Gaydon Parish Magazine January 2023
index of magazines
Gaydon Gazette for January 2023
Parish Council Tues 3rd at 7.30pm Village Hall
Village Hall C'ttee Mon 9th at 8pm Village Hall
Burns Night Sat 21st at 7pm Village Hall
Tai Chi Wednesdays at 7pm Village Hall
Mobile Library Friday 20th at 2.40pm Phone Box
The Future of Gaydon
As well as the JLR planning application for the solar array, the village is receiving a lot of other attention from potential property developers. In particular, as many will know, there is a speculative application to build a large industrial park at J12, at the Gaydon side of the junction. There was a public consultation in the Village Hall but we are receiving many reports from residents who did not know about it.
The scale of the development is extremely large, amounting to 96,000 square metres of industrial and commercial buildings. We do not know when the formal planning application will be issued on the Stratford District Council eplanning portal, but understand that it may be
during February.
We want residents to be aware of this and we make a request that as many people as possible voice their views to Stratford, by posting a formal response when the planning application is out.
The more clearly and forcefully the village speaks out on this development, the more likely it is that we will can influence events. IH
January Church Services
1st 11am Group Service Northend
8th 9.30am Holy Communion Gaydon
15th 9.30am Agape Service Gaydon
22nd 6.30pm Songs of Praise Gaydon
29th 11am Group Service Gaydon?
Roman Catholic Church of St Francis, Kineton. Sunday Mass 11am.
Burns Night Supper
Saturday 21 January at 7pm in the Village Hall
Delicious Haggis supper with wee Dram.
Tickets £20 are on sale at the Village Shop
or call Jo on 642248
NB We need 30 revellers in order to make the event viable, so please order your tickets asap!
Parish Council News
The December meeting of the Parish Council coincided with the onset of the coldest spell of weather of the year though it did little to deter eleven hardy residents who braved the elements to contribute to the business of the evening.
Following a number of reports identifying blocked drains and highway culverts, all of which were referred to the Council for further investigation, several residents expressed their concern at the commencement of investigative work being undertaken on land at Pimple Lane in preparation for the planning application for the commercial and industrial development anticipated to be submitted in January 2023. The Chairman encouraged residents to record and document all incidents of disturbance and nuisance generated by these operations and to forward them to the Clerk to inform the Council’s discussion of the planning application when submitted.
The application by Jaguar Land Rover to site a Solar Array on land adjacent to its test track site was now active and available for public comment on the Stratford District Council Planning Portal. The deadline for comments and objections from members of the public was 20th December 2022. However, in view of the complexity of the application and the volume of data submitted by the applicant, the Parish Council had been granted a dispensation by the District Council to submit its formal response on 4th January following its meeting.
The remainder of the meeting concentrated on the Council’s budget and the setting of the proportion of Council Tax that would be necessary to levy on Parishioners in 2023-24. The Clerk had advised that the Council budget this year would be over-spent and the impact of inflation already running at 10% would mean a bigger deficit next year unless corrective action were taken. The Council’s reserves were healthy and Members were reluctant in the current economic climate to add to the current year’s Precept on the Council Tax. It was therefore agreed to maintain the same level of Council Tax deduction in 2023; but to inform future spending rounds, the Council will embark on a review of its expenditure and income to ensure that a balanced budget be achieved over the next three years.
The final act of the year was to appoint a new Parish Clerk as the term of the current incumbent, who had assisted the Council on a locum basis, was now coming to an end. The new Clerk is expected to take up her position in January.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3rd January commencing at 7.30 pm.
The Parish Council wishes all Parishioners a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
We record with great sadness the death of Mrs Betty Bennett on 9th December at the age of 93. Her funeral will be in St Giles' Church, Gaydon, on Monday 23 January at 11.30am followed by refreshments in the Malt Shovel.
January Memorial Book
1980 3rd Carl Heath
2008 3rd Tony Irving
1978 7th Gerald Lush
1989 7th Lewis Watts
2022 12th Joan Morgan
1999 13th John Herrington
1985 20th Alfred Welch
2000 28th Agnes Bailey
If there is a special entry that you would like to see, let me know and I will try to make sure that the Book is open on that day. Julie Rickman
Tai Chi
The Tai Chi group meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Village Hall. Please text 07514 011406 so that we can look out for you. After a month, please donate a coin for the hire of the Hall.
Over-65s Christmas Lunch
This event took place on 11 December in the Village Hall. Nearly forty older residents sat down to a three course meal cooked by a group of volunteers, many of whom have been helping for a number of years. This year we were very pleased to welcome several new helpers who fitted in very well.
Thanks must go to: the Millennium Group committee; Craig the expert turkey chef; Georgina for home-baked mince pies; Nina who holds the purse strings; Sue Roberts from the shop; Sue M for the trifles and the seasonal decorations; the servers and cooks; and Jo and Paul from the Malt Shovel who gave a raffle prize and a large donation to help fund the occasion. Thank you all!
This event would not take place without the group of willing volunteers and participants who make it such a friendly event. It was especially enjoyable this year as we were able to mingle freely, hopefully forgetting the restrictions of the last few years. DP
Betty Bennett was born on 29 November 1929 in Edgbaston and came to Gaydon from Warwick in 1960 with her husband David and their three daughters, Jackie, Ann and Jane. They lived at Old House Cottage next door to the Malt Shovel and in 1966 moved to 4 St Marks Close into what were newly-built Council Houses. The lure of having an inside flushing toilet and a bathroom must have been too great!
Betty played a part in village life and was a member of the local WI along with Betty Machin. She also worked in the village, doing domestic work for the Brightman family at Gaydon Hill Farm, serving at the Petrol Station and also helping in the kitchen at the former Gaydon Inn. David and Betty became great friends with Mary Gladwish who was well-known in the village and they both missed her greatly when she passed away.
In essence, Betty loved living in Gaydon and was loath to leave in her later years when unfortunately she had become unable to care for herself. A special mention must be made of her neighbour Heather Randall who was a great friend and help to Betty. Jane Williams
Cover Photo
Our cover shows a helicopter view of Gaydon in 1980, the same one that hangs in the Parish Office. Go to to get a better picture and see a few other shots taken at the same time, when Gaydon was greener.
Mobile Library
The Mobile Library will call at the Telephone Box at 2.40pm for half an hour on Friday 20 January.