Gaydon Parish Magazine August 2022

index of magazines

Gaydon Gazette for August

    Tai Chi                 Wednesdays at 7pm          Village Hall
    Coffee morning         Sat 13th at 11am             Village Hall   
    Craft Circle             Suns 14th & 28th at 5pm    St Giles' Church 

August Church Services Dassett Magna

7th   9.30am   Morning Prayer         Gaydon
   10am   Holy Communion         Farnborough
   11am    Fenny Compton         Morning Prayer
   11am   Holy Communion BCP      Northend
    11am   Holy Communion BCP      Burton Dassett    
14th   9.30am   Holy Communion         Gaydon 
   11am   Holy Communion         Fenny Compton
   11am   Morning Prayer         Northend
    6pm   Evening Prayer         Farnborough 
21st   9.30am   Agape Service          Gaydon
   10am   Holy Communion BCP      Farnborough   
   11am   Morning Prayer         Fenny Compton   
   11am   Holy Communion         Northend
28th   9am      Morning Prayer         Northend
   10am   Morning Prayer         Farnborough
   10am   Breakfast Food for Thought at Fenny Compton Hall

Zoom Weekly Services Monday - Friday
9.30am Morning Prayer; 6pm Evening Prayer
Roman Catholic Church of St Francis, Kineton
Sunday Mass 11am.

Parish Council News

Parish Clerk's Report of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 5 July
Solar Array: The July meeting of the Parish Council followed a more predictable and sedate course compared to the spotlight on proceedings at the June meeting occasioned by the application by JLR for a Solar Array on land proximate to the village. The intervening month had been used to make the case to the applicant, via various avenues, to consider the option of locating the solar panels on land closer to the JLR factory or to explain the reasons why this alternative had been dismissed from the Company’s thinking.
At the date of writing a response is still awaited. The Planning Application has yet to be submitted but it was envisaged that this was likely to occur before September, in which case an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council would be convened.
New Medical Centre: The remainder of the business of the meeting was focused on the potential provision of a new medical centre to serve the expanding community of Upper Lighthorne and further residential developments arising from the expansion occasioned by the South Warwickshire Local Plan. This matter, as is often the case with proposals to expand or diminish health facilities, is complex and the Council was concerned at the level of public engagement being undertaken by those responsible for primary health care provision. A watching brief via the Upper Lighthorne Support Partnership was agreed.
Stratford Local Plan: Revised Preferred Options had now been published for consultation. This provided an opportunity to revise housing sites allocations within the current Stratford Local Plan. In the case of Gaydon, sites originally allocated as reserve land for housing development were no longer needed as the village currently exceeded the housing requirement in the Plan. Future expansion of major employment sites such as JLR would, however, have a significant impact on the future demand for housing and the need to identify new housing site allocations.
Signage: The matter of the reinstatement of the gateway signage on the Kineton Road had been unresolved for some time and a request by the County Council to progress matters was considered best resolved via a site inspection of all the parties concerned.
Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 6 September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Please come along to share any concerns you may have; or you can contact the clerk at or by phone 07930 517811.

July Nature Notes

The curse of ‘Tidiness’
I have had a busy weekend at the Global bird Fair. This was a huge international event for birdwatchers from all over the globe. I met many friends from past nature trips to remote regions. The lectures are one of the star attractions, featuring over the years such luminaries as Sir David Attenborough and Chris Packham.
This year, one of the highlights in a huge (though hot) and packed marquee was the ‘Future of the UK's Environment’ led by Tony Juniper, director of Natural England. There was a lot of concern for the wildlife and countryside of the UK. Sadly, we live in one if the most degraded places on earth. We have lost in the past 50 years 90% of old flower-rich meadows and 80% of our native Woodlands. All our rivers are polluted by nitrates and 60% of farmland birds have disappeared. I‘m sure the recent high temperatures are a message to us all.
There are two causes which are clear to see around our village: Light pollution which seriously damages all nocturnal and crepuscular species; and ‘Excessive Tidiness’. Some people are never content to leave any wild area alone. Chemical sprays and cutting of long vegetation cause serious damage to all species.
It’s so pleasing to see the uncut verges full of wildflowers and the banning of chemical sprays. Many other villages are also adopting this responsible approach now. But is it too late? Or can we prevent the further serious decline of insects and birds? There were no Swallows in the village this year and very few butterflies and bees. There is no need to mow verges until autumn or to have excessive street lighting - maybe then we would hear crickets and nightjars and see glow worms once again.
The Swifts, however, have done well, being a more resilient bird and still returning to their old nesting-places. Buzzards, Ravens and Kites are no longer persecuted and so are often seen over the village gliding on the thermals. But overall, things look bleak unless climate change is taken more seriously and rivers are cleaned up.
Your Buddleia bushes were once covered by butterflies but now you are lucky if you still see a few. The odd Peacock, Red Admiral, Comma and Gatekeeper did emerge during the last hot days. Scarlet Tigermoths (so superbly bright and poisonous that they don’t bother to fly) are numerous and Humming bird hawk moths enjoy the clumps of pink Valerian in many village spots. Perhaps you can do your bit by sparing wild areas and unkempt patches. Bernard Price
Thatch: our cover picture shows a local cottage getting a much-needed hair-do at the end of July.

Coffee Morning

Saturday 13 July at 11am in the Village Hall. Bring and Buy, Cakes, Books, Raffle; Coffee, Tea and biscuits 50p.
Last month's Coffee for Ukraine raised £94.58 including some extra donations. Very many thanks to all who supported the event.

Tai Chi

The Tai Chi group meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Village Hall. Please send a text message to 07514 011406 before your first time so that we can look out for you. From your second month onwards, please bring a coin to donate for hire of the Hall.

Gaydon Cake and Crafting Circle

Please join us in Church every second and fourth Sunday at 5pm when we gather over cake and tea and get creating. If you don't know how to knit or crochet, we can teach you; and You Tube is always a useful tutor! Pop into Church on the 14th or 28th of August after 5pm or get in touch with Jo Hotchkiss or Gilly Bolton.


The birthday of the Duchess of Cornwall was celebrated on 17 July. If you have something to commemorate or celebrate, contact Siobhan Hannan on 07780 689582 and she will raise the flag for you.

Work Wanted

Hello: we are a Ukrainian family and have been living in Gaydon for three months. We are keen to work locally and are looking for opportunities in housekeeping.
We are very happy to help with: dusting; ironing; washing up; cooking; walking a dog; cleaning windows etc., and are open to other suggestions.
Our contact details: Kate 07365 119386 and Val 07365 119367.


It is with sorrow that we announce the death of Lesley Allan on 4th July. We offer our condolences to his family and friends.

Pat Layton

I would like to thank everyone who came to Pat's funeral on 16 June at the Crematorium and Gaydon Village Hall. The Vicar gave a lovely service and I was very pleased to see how many people came to pay their last respects at the Hall. Pat and I have always been so happy in Gaydon over the years and I am sorry to leave our many friends. Thank you all, Pauline.

August Memorial Book

         2003      3rd      Sheila Carter Wolford
         2002      6th      Francis Whattham
         2004      15th   John Heath
         1987      17th   Annette Miles
         1996      29th   Stewart Kerr

If there is a special entry that you would like to see, let me know and I will try to make sure that the Book is open on that day. Julie Rickman