Parish Council Meeting Tues 1st 8pm Village Hall Carols Mon 21st 7pm Village Hall Crib Service Thurs 24th 6pm Parish Church Christmas Service Fri 25th 10am Parish Church Library Monday 21st Telephone Box Pilates Tuesdays 6.30pm Village Hall
Resignation of Councillor
It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Cllr Steve Alder. Steve has reluctantly resigned as the pressures of work and the heavy workload of the Parish Council have become difficult to manage. We thank him for the time he has given to the community. This creates a vacancy on the Parish Council. If you are interested in applying to become a councillor please contact the clerk.
New Dual Carriageway
Councillors have requested that the size and the location of the new signage be reviewed. We believe that it is too large for Gaydon village and, on the Kineton Road, in the wrong location: sited behind a telegraph pole and trees! County Cllr Williams has been made aware of the unsuitable location and the fact that we do not want the trees cut down or trimmed. Cllr Adrian Claxton met the County Contractors and Danny Green, County Highways Officer, to discuss the drainage on the Warwick Road and the removal of hedging. He has negotiated minimum removal of hedging to accommodate an underground pipe and requested that any hedging removed is replaced.
Traffic Regulation Orders
for the new dual carriageway and link road: our Chairman drafted a response to this order which was approved by the Parish Council and has been submitted. A copy is available on the website.
Compensation for increase in light and noise pollution
County Cllr Williams advised the Parish Council that claims for compensation generated by the new dual carriageway can not be submitted until the road has been opened for 1 year. Details will be placed on the website.
District Cllr Kettle supports the view of the Parish Council: local roads will not be able to cope with the increase of traffic that GLH would create. He is trying to pursue this by requesting copies of reports relating to local traffic and by meeting the Leader of the Council. County Cllr Williams said that he will arrange for our Chairman, Cllr John Brine, to meet Senior County Highways Officers to discuss a county-wide approach to transport planning and educational provision. Balfour Beatty Community Work
We are still waiting to hear whether Balfour Beatty has agreed to our request for gates into our village. The gates would be positioned on the new link road (just before the roundabout), the Banbury Road and the Kineton Road. Our aim is to make drivers aware that they are entering a village with a 30mph speed limit.
The Chair wishes to acknowledge and thank all who are currently working with the Parish Council in formulating responses to the Core Strategy Inspector, the Environmental Assessment Documents
as supplied by the proposed developer of GLH, Flood Risk Consultation and all those connected with the responses and projects with regard to the Community Infrastructure Levy, Traffic Speed and the Minerals Consultation Paper. Without the support of residents, we would not be able to ensure that the voice of Gaydon is heard above the avalanche of proposals and papers.
Gypsy and Traveller Sites Consultation
Cllr Steve Alder drafted a response to this document which was approved by councillors and submitted. A copy is available on the website.
Cllr Adrian Claxton attended a workshop on Flooding which he said was very useful. Information will be placed on the website.
Replacement WI Trees have been planted. Thanks to residents, our contractor and our Chairman.
Thanks to Cllr Adrian Claxton for the refurbished noticeboard. It looks great!
Next Meeting
Tuesday, 1st December, at 7.45pm in the Village Hall. All residents are welcome to attend.
The Parish Council would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year;and to thank residents for their help and support.
Sunday 6th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Burton Dassett 10.30 Morning Prayer Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Gaydon 6.00pm Evensong Farnborough Sunday 13th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton 10.30 Communion by ext. Northend 6.00pm Evening Prayer Burton Dassett Sunday 20th 9.00 Holy Communion Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon 10.30 Crib Service Fenny Compton 3.30pm Carols by Candlight Burton Dassett Christmas Eve Thursday 24th 6.00pm Crib Service Gaydon 11.30 Midnight Mass Burton Dassett Christmas Day 25th 9.00 Communion & Carols Farnborough 10.00 Communion & Carols Gaydon 10.30 Communion & Carols Fenny Compton 10.30 Carols Northend Sunday 27th 10.30 Group Communion in Gaydon
Nature Notes
The First Frosts
A long mild period throughout November has been brought to an end in the last few days. There was even snow falling on the village yesterday.
There are always clues to a change of climate to be observed. The large flocks of Redwings and Fieldfares that arrived from Northern Europe a few days before, gorging themselves on the hedgerow berries and windfalls, were a clear indication. They are both handsome bird species that stay in large flocks on migration, splitting into smaller numbers on arrival.
The sewage works has a small flock of Snipe which arrive at this time each year; with them are Woodcock, often to be flushed from the nearby hedge-bottoms. These waders are rather rare now but once considered "gourmet food", few are eaten today. I have tasted them and there was a distinct flavour of earthworms about the meat! Placing them on the protected list is now required. Nowdays, it is so much more satisfying to witness their incredible courtship rituals - known as "Roding" or Lekking" - in the spring: sadly few opportunities exist.
I was also pleased to see another once-common bird arrive near the village, a pair of Grey Partridge which have taken up residence in a nearby "set-aside" field.
The huge variety of seed heads is a great source of food in the winter: Charlock, Dock and Shepherds Purse; clumps of Wheat, Barley and Groundsel that attract flocks of Goldfinches and Siskins.
The drop in temperature begins a hard time for Buzzards and Kestrels. I notice our local birds hunting low on the ground and right up to dusk, so I try to manage to beat my cats to the odd dead mouse which I pop in a bag and leave out on a field edge for them to find.
The time has arrived to top up bird feeders and drinkers, protect frost-tender plants and cut logs, hoping that the dire predictions of a hard winter do not materialise! Bernard Price
The Library will visit Gaydon on Monday 21st December from 1.30pm-2pm at the Telephone Box.
The Flag on the Village Green was raised on Remembrance Sunday, the 8th of November; and on Armistice Day, the 11th day of the 11th month.
A request was made to the Parish Council to replace the dead cherry trees in the Cemetery which were planted on the 1st December 1973 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Women's Institute in Gaydon. There were two trees planted originally and so they have been replaced with two crab apples chosen for their flowers and autumn foliage. Chris Pickering carried out the planting on 11th November, which seemed to be an appropriate date, witnessed by his wife Lindsey and by John Davies whose late wife, Betty, was an active WI member. Plaques will be put in at a later date to record the replacement of the original trees. Thanks are due to the Parish Council for financing this. AC
'Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat'! Order your Christmas meat from the shop, supplied by Carpenter's Farm Shop, Warmington. Bronze turkeys £10.14 per kilo, white turkeys £9.70 per kilo, cockerels £7.99 per kilo, free range geese £11.99 per kilo; and of course all the other trimmings and usual meats.
Hampers made up with local produce from the shop can be ordered and make brilliant Christmas gifts.
Hope to see you in the shop soon - remember we always welcome new volunteers. Come and join our team!
Please note that the next Wellesbourne/Kineton Community Forum scheduled to take place in December will not be held. However, there will be an Annual District Conference taking place at the University of Warwick, Wellesbourne Campus (formerly HRI) on Wednesday 2nd December 6-9 pm and we would very much welcome you to this event. If you would like to attend, please visit the website below to register. Please also free feel to pass this on to anyone who you feel might be interested in attending:
With regards the policing priorities for this quarter, there will be no on-line poll and the local SNT will report progress at the next meeting in March 2016.
Amanda Wilson-Patterson, Localities and Communities Officer, Warwickshire County Council, Telephone: 01926 413642. For further information on the Stratford-on-Avon Area Office visit
Some villagers may not be aware that the clock in the tower of
St Giles' Church is our war memorial. The plaque on the wall below commemorates the villagers who lost their lives in the First World War on military service and whose surnames are still very familiar in the village today.
You may also not be aware that there are thirteen graves in the Banbury Road Cemetery of Royal Air Force personnel who lost their lives while on active service at RAF Gaydon.
During the Second World War and in others since, Gaydon has been a posting for many service personnel. For some it was their last posting.
These facts were very much to the forefront of my mind as I was walking through the village on the 10th November, the day before Armistice Day. I was approached by a stranger (to me) who was looking for our war memorial. He had a poppy cross sticking out of his pocket and I directed him to the church before going on my way. AC
NB: Go to the Gaydon website on and click on Church to find a link to the Roll of Honour memorial. Suggestions for improving the website are always welcomed by the webmaster on Ed.
The FORSE Annual General Meeting will be held at Gaydon Village Hall on Wednesday 9 December at 8pm. email phone 651916
Come and celebrate Christmas at the Malt Shovel, Gaydon Enjoy our fabulous home cooked 3 course meal £19.95 per person served from Tuesday 1st December until Thursday 24th December Sweet Potato and Rosemary Soup (V) (G) served with bread Smoked Mackerel Fishcakes with Dill Mayonnaise (G) Chicken and Wild Mushroom Pate with Red Onion Marmalade served with toast Roast Turkey served with all the traditional trimmings Casserole of Beef with Apricots and Cinnamon (G) served on mustard mashed potatoes Fish Pie with Salmon, Cod and Prawns (G) topped with mashed potatoes and parsnips, served with vegetables Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni with Cherry Tomatoes and Basil (V) served with salad Christmas Pudding served with brandy sauce, cream, custard, ice cream (Gluten Free available on request ) Apple and Blackberry Crumble served with custard, cream, ice cream Orange Posset with Chocolate (G) Ice creams, Sorbets and Frozen Yoghurts choose two flavours from our seasonal selection A Selection of English Cheese and Biscuits Book now! 01926 641221
Monday 21 December in Gaydon Village Hall at 7pm, Mulled wine and Mince Pies.
Come and sing along - all welcome!
There will be Messy Church and Café Church at Temple Herdewyke Community Centre on Sunday 6 December at 3.30pm. Messy Church at Fenny Compton Village Hall will be on Sunday 13 December from 3.30pm till 5.30pm.
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...
The shops are already full of tinsel...tree decorations and tempting displays. Our city streets have suspended strings of lights and decorations waiting to be switched on. Christmas is coming...the geese are getting fat.
This 'run up' to Christmas in the church calendar is known as Advent. It is a period of time when we reflect upon the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago and look forward to his second coming.
We recall how our heavenly Father sent his Son to be born as one of us in a dirty stable outside an insignificant little town called Bethlehem. Here, the new-born child was visited by a bunch of tough and scruffy shepherds. God chose to send his angels to bring the 'good news' to a group of men the rest of society looked down upon, and these men left their flocks of sheep to go and worship him.
No shepherd in his right mind would have left the sheep he was paid to look after, for he was held accountable for each and every one of them. Wolves, lions and thieves were for ever on the lookout for an unattended sheep! Yet they left them to go and see this baby the angels had spoken of and to worship him.
However, the world that the baby Jesus was born into did not receive him; but rather, Mary and Joseph had to flee for their lives as King Herod set about slaughtering all the baby boys in the land. So Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus became refugees in Egypt!
Thus, the story of Christmas has much for us to celebrate and reflect upon. We celebrate that through Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection we are invited to come into an eternal relationship with God. But it also calls us to reflect upon how we treat each other: do we share with others our personal wealth without counting the cost? Do we care for those who are despised, hated or cruelly treated, be they in our own across the world? Do we hear God's angels calling us to go and worship him, leaving behind all we hold most dearly?
So as we celebrate the birth of Christ with our families and friends this Christmas and enjoy the tinsel and lights, our presents and roast turkey or goose, let us reflect upon what Jesus has done for us and is now calling us to do. Revd Mike Cadwallader