Gaydon Parish Magazine December 2019
index of magazines
Parish Council Tues 7th 7.30pm Village Hall
Christmas Quiz Weds 11th 8pm Malt Shovel
Carol Singing Fri 20th 7pm Village Hall
Christmas Eve Crib Service Tues 24th 6pm St Giles Church
Christmas Day Service Weds 25th 11am St Giles Church
Peaky Blinders New Year's Eve Tues 31st Malt Shovel
Library Monday 9th Telephone Box
Pilates Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs Village Hall
Tai Chi Weds 7.30pm & Suns 1.30pm Village Hall
Cake & Crafting Circle 2nd & 4th Suns 5pm The Malt Shovel
Gaydon Calendar
Burns Night Supper Sat 25th January Village Hall
Big Lunch Sun 19th July 2020 Village Hall
Parish Council News
Village Field
The Parish Council are grateful to all who attended the recent event ‘play a part’ consultation. It was interesting to hear a variety of thoughts on our concept for the parish council part of the field. Councillor Lewis has been busy analysing your feedback and is keen for everyone to have their say. You can view all the information from the ‘play a part’ event on our website and it can be also be obtained by emailing Councillor Lewis The Parish Council has now agreed this concept to develop the field and will take account of all the feedback we have received from residents. There will be further consultation as our plans for the project develop.
The Parish Council would like to apologise to residents who were inconvenienced or concerned about the recent unauthorised work which was carried out on the field. This work had not been agreed by the Parish Council. To help prevent this occurring in future we are now drawing up a maintenance plan for the field. This will be agreed at a future parish council meeting and will be publicly available so that residents are aware of any planned maintenance and can comment or raise concerns before it is due to be carried out. This plan will take on board the recommendations from the ecology and archaeology surveys carried out to support the change of use application.
Play Area
Separately to our plans for the village field the Parish Council has been working with Orbit to identify the best solution for the old play area. We have found an initiative called ‘Pocket Parks’. It is designed to help transform unloved, neglected or derelict areas into new green spaces and there is an opportunity to apply for £25,000 if it were to be spent at St Marks. The deadline is 31 December and Councillor Hill is working with Orbit to see if we can have their permission to apply.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
At our November meeting we had a presentation on the JSNA from Charles Barlow of Warwickshire County Council. The JSNA is a partnership piece of work led by Warwickshire County Council and supported by the District Council, health agencies and voluntary and community sector groups. The work seeks to assess the local health and social care needs and influences on health outcomes of residents as part of a countywide assessment. The results of this assessment in Warwickshire will ensure local services and support are fit for purpose and well placed to help the people who need them most.
Local views about health and social care are being gathered through online surveys. There are two online surveys, one for residents and one for professionals, accessible by going to
Neighbourhood Plan
We will be applying for grant funding to carry out this work when we have obtained some more quotes from consultants. In the meantime we are working closely with Warwickshire Rural Community Council to include a Housing Needs Survey as part of our Neighbourhood Plan consultation.
Parish Council News continued from page 3
Planning: The latest application to develop Gaydon Service Station is being heard by Stratford District Council (SDC) planning committee on 27 November. Councillor Claxton will be attending to present the Parish Council’s objections. While this new application is being considered enforcement action against the previous unauthorised development is on hold, but planning enforcement are ready to proceed depending on the outcome of this application and the decision of the planning inspector. We are also expecting SDC enforcement action to be undertaken against the unauthorised advertising hoarding on the trailer in the parish in due course.
Flooding: We are grateful to the vigilance of all residents during the recent heavy rain and the Parish Council would particularly like to thank the resident who placed grips along the Banbury Road to help alleviate flooding. We discussed this in detail at our last meeting and our District Councillor is fully aware of the issues in the village. We will also continue to lobby the County Council and landowners to undertake the necessary maintenance to mitigate potential future problems.
Community: The Parish Council is supporting the Millennium Group who are looking to fund a slow growing Christmas tree for the village green. We will work together to ensure the best location is identified on the green.
At our next meeting we will be reviewing how we can best support the village website. The Parish Council is grateful to all who volunteer to help in the community and recognises that many residents go above and beyond in their work for the village.
Traffic Calming: Warwickshire County Council have indicated that work will be undertaken on the Gaydon scheme before Christmas.
Next Year’s Budget: We will discuss and agree our budget for 2020/21 at our next meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 7 January at 7.30pm.
Church Services in December
Advent Sunday 1st
9.00 Holy Communion BCP Northend
10.30am Morning Prayer Farnborough
10.30 Holy Communion Gaydon
5.00pm Advent Songs of Praise Fenny Compton
Sunday 8th
9.00 Holy Communion BCP Farnborough
10.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton
10.30 Morning Prayer Gaydon
10.30 Morning Prayer Northend
6.00pm Evening Prayer Northend
Sunday 15th
9.00 Holy Communion BCP Gaydon
10.30 Holy Communion Northend
6.00pm Group Carols with Bishop Avon Dassett
Sunday 22nd
3.30pm Carols by Candlelight Burton Dassett
Christmas Eve 24th
6.00pm Crib Service Gaydon
11.30pm Midnight Mass Burton Dassett
Christmas Day 25th
8.30 Holy Communion Farnborough
9.30 Holy Communion Fenny Compton
10.30 Family Service Northend
11.00 Holy Communion Gaydon
Sunday 29th 10.30 Group Service at Northend
Every Sunday 11.00 Mass at St Francis of Assissi Kineton
St Francis of Assisi, Catholic Church, Kineton. Parish Priest: Fr David Tams
Phone 01608 685259 email:
Anti-social Behaviour
There have been unfortunate instances recently of dog-owners allowing their dogs to foul village pavements. As this is both illegal, anti-social and insanitary, please ensure that you remove your pet's mess so that we can all enjoy a clean village environment.
Millennium Group News
The Millennium Group have asked the Parish Council if we can provide a Christmas Tree to be planted on the Village Green. They have agreed to the project so watch that space! Debbie Price
The flag on the Village Green was raised on Remembrance Sunday thanks to our new Flagsperson, Lily Standing, who is an Air Cadet.
Carol Singing
You are invited to join in with the Village Choir for an evening of singing Carols at Gaydon Village Hall on Friday 20 December at 7pm. Complimentary mulled wine and mince pies to keep you going - everyone welcome!
The Church is very grateful to everyone who rallied round at the Christmas Fair on 23 November. We received generous donations as well as plenty of help setting up and clearing away. There was a cheerful atmosphere in the Hall with all the stalls, delicious teas, mulled wine and exciting raffle.
The Gifts on the tree and the money raised by the stalls will help see the church through another year of serving the village. Thank you all very much. Alastair Hotchkiss and Julie Rickman
The Vicar writes:
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! But Christmas means different things to different people. What’s the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts, the lights, the cards, the roast turkey and saying 'Merry Christmas' to those we meet? Is this really Christmas? For many people, Christmas is a time of sadness. They don't have the money to buy presents; or they think of their loved ones who won’t be able to come home or perhaps have died. For some, Christmas dinner itself may be only a wish and not a reality.
Christmas is a season to remember when God poured the whole of his divinity into a baby born at Bethlehem. Christians address God as 'Almighty God' out of reverence and respect but at Christmas we see God in a very different light. There’s very little that is almighty about a new born child! It is vulnerable, delicate and fragile - does that sound familiar? Baby Jesus was little, weak and helpless! So rather than 'Almighty' we could say 'Vulnerable God' and perhaps continue:
…you came to us as a fragile child to share in our weakness and struggle.
You grew up and lived in a country surrounded by turmoil and uncertainty.
You are 'God with us', not judging and condemning from on high but understanding and sharing our humanity in everyday life.
You know what it’s like to grow up in an earthly family with all thetensions, the joys and the sorrows; to do hard physical work for small wages; to lose family and friends you loved; to suffer injustice and unfairness.
Vulnerable God ... you know and understand and care and want to help.
When we address God as 'Almighty' we think of God as OUT THERE, remote and uncaring. Thinking of God as 'Vulnerable' we recognise that God is right here, beside side us in the thick of it, the messiness of life, the daily struggle.
Our communities, our families and we ourselves have times of vulnerability.
Is there someone who needs you to share the loving kindness of our God who helps us all know that we are NOT alone? Reach out to those who may be struggling this Christmas. A simple word, a smile, an act of kindness may mean so much. Join in the Christmas services to celebrate again the loving- kindness of our God who became vulnerable to live among us. Merry Christmas from Rev. Nicki Chatterton
This Month's Allotment News December
The brief respite from the rain which occurred in October has been followed by a return to deluges of Biblical proportions in November. While there were no signs of arks being constructed, it did bring a sobering reminder for many villagers of 2007 and while it’s said that history (hopefully…) does not repeat itself, sometimes it can rhyme. Various plots on the allotments have resembled paddy-fields more suited to rice-growing than the forlorn situation of some of our plants with their saturated trunks and stems. Bailing-out the surrounding water and channelling the immediate soil has alleviated things: until…?
On a far more substantial scale: a recent article concerning our rain-sodden country reminded readers of the disastrous flooding of, particularly, East Anglia in the spring of 1947 following one of the worst winters in history. In order to save planted crops and prepare the ground for more plantings, Tom Williams, the Labour Agriculture Minister, declared a national emergency and took personal charge of over a thousand army and naval personnel to canalise the water and repair banks - even building a light railway in the fenlands to facilitate the operation. It succeeded. That autumn Britons had the potatoes, cabbages and other staples that they depended upon and avoided the disastrous effect of unavailability and high prices which was a real possibility owing to our, then, excessive reliance on home-grown food. This compares with more recent decades when a regular supply of fresh food from continental Europe and Ireland has supplemented our diets.
A very positive outcome - in the face of all this water - has been the success of our raised beds on the allotments. Even contained beds as low as 6”- 8” have shown their worth by allowing the water to drain down and limit the damage that could occur to some plants if their roots are totally immersed for long periods. That’s produced an incentive for us to try to raise all the beds as a bulwark, to some degree, against extreme weather. Whether we are in a climate crisis which causes these events is, naturally, a topic of fierce debate which deserves more than a simple, binary choice: “Yes” or “No” to belief in climate change. The complexities attached to either of these positions are not instantly visible when we decide. We are then faced with the unforeseen problems and consequences of our decision as we tend our gardens and
our lives.
Old Year, New Year
The Old Year wants to stay longer but he’s showing signs of wear
All red-faced and bloated but with carefully tousled hair
He comes on like he’s Santa, but he’s more like Mr Toad
A Poundland phoney Emperor who thinks he’s fully clothed.
He offers us a parcel - its contents badly wrapped
An unloved gift recycled that’s begging to be scrapped
He tells us of its value - with hand to inconstant heart
And just as he passes it over - the parcel falls apart.
But mid-winter gloom’s dispersing and light is breaking new
Like the crystal truth of frost a fresh future shimmers through
The New Year is in waiting with more valued gifts to give
Hope and truth and joyousness - presents to make us live. T.H.
Mobile Library
The Library will visit the Telephone Box at Gaydon from 1.35-2.05pm on Monday 9 December.
You can just turn up and join in our Pilates classes in the Village Hall and each session costs just £1. The group meets on Mondays at 12.30-1.30pm; Tuesdays at 6.15-7.15pm; Wednesday at 6.15-7.15pm, ideal for beginners;
and Thursdays at 1-2pm. We look forward to seeing you there. SR
The Malt Shovel Inn Gaydon
Christmas Dates:
Wednesday 11th at 8pm - Christmas Quiz
Saturday 21st Live Music Evening - Sometime Around Midnight
New Year's Eve - Peaky Blinders Entrance £5 includes Hot Buffet
Christmas Day - Pub open 12 noon - 6pm
Now taking Bookings for Christmas Day Lunch: Midday or 3pm sittings
Christmas Fayre Menu throughout December
or Christmas Buffet Menu for Office Parties or Phone 01926 641221 for Bookings
Gaydon Village Store
Membership Draw
Congratulations to Gloria Davies who receives a voucher for The Malt Shovel, Gaydon in the December Membership draw. Our thanks to Jo and Paul at
The Malt Shovel for their generosity and support for the village shop. New membership starts in January and details will be available in the New Year.
Christmas Meat
You will be able to order your Christmas meat for Carpenters Farm Shop, via the village store. The cost is exactly the same but the shop gets a small discount which helps us greatly. It is also possible to order vegetables, bread and Christmas hampers.
Free range goose £12.99 per kilo
Cockerels £8.95 per kilo
Bronze turkey 4-8Kg £11.49 per kilo
Bronze turkey over 8Kg £9.49 per kilo
White turkey 4-8Kg £9.899 per kilo
White turkey over 8Kg £9.49 per kilo
You can also see the prices on Gaydon Village Store facebook.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and wish you a Happy Christmas and New Year. SR
Burns Night Supper 25 January 2020
Burns Night falls on Saturday 25 January in 2020 and is the 261st anniversary of the great poet's birth. We are looking for a Bagpipe player to pipe in the Haggis; Song and Dance acts with a Scottish flavour; Sentimental Poetry; and Fancy Dress if you like - there will be Prizes!
Tickets £15 each are now on sale in the Shop and include a Three Course Dinner with Welcome Wee Dram and Glass of Wine. There will be a Raffle.
Please let us know if you would like to do a turn during the evening: ring Alastair on 642248 or Julie on 640349.
Thank you to everyone who supported my fundraising efforts to fund my World Challenge trip to Malaysia during the summer. We had an amazing experience. Trekking through and camping in the jungle was a physical and mental challenge, as was trekking through caves, all while carrying a 19kg rucksack. It was great to swim in waterfalls to cool down! The worst part was the numerous leeches, spiders and other creepy crawlies! We also spent a week working on a community project at a school where we helped to clear a landslide, laid floors and built walls. In our rest and relaxation times we were able to explore Kuching and Kuala Lumpur and visited an Orangutan sanctuary. During our final few days at the Peherentian Islands we helped out at a Turtle hatchery by monitoring the beach for laying turtles, photographing and recording the adults, marking the nest sites, carefully moving eggs to the hatchery and helping release hatchlings to the sea. It was a fantastic trip, we learnt a lot about resilience and team work! Gemma Hotchkiss
The Children's Society
The collection you make each year in your house box changes the lives of the thousands of children the Society helps. Otherwise, many vulnerable children would have had nowhere to turn to when they felt scared, unloved and unable to cope. I shall be collecting Gaydon's boxes after Christmas and would like to thank you for continuing to support this charity. Julie Rickman
Village Hall News
The Village Hall Committee are delighted to announce that the cobwebs up in the roof amongst the beams have been removed or at least greatly reduced in number. We would like to thank committee member Daryll Mainwaring for bravely undertaking the task. SM
Nature Notes for November
Great excitement in Gaydon this month when one villager, using a trap camera, managed to film a large dog Otter in her garden; subsequent footage showed him returning to snack on the large Koi Carp he had previously caught in her pond. The’ Sushi Bar’ is now closed with a cover but he may have set up home in the large overgrown pond next door which will no doubt supply him with mice, frogs, worms and other food for a while.
This footage confirms that Otters are visiting the village. The previous road- casualty of another dog Otter confirms this. It is possible he may have come from Compton Verney, Kingston Water or Chesterton where they have been seen previously but not for years. Otters are secretive and can cover large areas away from water, though the females (sows) tend to stay in ‘Holts’ by rivers. They are such delightful creatures and rarely seen. I’m tempted to leave a few herrings by the pond. I think we could put some signage nearby to avoid another sad accident on that road. The footage is well worth seeing on the village site - as good as Autumn Watch!
It’s not been a good month for Koi Carp: some others have died in Church Road owing to the pollution of their pool. The large Grass snake was blamed erroneously.
The autumn colours are at their best at present. Bright red Spindle trees, Yellow Hornbeam and Field Maples are outstanding. This has been a poor year, though, for nuts for Walnut and Hazel trees. There’s a hint of frost each morning and now the last of the insects have departed, except for the dancing groups of Midges still active on sunnier days. Mud and fallen leaves are here once again and there’s a scent of burning wood around the village.
My wife was driving back home a few days ago and was pleased to see a Barn Owl flying parallel to the car. It was obviously checking the hedge-bottoms verging the road for small rodents. You may hear the owls on quiet nights when they nest in a few months' time and use a distinctive screech to communicate. It is to be hoped that the numerous mice and voles post-Harvest will be a food incentive.
Yet more hibernating butterflies in the house now the heating has been turned up, carefully transferred to an outhouse with card and jar. My bird-feeders have many clients now, the most notable being a Nuthatch and a family of Long-tailed Tits. The attractive Dunnocks wait beneath to pick up fallen bits; sometimes they are known as Hedge Sparrows although they are Pipits, a different genus. Bernard Price
MacMillan Coffee Morning
I would like to thank everyone for the hugely successful Macmillan coffee Morning that took place in the Gaydon Village Hall on 13 November.
With generous donations from those attending and from the support of a local company we raised £560.
It’s a wonderful Charity close to many, but personally for us as a family this year we cannot thank them enough. Sharon, Head 2 Toe Beauty Room Gaydon