Gaydon Parish Magazine July 2016

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

Parish Council Meeting           Tues 5th 7.45pm               Village Hall
Coffee Morning                   Sat 9th 11am                  Village Hall
Big Lunch                        Sun 17th 1pm                  Village Hall
Friendship Club                  Tues 19th 2.30pm              Corner Cottage
Library                          Monday 18th                   Telephone Box
Pilates                          Tuesdays 6.30pm               Village Hall


Parish Council News

Birthday Party 12 June

Many thanks to the residents and councillors who helped with the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations. It was good to see so many residents attending and, we hope, enjoying themselves. Thanks also to the committees and sponsors who made this happen.


Councillor Debi Morisot is still trying to arrange for Osborne Contractors to assist with the tidying of the lay-by. Thinning the trees would be a starting point to make the lay-by more visible and, we hope, stop the anti-social behaviour that is being reported.

Traffic monitoring has taken place and the data is being analysed.

Wagon Pond

We have asked the County Council to confirm who owns the pond on the Kineton Road. Once we have a response we are hoping to be able to arrange for it to be maintained.

Petrol Station

This Parish Council is very disappointed at the lack of respect shown by the Gaydon Petrol Station for the planning system. Two retrospective applications have been received: one for 24-hour opening and one for the cash machine. We objected to the 24-hour opening but unfortunately the District Council Planning Committee disagreed with us; and we have requested that the blue light is dimmed on the cash machine, as we do not believe it is suitable in a rural location. We understand that this may be done.

Now we are faced with an unauthorised extension which we have reported to the Enforcement Department in Stratford who are unwilling to put a stop notice on it. At this stage no official reason for the extension has been received but anything that jeopardises the viability of our community shop will be vigorously objected to. Residents might want to make their own enquiries to SDC.

The disabled parking bay has been removed with no alternative being found; bins are blocking other parking spaces and the situation is totally unacceptable to this Parish Council although not to the

District Council.

The cemetery is looking really green and fresh at the moment with the meadow areas looking especially good. Two of the three new trees are looking healthy though the third is in need of replacement. Thank goodness for guarantees! The new fee structure for burials is now in place.


The accounts were approved at our last meeting and our internal auditor has reviewed them. Any resident wishing to look at them should contact the Clerk.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 5th July at 7.45pm.

Church Services in July

Sunday 3rd
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Gaydon
      6.00pm Evensong              Farnborough
Sunday 10th
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     10.30   Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Gaydon
      6.00pm Evening Prayer        Burton Dassett
Sunday 17th
      9.00   Holy Communion        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
     10.30   Family Service        Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
Sunday 24th
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Farnborough
     10.30   Morning Service       Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend
Sunday 31st
     10.30   Group Service & Baptism Burton Dassett

Change to Church Services

This month we are changing the pattern of services at the parish church of St Giles. On Sunday 10th there will be Morning Prayer at 10.30 instead of Holy Communion at 9am. Until further notice, this service, which is on the second Sunday of every month, will be at the new time. Holy Communion will continue to be celebrated at 9am in Farnborough on second Sundays.

Pastoral Ministry

To arrange baptisms, marriages, visits at home or in hospital, or for any other pastoral matter, please speak to one of the churchwardens.

Nature Notes for June

A very wet month so far with verdant hedges and rapid growth-spurts.

Last Sunday I was driving down the Fosse in the early morning and saw an unusual roadkill: a Wild Boar larger than a Badger. I remember a few years ago when there were some around Chadshunt and they are still reputed to be on the Army Camp, though probably moved on by now. It was a small male and I put it into the hedgerow watched by a group of Carrion Crows, the vultures of the temperate zone.

Some exciting news that Bee orchids have sprung up on the patches of ground near the vicarage. An observant villager called in to tell me the location and there were at least four good plants in flower. They are unpredictable but seem to crop up in Gaydon quite frequently even in gardens.

I'm still waiting for the house Martins to nest; they have arrived in small numbers but seem to be exploring nesting sites at present. Early attempts have failed.

Look out for Speckled Wood butterflies this month: they enjoy shady places and defend patches of sunlight. They are Brown with Cream patches. You may well get these and Holly Blues in your garden

this month.

Several people have heard the Cuckoo. I even heard the"Bubbling" call which they make when they lay an egg - bad news for a Hedge Sparrow or Warbler who will be an unwilling host. The Adults will head back soon, whilst their offspring will never know their parents and will be adult in August.

I'm concerned about the lack of honey Bees in my garden. I have several nests of Bumble Bees in secluded parts, though, which are doing all the pollinating. The present Minister of Agriculture, Eustace, is anti-EU and has held up the ban on Neo-nicatoids Sprays which may be the cause. He is also opposed to the EU directives to protect birds and mammals, so it's of concern that recent events may threaten our wildlife and environment with increased Industrial Agriculture; yet another consequence of "Leave". Instability and uncertainty remain as yet to be resolved.

The groups of Deer seem to have become accustomed now to the Road works by the Holt, grazing around the diggers. The Valerian (that pink flower which has colonised the village) is attracting butterflies and many Moths at night. I hope we shall see the Humming-bird Hawk moths once again this season. Keep a look out for this interesting migrant from Africa. Bernard Price 640757

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Monday 18 July from 1.30pm-2pm at the Telephone Box.

Coffee Morning

The next coffee morning will be held on Saturday 9 July at 11am in the village hall. There will be the usual bookstall, raffle and bring-and-buy. Any profits go to church funds. Do come along!

Friendship Club

The next meeting will be on Tuesday at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Mary Fox, Corner Cottage, Church Lane.

Gaydon Village Store

As a service to residents of the village, Gaydon Village Store would like to offer a parcel drop off service.

If you are expecting a parcel delivery and know that you will not be at home you can have it dropped at the shop to collect later. Please just bear in mind that the shop is very small, with no storage space, so no giant parcels please!

We hope this will be of use to you all. Sue Roberts

Big Lunch

Gaydon Village Hall
Sunday 17 July at 1 o'clock
Bring a plate of food to share.  If it is a nice day, the village barbecue will be alight and you can cook your own sausages and burgers.
Wine and soft drinks will be available.
Want more details?  Ring Sue on 640695 or Julie on 640349.

Letter from the Bishop of Coventry

The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth

The Bishop of Coventry's letter of advice, following the outcome of the EU referendum, was sent to all ministers and churchwardens.

The Bishop points out that within our parishes and across our country, people will be reflecting on the result of the referendum in different ways. Those who voted 'Leave' will be happy that their voice was heard, and hopeful for our country's future outside the EU. For those who voted 'Remain', there will be profound regret and even sorrow. The close final result will only have strengthened feelings all round.

He reminds us that whether we voted to remain or leave, we are still all brothers and sisters in Christ; and in or out of the EU we remain together as members of Christ's Body, commanded to build each other up and to love our neighbours.

Christians can be a reconciling influence on the people of our country by helping to heal the deep divisions that arose during the referendum campaign. We must remain hospitable and compassionate: builders of bridges, not barriers. We should pray for our leaders as they put forward their proposals for our country outside the EU - but we should also hold them to account.

Christ calls us to pursue the common good and the story of Coventry Cathedral testifies to this. The Bishop prays that through our unity and love, we may be good witnesses to our country and the world.

In this time of uncertainty for most people, whatever their views, we should hold our own country, Europe and the whole world in our prayers, and be 'ambassadors of Christ', who has entrusted the message of reconciliation to us (2 Corinthians 5:9).

The Bishop's Prayer:
Eternal God,
Light of the nations,
in Christ you make all things new:
guide our nation in the coming days
through the inspiration of your Spirit,
that understanding may put an end to
discord and all bitterness.
Give us grace to rebuild bonds of trust
that together we may work for the dignity and flourishing of all;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

The full text of Bishop Christopher's letter can be seen in the Church.

Fenny Compton Church Fête

The Fenny Compton Church Fête will be held on Saturday 2nd July at The Lodge in Fenny Compton between 2pm and 4pm. This is a traditional English summer garden fête with the time-honoured games, stalls, home-made teas, barbecue and Pimms. The Dassett School is providing talented Maypole dancers and we very much look forward to welcoming everyone there. Lesley Bosman

Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations, 12th June

Thanks to everyone who came along despite the occasional rain shower! It went very well and we had a great turn-out from the village. The event kicked off with cream teas and strawberries and cream; and was followed by entertainment from the local choir singing songs from every decade of the Queen's life. We finished with a barbecue.

The event would not have been possible without the support of myriad bakers, makers, shoppers, decorators, fundraisers, BBQ chefs, set up/clean up teams, leaflet creators and distributors! Thanks to the wonderful village choir for a lovely afternoon of entertainment; and thanks again to Balfour Beatty and Osborne Ltd for their generous contributions towards the catering costs. Emily Leadbetter


The flag on the village green was raised on 2nd June for the anniversary of the Coronation of HM The Queen; and on 10 June for the 95th birthday of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. It was flown on 11 June for the Official celebration of Her Majesty's 90th birthday and on the 21st for the birthday of Prince William,

Duke of Cambridge.

Donations in Memory of Alf Diston

Georgina would like everyone who went to Alf's funeral to know that the collection raised £245.50 each for Avon Valley First Responders and the British Heart Foundation.

Neighbourhood Watch

A quiet month except for four "hawkers" who were dropped in the village by "gangmaster" and collected by the same person later in the day. They consisted of polite young men, all with European accents, each carrying a rucksack containing mainly cleaning items for sale. They did not produce any identification or documents other than a "roneo-ed" slip of paper.

The Police have consistently advised us not to buy from unlicensed door-to-door sales people. Although this group of men may have just been trying to earn a living - albeit through some organiser - there have been reports in other areas of break-ins following visits by unlicensed hawkers (or "knockers").

Have Your Say...on the Referendum

It ain't over till the fat lady sings, and that is not a reference to Adele on the Pyramid stage.

In 2015 the Conservatives won a mandate to hold an in-out referendum on the EU. The referendum was held and 52 percent voted in favour of leaving.

The Government has the responsibility of seeing that this result is respected: David Cameron felt that he did not have the authority to manage this and stood down.

The Conservative Party will shortly choose a new leader who will have to decide how to bring about the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

Although legally entitled to negotiate the exit, the Government will have an unelected leader and the job of making a major constitutional change that it does not have a mandate for.

That new leader needs firstly to work out how the government intends to proceed; and secondly to call a general election to legitimise his or her position and the proposals for managing the new relationship with the EU.

John Rickman

Messy Church for Children

There will be Messy Church at Fenny Compton Village Hall on Sunday 10 July at 9.15am with games, crafts, stories, songs and refreshments.

Burton Dassett Restoration Committee

On Tuesday 19th July you are invited to Tea in the Garden at Northend Manor from 3-5pm. The entry charge is £5 with all proceeds going to the upkeep of All Saints' Church. All are welcome.