Parish Council Meeting Mon 1st 7.30pm Village Hall Harvest Supper Sat 6th 7pm Village Hall Harvest Festival Sun 7th 10.30am St Giles' Gaydon Coffee Morning Sat 13th 11am Village Hall Macmillan Kakes Sun 14th 10am Village Hall Millennium Apples Sat 20th Village Hall Friendship Club Tues 23rd 2.30pm 'Trevose' Library Mondays 6th & 29th Telephone Box Pilates Tuesdays 6.15pm Village Hall Yoga Wednesdays 6pm Village Hall Tai Chi Wednesdays 7.30pm Village Hall Cake & Crafting Circle 2nd & 4th Suns 5pm Parish Church Gaydon Calendar Book Sale Sat 10th November St Giles' Church Christmas Fair Sat 24th Nov 2pm Village Hall Stir up Sunday Sun 25th Nov 10.30am St Giles' Church Christmas Lunch Sun 2nd Dec 1pm Village Hall
Sunday 7th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Burton Dassett 10.30 Morning Prayer *Fenny Compton 10.30 Harvest Festival Gaydon 6pm Evensong Farnborough Sunday 14th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough 10.30 Holy Communion *Fenny Compton 10.30 Morning Prayer Gaydon 10.30 Morning Prayer Northend 6pm Evening Prayer Burton Dassett Sunday 21st 9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon 10.30 Morning Prayer Farnborough 10.30 Holy Communion Northend 6pm Evensong *Fenny Compton Sunday 28th 9.00 Holy Communion BCP *Fenny Compton 10.30 Holy Communion Farnborough 10.30 Prayer and Praise Gaydon 10.30 Morning Prayer Northend
*Changes to Services at Fenny Compton 1st Sunday 10.30am Methodist Chapel Joint Methodist service 2nd Sunday 10.30am Village Hall Communion Service 3rd Sunday 6pm Methodist Chapel Evensong 4th Sunday 9am Methodist Chapel BCP Communion
Resignation: Unfortunately, we are having to announce another resignation, Cllr Tom Hughes. Tom was a great councillor: he brought fresh ideas and could be relied on to produce very detailed responses to planning applications; he would follow up on the responses by attending the planning meetings and speaking on our behalf. He also represented us at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting and will be sorely missed as a very reliable team player who was a joy to work with.
Community Governance: All households should have received letters advising of the change in parish boundary. Ours will be changing slightly by losing the fishing lakes to Lighthorne Heath Parish and agreeing to a little more of JLR.
Church Lane field: It was agreed to investigate what is required to change the use of this field to recreational use. The District Council has initially said that they would like an architectural survey and an ecological survey. The Parish Council are investigating various costs and options but no decision will be made in the near future. It is also probable that a public discussion will take place before any decision is made.
Telephone box: This now belongs to the parish.
Traffic Calming Scheme: We are waiting for costs. This is our number one priority, as County Cllr Williams has allocated £10,000 to us out of his budget for this year.
Cemetery: The War Graves Commission has started work on realigning the RAF headstones in the cemetery. Two of these headstones are damaged and they will be replaced later this year. We must thank our Chairman, Cllr Brine and our contractor for tidying up the cemetery. Many hours were spent on this task.
Church Clock: We are trying to get our clock fixed. A resident is being very patient by repeatedly meeting the engineer. We thank him.
Travellers: We are extremely disappointed at the amount of time it has taken for the travellers to be moved on. It appears that the County Council team believed that they had an 'insignificant impact on the local community' and did not request a notice to move them on immediately. In October 2015 (when the Warwick Road was stopped up) a Traffic Regulation Order was granted to prohibit vehicles and motorcycles from using this road (from the gate to the BMM) for safety reasons. We are still trying to understand why the vehicles on the Warwick Road were allowed to stay for so long when there is an Order on that land. There is confusion as to whose responsibility it is to enforce this Order: the County Council or the Police. Our question is currently with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Mr P. Seccombe.
Date of next meeting: Monday, 1st October at 7.30pm.
Wellesbourne Village Hall
Friday, 5 October: all-morning community event for eligible patients aged 18 and over.
Little Thatch, Kineton
Wednesday, 17 October: 9am-2pm Drop-in Clinic for eligible patients who are 65 and over.
Thursday, 18 October: 10am-12noon Drop-in Clinic for eligible patients 18-64 years old.
Hastings House, Wellesbourne
Children's flu Clinics during Half-term:
Tuesday, 30 October: 9am-12noon bookable appointments;
Thursday, 1st November: 2pm-5pm bookable appointments.
Visits to Housebound Patients will begin in early November.
The Library will visit the Telephone Box at Gaydon from 1.35-2.05pm on Mondays 8th and 29th October.
Sunday 7 October 10.30am, Church of St Giles
Harvest will be celebrated with a service at 10.30am on Sunday 7th.
We shall be decorating the church on the morning of Saturday 6th and would be glad of any contributions of flowers, fruit and vegetables. Donations of food suitable for the Food Bank Box at the back of the church are particularly welcome and can be brought to the church on Saturday or Sunday. Please come and celebrate the harvest with us!
Saturday 6 October at 7pm in the Village Hall Raffle and Prizes for best Fancy Dress* Tickets £8 for Adults £4 for children from the Shop or ring 640349 or 642248 *Harvest-themed Fancy Dress Optional!
This month's meeting will be at 2.30pm at the home of Pauline Layton, Trevose, Kineton Road, on Tuesday 23rd.
This month's Coffee Morning and Bring-and-Buy will be held in the Village Hall at 11am on Saturday the 13th. There will be a bookstall and a raffle. Coffee and biscuits are 50p. Please come along and meet your fellow-villagers. Proceeds go towards church upkeep.
Residents may remember this non-aligned social group which was founded in the late nineties and organised a variety of events such as fêtes, themed evenings and street parties celebrating National Events. It was mothballed in 2007 but was brought back to life this September at a public meeting in the Village Hall. The newly formed committee have met so look out for information about the first events. Details will be posted on the Village Hall noticeboard, in the Shop, in the Parish Magazine and on the two village websites. The group's aims are to provide opportunities for villagers to come together and any funds raised will be used for the benefit of our community.
STOP PRESS! Look out for details of our first event on Saturday 20 October celebrating the Apple harvest in Gaydon. Debbie Price
Kakes of Gaydon!
Sunday 14th October from 10am - 1pm, Gaydon Village Hall. Please come along and join Gaydon's very own bake off in support of Macmillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning 2018 event. There will be cake, cake, more cake, refreshments and a few activities!
Kids can come and enter our cake decorating competition (grown ups can join in too). Dress a naked cup cake with all decorating materials supplied. £1 a go and the best dressed cake wins a prize!
Please bake a cake to donate to our Cake Sale Stall with a prize for the best looking cake too! Plus more!
All proceeds go to MacMmillan Cancer Support - a charity we all know does amazing things for people in their hour of need. If you would like to help with the event, please send us a message, we welcome any support ? Email: For updates on our future events, please join our Facebook group - search for KOG. Thanks and look forward to seeing you there! MR
Whistler and Nature
New show starts Saturday 20 October - Sunday 16 December.
This exhibition reveals new research into the influence of industry, the military and historical revivalism on one of the greatest artists of the nineteenth century, through his depictions of natural and industrial landscapes. James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) was an American artist who lived most of his life in England. He was known for his innovative artistic style and bold personality, with a reputation for verbal and legal retaliations against art critics, dealers, and artists who insulted his work; or those with whom he had quarrelled (like his famous 1878 libel case against the critic, John Ruskin). His most famous painting is 'Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1' (1871), commonly known as Whistler's Mother, the revered and often parodied portrait of motherhood.
Not such a knotty problem after all? A groundbreaking study by the University of Leeds suggests that the plant is harmless in spite of widespread belief that its roots can crack concrete and damage house foundations. While knotweed can worsen existing cracks in structures, the plant prefers to grow around obstacles rather than burrow through them. At present, mortgage lenders insist on treatment costing £2000-£5000 to eradicate the plant from a semi-detached house. In view of the new study, rules should be relaxed and the words 'Japanese knotweed' no longer strike fear into the hearts of buyers and sellers.
On Sunday 7 October there will be Tea and Hospitality at Temple Herdwyke community centre. It starts at 4.15pm and includes refreshments and informal worship. All are welcome: children and their families; single people; couples; the young and the elderly. For more details, see
Remembrance Day Centenary Afternoon on Saturday 13 October 2-5pm at Burton Dassett Church
Forget-me-not!, a café-style afternoon tea, will include a variety of exhibitions put together by people and groups across our various communities. You are invited to attend anytime between 2 and 5pm.
There will be Remembrance Day Crafts for children and adults; Talks - Memories of a German Jewish refugee: told by her daughter - Trench Art: Memories and Souvenirs of War - Dig for Victory: Allotments yesterday and today Recorded war time memories of those in our community.
Wartime songs and songs of remembrance and you are invited to contribute pictures and memories to our Wall of Remembrance.
You may be aware of the recent lead thefts from the roofs of Chesterton and of Ratley churches. There has also been a lead theft from the church of St Peter and St Clare at Fenny Compton, affecting the whole of the south transit. Unfortunately, this means that the church cannot be used for services and thousands of pounds will have to be raised to repair it. Fenny Compton Methodists are kindly allowing their church to be used instead. All communities should continue to be vigilant.
Rev'd. Nicki Chatterton, Tel. 07769871237
The flag on the village green was raised on 15 September to mark the birthday of HRH Prince Harry.
We are pleased to announce that Tony Haydon won the September draw in the Village Store Membership Scheme. He will be enjoying a Tea for Two at the National Herb Centre!
It is with great sorrow that we record the death of Dr Rosemary Davies of the Leys, Church Lane, Gaydon. Her ninety-seventh birthday was celebrated on the 5th of September and she became ill on the morning of the 17th, dying peacefully the same evening.
Dr Davies was a prominent figure in the life of Gaydon where she served as Chairman of the Parish Council and as a Churchwarden. She was well-known and respected in the County as a senior doctor at Warwick Hospital. Funeral at St Giles' Church, Gaydon, 2nd November.
The first signs of autumn are appearing around the village with the early rich colours of the Horse Chestnut and other trees being lashed by unusually strong winds; losing their leaves rather prematurely. My lawn was littered with fallen walnuts in one day and we had the first heavy rain for three months, too. The clear skies and sunshine still persist, though with a slight chill in the air.
A couple of my hens went missing under mysterious circumstances - I suspect a Polecat as they were quite large. I also notice that several of these dark ferret-like creatures have been hit by cars near the village. I have baited a couple of live catch traps with Sardines but no luck so far. I had been rather lapse in locking the chickens up, I suppose, as my garden is fox proof - but these can climb.
My other concern is the complete absence of our regular autumn-flying Butterflies. Buddleia bushes and Sedums are usually laden with the familiar Peacocks, Red Admirals, Small Tortoishells and Commas which hibernate through the winter but I've seen only one Red Admiral, a few weeks ago. The Sulphur-coloured Brimstone, our longest-lived species, has not appeared either. I visited Oversley Woods, a great habitat for them, but none there either.
We seem to be witnessing a huge decline in Insects. Once, if you checked the car radiator it would be full of flying species but few hit the windscreen nowadays. Bird species like Swallows that depend on these, arrive only in small numbers now, when in the past the telephone wires in the village would have had scores perched in long rows, gathering for migration.
Should we be concerned? This week, seventeen leading scientists revealed the results of a long study: a 70% decline in all species in the U.K. since 1970. The U.K. ranks as one of the most degraded environments in the world, ranking 209th; the causes are myriad.
I would urge everyone in this area (every little helps) to preserve Wasps' and Bees' nests and not employ 'Pest Control' companies; and not to buy weed or insect killers that harm wildlife. I hope it is not too late because it will be sad if we can only observe once-common species by visiting special nature reserves - although we have many good ones - but I would still like to hear Skylarks and a Cuckoo whilst there are a few left around our village, see a Barn Owl and Sparrow Hawk; and enjoy a visit from magnificent autumn butterflies in my garden. I would be interested in any observations of these species. Several people have told me that France does not have this problem and that numerous butterfly and bird species are on the increase there, with even Wolves returning to some places. Interesting... Bernard Price