thy heavenly wisdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who took the form of a servant for our sake, and reigneth now in glory with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
The Church of England issued the above prayer on the Queen's becoming the longest-reigning monarch in British history, 9 September 2015.
This Month's Diary
Parish Council Meeting Tues 6th 8pm Village Hall Coffee Morning Sat 10th 11am Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 20th 2.30pm No 2 Cottage Library Monday 19th Telephone Box Pilates Tuesdays 6.30pm Village Hall GAYDON CALENDAR REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8th NOVEMBER 10.45am PARISH CHURCH FRENCH EVENING SAT 14th NOV VILLAGE HALL CHRISTMAS FAIR SAT 28th NOV VILLAGE HALL CHRISTMAS LUNCH SUN 6th DEC VILLAGE HALL
Chair's Report, October 2015:
For the attention of all residents of the Parish of Gaydon.
Only a few months have passed since the new Parish Councillors were elected and I was elected as chair but so much has already happened in our parish and ... there is a lot more to come.
I'd like to think that our village is blessed with a good team who really do have the interests of all residents at heart. Though I don't want to go through the responsibilities of each member of the team, I do want to acknowledge some of the achievements so far. The council are committed to managing the inevitable changes, challenges and opportunities that continually emerge; whilst preserving the special essence of what makes Gaydon distinctive and a good place to live.
Your councillors and clerk have already generated a number of reports regarding facilities that the Parish council manages or oversees: lighting, seating, hedges, drainage ditches, the cemetery, the play area, footpaths, pathways and quality of local roads. These inform future planning and the requests that we make to WCC and Stratford District Council on your behalf.
We have also commented on a number of planning applications, attended planning meetings and continued the effort to ensure that the voice of Gaydon is heard regarding the proposal for the settlement currently known as GLH/Kingstone Grange. There is certainly no shortage of proposals coming through and each set of plans are given due and detailed consideration. We don't just say 'no' and we don't just say 'yes' either: each is considered on its own merit.
Achievements so far:
Money has been secured to improve play provision.
Money has been secured to support our community shop.
A bid has been submitted to restore the memorial clock in the church tower.
Many of the issues with the recent slurry works on our footways have already been actioned or have been recognised as legitimate concerns that need addressing.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) have been sought on the distinctive 'Redwoods' near the old vicarage.
JLR has worked with me to restore the path and cut back significant areas of boundary hedging of the cemetery (see the later article).
Some applications have been given our approval whilst we have questioned aspects of others including the Paddocks behind the Gaydon Inn, on, for example, the grounds of lack of community facilities, issues with hedging, drainage and the lack of a bungalow.
In the next few months, we plan to review the Parish Plan and create a new Development Plan so that we can have a real say when shaping the future of our parish. This includes consultation with residents about improving play facilities and on any future housing demands etc.
We have also got many a meeting with SDC with regard to the proposed developments known as GLH/Kingston Grange. Whether you are for or against, I urge you all to have your say either directly via the SDC website, via FORSE, via your District and County Councillors or by attending Parish Council meetings. We will also continue to meet JLR as they begin to share their proposals for the future.
I'd like to end by thanking all residents who have got involved in the workings of our village and of our parish council; especially Parish Councillors Adrian, Debbie, Tom and Steve; and our Clerk, Corinne.
They really are a good team. John Brine, Chair of Gaydon Parish Council
Week 1 - w/c 5th October
B4100 'tie in' works at the Heritage Motor Centre will be carried out during this week, under the existing off peak temporary traffic management arrangements that have been in place throughout the contract. Existing traffic flows will be maintained.
Week 2 - w/c 12th October
Monday 12th October - Once the AM peak is over, works associated with B4451 link road tie in, near the Gaydon roundabout, will start and be constructed under 24hr temporary traffic signals.
During the PM peak, the temporary traffic signals will be operated manually to minimise queuing traffic.
Tuesday 13th October - The 24hr temporary traffic signals will still be in place to allow the B4451 link road tie in works, near the Gaydon roundabout, to continue.
Wednesday 14th October - Prior to the AM peak, all traffic will be 'switched' onto the north side of the new dual carriageway at the Heritage Motor Centre on B4100 and the B4451 WCC/Highways England tie in, for single lane running. A temporary mini roundabout will be built to allow traffic to enter/leave the link road which heads towards Gaydon roundabout. The 24hr temporary traffic signals will still be in place on the link road/B4451 near the Gaydon roundabout, to allow the tie in works to continue.
It should be noted that vehicles travelling from M40 Jnc 12 will avoid the 24hr temporary traffic signals.
Thursday 15th October - Continue the B4451 link road tie in works, near the Gaydon roundabout under 24hr temporary traffic signals as per Wednesday 14th October
Friday 16th October - Continue the B4451 link road tie in works, near the Gaydon roundabout under 24hr temporary traffic signals as per Wednesday 14th October and remove 24hr temporary traffic signals at the earliest opportunity.
Saturday and Sunday 17/18 October
In addition to this programme and by way of a contingency plan, we have the opportunity to close the B4451 from the Gaydon roundabout to the M40 Jnc 12 northbound slip, if required.
This would be over the weekend of Saturday 17th October and Sunday 18th October with a diversion route put in place and will only be implemented if necessary to allow the tie in works to be completed.
Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November: We also have a further contingency plan in place to implement the same road closure and diversion route. Again, this will only be used if necessary.
Danny Green, WCC Highways
Sunday 4th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Burton Dassett 10.30 Morning Prayer Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Gaydon 6.00pm Harvest Evensong Farnborough Sunday 11th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton 10.30 Harvest Festival Northend 6.00pm Evening Prayer Burton Dassett Sunday 18th 9.00 Holy Communion Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon 10.30 Morning Worship Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Northend 6.00pm Reflection & Praise Farnborough Sunday 25th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Farnborough 10.30 Prayer & Praise Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion by Ext Northend
As many of you now know, we postponed the French Evening scheduled for September, because there were very few enquiries for tickets.
We have now re-scheduled for Saturday 14th November; so if you are keen to show your affiliation with our European partners, sample some authentic cuisine and/or have some fun
(whilst raising some money!) please do let me know well in advance so that we can plan the catering accurately.
It is important that we have a good idea of numbers before the event so that we can ensure there is plenty of food and drink - though we can always accommodate a few last-minute requests.
Therefore, I would encourage you to reserve or buy tickets by ringing me on 642248 by Friday 30th October. Many thanks, Alastair Hotchkiss.
The Heritage Motor Centre has been chosen as one of the viewing areas for the fly-over of the Vulcan XH558 aeroplane on Sunday, 4 October, at about 4pm. The display is expected to last for about ten minutes and will, of course, be in the hands of the pilot and the weather so that timings cannot be more specific. Gaydon village usually gets an excellent view of such events.
We record with sorrow the death of Austin Hill on 13 September at the age of 92. Austin lived in Gaydon for many years and we send our sympathy to his family and friends.
Jennifer Edmonds 1935-2015
We are also sad to report that Jennifer Edmonds died on September 17th. A service of thanksgiving was held at All Saints, Burton Dassett, on 29 September. We offer our condolences to her family.
There will be a coffee morning to raise funds for Burton Dassett Church on Wednesday 7 October at Orchard Cottage, Northend, from 10.30am-12 noon.
There will be Messy Church and Café Church at Temple Herdewyke Community Centre on Sunday 4 October at 3.30pm. There will be Messy Church at Fenny Compton Village Hall on Sunday 11 September from 3.30pm till 5.30pm.
The JLR Maintenance team get to work and even make a few discoveries. The skip and two vans seemed wholly inadequate when faced with the volume of cleared vegetation: a tractor and chipper was however the perfect solution to this dilemma! All hedging near the graves is now looking so much better.
Glorious sunshine, bacon butties and great effort from a brilliant team of guys has made all the difference and achieved something that would have been impossible by any individual. The JLR team headed by Thomas and Peter Higgins should be proud of themselves. They are also keen to come back for a Phase 2! We hope that a new surface is to be laid upon the newly-cleared path, a dead tree is to be removed and a new oak is to be planted to complete the avenue of trees. They are also keen to work on the hedges on the South side of the boundary in the future. In this way, we don't deprive wildlife of their winter food stock and shelter all at the same time and we maintain a country cemetery that is respectful to all those at rest; whilst providing an environment for both visitors and wildlife to enjoy.
We tidied up the graves that had been covered by nature near the North boundary and the children's graves in the far South West corner were given some tender care.
On behalf of Gaydon, I very much thank JLR and their team for what they achieved. Next time you have a moment and want a little walk, pop down and see for yourselves: we have a cemetery that is both a haven for wild life and a perfect place of repose and peace. JB
September: In spite of heavy rains, no flooding. I noticed, sadly, that a small Toad had been flattened in front of my house: perhaps it was encouraged to cross by the surface water. Large hungry slugs emerged, too, to chomp my Dahlias. Wild Mushrooms have appeared early on the graveyard, weeks early -Slugs have attacked these as well but a few of the attractive Boletus (Penny Buns) survived their ravages and were a great addition to my breakfast.
I've collected some early blackberries, Sloes and Rose hips whilst walking through clouds of newly-emerged Crane Flies, known also as the more familiar "Daddy Longlegs". I noticed a Spotted Flycatcher with a beakful feeding a single youngster; it will soon be migrating back to Africa.
Large dragonflies hawk the hedges: they will eat any winged insect chewed up in flight. The dark exotic Red Admirals are feasting on the over-ripe split fruit of my heavily laden fig tree. Vivid red bands on black velvet, they also love Michaelmas Daisies. It is believed that some will now hibernate over the winter. There has been a third brood of Speckled Wood butterflies who seem now to prefer back gardens to Woodland - the same dappled light is often present in my herbaceous bed.
There are large crops of plums and apples this year. I notice many people are offering boxes of windfalls for free. The seasons are no longer as important owing to the all year round supplies in supermarkets, though home-made jams and preserves have had a revival of late.
We have found many ways of preserving our huge crop of figs (a good way of using the Internet). In spite of the glut here, they remain a very expensive fruit in the shops, encased in a plastic box imported from Turkey.
In the skies above the village you often hear the shrill notes of circling Buzzards. The Swallows and Housemartins will be with us for a few weeks yet, provided we have no frosts which kill off the insect life. Once again it is a time to move any hibernating butterflies to a dry, spider-free outdoor shed with a jar and piece of card. Bernard Price
Congratulations, Bernard and Debbie, on the birth of your first grandchild! Naomi Anita was born to Emily and Jerry Price on Friday, 25th September.
John and Julie are delighted to announce the birth of yet another member of the Rickman clan: on 8th September Kit Arthur Andrew was born to Emma and (John) Henry Rickman.
The Library will visit Gaydon on Monday 19 October from 1.30pm-2pm at the Telephone Box.
The October meeting will be on Tuesday 20th at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Jan Ewers, No 2 Cottages, Gaydon Hill Farm.
Saturday 10 October 11am Gaydon Village Hall Bring and Buy produce, bric-à-brac and books. Raffle. Everyone welcome! Our coffee mornings raise money for the Parish Church.
The Flag on the Village Green features on the front of the magazine this month to celebrate the day that HM The Queen became Britain's longest-reigning monarch: 9th September 2015.
French Evening with Supper and Musical Entertainment in Gaydon Village Hall Saturday 14 November at 7pm Raffle and Licenced Bar Tickets £15 to include a glass of wine Telephone 642248 to book your table!
Saturday 10th October: Vintage and Second Hand Clothes Sale at the Sheldon Bosley Hub at 10.30am-12.30pm
Saturday 17th October: Wyatts Tree and Plant Auction at Wyatts Plant Centre and Farm Shop at 11.30am.
Contact Rebecca on 01608 674929 for information about both events.
Sunday 6 December, same time, same place - watch this space!
Damage to vehicle
A silver Ford car that had been parked in Church Road for a number of weeks was reported to the Police as a possible stolen vehicle. The Police confirmed that it was properly taxed and insured and that they were unable to do anything about it. A few days later the car was struck by another vehicle both from the front and back in an apparent malicious hit and run. The car had also been broken into and items on the back seat had been removed. The Police who had the car taken away. The owner of the vehicle is not from this area.
Burglar deterrent
A new device is on the market designed to be used when occupants of houses are out or away. It is an electronic light device called 'Fake TV' and gives the impression of a TV being on to anyone looking at a house in the evening. The manufacturers, Response Electronics, are currently selling it for less than £25 if purchased before 4 October with voucher code 'AUGFTV' which gets you 'buy one get one free'. They claim that a light sensor automatically triggers the device at dusk, that it is Eco friendly and uses less power than a night light. This may prove to be an excellent deterrent.
Flu Clinics Kineton Little Thatch Surgery: Friday 2 October 11am-2pm Monday 5 October 11am-2pm Wellesbourne Surgery: Thursday 1 October 2pm-6pm Saturday 3 October 9am-1pm