Gaydon Parish Magazine November 2021
index of magazines
Gaydon Gazette
Parish Council Meeting Tues 2nd at 7.30pm Village Hall
Mobile Library Fri 12th at 2.40pm Phone Box
Coffee Morning and
Church Gift Day Sat 13th at 11am Village Hall
Remembrance Service Sun 14th at 10.45am St Giles Church
Friendship Club Tues 16th at 2.30pm No 2 Cottages
Stir-up Sunday Sun 21st at 9.30am St Giles Church
Something to Look Forward to!
Sunday 5th December - Over-65s Christmas Lunch
Children's Crib Service Christmas Eve at 6pm at St Giles Church
Saturday 22nd January 2022 - Burns Night Supper
November Church Services
Sunday 7th
9.30am Morning Prayer Gaydon
11am Communion (BCP) Burton Dassett
11am Morning Prayer Fenny Compton
10am Holy Communion Farnborough
Sunday 14th Remembrance Sunday
9.45am Remembrance Service Fenny Compton
10.30am Remembrance Service Farnborough
10.45am War Memorial Act of Remembrance; Service at 11.30am Gaydon
10.45am War Memorial Northend
Sunday 21st
9.30am Morning Prayer Gaydon
10am Communion (BCP) Farnborough
11am Morning Prayer Fenny Compton
11am Holy Communion Northend
Sunday 28th Group Service
6pm Advent Carol Service Farnborough
Zoom Services
9.30am Monday to Friday Morning Prayer
6.00pm Monday to Friday Evening Prayer
Go to and click the link half way down the page
Roman Catholic Church of St Francis, Kineton. Sunday Mass 11am.
Festive Market
Saturday 13 November 11am till 2pm
Christmas comes early to Gaydon with the Church Market and Gift Day!
Stalls, Refreshments and Raffle
Christmas Tree for Gift Day Envelopes
Events start with Coffee Morning at 11 o'clock: please support your Parish Church!
Parish Council News
Acting Chair’s Report
We accepted the resignations of both our Chair and our Clerk. This means we have vacancies for a Clerk and a councillor. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact the Parish Council by email ( or speak to one of the current councillors.
Cemetery Steps
The cemetery footpath steps have subsided. There is a risk of slipping when using these steps, especially at this time of year when they can become covered with wet leaves or ice. Our concerns were raised with our County councillor. As WCC are the responsible authority, it is their decision to repair the steps or close the footpath until they are repaired. If you do use the steps please be careful!
Kineton Road 30mph (Gateway) signs
The gates have been removed and replaced with ‘30’ signs on posts. This is a temporary solution.
St Giles Road Junction
It has been proposed that a Visibility Mirror be placed opposite St Giles Road to assist drivers exiting the junction. Cllr Mills will look into this.
School Buses
The matter of School buses using Church Road unnecessarily has been been raised with the School Transport team at WCC.
Jubilee tree
Councillors have agreed to plant a tree on the Green to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022. An Oak was the preferred choice but we are seeking advice from an Arborial specialist as to the suitability of an Oak in this location.
County Council Matters
Refreshing the Council: The WCC Plan public engagement survey is now live and can be accessed at The survey is open to anyone who lives, works or studies in Warwickshire. This is your chance to influence WCC in developing their refreshed council plan. Paper copies are available by calling 01926 410410
Lone Star have submitted a revised Plan for a development on the Banbury Road. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Debbie Price would welcome some volunteer support. Please contact her directly to offer your assistance.
Next Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place in the Village Hall on Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30pm.
Remembrance Sunday 14 November
This year, Remembrance Day falls on Thursday 11 November and so our church services are held on the nearest Sunday. We start with an Act of Remembrance outside St Giles Church under the clock which is the Village War Memorial. Following the two minutes' silence and the laying of wreaths there will be a Service of Remembrance inside the church at 11.30am.
Christmas Cake: after the service, please sign up to contribute ingredients for the Crib Service Cake which will be mixed on Stir-up Sunday.
For the Fallen
Laurence Binyon wrote this poem on the cliffs between Pentire Point and The Rumps in north Cornwall in 1914. Part of it is recited at the Act of Remembrance: the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
The Vicar’s letter
For many of us, as the darkness draws in and the trees stand bare, November is the month when we both look back and forward. We look back because November is a month of remembering. On the 2nd we have All Souls Day on which we remember those who have died who were close to us. Then we “Remember, remember the 5th of November”, Guy Fawkes' Day - that’s a strange one. This is followed by Remembrance Day, when we remember those who gave their lives in armed conflict, those who experienced great suffering as they fought for the cause of freedom, justice and peace. It is a day when we recall the human cost of war in our own lifetime and in the past.
As the evenings draw in, reminiscences of all kinds can flood in as the seasons of the year lead us to think of the seasons of life. We look back, and we look forward, and our present can be challenging in lots of ways. How we remember and how we look forward is important. It is good to look back so that we learn; and it is good for us to look forward in order to anticipate, plan, and discover opportunities for growth. In this time of seemingly interminable uncertainty and confusion, we will survive by valuing and cultivating personal relationships.
The future can be exciting or daunting depending upon our personality and personal circumstances; but as a connected community that looks out for each other, we can give hope to those who are struggling, and help to those who are pressing forward into new things.
The point of telling the stories of previous generations - especially on Remembrance Day - is to appreciate the sacrifice, bravery and sense of duty of those who have gone before; not to glorify it, but to be grateful for the freedom we have. Remembering helps to give us a perspective on our present circumstances and hopefully reminds us of the cost and horrendous realities of war. The purpose of All Saints Day is similar: to process our memories of loved ones lost, to give thanks for what they meant to us and gave to us during their lifetime. To some of us, lost loved ones were our heroes, the people we looked up to and wanted to emulate.
Many veterans play down their achievements. Humility is a quality that is not valued but some notable leaders today, some top management instruction, has rediscovered that the qualities Jesus taught are the road to great leadership. Love, humility, service, encouragement, etc. are what nourish the human heart and free people to achieve their potential.
With mental health so much in the news and media at the moment, I want to encourage you to remember some of these values and principles that Jesus taught, as the road to wholeness. As we remember, we may need to forgive, both ourselves and others. As we go forward, let us give generously, look after and bless one another, and love one another. Rev. Nicki Chatterton
October Nature Notes
Rain has at last come to Gaydon, I gather - and I missed the apple pressing, too - although the dry spell continues in Andulusia. The parched mountain-sides of the Sierra Morena and the much-diminshed 'merismas' or Lagoons of the Coto Danona bear witness. It is a constant thirty degrees here and many butterfly species are still emerging. Most spectacular of these is the rare two-tailed Pasha, known to suck the wounds of animals as well as spilt wine! Also seen are Clouded yellows, Bath Whites and the Southern Speckled Wood, all rarities (or absent) in the UK.
I have spotted the elusive mammals of the region in these rocky mediterranean scrublands: the rare Iberian Lynx, small herds of sure-footed Ibex and Mouflon. Exotic green Lizards lounge on the hot rocks amongst the Ancient Olive trees and Arbutus bushes. The wild, horned cattle and wild boar often appear on the roads, running alongside our vehicles in the cooler time of first light. A mother Lynx catches a rabbit; the huge Spanish Imperial Eagle soars overhead along with short-toed Eagles and Griffon Vultures. Wild Spain still survives in spite of intrusive agriculture. Often Strawberry farms and new varieties of Olive trees take valuable water from the wetlands. The only sounds are the constant, blasting, vibrant, nasal utterances of rutting Red deer stags which are the most common animal here.
Lynx-watchers are taking over from Hunters now in the Los Pinos hotel (full of Huge Antler-head Trophies) with a long bar and fabulous local food. There’s been a huge recovery of this rare cat in recent years and Spaniards now come here, as well as tourists, to watch from new viewing points. I’m impressed that everyone 100% wears a mask here, even when smoking a fag! It’s impressive and only a few Brits and Israelis at Seville airport who break the rules are shamed into conforming by the staff. ‘A scarf will not do! Gracias!’
It is very reassuring to see the huge conservation successes here in Spain and the Covid rules so strongly enforced. Perhaps older people remember the rule of right wing General Franco who cared only for the economy and not for people or wildlife - at great expense to both. It’s significant that the last Republican partisans still fought in these mountains until 1951, 11 years after the civil war had ended. Franco’s legacy of harmful Eucalyptus trees are now being felled everywhere.
I must mention that though I missed the migrating swallows in Gaydon, I visited a huge dam where hundreds of Crag Martins, close relatives, stay in the region nesting in every gap all year round; along with Soprano Pipistrelle bats which roost in the holes made by drilling with dynamite. Bernard Price
Friendship Club
Members are invited to take tea this month with Jan Ewers at No 2 The Cottages, Gaydon Hill Farm. The date is Tuesday 16 November from 2.30pm till 4pm.
Cake and Crafting Circle
You are invited to join our crafters and share some tea and cake. We meet in church on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month 5-6.30pm.
Stir-up Sunday 21st November
At the 9.30am service on 21 November, we shall be mixing the cake that is to be eaten on Christmas Eve at the Children's Crib Service in Church. Please put the dates in your diaries: 21st, bring ingredients to church and mix the cake; 24th December, come to church at 6pm for the Christmas Eve Crib Service and share the Cake.
Mobile Library
Friday 12 November at the Telephone Box 2.40-3.10pm
Over-65s Christmas Lunch CAVEAT
When you receive your invitation, please remember that the Christmas Lunch could be cancelled at short notice if Covid restrictions change. Should you change your mind about accepting, please let the organisers know as soon as possible on 640349 or 640757. Debbie Price
Village Hall News
The Village Hall is fully available for bookings at £6 per hour for locals and £12 for other hirers. Please remember that you must book the Hall before advertising your event! Please always check with Eirwen on 641889 to find out if the Hall is free on the date you have in mind.
Work is planned this winter to freshen up the Hall by re-painting it both inside and out. You have probably noticed the bright green window frames and doors that have already been done. The fence has been repaired. The Parish Office has had a coat of paint and next on the list are the toilets!
The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee is on Monday 8 November at 8pm in the Hall.
The flag will be raised on Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday to honour those fallen in war.
If you have something to commemorate or celebrate, contact Siobhan Hannan on 07780 678582 and she will raise the Flag for you. The cost is a donation of £5 to Church funds.
It is with sadness that we record the sudden death of Brian Thomas while at home in St Giles Road on the 16th of October. His funeral service will be held at St Giles Church on Monday, 8 November, at 12 noon. The interment will follow at Gaydon Cemetery. We extend our deepest sympathy to Avis, his brothers and the rest of his family.
Episodes in Gaydon's History
On the evening of 28 October about forty people attended Martin's informative and entertaining talk in church using the new projector and screen. This was Part I of Martin's researches, covering Gaydon's history from the bronze age up to 1684 - or was it 1648? - and the Great Fire of Gaydon. Part II which will take us up to the present day is promised for another evening.
November Allotment News
October saw a high number of heavy machines on our local roads, with tractors and combines going to and fro fields with standing maize and turned-over stubble. It is a sign that 2021's harvest is almost complete and now the attention turns to sowing the seeds for harvest 2022. On an allotment plot and in the garden, there is still plenty to sow or plant such as fruit trees, Garlic and Onions etc. The recent and intermittent warm sunny days have been most welcome for sowing seed and adding new plants to the garden and plot.
I have moved away from autumn pea sowing and instead replaced it with Garlic, Onions and Broad beans. I was lucky enough to have three apprentices down on the allotments and they successfully sowed two long rows of Broad beans that will have to withstand the upcoming winter months. The nitrogen enriching plants are deployed to improve soil health over winter and maybe provide an early crop next year!
A special mention to Ollie, Rachel and the Boys for their impressive pumpkins and tomatoes! It is proof that with hard work and care, you can turn a grassy, weedy area into a productive patch, in under a year.
Jobs for November:
Harvest any remaining crops to go with an evening meal or a
Sunday lunch.
Sow broad beans, garlic, peas and rhubarb sets.
Plant new fruit trees.
Prune apple and pear trees.
Cover beds with polythene, carpet or cardboard to protect soil from winter rain.
Remove nets from fruit cages. Andrew Smith
In the Garden...
For the last forty years of my life I have broken my back, my finger-nails, and sometimes my heart... Vita Sackville West
In order to live off a garden, you practically have to live in it. F Hubbard
Someone who plants a garden plants happiness. Chinese Proverb
A man does not plant a tree for himself; he plants it for posterity. Adam Smith
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. Vincent Van Gogh
To get the best results you must talk to your vegetables. Prince Charles
As is the garden such is the gardener. Hebrew Proverb
Man was lost and saved in a garden. Blaise Pascal