Parish Council Meeting Tues 7th 7.45pm Village Hall Coffee Morning Sat 11th 11am Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 21st 2.30pm Trevose Mothering Sunday Sun 26th 10.30 Parish Church Library Monday 13th Telephone Box Pilates Tuesdays 6.15pm Village Hall GAYDON CALENDAR PROPOSED DATES VILLAGE BARBECUE SAT 10 JUNE VILLAGE HALL BIG LUNCH SAT 15 JULY VILLAGE HALL CHRISTMAS FAIR SAT 25 NOVEMBER VILLAGE HALL CAKE MIXING SUN 26 NOV CHURCH CHRISTMAS LUNCH SUN 3 DECEMBER VILLAGE HALL BURNS' NIGHT SAT 20 JANUARY VILLAGE HALL
Ash Wednesday 1st March 7.30pm Holy Communion Northend Sunday 5th 10.30 Commissioning Service Northend Sunday 12th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough 10.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton 10.30 Morning Prayer Gaydon 10.30 Communion by Ext'n Northend Sunday 19th 9.00 Holy Communion Farnborough 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon 10.30 Holy Communion Northend 6.00pm Evening Prayer Fenny Compton Sunday 26th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Farnborough 10.30 Mothering Sunday Gaydon 10.30 Morning Prayer Northend
New Councillors: In May there will be a County Council election together with the opportunity for 2 residents to come forward to join the Parish Council. Our number is increasing from 5 councillors to 7. If you are interested in joining the Parish Council please come to a meeting or ask the Clerk or councillors. We really work for the benefit of the local community.
Road Safety: The Chairman and Cllr Mirrin Lewis met two very helpful
officers from County Highways. They provided some good advice and guidance on the recommendations contained in the report prepared by Cllr Lewis and Cliff Rendell. They commented on the high quality of the report. Thanks again to Mirrin and Cliff. Thanks also to Peter Rouse from the Police who provided the Chairman and Cllr Lewis with some guidance prior to the meeting. Notes from the meeting will be made available on the website and, of course, we will be discussing how to move this forward.
Milestone: The Clerk and a resident will be drafting a letter to the
legal department of the County Council requesting that the milestone be returned to Gaydon.
Banbury Road layby: Thanks to the efforts of a resident and our District Councillor Chris Kettle, the County Council has finally realised that they have a health issue with this layby. The ditch has been cleared and the debris deposited in the layby; we hope it will be moved shortly by the County Council. Cllr Kettle has arranged for a second bin to be installed which should help the situation. We are still waiting to hear from the County Council on a long-term solution.
Lighting on the new dual carriageway: We are trying to arrange for
shields to be fitted on all of the lights on the new dual carriageway.
This would significantly reduce the glare which is causing problems for residents. One light on the far side has a shield fitted and the reduction is significant (the third light from the link road lights towards JLR). Despite Cllr Williams' statement that funding is not an issue, the County Council is proposing funding curtains and blinds for residents instead of the long term solution of shields! We have received support from 3 local parishes for shields. If you are experiencing issues with the lights from this road please make the Clerk or a councillor aware.
Audit Recommendations: Road safety audit took place in August 2016 on the new road scheme. We understand that a meeting was held at the beginning of December within County Highways to decide what recommendations would be implemented. We have not yet had an update on this. A new replacement gate has been erected on the Warwick Road but with no reflective 'no entry' on it (an audit recommendation which is needed since the previous gate was damaged twice), road markings have not been removed and repainted (an audit recommendation). There are many more, like the removal of the tear drop at the roundabout near JLR. Cont. p6
Signage on the B4100: A number of comments have been received from residents regarding the 50mph signage that is being erected on the B4100. This Parish Council did not support this and nor did Warmington and Arlescote Parish Council or Shotteswell Parish Council. GPC would have liked to see this money spent in the villages helping to reduce speed. The Police support this signage but have stated that it is 'self regulating'. A resident has asked County Cllr Williams for the total cost of this scheme but has not received a response yet. Cllr Williams has confirmed that this funding came from his delegated road safety budget of £30,000 but no further details have been established. GPC has agreed to pursue this matter. We would like to understand why this scheme was funded instead of funding to assist us with our traffic problems. The Parish Council has funded the speeding data and residents have assisted with compiling a report. All of this work could have been undertaken by County Highways.
Planting at the end of the Warwick Road: We are pleased to say that trees have now been planted.
'Stopped up' Warwick Road: A sign has been erected but it isn't very
visible so the signage remains in the road. This is another matter that is with County Highways to resolve. The signage in the road can not
be removed as it is then accessed by HGVs which then have difficulty
reversing or turning around.
Footpaths: We are aware of and dealing with a faulty stile.
Church Lane field: This is slowly moving forward. Contracts have been seen, comments made and we are hoping to exchange very shortly. Once purchased, Cllr Morisot will be asking all residents for their views/comments as promised over 12 months ago. The findings will be discussed at a public meeting.
Applying for adverse possession of the play area: Cllr Morisot obtained
a quote of £900 for legal fees in challenging the ownership of this land.
Councillors agreed that we need to confirm who owns this land before
instructing solicitors. We have maintained the land for nearly 50 years and so are in a strong position but £900 is a significant part of our budget.
Church Road street light (opposite the Church): This should be fixed
shortly. Please let us know your thoughts once mended.
Gaydon Inn development: District Cllr Kettle is very kindly pursuing the
issue with regard to flooding. It appears that surface water is still
entering neighbouring properties.
Church Clock: It's back and chiming. Thanks to the resident who helped.
Roman settlement just north of Gaydon: The Clerk is liaising with the County Archeologist to try and arrange for residents to find out what has been discovered, with a possible viewing.
Closure of the Horton Hospital: District Cllr Kettle is keeping us
updated regarding the closure of some departments in the Horton. The District Council has met with the Chief Executive from South Warwickshire CCG (Clinical Care Group) and they are trying to meet the Chief Executive from Oxfordshire to find out the situation. Changing the status of the Horton Hospital has been referred to the Secretary of State.
PC News continued from page 6
Community Governance meeting in June. GPC wish Gaydon to remain as a village and not be incorporated into a town with Lighthorne Heath.
County Council budget: County Cllr Williams reported that council tax will increase by 1.99% plus an additional 2% for social care. A resident asked about the reduction in funding to children's centres. Cllr Williams said that the children's centres will not close but be re-evaluated in May. The outsourcing of County Highways, with a possible saving of £8-£10 million per year, was not being considered because County Highways are well respected and efficient.
Abandoned signage: County Cllr. Williams said that this was a Highways England responsibility since it related to the motorway works. Cllr Claxton has liaised with Highways England who have agreed to do this for both contractors.
Gaydon Service Station: District Cllr. Kettle has been liaising with the
enforcement department to try and assist with the many issues we have with this garage. The District Council has requested a planning application for the works that have taken place. Cllr Debi Morisot will be arranging a meeting with Gaydon Village Stores to discuss their concerns and agree a way forward. Cllrs Claxton and Hughes agreed to attend this meeting.
Litter: Lots of complaints about litter. District Council have been
notified and asked to litter pick the village and we will be arranging our own litter pick shortly. Before the new dual carriageway can be litter picked the County Council has to ask the District Council. We hope that we have started this process.
Parish Precept: has been set at £10,249. This amounts to a 20p reduction for a Band D property; a tiny reduction in the scheme of things but a reduction nevertheless.
Next meeting: Tuesday, 7th March at 7.45pm in the village hall.
All residents are welcome to attend.
The Reverend Nicola Chatterton will be commissioned on Sunday 5 March at 10.30am at Northend Chapel of Ease. Nicki writes:
'I am delighted to be coming for a six-month placement to provide leadership to the Dassett Magna group of Parishes. For the past three years I have been the Curate at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon. At present, the only link my husband Adrian and I have had to the area is cruising along the canal with our dog Skittie, stopping at the Wharf at Fenny Compton for a drink or a meal. I look forward to rectifying this. My focus over the next few weeks will be trying to get around to meet up with as many people as I can, getting to know you and learning about the different aspects of the life of the church, the villages and the wider community. If you'd like to talk to me about the Parish or a pastoral matter, you're very welcome to contact me on tel. 07769871237 or email'
Children's activities take place on Sunday 19th at Fenny Compton Village Hall at 9.15am; Taste and See at Temple Herdewyke community centre will be be held at 3.30pm on Sunday 5th.
Ash Wednesday, 1st March, St David's Day, Service at 7.30pm.
Mothering Sunday, 26th March, Special Service at 10.30am.
Good Friday, 14th April, Children's activities at 10.30am.
Easter Day, Sunday 16th April, Holy Communion at 10.30am and Easter Eggs.
The Clock on St Giles Church, Gaydon
The clock was erected in 1920, together with the tablet on the church wall as the village's memorial to the men of the Parish who were killed in the 1914-1918 War. Messrs Smith of Derby carried out the work, their accounts read Gaydon Church, Warwickshire. 1920 April 20th. New church clock as per estimate. £87.10.0 3cwt. bell £50.00.0 £137.10.0 Only one dial was provided at that time. In 1924 Smith's accounts read Nov.4th Supply and fixing 2 3'6" dials £25.10.0 The clock remained with only three dials until 1963 when a fourth face was added in commemoration of the new Coventry Cathedral. In 1995 the four clock faces were restored and regilded to co commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. The work was carried out by Smith's of Derby at a total cost of £2625.50. Grants towards the work were made by Stratford-upon-Avon District Council, Gaydon Parish Council and Gaydon Parochial Church Council. In addition many individual donations were received ensuring that the full cost was raised by the time the work was completed.
A significant rise in temperatures around Gaydon this month - at last things are moving on the botanical front. A magnificent flowering of Snowdrops in Chadshunt churchyard and no doubt in some of your gardens. There are also Violets and early Wood Anemones on the edges of hedgerows.
My garden has the early flowering Hamamelis or Witch hazel, a mass of feathery, yellow flowers that have attracted early honey bees. I've also glimpsed the first primroses and of course Hellibores, Christmas roses and Crocuses. I've enjoyed some early forced Rhubarb, pale pink; my dad used an upturned bucket but I have some terracotta domes, pretty old, which give more space for growth. I'm going to try and collect Saffron from some wild bulbs I bought in Greece last year. You need the sun to be out, then they open and you can pull out the stamens: no wonder it is so expensive to buy, though many mauve Crocuses are related...
There is a lull in migration of birds now the winter Fieldfares have headed back north. You might, however, still see coveys of Grey partridges near the village; they tend to band together prior to breeding although sadly there are only a few now. Other species like Lapwings and Golden Plovers will soon arrive, also sadly depleted due to modern farming methods. Whilst driving, look out for Toads and Frogs which have to cross roads to get to spawning ponds. Great crested newts develop tropical colours prior to spawning. You turn over a rock and what appears to be a black Lizard will wriggle on its back to reveal this brilliant palette. We have a lot of these in Warwickshire and let's hope Brexit will not remove their protection by the law. March will bring the spectacle of Hares 'boxing', once a common sight but less so today. A few still remain near Itchington Holt and Watery Lane.
There are already Hazel Catkins, a valuable source of nectar for many early moths and soon Sallow and Willow will also bloom. The question of keeping Bird feeders topped up has been raised once again on Springwatch and I think many local birds in the garden are habituated to them. When I forgot to fill my nut feeders I noticed some very disappointed-looking Great TIts still visiting them and pointlessly pecking at the vents! Look out also for Hedgehogs which may well be hiding in your compost heap (there's one in mine). A Large fox has been around Church Road, no doubt evicted from the new building site on the Banbury road where there always was a large den. I still remember one fox that lived by the Gaydon Inn field which used to cross the then new M40 and head home to Gaydon having eluded the hunt on the other side! Another pulled a goose through the wire in the next field. Those of us with poultry know that eternal vigilance is needed the same goes for pet rabbits loose in your garden. Spring is on its way I predict: but beware of the odd frosts. Bernard Price
The church clock had not struck the hours for about two years when the Parish Council obtained a grant last autumn for its repair. It was sent to the Cumbria Clock Company on 31 October 2016 and was returned with a new striker and in full working order on 1st February. St Giles' Church is very glad to have its clock chiming again and is grateful to everyone who helped in its restoration.
The Library will visit the Telephone Box at Gaydon from 1.35-2.05pm on Monday 13 March.
Gaydon's next Coffee Morning in the Village Hall will be at 11am on Saturday 11 March. There will be books, bring-and-buy and raffle. Do come along and meet other villagers. Proceeds go to the upkeep of the Parish Church.
A Coffee Morning will be held at Penn House, Malthouse Lane, Northend on Friday 31 March in aid of the upkeep of All Saints' Church up on the Burton Dassett Hills. Coffee and cakes will be served from 10.30am till 12 noon. Everyone welcome!
There will be a meeting on Tuesday 21 March at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Pauline Layton, Trevose, Kineton Road. If you would like to join us for tea and talk, please telephone Mrs Mary Fox on 641834 for further details.
Hello, everyone, and thank you to those of you who have joined our new Membership Scheme!
The first draw will take place at the end of March. It's not too late to join: forms are available in the shop. It's just £12 for the year and there will be at least 3 draws throughout the year.
Prizes have been kindly donated to support the shop. They include family tickets to the British Motor Museum, a meal for two at The Falcon and beauty treatments. Join the scheme for a chance to win one of these prizes!
We are also starting a new incentive at the beginning of March. If you spend £10 or more you can have a raffle ticket - don't lose it!
At the end of the month there will be a draw and the winner will be able to choose an item from the shop up to the value of £5, e.g., a jar of local honey, value £4.50. We will display the ticket in the shop for the month and announce the winning ticket on Facebook and the website. If you have the lucky ticket you have the month to claim your free item. Good Luck! We have increased our range of wines and beers etc. so pop in and check it out. Look forward to seeing you in the shop. Sue Roberts
No More Algae is a local company specialising in algae, mould, mildew and lichen removal from any hard surfaces outside. We do not use any caustics, acids, abrasives or pressure-washing. Instead, we use an environmentally safe, biodegradable spraying method, which leaves a tidier job and is better for the surfaces we are cleaning.
Common projects include roofs, patios, drives and walls. We have also cleaned patio furniture, timber fences and decking; and green houses.
To get your outdoor spaces ready for the spring, we have some special offers available until the end of March. Please contact us to discuss your needs and receive a no obligation quote.
Call Simon or Pete on 07974 972873 or email
John Wood Roberts
We are saddened by the news of the death of John Wood Roberts who lived at Oak Beams in Church Lane for many years. He took an active part in village life and many residents will remember him with affection.
Denys Evans
It is with regret that we report the death of Denys Evans on 22nd February in Stratford Hospital, after a long illness. We offer our condolences to Jan and the rest of his family.
Wellbeing Day on Saturday 11th March 10.30am-4.30pm at The Butts, Cherington CV36 5HZ; £30 for 3 half hour treatments and all refreshments included. To book your treatments, please call Beverley 07866 988355. Whichford's Annual Marmalade Festival Saturday 25th March at 10.30am at St Michael's Church, Whichford. £5 Entry. For more information ring Sophie Corlett 01608 684 369. Designer & 2nd Hand Clothes Sale: Saturday 1st April 9.30-12.30pm at Sheldon Bosley Hub - Free Entry For more information please call Rebecca 01608 674929
The Flag was raised on 6th February to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of HM The Queen's accession to the throne; and on the 19th for the birthday of HRH Prince Andrew.
There have been two break-ins at the Spitfire housing development during the month. The first, when a log-burning stove and kitchen appliances were taken; furniture was removed from a house on the second occasion. Bloor Homes development in Kineton had a similar break-in and burglary.
Fatal collision in Gaydon at approx 6.00pm on February 15th
The collision took place between white BMW and a grey Ford Fiesta. The BMW driver failed to stop at the scene. The Fiesta driver and passenger (a 56-year-old woman and an 80-year-old woman) were taken to hospital with serious injuries. The older woman died in hospital on the following day.
A 24-year-old man from Banbury has been arrested and remains in custody. Officers investigating the incident would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident and if they have any dash cam footage before, during or after the collision occurred.
Anyone with information is asked to call Warwickshire Police on 415415 quoting incident 310 of 15 February.