Gaydon Parish Magazine January 2018

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A Happy New Year to all our Readers; and very grateful thanks to all our Contributors, Sponsors, Advertisers and Deliverers who help to get The Parish Magazine to every Household in Gaydon (and beyond!).

Gaydon Diary for January:

Parish Council Meeting Tues 2nd 7.45pm Village Hall Village Hall Meeting Mon 8th 8pm Village Hall Burns Night Supper Sat 20th 7pm Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 23rd 2.30pm 2 Cottages Library Monday 8th Telephone Box Pilates Tuesdays 6.15pm Village Hall Tai Chi Wednesdays 7.30pm Village Hall

Parish Council News

Street lighting on the Gaydon Inn development: The Parish Council has asked Spitfire Developments (SD) to replace the lanterns with low level lighting, probably bollards, the same design as at the end of Victor Close.

SD has agreed to contact residents to seek their views on the location of the lights and their timing. SD will need to submit a planning application requesting lighting and this will be discussed by the Parish Council at a future meeting. If you wish to be involved please keep an eye on the website and the notice board. It will be listed on an agenda.

Accidents on the Banbury Road: the Council understands that several minor accidents have taken place on this road near the Gaydon Inn development. If you see an accident (however minor) please note the time and date and brief details. These details can then be forwarded to Community Speedwatch or the Clerk. It is important that we try to capture all accidents that are taking place. The County Council and the Police will probably only be made aware if medical assistance is required and these will be the only recorded incidents. We really need to capture all accidents.

Church Lane field: we are currently arranging for quotes for cutting the hedge. This maintenance work will need to take place before the bird-nesting season starts.

Banbury Road hedgerows: County Cllr Williams reported that the hedgerows on the cemetery side of this road will be cut back shortly. The footway will be inspected and any necessary work carried out.

Warwick Road cycleway: Cllr Williams hoped that the cycleway would be opened in the spring once JLR finished their work.

Road safety and minor repairs budget: we are pleased to report that Cllr Williams has offered the parish £10,000, out of his £35,000 2018/19 budget, towards improvements on the three gateways into the village. The downside of this offer is that the Parish Council must 'match fund' this offer. At £6,000 to £7,000 per gateway this will be a huge task. However, the first step is to decide what we require and this has been passed to our Community Speedwatch team. We would like to thank this team for not only monitoring the speed of vehicles but for also writing to County Cllr Williams requesting funding for our village. Thanks also to the residents who attended November's meeting and voiced very strong feelings about speeding vehicles.

Bus shelters and bus stops on the Banbury Road: the County Council has secured £18,000 from the Spitfire Development for two bus stops and bus shelters on the Banbury Road near to the roundabout. County Cllr Williams tells us that this work will take place before the end of March 2018. We are not sure yet whether the buses that currently stop in Church Road will be rerouted to stop on the Banbury Road. If any resident knows of any buses that currently stop on this section of road (from Church Road junction to the roundabout) could you please tell the Clerk or a councillor.

Flooding of link road from Gaydon village to dual carriageway has

been inspected by County Highways and they will be arranging for the drains to be pumped out and engineering work to take place.

Road markings on the Banbury Road - repainting the markings will be added to the 2018/19 County Highways budget. The budget until March 2018 has already been spent.

County Highways: many of you would have read the letter from Ms Foggary, the Joint Head of Warwickshire County Council, regarding many outstanding issues in Gaydon. Please be assured that this Parish Council will continue to pursue concerns expressed by residents.

Orbit Housing: any Orbit Housing tenant, who has received a letter

requesting payment towards grass cutting might want to contact District Cllr Kettle who is willing to raise this issue with Orbit.

Next meeting: Tuesday, 2nd January, 2018 at 7.45pm in the village hall. All residents are welcome to attend.

Church Services in January

Sunday 7th     
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Northend
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Gaydon
      6.00pm Evensong BCP          Farnborough 
Sunday 14th      
      9.30   Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     10.30   Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend     
Sunday 21st
      9.00   Morning Prayer        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon         
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend      
Sunday 28th
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Farnborough
     10.30   Prayer & Praise       Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend             

There will be Messy Church at Fenny Compton at 9.15am in the Village Hall on Sunday 21st January.

Nature Notes for December

Exceptionally cold weather and some heavy snowfall in the past week; it appears that a harsher winter weather is continuing at present. The bird feeders in my garden, and many around the village, produced some interesting birds: most notably a small flock of Red-throated Thrushes. They were seen several times in the village and are a long way from their north Russian habitats. They were distinct from the flocks of Fieldfares and Redwings; and most obligingly these two species also turned up at the same time giving a clear comparison and so producing a positive ID, after I had consulted several books. An exciting and rare species! We have also had flocks of Waxings.

My neighbours told me of the antics of our local pair of Ravens, whose 'cronking' calls are often heard. They were perched on a parked car warming their feet it seemed. I saw another pair today in Stratford. Amazingly, these birds were once rare this far south and once had to be kept captive in the Tower of London to maintain the tradition that London would fall without their presence in the city. A charming sight, too, was about a dozen Goldfinches all feeding at my special Niger seed-feeder. They seem addicted to this tiny black seed. If you want them in your garden - they are both brightly coloured and melodious - invest in some seeds and the special feeder.

Less welcome visitors are Rats climbing into attics and raiding rabbit hutches. I suspect they may have killed and eaten two of my small half-grown chickens, too. Villagers have taken a variety of actions - I shall not give further details - but perhaps these are a species, along with hordes of mice, that we can live without. It was great to see some magnificent snowmen around the village and a profusion of attractive lights.

I trust that all my readers enjoyed a Merry Christmas! Bernard Price

Gaydon Neighbourhood Watch

Gaydon Crimes: Burglary at a home in Upper Farm Meadow on 11 December, offenders levered open an upstairs window using ladders that were left outside and insecure. Once inside, the offenders carried out a search before making off with two Omega watches and a Breitling. They left through the conservatory.

Stolen vehicle recovered in Gaydon on 27 November had been stolen from Thames Valley area. Two suspicious males in a black BMW were seen 30 November trying to sell tarmac from a vehicle that had broken down overnight.

Good-neighbourly News

A resident followed me into the shop on Saturday to tell me how pleased she was, and how grateful to the person who had kindly cleared the footway of snow on Church Road, from nearly opposite The Nest as far as the shop.

We can all feel grateful for such altruistic deeds and if we are able, keep the paths in front of our own properties clear of snow. CH

Mobile Library

The Library will visit the Telephone Box at Gaydon on Monday 8 January from 1.35-2.05pm.

Friendship Club

The next gathering will be on Tuesday 23 January at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Jan Ewings, No 2 The Cottages, Gaydon Hill Farm.

Burns' Night Celebration on Saturday 20 January

Tickets are still available for this Scottish extravaganza. Make sure you get your tickets by signing on the list at the shop or calling at the Old Bakehouse or telephoning 642248. See more details on our posters and on inside covers of magazine.

Box Holder News

The Children's Society runs local services that help the thousands of young people who desperately need your support; they campaign to get laws and policies changed to make children's lives happier and safer.

It is only thanks to supporters like you that they are able to continue their vital work. Last year they were able to invest the £1.6 million raised by your collection boxes into their children's services. Every day they change the lives of children who do not feel safe, loved or able to cope.

With your continued support, this year they can help even more, so that no child feels alone.

As usual, I shall be collecting Gaydon Boxes during January but if you would like to bring yours to the Old Bakehouse, that would be most welcome. Thank you. Julie Rickman

Thank you

There was a beautiful festive wreath on the inner front door of the Church this Christmas thanks to Lois of Little Garden Flowers. We are also grateful to everyone else who contributed to the Christmas decorations in the Church. There are flowers in Church throughout most of the year and contributions are always welcome. Please get in touch with me if you are interested in giving some help. Julie Rickman, 640349.


We are sad to have to report that John Bennett of Barnfield, Church Lane, died on Monday 11 December 2017. John was born in Tiddington and came to live in Gaydon in 1993, becoming a huge part of life at Barnfield.

A service was held for John at St Andrew's Church, Shottery, on Friday 22 December and he was laid to rest with his parents, Philip and Betty, at Stratford Cemetery. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him and particularly by all the residents and support staff at Barnfield.


The pensioners' Christmas Lunch on 3rd December was the most delicious that anyone could remember. We are very grateful to Kate Sutton and her talented and efficient team for such an enjoyable event. There will be a coffee morning in the spring to top up our funds ready for the next time! JR