Gaydon Parish Magazine March 2022

index of magazines

Lent Begins, Easter Approaches

Shrove Tuesday, 1st March: St David's Day and Pancake Day; Ash Wednesday, 2nd March: Start of Lent

Gaydon Gazette

Parish Council        Tuesday 1st at 7.30pm      Village Hall
Mobile Library        Fridays 4th & 25th         Phone Box
Friendship Club       Tuesday 8th at 2.30pm      2 Anson Close
Coffee Morning        Saturday 12th at 11am      Village Hall
Village Hall C'tee    Monday 14th 8pm            Village Hall
Jubilee Meeting       Thursday 17th at 7.30pm    Village Hall
Mothering Sunday      Sunday 27th at 9.30am      St Giles' Church
Something to Look Forward to!  Sunday 24th April - Earth Day       

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022

Our cover shows Her Majesty on Saturday 5th February, eve of the anniversary of her Accession to the Throne 70 years ago.
Queen of the WI
The Queen cut a cake to mark her Platinum Jubilee as she met members of the Sandringham community ahead of Accession Day. She hosted a reception for volunteer groups, pensioners and fellow members of the local Women's Institute (WI) group. Guests included a former cookery student who helped create the original Coronation chicken recipe.
The Queen has been a member of the Sandringham branch of the WI since 1943 and its president since 2003. The vice-president, Yvonne Browne, said that the Queen, who laughed and joked with guests, was on "sparkling" form on Saturday.
She also said that seventy years on the throne had shown the Queen to have been a moving example to absolutely everyone in all walks of life. She had been constant, compassionate and stoic, everything that made a perfect human being. BBC News article

March Church Services

2nd         7pm       Ash Wednesday           Northend
6th         9.30am    Morning Prayer          Gaydon
            10am      Holy Communion          Farnborough
            11am      Communion (BCP)         Burton Dassett
            11am      Morning Prayer          Fenny  Compton
13th         9.30am   Agape Communion         Gaydon
            11am      Holy Communion          Fenny Compton
            11am      Morning Prayer          Northend
             6pm      Evensong                Farnborough
20th         9.30am   Morning Prayer          Gaydon
            10am      Holy Communion BCP      Farnborough
            11am      Morning Prayer          Fenny Compton
            11am      Holy Communion          Northend
27th         9.30am   Mothering Sunday        Gaydon

Zoom Services Monday to Friday: 9.30am Morning Prayer 6.00pm Evening Prayer

Go to and click half-way down the page

Roman Catholic Church of St Francis, Kineton

Sunday Mass 11am.

Village Meeting for Jubilee Celebrations

Thursday 17 March 7.30pm
Thanks to everyone who came to the first planning meeting for events to be held in Gaydon on Saturday 4th June. Ideas were shared and a basic plan decided. We hope to start at lunch time with a parade of vintage vehicles, then a street party followed by some events based around the pub carpark. There will be a prize for the best-decorated house and a family quiz among other fun activities - more information to come.
We have volunteers in each road who will liaise with their neighbours but we still need representatives from St Giles Rd and the Spitfire area. Thanks to Jo and Paul from the Malt Shovel who will donate their charity collection bottle contributions to the event; and to Ian S from St Marks Close who has already given £100 to start us off. Thank you!
More ideas are very welcome. We want this to be a whole village event involving all ages. Please come to our next meeting on Thursday 17 March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Debbie Price

Friendship Club

This year's first meeting of the Friendship Club (set up when Gaydon's WI closed down many moons ago) will be held on Tuesday 8 March at the home of Josie Liddington, 2 Anson Close, Wellesbourne. New members are welcome. Ring Editor for details.

Mobile Library

Fridays 4th and 25th March at the Telephone Box from 2.40-3.10pm.

Coffee Morning

Village Hall Saturday 12 March at 11am. Coffee & biscuits, Bring and Buy, Raffle

Parish Council News

Acting Chair’s Report: This month we welcomed Ian Helps onto the Council. He has already begun to get involved by assisting Cllr Debbie Price with the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). If you think you might be able to help with the NP please get in touch with Debbie (
We now have a full complement of seven councillors but our current clerk is acting as locum until we can find a permanent clerk. This is a paid, part-time position of a few hours per week. If you are interested in this position or know someone who may be, please contact the clerk (
Ditch: Concern was raised about the condition of the ditch alongside the Banbury Road. Our county councillor will be looking into it.
Cemetery: Concern was expressed about spoil from grave-digging left at the side of the cemetery. The clerk will take up the matter with the undertaker.
B4100 Road: A resident suggested that the County Council could save money if lights on the ‘Starlight Expressway’ (B4100 Gaydon bypass) were switched off after midnight. Our County Councillor will follow this up.
A resident informed us that the previous owner of the land to the southwest of the ‘Starlight Expressway’ has expressed an interest in buying back this land.
Gaydon Inn: The new owners of the Gaydon Inn outlined their aspirations for the renovation of this historic building. Work was presently in abeyance awaiting the approval of the Conservation Officer and it was hoped that a scheme to meet his requirements would be put forward for planning approval within the next six months.
Lay-by: The missing bins in the lay-by have now been replaced; we are grateful to our District Councillor and SDC for this.
Discussion was had with our County and District Councillors about fly-tipping, specifically in the Banbury Road lay-by. The councillors will discuss ways that fly-tipping could be deterred.
Development Plans: The South Warwickshire Local Plan (SWLP) call for sites has caused some concern, as much of the area surrounding the village has been put forward for potential development. We were reassured that any inclusion into future strategy would be preceded by public consultation.
Bus Route: The double-decker school bus that has been using Church Road has been re-routed.
Speed Limits: The Parish Council resolved to support the '20 is Plenty' campaign to reduce 30mph speed limits to 20mph. However, we are not persuaded of the merits of speed reduction throughout the county.
Councillors' reports:
We are waiting for the playing field contractor to address issues with the condition of the path and problems with the Zip wire.
Consideration is being given to a composting facility at the Cemetery in lieu of a green bin.
The neighbourhood Plan is now the subject of weekly meetings. A formal launch is due in the spring. Cllr Price would like more volunteers to help with this.
At the recent Gaydon Liaison meeting, at the British Motor Museum, it was confirmed that a planning application for the Solar Array to the north of the village will be submitted shortly.
By the time this is printed another street lamp in St Marks will have been replaced. Negotiations to replace other street lights in the village are ongoing.
The Village Hall Committee would like to encourage parishioners to participate in the running of the Hall by joining the management committee meetings.
County Council Matters:
Warwickshire County Council wants to ask all members of the community what it can do to help make the County the best place in which children and young people can grow and learn.
Warwickshire residents who are passionate about health and wellbeing are invited to be part of a group to provide independent advice, ideas, insights and feedback to Warwickshire County Council and partners.
To find out more please contact Michelle Gravatt at
No planning applications were discussed at this meeting but the following applications are now available to view online: British Motor Museum and Manor Court, Kineton Road. Full details of planning applications can be viewed at:
This is a brief summary of the minutes. A full version is available at:
NB The next meeting will be held on 1st March at 7.30pm, Village Hall. Please come along and share any concerns you may have. If you have any issues you would like raised at the next meeting please email the clerk at or phone 07930 517811. AC

February Nature Notes

A few signs of Spring and cold sunny days. The recent Eunice and Franklin winds have brought down a few old trees but nothing serious. The snowdrops are spectacular this month in Chadshunt churchyard and on some verges. There are even a few early Cowslips and Primroses in my garden amongst the Crocus and Hellibores. These early flowers have already attracted a few Bumble bees today. The lack of tree cover gives a good view of the Roe deer, a small herd observed on a daily basis by one resident of the village.
I noticed a group of six Kites feeding on a pheasant road kill a few days ago on the Fosse and was told that there are often twenty or more around that area. There are a daily sightings now, even circling residential areas of Banbury and Kineton. The ability of these birds, that once were common in London during the time of Samuel Pepys, indicates that they can adapt to a wide variety of food including carrion, garbage and live prey. I’ve heard of some people placing 'out-of-date' chicken scraps on their bird tables in order to attract them.
We are approaching March, so Hares may be appearing in the fields around Gaydon. They might attract the unwelcome attention of illegal lurcher groups; report any suspicious activity - mud-covered SUVs are a clue - to the police.
A dramatic event occurred last week when a large Sparrow Hawk began circling my bird feeders creating quite a panic amongst my chickens, before heading off in pursuit of a pigeon over the Old Bakehouse in Church Road.
Compared to past winters it has been quite mild so far with a possibility of a very early Spring. I notice some birds are already 'pairing up' and Rooks often have twigs in their beaks for restoration of last year's nests that have suffered a bit from the winds recently. Bernard Price

March - Gaydon Pride Month

We live in a Great village that has a lot going for it; in its location, facilities and its community. We have many unsung heroes who volunteer to make the village a better place to live in, like those who run the Village shop, the Parish Council who administer the village, the Village Hall committee, the Millennium Group and Kids of Gaydon; they all make Gaydon a Village to be proud of.
This is traditionally the time for Spring cleaning, an opportunity to spruce up our village. Our councils, District and County, have a duty to do basic maintenance, but that does leave a lot to be desired. With a little effort, we could all help to make the village that bit tidier and cleaner. We all tend our own gardens and trim our hedges, but why not go beyond the garden gate?
Is there an unloved patch of grass that could benefit from a bit of attention? What about all the leaves lying around? Is there a road sign or street furniture that could do with a wash? Don’t just walk past a bit of litter, pick it up and put it in a bin, there are plenty available; or even go on a litter pick around the village! Anything broken or out of place can be reported using: or;
or tell the Parish Council at
If you can spare an hour or two a week, why not volunteer to help in the shop?
“Ask not what your Parish can do for you: Ask what you can do for your parish.” Be part of your community and take pride in Gaydon!

Hedges and footpaths

March is the last month before the nesting season gets underway so please make sure that your hedges and bushes are not overhanging the footpath or causing a hazard to pedestrians. Your hedges should be trimmed back to the boundary of your property and not overhang the tarmacked area. Thank you. G.P.C.

Burton Dassett Restoration Committee

After 30 years the Restoration Committee has done its work and is being dissolved. It was set up in 1991 by the PCC led by the Reverend Philip Francis and Churchwarden Bill Yardley. Major urgent works had been identified and over the years more than £500,000 has been raised, resulting in a building fit for the 21st century, albeit still unheated, but sound, watertight, and most importantly, still retaining that special Mediaeval character and atmosphere which makes All Saints` such a special place. The latest additions of a Servery and Toilets are the final piece of the project. Already, a new committee, Friends of Burton Dassett, are planning events to make the most of all that this unique and ancient Church can offer. I know I speak for committee members across the years when I say it has been a privilege to play a part in the history of All Saints'. Gill Roache

March: Time to get Walking!

Walking in Warwickshire is part of the Walking in England website and has hundreds of walks to download and print, free; it also has books of walks, details of all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group, all the information is there in one place. John Harris, Custodian of the wesite

Gaydon Village Hall

Next committee meeting is on Monday, 14 March at 8pm.

March Allotment News

A good friend of mine (local farmer) recently quoted "we'll pay for it", in reference to the extremely dry weather we have experienced this winter. I think those wise words have come to fruition, with storms 'Eunice' and 'Franklin' being the start of that punishment. Fields everywhere have returned to 2021's swamp conditions with winter crops having to survive with sodden feet and roots. During the storms, I believe most villagers picked the breaks in the weather to venture outside in the blistering conditions, to get that much-needed fresh air.
I, on the other hand, saw an opportunity to go for a weekend walk across the fields where I was attacked by hail, sleet and driving rain that targeted my eyeballs!
In these conditions, it's hard to encourage allotment and garden chores as most of us will be recovering lost items and repairing broken garden objects and plants. My green house door said good bye to its hinges during the highest winds and a few fences in the village were tested beyond their structural limits. I do think we got off lightly though, compared with other parts of the UK.
The allotments provide Joy even in the harshest of conditions: I managed to find some unpicked carrots amongst the maturing weeds. The smell of a freshly picked sweet carrot is something that words can't describe - it's pure pleasure and is not something you can experience with a shop-bought product! (There is good reason why we tend to our plots all year round, honest!) If you are motivated by the thought of delicious vegetables or summer strawberries and cream, then March is the time to get busy in the allotment.
March Jobs (subject to storm appearances):
Weed, weed and weed until perennials are eradicated
Look out for slugs and take action
Protect brassicas with fleece or netting
Warm the soil with cardboard, cloches, plastic or even carpet
Feed brassicas and fruit trees with a nitrogen-rich fertiliser
Order/buy young veg plants
Sow seeds
Get planting!                                                           

Andrew Smith


The flag was flown in honour of Joan Morgan whose funeral took place on 4th February. On the 6th it was raised to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of HM The Queen's Accession to the throne, her Platinum Jubilee.
If you have something to commemorate or celebrate, contact Siobhan Hannan on 07780 678582 and she will raise the Flag for you. The cost is a donation of £5 to Church funds.

Gaydon Village Store – We need your help!

First of all, thank you to everyone who returned the Christmas questionnaire. Although the return rate was low, the vast majority were happy with the service and products we provide. We have taken on board the desire for a more varied selection of fruit and vegetables, but we are unable to offer longer opening hours because of a lack of volunteers.
We were pleased to be able to stay open during the pandemic and that the efforts of all the volunteers have been recognised; but since the end of last year, the takings have been very low and we are constantly operating at a loss which is not sustainable in the long term. If the shop is to survive we need the local residents to use it: it is a community shop, run by volunteers, for you.
In these difficult times we are having to increase prices, as are all shops, and we are struggling to get some stock items - but we are trying to serve you the best we can. If you want a local shop you need to use it. If every household spent just £5 a week we would comfortably be able to continue to serve you.
Please think about visiting the shop for that pint of milk or jar of honey, as we can only continue with your support, and it would be a real shame to lose this asset within the village. BP

March Memorial Book

2001    8th      John Checkley         1990   25th   Betty Kirby
1974   16th      Monica Boultbee       2003   25th   Betty Hill
1988   19th      Edward Lovesey        1983   31st   Leonard Thomas     

The names above will be on display in the Memorial Book this month. If there is a special entry that you would like to see, let me know and I will try to make sure that the Book is open on that day. Julie Rickman


I would like to thank all the kind friends and family who came to Joan's funeral on 4th February; and everyone who sent cards, flowers and messages of condolence. I am very grateful to you all. Bill Morgan

Mary Fox Memorial

The second anniversary of Mary's death occurred on 20 February. A Loving Memory Rose has been planted in her memory in one of the rose beds alongside the pathway to the Church door. Mary was a member of the Church of England throughout her life and for many years a devoted Churchwarden here in Gaydon. JR

Shipston Home Nursing

Pop-up-Shop: Monday 28 February to Thursday 3rd March at The White Bear's Function Room in Shipston-on-Stour 10am-3pm. Sale of Designer new and second-hand clothes, Accessories, Jewellery, Bric-a-Brac, Fabric samples; plus Men’s Wear too!

The Vicar's Letter

I’ve recently been most frustrated by the news and all the media coverage about the Number 10 parties. I mentioned this to a friend, the Reverend Linda Lilley, saying that I wanted to write about it and she said she already had. This month I would like to share her words: I couldn’t have put it better myself. What do you see? A 6 or a 9?
It's all about perspective!
Whatever situation you find yourself in, there is always more than one way of looking at it. When we stand firm, unwilling to see things from another view point, the usual outcome is, at the very least, disagreement and at the
worst, conflict.
How we view our world, from our perspective, colours totally our reading of the situation. The picture above is just one simple example of how both can be right depending on how we view it. Depending where you stand, where you view the digit above from, you will see different things. We can become so ensconced in our views that we are both unable and unwilling to consider that we might be wrong - or that there might just be another way of viewing
the world! I guess, very topically, we could ask when is a party a party? When does work become play?
Rights or wrongs aside, I suggest that we look to our own actions and behaviour before criticising. Remember the words of Jesus, 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone' (John 8:7). We need to zoom out from what we think we see to be able to fully understand because 'A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion' (Proverbs 18:2). There are times when there is no right or wrong. These can be tricky situations to navigate; we need the wisdom of Solomon and the love of Jesus to help us to see clearly. We often know only a portion of the truth. We each have our own world view; and whilst it might be the truth for us, it may be very different from how others see it. So 'Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you' (Ephesians 4:32). Rev. Nicki Chatterton