Gaydon Parish Magazine August 2024

index of magazines

Gaydon Gazette for August

Mobile Library Fri 2nd & 30th at 2.40pm Phone Box
Coffee Morning Sat 10th at 11am Village Hall
Book Club Tues 20th at 7pm Village Hall
Tai Chi Wednesdays at 7pm Village Hall
Clubbercise Thursdays at 7pm Village Hall
Next Parish Council on Tues 3rd September at 7.30pm

Open Gardens

Martin Phillips, 2 Bitham Road, Lighthorne Heath, CV33 9TY, will be opening his garden from Thursday 8 August to Sunday 11th between the hours of 10.30am and 5pm. Donations will go to Cancer Research (CRUK).


Village Hall on Thursdays 7pm-7.45pm £6 per session, pay-as-you-go

Coffee Morning

Saturday 10 August at 11am in the Village Hall. There will be Books, Raffle, Bric-a-brac; Coffee and Biscuits 50p. All money raised is for Church funds.

Gaydon Book Club

Next meeting is on Tuesday 20 August at 7pm. Please bring a pound towards the Hire of the Hall - and whatever drink and nibbles you fancy. If you wish to join, please message me on 07917 873856 and I will add you to our WhatsApp group; or find us on Facebook by searching Gaydon Village Book Club. Holly


The flag was raised on 8 July for the Birthday of Paul Dodd. The flag of Saint George was flown on the 13th to encourage the England Football Team.
HM The Queen's Birthday was celebrated with the Union Flag on the 17th; and the flag waved Congratulations to Belle Walden on her 18th Birthday on the 25th. The start of the Olympic Games was marked on 26 July.
If you have something to celebrate, Siobhan Hannan on 07780 689582 will raise the flag for you in return for a £5 contribution to Church funds.

Mobile Library

The Mobile Library will call at the Telephone Box at 2.25pm for half an hour on Fridays 2nd and 30th August.

August Church Services

4th      9.30am      Holy Communion         Gaydon           
        10.00am      Holy Communion         Burton Dassett
11th     9.30am      Prayer and Praise      Gaydon
        10.00am      Morning Prayer         Northend
18th     9.30am      Agapë Service     Gaydon
        10.00am      Holy Communion         Northend
25th     9.30am      Songs of Praise        Gaydon
        10.00am      Morning Prayer         Northend

Roman Catholic Church of St Francis, Kineton

Sunday Mass 11am

August Memorial Book

         2003       3rd      Sheila Carter Wolford
         2002       6th      Francis Whattham
         2004      15th      John Heath
         1987      17th      Annette Miles
         1996      29th      Stewart Kerr         

If there is a special entry that you would like to see, let me know and I will try to make sure that the Book is open on that day. Julie Rickman


Walter Francis Liddington 11 May 1930 - 24 June 2024
The funeral service for Francis Liddington was held in the Parish Church of
St Giles on Friday 19 July at 2pm. It was conducted by the Reverend Alison Abbott who delivered the eulogy on behalf of the family. The church was full of mourners paying their last respects to Francis who had been such a well-known and popular member of the village community. At his wish, as former Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, the retiring collection was in aid of Village Hall funds. Following the service, a private committal took place in Gaydon Cemetery which had been in Francis's care when he served on the Parish Council. Those attending the church service were invited to join the family for refreshments and shared memories in the Village Hall. We offer our love and sympathy to Josephine and her family.


On Friday 23 August 'Carers4Carers' do not meet in Kineton Village Hall but go out together informally for coffee in the morning. If you would like to know more details, please get in touch.
For more information about our support group for carers, including help with transport to/from meetings, phone Gillian on 07947 893504, or email us at: or take a look at
Parish Council News
There will be no Parish Council meeting in August and so the next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd September at 7.30pm.

Gaydon Development - August Update

This month we have an update which has actual dates! A very helpful and informative conversation with the Planning Officer has revealed that we are moving towards a deadline for the developers - CEG (Malta) Ltd - to submit a response to the 28 areas of concern about multiple aspects of the development itemised by the Stratford Planning Department last December.
The Planning Department has requested that the developers submit their response by the 31st October. If they have submitted their response by then (they may not…!), the Planning Department will then re-direct the submission to interested parties i.e. CPRE; County Flood Officer; Gaydon residents etc. by the 22nd November to scrutinise how, or if at all, they have answered our and Stratford District Council’s concerns.
I have been assured that just ‘tweaking’ the many points of concern we have about the developer’s plans will not be sufficient to give their project the green light. The scale of the development is such that it cannot be compared with domestic planning issues where, say, a builder planning an extension to a property could be advised that a certain feature of the extension is not acceptable and the builder makes the requested alteration confident that the Planning Department will pass the whole extension. The complexity of the proposed Gaydon development, planning-wise, means it will take a lot more than an adjustment here and an alteration there: tinkering at the edges
won’t do!
There’s been speculation that the change in government and their declaration that they are ‘going for growth’ might make Gaydon more vulnerable to commercial/industrial and infrastructure development. Personally, I don’t think the government would permit yet another development to duplicate one of many already adjacent to the M40 in the region. The relatively high saturation of our area in terms of housing and industry already, would mean that any further development would be criminally damaging to the local environment. The government may have changed but the topography, flooding and pollution-potential and the dominating elevation of the Gaydon site cannot be changed… Tony Hughes

BMM Events in August

      Fiats and Friends            Saturday 3rd      
      Gaydon Gathering             Tuesday  13th
      Jaguar Breakfast Meet        Thursday 15th
      Summer Access Day            Friday 16th
      Vaux ALL                     Sunday  18th
      Mini Motorists Monday        Monday 19th
      The Aston Martin Heritage Festival    Saturday 31st   

Information and tickets at

Nature Notes for July

Although it is still cool for July a few butterflies have appeared of late. Notably, a female Small White - a species somewhat in decline over recent years - that settled on my vibrant Nasturtiums, returning several times to lay small patches of eggs which I hope to watch grow into caterpillars. I'm sure I can sacrifice a few leaves to them! Once a menace to cabbages, the larger species is also less common this year. A solitary large Red Admiral, probably a migrant from Southern Europe, also visited my Lantana bushes. These plants are a magnet for butterflies and, in a normal year, even more favoured than than Buddleias.
The Swifts around Gaydon seem to have been very successful this year. Several groups have been teaching their young to fly and have around six fledglings each. The last few evenings they have filled the sky along with a smaller group of House Martins. They will be feeding up for the long trip back to Africa next month. They are a long-lived bird and sleep on the wing, never touching ground except to scrape out a nest under roof tiles or crevices.
Again I'm told that a local farmer's wildlife camera is getting regular sightings of Hedgehogs, a secretive animal once familiar to all but now rarely seen. Perhaps the best thing I have spotted once again is the spectacular Hornet Fly. It mimics a large Hornet perfectly in both size and colour and is only identified by its large compound eyes as opposed to the antennae and jaws of the actual insect (a large docile wasp which sometimes nests in bird boxes). It is very different from the Asian Hornet, much on the news of late.
The very large Grass snake has been spotted in a local pond in Church Road, another long-lived species which is resident in the overgrown abandoned building plot. Green woodpeckers could be heard all around the village last week 'Yaffling'. One very hot day had encouraged a feeding frenzy. 'Pissmires' - known also as black ants - were swarming in clouds and the tropical-coloured birds (mostly juveniles with spotted undersides) were using their specially adapted tongues to scoop them up. My binoculars detected them outside the village hall for a short snack.
Please read also the excellent postings from upper Lighthorne on the web which have great pictures and observations. Bernard Price

Burning Issue

If you are having a bonfire, please make sure that you burn only garden waste and nothing that can cause black, ill-smelling smoke. Do consider your neighbours' sensibilities and also make sure that any smoke is not blown across roads, causing visibility problems.

Tai Chi

The Tai Chi group meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Village Hall. Please text 07514 011406 so that we can look out for you. After a month, please donate a coin for the hire of the Hall.