Gaydon Parish Magazine December 2023

index of magazines

Gaydon Gazette for December

Parish Council Tues 5th at 7.30pm Village Hall Mobile Library Fri 15th at 2.40pm Phone Box Carols by Candlelight Sun 17th at 3.30pm All Saints BD Gaydon Carols Friday 22nd at 7pm Village Hall Crib Service Sun 24th at 6pm St Giles' Church Christmas Day Mon 25th at 9am St Giles' Church Tai Chi Wednesdays at 7pm Village Hall

Christmas at St Giles' Church

Carols Friday 22nd Village Hall
Christmas Eve Crib Service at 6pm
Christmas Day Communion at 9am

St Giles' Church Christmas Gift Day and Coffee Morning

The Church is very grateful to everyone who came to the Coffee Morning on 11 November and helped to raise over £800 for the upkeep of St Giles. It was nice to see so many people in the Hall for this special occasion.

Remembrance Sunday

The Act of Remembrance was well-attended and wreathes were laid at the foot of the War Memorial. At the Service which followed £85 were collected in aid of the Royal British Legion.

Nature Notes for November

A couple of almost unnoticed frosty mornings have left a layer of ice on early morning windscreens. This may well have started the autumnal change: leaves are falling and the varied colours of the fall are a vivid colour palette in our local hedgerows. The deep crimson of Spindle contrasts with the golden yellow of Hornbeams; Oaks remain green whilst Chestnuts are skeletal.
I notice an increase in bird sightings now that the leaf cover is disappearing. Hedge pipits (Dunnocks) skulk in undergrowth, Robins and Wrens are already in song at dusk. Yesterday, a journey to Banbury featured a number of Magpies that exceeded nouns of collectivity, once you acquire the superstitious habit of counting them...six for silver, seven for gold; you constantly salute the 'Maggotpies' to avoid bad luck!
A circling group of five Red kites, their wings reflecting their tawny colouration, had spotted a food-source in the sloping terrain. Foxes and Muntjac deer appear on the verges as darkness succeeds the crepuscular twilight. It seems it is not just the intelligent Cows who can now avoid traffic, although roadkill still occurs amongst less-adaptable species like Hedgehogs, Pheasants and Badgers.
It is time to fill bird feeders again as insect food diminishes. Already there are Goldfinches and Blue tits pecking at mine! Hibernating Butterflies may have entered your house, now concealed behind curtains and in corners. They need low temperatures to survive the winter, so carefully transfer them (using a jar and piece of card to cover and slide under) to an outbuilding or they will wake up when heating is turned up. Bernard Price


The Union Flag was raised on the 11th of November for Armistice Day and on the 12th for Remembrance Day. It flew on the 14th in honour of the 75th Birthday of HM The King: Long may he Reign!
If you have something to celebrate or commemorate, contact Siobhan Hannan on 07780 689582, and she will raise the Flag for you in return for a £5 contribution to Church funds.

Tai Chi

The Tai Chi group meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Village Hall. Please text 07514 011406 so that we can look out for you. After a month, please donate a coin for the hire of the Hall.

Mobile Library

The Mobile Library will call at the Telephone Box at 2.40pm for half an hour on Friday 15th.

British Motor Museum Events

Festive Lunches in the roof-top Sky Suite - 8-14 December
                 Lunch, wine, crackers and entrance to the Museum

Driving home for Christmas - 8-23 and 28-30 December
                                Christmas Crafts and Elf Hunt

Young Driver Lessons - Saturday 9th December
             For Ages 10-17 - Book a Time Slot

Mini Motorists Mondays - 11th December
         Activities, Stories and Play for under-5s
            Book tickets online at

Proposed Development December Update

'The benefits should outweigh the harm done'. When I spoke to the SDC Planning Officer on the 21st November, this phrase was used on three occasions. It is an encouraging and reassuring statement in relation to whether the development is approved or not. However, (there had to be !), it proves more difficult to 'drill-down' into what this phrase means in relation to different aspects of the development: Economic 'benefits' or Environmental 'benefits'? For example, the question might be asked whether jobs in this precise location weigh heavier in the scale than the risk of flooding (when climate change forecasts identify an increasing risk) and the loss of the greenfield 'lungs' which act as an oasis in the middle of one of the most over-developed commercial and housing complexes in the rural U.K.?

The conversation I had ranged over a number of issues relating to the proposed development. SDC are still awaiting responses to the 12 page, 28 topics request for clarification and amendments to the developers' original proposal and they are anticipating a mid-December reply. I was assured that the developers could not tear up the original proposal and re-submit a totally new development - after drawing out and picking-off the many objections we have submitted - and by-pass the need for another proper consultation process. When they have responded, we all should be on alert for a 'determination date' to be posted on the SDC e-planning application site (23/01054/OUT), because the process will then speed up quite rapidly towards the (public) council committee meeting which will decide the outcome.

Another issue we discussed was: What was the necessity for this development, here and now, when there is an abundance of warehousing/commercial buildings (hangars!) adorning motorways in the South-Midlands area with very prominent 'To Let' signs? This has relevance in a wider U.K commercial/employment plan which would surely see the folly of littering the precious British countryside with unnecessary, excess commercial capacity? This bonkers situation can endure because there is no joined-up thinking at the moment and any speculative corporate company can apply to a local council, like SDC, for planning permission to build more hangars - even if 8 miles down the road, under a different council, there are numerous empty premises. Generally speaking, speculative corporate development companies have not had many constraints, over the past 13 years, even if they are registered in Panama, Cayman Islands or Malta for tax purposes.

A related question I raised was: Considering the amount of 'spoiled' land which comprises the original Gaydon airfield (i.e. brownfield site) which is not fully utilised by JLR/Aston Martin, why can't investigation/negotiations be pursued as to the availability of land for such a development instead of despoiling a greenfield site? While this may not apply to the specific company (CEG Land Promotions (Malta) Ltd) involved in our situation, generally speaking, the salient point in relation to this appears to be that there are few percentage points more profit obtained when corporate developers build on a greenfield site rather than the hassle of obtaining land held by other corporate companies.

Finally, we discussed the fact that the Highways' Agency (a national body) and the Highways' Department of Warwickshire County Council have expressed concerns about the suitability of the location of this development in terms of current and future traffic use, i.e. the presence of Junction 12 and the JLR facilitated Starlight Expressway do not, of themselves, mean that the location is amenable to the immense amount of traffic movement, in and around the site, which was revealed in the development plans. This concern by HA and WCC is ongoing at the moment.

Speaking locally (the world is another place at the moment), the best present we could have this festive season is: Nothing. No development to take place.

Season's greetings and a Happy New Year from Tony Hughes!

Armonico Christmas Concerts in Warwick

In Dulci Jubilo! 
A Baroque Christmas by Candlelight
6th December at 7.30pm
Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick

Armonico Consort's President's Carols
at Warwick Castle
20 December at 7.30pm

Carols by Candlelight
21 December at 7.30pm 
Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick
Tickets: or 01926 334418

Parish Council News

The Parish Council met on Tuesday 7th November at 7.30pm in the village hall. In attendance were all parish councillors and 5 members of the public. Apologies were sent by District and County Councillors.
Playground: We have had the Playground inspected by a ROSPA company. They found some concerns with the Zip Wire that need addressing. We shall review during the next month.
Street lights: Most of the Street lamps in the village are now obsolete, so when they fail they cannot be repaired. The parish council has a plan to replace the lamps as soon as we can afford to. Cllr Claxton met the WCC lighting engineer on 13 November to discuss the replacement of two lamps, one on Church Road, opposite Church Lane; and one by the entrance of the footpath at the bottom of St Marks Close. There is also the intent of replacing the one by the Phone box, if funds allow.
Drains: Gulley on Banbury Road, by the island, is still blocked. Cllr Richardson will raise again with WCC.
Street Furniture: The Bench by the garages in St Marks Close has been flagged up for replacement. The Clerk will make Orbit aware and request that it is removed and replaced.
Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Ward is to progress the work on this.
Parish/Village website: (
We will endeavour to put links on the website to District and County Councillor Reports on a monthly basis. Please visit our website and let us know how we can make it better.
A Community Forum was held on 16 October where JLR reported on their Quarter 2 sales. At this point there is no update on the Gaydon Green Fund from which we are hoping for a contribution to help the parish reduce its environmental footprint.
Gross expenditure for this month: £1265.66 (Details are included in the full minutes on the website).
Where have the Village gates gone? The gates on the Kineton Rd were removed as they obstructed view from Edgehill View and Gaydon Farm Barns. We will be contacting WCC to find out when, and exactly where, they will be reinstated.
Budget/Precept: Discussions began over the budget for 2024/25. After a couple of years without increase, it is likely that we will need a substantial increase in the coming year. Discussion is to continue next month.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 5th December at 7.30pm.
Please Note: January meeting will be on Tuesday the 2nd January.
If you have any Problems that you think the Parish Council can help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Planning Applications:
J12 M40 Commercial development application (23/01054/OUT)
is to be reviewed by the developer in light of the objections it has received. The revised plan will be subject to further public consultation.
23/02886/FUL: 6 Manor Farm Court No objection, with caveat.
23/02583/VARY: Land South North of Kineton Road
No representation made
23/02702/TEL56: Land Adjacent To M40 Kingston Grange, LH, CV35 0HE No representation made.
See Stratford DC e Planning for details (
Ask us for Help
If you have any problems that you think the Parish Council can help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
You can email the clerk ( or get in touch with one of your councillors.
We still have space for one more councillor on the council.
If you would like to contribute to the parish by becoming a councillor, please contact the clerk.

December Church Services

3rd      9.30am   Holy Communion      Gaydon            

10th      9.30am   Morning Service    Gaydon      

17th      9.30am   Agape Service      Gaydon
      3.30pm   Carols by Candlelight at   Burton Dassett

Christmas Eve
24th        6pm    Crib Service      Gaydon
Christmas Day
25th        9am   Holy Communion      Gaydon

Roman Catholic Church of St Francis, Kineton: Sunday Mass 11am

Gaydon Village Carols

You are invited to join us on Friday 22 December in the Village Hall at 7pm for Carol Singing accompanied by Mince Pies and Mulled Wine. Everyone welcome, the more the merrier!

December Memorial Book

         2005       3rd      Rex White
         2022       9th      Betty Margaret Leah Bennett 
         2004      10th      Trevor Taylor
         2004      19th      Jean Welch
         2000      27th      Evelyn Olds

         1999      30th       John Barker         

If there is a special entry that you would like to see, let me know and I will try to make sure that the Book is open on that day. Julie Rickman

Carols by Candlelight

All Saints' Church, Burton Dassett, this traditional service of nine lessons and carols will be held at the ancient Church of All Saints on the Burton Dassett Hills on Sunday 17 December at 3.30pm.

Gaydon Christmas Eve Crib Service

On Christmas Eve at 6pm we gather in St Giles' Church where the members of the congregation carry the Holy Family, the Shepherds and the Kings to the Stable under the Altar and make a Crib Scene. We sing Carols and hear the Bible story and share the Cake the village has made to celebrate the Birth of Christ. Come and join in!

Christmas Message

'Let’s not forget the whole story', writes our Area Dean, the Reverend Patrick Taylor, from Holy Trinity Church, Stratford upon Avon.
'One of the most dramatic parts of the Christmas story, so often overlooked in our modern season of being merry, is the ‘slaughter of the innocents'.
'King Herod ordered the killing of all children in and around Bethlehem under the age of two, in an attempt to wipe out any threat to his power. The pain and anguish this must have caused to so many families
is unimaginable.
'Yet, as we have seen this year in Israel, Gaza and Ukraine, it is sadly so often children and the innocent who are the ones who suffer most in times of conflict. Sometimes we can’t bear to watch the news because the suffering being shown, especially when it involves children, is too much to cope with.
'The vulnerable child Jesus became an adult, but never lost the perspective of a child. He taught that those who keep a child’s outlook of wonder and enquiry will be the ones who discover the deepest meaning of life. He also kept his sternest teaching for those who might cause harm to a child. At Christmas we recall the birth of the one who was innocent, yet through his death and resurrection shows us the way to life 'in all its fullness'.
'May you and your loved ones know God’s love in your own hearts this Christmas; and for those for whom life is currently overwhelming or too painful to bear, may the light of Christ shine upon them and in the darkest places of the world. Amen.'