'We have to note, too, improvement of a material as well as of a moral kind in Gaydon. The row of goodly houses now approaching completion on the Banbury road contrast favourably with the filthy dens which have just been pulled down on what is, we believe, to be the site of a public Hall or Reading room.'
'The Opening of Gaydon Public Hall and Reading Room
'At the last moment before sending off our copy we make an addition to it to record the above event, which took place yesterday evening, July 23rd, a day which will be memorable in the annals of our village. The beautiful building with its handsome appointments is the munificent gift of Mr Bolton King and has been erected by Mr Fleming in a way that does him the greatest credit, and makes Gaydon proud that one of her sons and not 'an outsider', has been entrusted with the work. The Hall, with its lights and flowers, its pictures and other adornments, and thronged with cheerful folk - to some of whom this was, as it were, a glimpse of a new life - presented a very striking appearance and won the admiration of all.
'A temporary annexe provided a refreshment room which was amply stocked with good things, and a cloakroom. Permanent erections will hereafter occupy their place and there will also be a separate reading room. The President (Mr Bolton King) hopes that a Library, Museum and Art Collection in connection with the building will follow in due time. Notwithstanding the pitiless rain which fell during the evening without intermission, the Hall was filled with guests when, after an opening piece for Violin and Pianoforte - Mendelssohn's 'War March of the Priests' - Mr Bolton King began his speech.
'He explained the rules if the Institution, the objects which he had in view in founding it, and the benefits which he believed would result from it, appealing earnestly to all interested in Gaydon to promote those objects, and by a right and intelligent use of his gift to secure those benefits.
'The vicar followed, and after a few remarks expressed to the President the earnest thanks of all concerned for his noble gift. A most successful concert was then given, the details of which our limited space forbids us to give, and at 10 o'clock the room was cleared for dancing, which had begun with vigour when our reporter left. The committee were energetic in looking after the guests and Mr Checkley, in attendance on the platform, proved himself an efficient aid as 'Squire of Dames'. '
'The Club Manager's house is ready for occupation and the new Octagon Reading room attached to the Public Hall only wants its furniture to be complete.'
'Three Chestnut trees have been planted on the open space in front of the School cottage and bordering on the highway, in commemoration of Her Majesty's Jubilee. They have been surrounded by a neat iron fence, the cost of which has exhausted the small balance which remained to the credit of the Jubilee Festival Fund.'