Gaydon Parish Magazine May 2019

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

  Local Election                 Thurs 2nd                Village Hall
  Parish Council                 Tues 7th 7.30pm          Village Hall 
  Youth night                    Fri 10th 6pm             Village Hll
  Coffee Morning & Plants        Sat 11th 11am            Village Hall
  Village Hall AGM               Mon 13th 8pm             Village Hall   
  Friendship Club                Tues 14th 2.30pm         2 Anson Close 
  Library                        Mon 13th 1.35pm          Telephone Box
  Pilates                        Tuesdays 6.15pm          Village Hall
  Tai Chi                        Weds 7.30pm & Suns 1.30pm     Village Hall
  Cake & Crafting Circle         2nd & 4th Suns 5pm       St Giles' Church

 Gaydon Calendar
  Village Fete                        Sat 15th June               Church Field
  Concert                             Sun 23rd June               St Giles' Church
  Big Lunch                           Sun 14th July               Village Hall
  Harvest Supper                      Sat 5th October             Village Hall
  Christmas Fair                      Sat 23rd November           Village Hall 
  O'65s Lunch                         Sun 8th December            Village Hall

Church Services in May

Sunday 5th       
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Farnborough
     10.30   Holy Communion        Gaydon
      5.00pm Evensong              Fenny Compton
Sunday 12th        
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough     
     10.30   Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
     10.30   Morning prayer        Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend
      6.00pm Evening Prayer        Burton Dassett
Sunday 19th
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon     
     10.30   Joint Service Methodists Fenny Compton  
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
    6.00pm   Evensong              Farnborough       
Sunday 26th        
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Farnborough 
     10.30   Prayer and Praise     Gaydon     
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend
Ascension Day
Thursday 30th 7.30pm Group Service at Farnborough    

Parish Council News

Orbit: The situation is unchanged. A lease agreement with various break clauses is still being proposed despite appealing to them to review the terms of the contract.

The Field: GPC resolved to apply for Change of use from Agricultural to Recreational at the last meeting.

Street Lighting: Following discussions with Warwickshire County, Cllrs Bourne and Claxton are now researching various lighting options and analysing the short-term investment/long term saving, whilst also acknowledging that some residents prefer a minimalist approach. All this will be taken into consideration when deciding to either update and replace or remove entirely.

Precept: The precept was increased for 2019/20. The main reason for the increase is to fund training for the new Clerk and Council team members, an increased grass cutting budget and utilities.

Neighbourhood Plan - the first step: Cllr Leadbetter has drafted the Area application, which details our new boundary. GPC resolved to submit this to Stratford District Council pending the outcome of the Gaydon liaison meeting, as our neighbours JLR & AML will also need to be on board for this project to progress. A first draft of the survey has also been completed.

Gaydon Community Liaison Meeting: At the recent Gaydon Community Forum meeting of local councils and businesses the ground works contractor for HS2 advised that there would be ongoing road closures between Bishop's Itchington and Bascote Heath over the coming months and they recommend planning extra time for journeys. The closures will be:

1. On the B4551 Station Road between Bishop's Itchington and the junction of the B4552 at Deppers Bridge (part of David Wilson Homes)

2. Along the B4552 Deppers Bridge Road to Harbury

3. North on the B4552 from Harbury to the junction of the A425 Leamington Rd

4. Along Barcode Road from junction with A425 Leamington Rd and Welsh Rd

5. Along Welsh Road to the compound entrance.

The British Motor Museum said they had record visitors last year and expect even more this year. JLR confirmed construction works at Gaydon were mostly complete and most importantly for us the cranes were coming down! Finally, Cllr Chitty advised JLR and BMM that GPC will be preparing a Neighbourhood Plan and would value their support as and when needed; this was met with a positive response. A request was also made for volunteers to support our Community Speed Watch activities.

Road Safety Grant Scheme: Cllr Lewis attended the launch of the new Grant Scheme earlier this month. There is a pot of £500,000 which will be awarded to successful bids in late May. The main focus of the PCC is to change driving behaviour. The advice was to think creatively and consider interventions which may not be directly related to road safety: is there a way we can change driving behaviour without traffic calming measures? Is there something we can do to prevent accidents - such as creating safer routes to schools? Please email with any ideas or get in touch via the Facebook page or website.

Defibrillator: It's installed! Thank you again to the Millennium Group for funding the case and thank you to Paul and Jo Mahon at the Malt Shovel for suggesting its central location and allowing it to be installed on the wall of the pub. Cllr Davies will arrange another training session for interested parties.

Phone Box: It was going to house the defibrillator but there were power issues, so how should we use the iconic Leaning Gaydon Phone Box? Please share your suggestions! Get in touch via email, facebook or village website.

New Website: It's live and is still being worked on - we are building an online 'welcome pack' for new residents which will be a comprehensive information guide that will make everyone an expert on our village. Special Thanks to Julie Mason for dedicating her time and expertise, it looks great and as one resident said, 'really encapsulates our lovely village.'

Thank you: Many thanks to the resident who spotted the faulty tap in the cemetery and fixed it.

Elections: 7 seats, 8 nominees. The candidates will introduce themselves via PC Noticeboard, website and this magazine passim.

Next Meeting: The next meeting takes place in the village hall on Tuesday, 7 May, at 7.30pm.

Mobile Library

The Library will visit the Telephone Box at Gaydon from 1.35-2.05pm on Monday 13 May.

Friendship Club

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14 May at 2.30pm at the home of Josie Liddington, 2 Anson Close, Wellesbourne.

Coffee and Plants

Saturday 11 May at 11am at the Village Hall. Please bring your surplus plants to sell and see what other gardeners have to offer - we often have some interesting specimens as well as the usual vegetable and bedding plants.

Bring and buy, Raffle, Bookstall. Coffee and biscuits 50p in aid of St Giles' Church.

Gaydon Youth Night

Calling all 8-15 year-olds who'd like to hang out with their friends, make some new ones and do some fun activities!

Come along on Friday 10th May from 6-7.30pm at the Village Hall.

There will be music, table tennis, pool, curling, Wii, crafts, board games, tuck shop and much more...all ideas welcome. Look forward to seeing you there. If it's a success, we'll make it a regular night! JM

Election Day Thursday 2nd May

Don't forget to cast your vote in the Gaydon election of Parish Councillors! Polling will take place in the village hall from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 2 May. There are 8 candidates of whom 7 have to be elected to form the new Parish Council. They have written a few words about themselves to aid you in your choice, see this magazine passim; full texts on noticeboard and websites.

Gaydon Village Hall News

The AGM will be held on Monday 13 May at 8pm. Villagers are welcome to attend.


The Gaydon Defibrillator is now installed in its box, attached to the wall of the Malt Shovel and facing the pavement. Until we tie up with our local ambulance service, if needed, Paul and Jo at the Malt Shovel have the code to access the box. We would like to thank those who have enabled this project: the initial donators of the defib; the Millennium Group for part-funding, along with Avon Valley Community First Responders; the Malt Shovel for providing the wall and the power; and finally Sam, our electrician, for fitting free of charge.

The AVCFR will be running another information and training session soon.

If anybody has any questions, feel free to contact me, John Davies, Chair GPC on 07411444549.

Allotment News: 'The joy of ...cardboard(?!)'

You must be joking! There are far more joyous things in the world than this unloved barrier between us and the contained food and goods we really desire! On the allotments, though, we have been lovingly(?) laying down poor, neglected cardboard topped out with wood/bark chips (re-cycled from sustainable tree surgery) to replace plastic sheeting with weed-suppressant and moisture-retaining barriers which eventually mulch down. While it might not be possible to eliminate plastic from multiple uses in home and garden, it should be possible to try to minimise usage - at the very least re-cycle what we have as often as we can. (Just this very week Guinness have announced they are ditching plastic packaging for six-packs to return to cardboard...!)

Local shops and the Malt Shovel have been a major source for our cardboard (and thank you to them for that!), but it's important to bear in mind that some businesses have commercial re-cycling contracts, so it's always better to ask. As someone who has regularly used plastic in the garden to suppress weeds, I've been shaken by recent publicity about the saturation of plastic throughout the world - some of which endures indefinitely and some which sheds particles toxifying the environment and contaminates the food-chain. Flexibility and durability are its strengths - and its problem. Can we imagine though, the increased carbon footprint if we e.g. re-metallised all of the pipework for water and drainage? It's one of those problems that doesn't have a once and for all answer: it requires constant and continuing, environmentally-informed, perceptive questions.

When the Earth tries to yelp
through its plastic-crammed mouth
it signals for help
or it dies.
Time to re-cycle care
green trumps despair
a future for all
is the prize.                                               Tony Hughes

Mirrin Lewis

I've lived in Gaydon 14 years and I've worked to make a positive contribution towards village life. I set up Community Speed Watch, the new village website, worked towards traffic calming and also set up the Gaydon Mamas group. You might also know me from visits to The Malt Shovel. I was co-opted on to the Parish Council in 2016. Then my son, Griff, was born and I've recently returned. I'm committed to preserving the rural landscape of Gaydon whilst making decisions necessary to allow our community to evolve. My two main priorities are traffic calming (with measures that are sensitive to village aesthetics) and providing a suitable children's play area. I'm passionate about inclusion and promise to be led by the views of parishioners if you choose to elect me. I envisage a cohesive rural community with strong values, one in which everyone has a voice.

Matt Bourne

I moved to the village two years ago with my young family. I work as an engineer at JLR and you may well have seen me early in the morning on the bike with a bright yellow trailer on the way to the nursery. I was co-opted as a councillor at the end of 2018.

I got involved with the Parish council for a number of reasons - mainly because numbers of councillors were dwindling and it risked folding and I felt that the village needs to be able to control what happens within it. The last 6 months have been interesting and I look forward to the chance of continuing following the election.

Millennium Group News

It is really great to see that the defibrillator has now been fitted on the wall of the Malt Shovel pub since it proved impossible to use the phone box as first planned. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to making this happen; if you didn't attend the first training session led by John Davies, do look out for future opportunities.

Village Fête

We have had the first meeting to organise a fête on Saturday 15 June. Various village groups are involved and there will be further information in the next magazine and on the village website.

So far, KOG plan a tombola stall and alcoholic contributions can be left with Lisa. The Millennium Group will run a plant and produce stall so please start potting up any spare plants you are willing to donate as it would be lovely to have a variety of homegrown specimens that do well in Gaydon gardens. There will various games for both children and adults, as well as a barbecue run by the church. As there seem to be so many dogs in the village we plan a fun dog show - the emphasis on fun not Crufts!

We will need quite a few volunteers on the day so if you would be willing to help for a few hours, please let Catherine Johnson or me know ASAP. Debbie Price

Jonathan Chitty

I would like to say first that I don't have any interest in politics. I volunteered to become a Parish Councillor in 2018 only because I didn't want to see our community lose its local voice and get swallowed up by a bigger council. I believe everybody in the village should have a voice and I will listen to everyone, and get to understand their concerns and point of view.

I will continue to work together with my fellow councillors to ensure we make decisions for the village that are always based on being the best value for money. I am a Finance Director and qualified Chartered Accountant.

My partner and I moved to the village in 2017 and were engaged soon after.

I volunteer in the community shop when I can do, so if you see me in there feel free to stop and chat, it would be great to hear from you!

Sue Middleditch

I've lived in Gaydon for many, many years which have allowed me to explore different areas of village life: as a past councillor and now a member of the Village Hall Committee. I assist with the Parish Magazine and help with the Over 60's Lunch which I'm so pleased is as successful today as it was when it first started. I also work in the village shop and run my own mobile hairdressing business. I grew up in Gaydon so can fully appreciate the importance of village life. If you don't know me, please introduce yourself when you see me around the village or at village events. Being a councillor is all about listening to you, following up on your concerns and then letting you know the outcome; something that is so often forgotten in today's fast digital world.

I will try to make Gaydon's voices heard! I'm around, approachable, hard-working and a listener. I look forward to receiving your vote in the forthcoming Parish Council elections.

Bank Holiday Teas on the Dassetts

All Saints' Church Burton Dassett will be serving their delicious teas on Monday 27 May to raise money for the Restoration Fund. The perfect Bank Holiday outing: a walk in the hills followed by lazy refreshments in the calm and lovely church!

Nature Notes for April

Some very high temperatures this week have resulted in spurts of growth in many plants and blossoming trees. The flickering flight of early Orange-tip butterflies, the metallic flash of the pale Holly Blues and the Sulphur-coloured Brimstones can be see seen in profusion around the village. I have also seen Speckled Woods and overwintering Peacocks in lesser numbers.

One of the most spectacular events has been the appearance of a huge Grass snake emerging from hibernation close to the village hall and much to the surprise of my neighbour! Several Brown Hares have been seen in courtship near the village, too. The lack of leaf cover makes observing local birds less difficult at this time of year. Other neighbours briefly rescued a Song thrush fledgling which was still fed by its parents in their garden. The dawn chorus is now a medley of songs dominated by Blackbirds and Thrushes, though the calls of many other species can also be discerned clearly. Blackcaps and Willow warblers are modest competition and I'm still waiting to hear the first Cuckoo: we had several last year. Some are now tagged by satellite and most are in Tunisia at present - probably the Gaydon ones! - though a few have now made it to the south of England. A large number of Swallows and Sand Martins which are around the reservoirs in nearby Banbury should reach us soon. The rise in temperatures is crucial to the increase of numbers of insects as a vital food source for all birds.

Look out for early Purple Orchids and Bee Orchids that can spring up unexpectedly around Gaydon; and the unique blue haze of Bluebells starting to appear in local woodlands. You may also hear the chirp of an early Bush Cricket or the piercing song of a Wren in the churchyard. Bernard Price

Corinne Hill

Many of you will know that I was Parish Clerk for 18 years and in my 21 years in Gaydon I have supported the community in many ways including school governor and auditor for the PCC. My Certificate in Local Council Administration gives me a broad knowledge of local council law, procedures, finance, planning and community involvement. I believe that councillors need to be visible, hardworking, approachable and willing to listen to all residents. The role of councillor is about engaging with the community, representing the parish at meetings, following through on an objection to a planning application, seeking out funding streams, attending community forums, supporting our local community groups and shop and bringing the parish together on major projects like the field, play area, traffic calming, housing and whatever comes our way. We need to work together to ensure Gaydon is a pleasant, safe place to live.

Emily Leadbetter

I moved to Gaydon in 2013 and I have been involved in a number of community activities and events. I have been a parish councillor since being co-opted in November 2018. Since then I have started the Neighbourhood Plan process and I feel passionately that residents should have a say over future development in our parish.

My commitment is to work to retain the best of Gaydon, whilst making improvements aimed at enhancing the lives of residents - whether they be young, old, new to the parish or born-and-bred Gaydon-ites! This means also looking with fresh eyes and being transparent in decision-making.

I am married with two small children and work part time as a senior manager for a large utilities company where I have recently undertaken project management, business strategy, and customer and stakeholder roles.


The Vicar writes:

'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.'

Looking back over the last few months I remember the news of the atrocities that took place in two mosques in New Zealand in March. Forty-nine people, loved by God, were killed while attending their Friday Prayers. Accounts emerged of communities coming together to share in mourning with their Muslim friends and neighbours.

Then on Easter Sunday, as Christians woke full of hope, excited in anticipation of the story of Jesus' resurrection, we heard of over 321 people killed and around 500 others injured in eight co-ordinated attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka.

What is our reaction to this? Outrage, anger, fear, Islamophobia?

We must remember that these innocent Christians and Muslims were all targeted for their faith in God. Christians believe that we love because God first loved us and that until we've received God's love, our own attempts to love others will falter. That love includes loving all, even those we fear and those who persecute us - whatever their faith or none.

At Easter, Christians celebrate Jesus' rising from the dead. God's love is stronger than all evil - even death itself. Each one of us, Christian or Muslim, is called to bring something of God's love into our bit of the world, by living out the qualities of love, joy, peace; and, much more, by actually being peacemakers. Rev. Nicki Chatterton

Adrian Claxton

Adrian has lived in Gaydon for 20 years, an engineer at JLR for 14 years. He has served on the Parish council since the last election; volunteers in the village shop and is on the Committee; is a member of the Speedwatch team. Notable achievements: installation of the White gates on the Banbury Road which have had a noticeable effect on traffic calming; refurbishment of the Village Telephone box; securing the Church Lane field for the village for use as a recreation field; starting the Gaydon Parish Council Facebook page.

I believe it is important to preserve the nature of the village and be considerate of its heritage. However, it is also important that we don't let that hold us back from improving the village making it a better place for us all to live and for families to bring up their children. The parish council needs to ensure that parish funds are spent in a way that gives quality and value for money.

John Davies

I've had the pleasure of living in Gaydon for the last 16 years and have met quite a few of you, sometimes, unfortunately, as an ambulance responder covering this area, hopefully leaving you better than I found you. I am a husband, father and grandfather used to a rural environment. Over my numerous years in full time and voluntary roles I have worked for Police, Army and Ambulance services and currently work part time as a freelance First Aid Instructor and as a Chaplain to Stratford Sea Cadets.

I joined the Council as a co-opted member last year and had the honour later of being elected its chairman. I will, as I have in the past, serve the community to the best of my ability, listening to your needs and acting on them for the good of the village we live in. I ask for your vote on the 2nd - and just a small note - my first names are David John, but John to everyone.