Dassett Magna Service Times Sunday 4 9.30am Morning Prayer Gaydon 10am Holy Communion Farnborough 11am Morning Prayer Fenny Compton 11am Communion (BCP) Burton Dassett - Live ZOOM 6pm Songs of Praise on ZOOM Sunday 11 9.30am Communion (BCP) Gaydon 11am Holy Communion Fenny Compton Live ZOOM 11am Morning Prayer Northend 6pm Evensong Farnborough Sunday 18 9.30am Morning Prayer Gaydon 10am Communion (BCP) Farnborough 11am Morning Prayer Fenny Compton 11am Holy Communion Northend with Live ZOOM 6pm Songs of Praise on ZOOM Sunday 25 9.30am Holy Communion Gaydon 10am Morning Prayer Farnborough 11am Communion (BCP) Fenny Compton 11am Morning Prayer Northend with Live ZOOM Zoom Midweek Services Every Week 9.30am Monday to Friday Morning Prayer 6pm Monday to Friday Evening Prayer
We regret we have had to cancel all services until further notice. Parish Priest: Fr David Tams Phone 01608 685259 email: father.david@stfrancis-kineton.co.uk www.stfrancis-kineton.co.uk
Remembrance Sunday Sun 8th November Carols & Refreshments Mon 21st December
Welcome to your new park
On Friday 18 September, after the final risk assessment, inspection report, removal of the Heras fencing and sign off, the play area finally opened. There was no opening event or inauguration as we continue to respect guidelines - but after weeks of families and eager children visiting the field to follow its progress and observe the daily advances, it wasn’t a surprise to see families heading into the field and running full pelt toward the equipment and spending hours outdoors with other children having fun. It’s been long overdue and we hope the village can enjoy and nurture this amazing space for many years to come.
But in this pandemic, we have to remember the guidelines which are displayed in the park.
Community Orchard
The previous week, on a sunny Sunday morning, volunteers helped to plant the orchard. Thank you to everyone for pitching in and thank you to our ‘Tree Man’, Nick Cook from Lodge Plants. Extended thanks to the resident who has kindly been watering all 20 trees and making sure they are OK!
Field work
The field is still a work in progress which will continue to evolve into next Spring. The path will be rolled again and neatened up now the weather is wetter. The gates will soon have their self-closing mechanisms installed. There will be new signage and litter bins.
The Pocket Park area has just been planted with wild flowers which will act as seed dispersal units and spread across the orchard.
The Bug Hotel will be installed and the encroaching scrub and bramble to the perimeter of the field will be cut back now that the nesting season has ended.
This was delayed last year because of the wet weather, but this year we will be able to see the fruit trees that have self-seeded and other trees that have been shrouded in thick bramble.
The play area landscaping will start to grow into grassy mounds with wild meadow seeds. Habitats will be created and enhanced as part of the Pocket Parks project and with the help of our volunteers.
Thank you
Thank you to all of the residents who have been affected by these works for their patience and understanding. It is hoped that this area will become an asset to everyone in Gaydon.
Thank you also to the Speedwatch team who are back in action.
Covid/Parish Helpline
Covid -19 Cases are rising at a pace around us with the start of a widespread ban on gatherings of more than six people this week.
The NHS app has launched and shows that our area has a medium risk level. It is recommended to download and use the app to allow contact tracing and to minimise the spread once cases are confirmed.
Stratford on Avon District has witnessed an increase in the number of new cases and securing tests locally has been difficult, with some people being asked to drive 160 mile round trips. Please only request a test if you have Covid rather than just common cold symptoms.
COVID-19 Update
The cumulative cases across the county as of 18 September are now 3025 up from 2867 (an increase of 158 and up by 62 on last week’s figure) with confirmed cases in Stratford on Avon District increasing by 19 to 597 since last week (one less than previous week).
Out of the 423 SWFT Hospital Beds there remains no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at present and No patients are in the intensive care unit. The cumulative deaths across Stratford District remains at 168 with the deaths in care home remaining at 82 from a cumulative of 1113 ‘all cause deaths’ in the district. The cumulative total of all COVID-19 deaths in Warwickshire is up by one to 600 and over the same period there have been 3772 non COVID-19 related deaths in Warwickshire. Across the county there has been a total of 212 COVID-19 deaths in care homes settings (no increase in the last week) compared to 1264 ‘all cause deaths’ in care homes over the same period.
There are 49% of SWFT hospital beds occupied by Non-COVID-19 patients, 19% beds occupied with suspected COVID-19 patients and a spare capacity of 31% beds.
Stay Well and Stay Connected
As we move into Autumn, GPC wish to remind you that the Parish Helpline is still active for anyone who has to self-isolate or needs a helping hand. Telephone 07398 093023.
County Council do also offer additional support for those who need it https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/coronavirus
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on 6 October at 7.30pm via Zoom.
The British Motor Museum is submitting outline planning for a hotel. This could include a staff entrance from the B4100, which would open up the Old Warwick Road and stop any future gipsy encampments.
Road works should have started near the MOD camp. We have received apologies for any disruption and expect the work to last until April 2021.
There will be further disruption in the area as the new housing development starts to be built. Delays on the B4100 will continue as infrastructure is installed to cope with the additional housing.
There will also be delays on the Fosse Way as modifications are made to the road to cope with HS2 lorries. When we hear the dates we will let you know. Corinne Hill and Sue Middleditch
The Vicar writes:
The seasons are changing, the leaves are turning and beginning to fall! If I’m honest, as much as I love the changing seasons and the colours of autumnal leaves, the leaf clutter and debris is the bain of my life. It’s one of the disadvantages of a garden with several trees.
Last year we gave in and bought a leaf-blower. So this morning I ventured out and started the little beauty up - within seconds I had a large bundle of leaves gathered up, but the power of the engine was blowing leaves all over the place, some flying into the air, others scurrying along the floor, some joining together and rolling as one, some were just stuck going nowhere. But most were going in the same direction with one goal, one destination and there was me with the power in my hand directing operations!
In many ways this is a vision of the church and our own Christian journey. Sometimes it might appear that we drift aimlessly along, feeling without a specific purpose or direction; or we may get stuck in a rut. Yet there are other times when we are moving quickly with real focus and we get caught up with others who are like-minded and travelling in the same direction. However, the important thing to remember is that someone is guiding and directing the blower!
You see, just as God is in control of the changing seasons, he also helps to direct the things that are happening in our lives. We need to learn to trust him in all things and this is where faith comes in: knowing that God has his hands on us, guiding us along the way. At times we feel distant from him, at others we feel so attuned that his presence is tangible. Just as the leaves were all heading in the same direction, so God’s plan for us as individuals and as a church fellowship, is to join together, follow his way, grow in his likeness. How?
The wind is what causes the leaves to move, in this case caused by the motor. The Hebrew word for the Holy Spirit is ‘Ruach’ which means ‘WIND’ or ‘the breath of God’. As Christians, when we welcome God into our lives, he quite literally ‘breathes’ life into us; he places his Holy Spirit in our hearts, enabling us to experience the love of God and to grow in our faith. It’s also his indwelling Spirit living in us that points to the family likeness in other Christians and deepens our fellowship.
I don’t know about you, but there are times when I meet a complete stranger that I can sense the ‘family likeness’: in their words and actions you can tell they are Christians! This is how God is able to ensure that we are heading in the same direction, with one purpose, united by our faith and directed by the Holy Spirit.
This Autumn, as we watch the leaves falling, let’s remember that in good and difficult times alike God’s ‘Ruach’ will continue to direct us and guide us as we put our faith and trust in him. Rev. Nicki Chatterton
It is now over half way into September, yet it continues to be exceptionally warm - though today is predicted to be the finale of the 'Heat wave’.
There are some signs of autumn though rather discreet. I notice one of my Spindle trees has turned vivid scarlet, though not as bright as its distinctive berries. Then I recall that it was once a small cutting brought back from Russia in the 80's; it’s thrived since and the mature tree still behaves like a northern subspecies.
Fruit is ripening well so large crops of Quince, Figs and Walnuts expected, even a few Medlars. There is no doubt that exotic plants have done well. I have several Banana trees putting out leaves, a Plumbago bush In full flower and Lantana flowers in profusion.
More remarkable are some unexpected strangers amongst my allotment produce - I suspect the compost I have used is responsible! A number of very large Datura bushes have appeared, their long white inflorescences known as ‘Angels tears‘ and multi-spiked fruits; and tall Physalis plants with attractive mauve flowers. Tomato plants are springing up in flower pots and Beds, too.
I have grown some very exotic climbers like Red ipomea and blue Morning Glory. It’s difficult to look to future frosts and colder temperatures at the moment while butterflies are still attracted to Buddleia which seems to have a second spurt of flowers.
I’m delighted to report another ‘wildlife rescue’ success.
My neighbours found a small Pipistrelle bat lying in their roof space. After recovering, it flew off the following evening. There is a colony of these in the village and no doubt he/she found its way back to the roost. You may notice a loose tile being used in the summer months as a temporary stop-off.
Birds are quite high profile in the clear skies and you may often see Ravens and Buzzards using the thermals over the village. The Swallows are still around in small numbers and little flocks of Goldfinches are enjoying feeding from the heads of Teazles and Thistles, their ‘Water-rippling' calls quite distinctive.
The ‘lockdown’ still influences every part of village life breeding uncertainty like some of the unexpected plants! Bernard Price
We welcome Eleanor and George who have come to live in Corner Cottage in Church Lane and hope that they will enjoy living in Gaydon.
The flag of St George was raised on 1st September in honour of St Giles, the patronal saint of our parish church.
Birthdays were celebrated for Best Gibbs on the 3rd and Rosie Cheshire on the 9th, with the flying of the Union flag. The Battle of Britain was commemorated on the 15th of September. Something to celebrate? Contact Siobhan Hannan on 07780678582. Cost? £5 donation to Church Funds.
Apple Day
Sadly, we have cancelled our Apple-pressing stall at the next pub market owing to uncertainty over the legality of encouraging ‘mingling’ according to the latest Covid guidelines. Better safe than sorry. See you next year - fingers crossed! Debbie Price
Due to the continuing threat of Covid-19 and the social distancing requirements, we have very sadly had to cancel this year's Christmas Lunch, originally scheduled for 6th December, in the interests of protecting the safety of all our guests and helpers.
Whilst I am sure this will be a disappointment to you all, you will understand why we feel it can’t go ahead.
Let’s hope by Christmas 2021 things will have changed enough to make it possible next year; in fact I hope we might be able to arrange a summer gathering and fund raiser before then.
In the meantime, look after yourselves and look out for news in next year’s magazines! Kate Sutton
Everyone has probably seen the striking new look of the Village Field behind the church. The play equipment is exciting and inviting and the layout encourages both young and old to make a tour. It is also interesting to see such a wide range of fruiting trees in the newly-planted orchard. There are several varieties of apples and pears, plums and cherries, a mulberryand a quince. They should look lovely in spring with a show of pink and white blossom!
Congratulations to the PC for having the scheme installed before winter so that there are still some mild autumn days for playing out. Lovely though the old meadow was, it has now taken on a new lease of life for a sociable village like ours. The colourful allotments, the bright new play things and the patch of young fruit trees present a cheerful and largely green landscape as you enter the gate to the footpath and walk down to the fields beyond.
The sound of roaring combines is nearly at an end, as farmers have battled the weather in hope to capture the crops in peak condition.
The season is starting to change as the allotmenteers have been busy picking their summer delights. We had ample tomatoes forming on numerous plots; however, it was a disappointment to find that tomato blight had appeared - a disease caused by a fungus-like organism that spreads rapidly in the foliage and tubers or fruit of potatoes and tomatoes in wet weather. The result is an early harvest of tomatoes that are green and offer an unpleasant taste. Storage in a cardboard box, drawer or paper bag with a ripening banana might help with ripening, or the alternative is to make chutney.
With empty fields and tractors cultivating around the village, it is time to plant those autumn veggies. There is a surprisingly vast variety of veggies to choose from, such as: Onions, Peas, Chard, Kale and Pak Choi. Fancy a go yourself this year? Here’s how to plant winter Peas:
1. Choose a sunny, well-drained spot. Dig in plenty of garden compost, well-rotted manure or mushroom compost before sowing, to improve the soil.
2. Use a hoe or spade to make a shallow trench, roughly 22cm wide and 3cm deep. Sow peas https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/grow-plants/how-to-grow-peas-from-seed/ in two parallel lines, spacing the seeds about 10cm apart. Cover the seeds with soil, water well and label the row. The seedlings should appear in one or two weeks.
Recommended varieties are Douce Provence or Meteor (available online and in local stores). Main risks are from Birds and Mice so be prepared to cover them up. Andrew Smith
The Fosse Way Crossroads from Leamington to Long Itchington give just a small glimpse of the devastation and destruction by HS2 of our beautiful countryside.
There seems to be no reason for the destruction of over a hundred swathes of ancient woodlands, wiping out colonies of butterflies and Bats and threatening the badgers and Newts. Not to mention the tree felling that has gone on right through the bird nesting season; no doubt wildlife deaths are many.
Protest camps have been set up by ordinary folk like you, from tots to grandparents, but there are not enough of them to protect the trees.
Please help by visiting Crackley and Cubbington woods yourselves; look at 'Stop HS2' on facebook; visit a camp and donate food etc.
There is a full list outside the Village Hall. Thank you for taking the time to read this plea. SN
felled 1879
My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled,
Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun,
All felled, felled, are all felled;
Of a fresh and following folded rank
Not spared, not one
That dandled a sandalled
Shadow that swam or sank
On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank.
O if we but knew what we do
When we delve or hew -
Hack and rack the growing green!
Since country is so tender
To touch, her being só slender,
That, like this sleek and seeing ball
But a prick will make no eye at all,
Where we, even where we mean
To mend her we end her,
When we hew or delve:
After-comers cannot guess the beauty been.
Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve
Strokes of havoc unselve
The sweet especial scene,
Rural scene, a rural scene,
Sweet especial rural scene. Gerard Manley Hopkins