The last was one of wondrous progress: the new one, we trust, will continue it. What it may have in its awful womb we know not, but we do know this, "that all things work together for good to them that love God: if we do that - and love always means service - there is nothing in the future for us that we need fear. .......
The close of the old year and of the nineteenth century was marked by a tumult of the elements, "the sea and the waves roaring, men's hearts failing them for fear."
Two destructive gales of hurricane force made things lively also for those on land. Here at Gaydon in the early hours of the morning of the 28th, whhlst the inhabitants of the Vicarage - rocked by the winds and deafened by the roar - new nothing of what was passing, half the men, of our village were helping to quench a fire which had broken out in Mr. Bassett's straw rick on the Banbury Road. In this they were assisted by the Kineton Fire Brigade with their engine - warned in the first instance by the Rev. L. Goodenough, who had observed the distant glare, and who afterwards did active service in tackling the flames.
Happily the damage done was confined to the rick, but had the wind been in another quarter, the house and surroundings would probably have been destroyed.
Sermons for the S.P.G. the oldest of our missionary societies were preached on Advent Sunday at Chadshunt by the Vicar, ofertory 17s. 2d.; and in the evening at Gaydon, by the Rector of Lighthorne, Rev. the Hon. W. R. Verney, collection 11s. 7 1/2d. The contents of the boxes were found to be as follows:-
Vicarage 9s. 10d., Mrs Basset 2s. 1 1/2d., Mrs. Fleming 1s. 3d., the School 1s. 9d., Mrs. Wheildon 3s. 4d., Miss Wilkins 1s. 4d., total £2 8s. 5d. The boxes provide the rivulets that make up the rivers, and we hope their number will be added to this year. Who will ask for one ?
Before the children were dismissed fo their Christmas holidays the Vicar distributed his gifts of books to those who had made best attendances in the Day and Sunday Schools. The following received prizes: Sydney Randall (every attendance possible) 433, Albert Hackelton 430, Percy Philpott 427, Harry Hackleton, Tom Hackleton, Alfred Boffin, Minnie Clifford, Mary Philpott, Clara Rogers. In Sunday School in order oftheir marks:- Rex Griffin, Caroline Ballard, Alice Barradell, Herbert Heritage, Caroline Boffin, Arthur Olds, Annie Barradell, Winifrid Rogers (consolation prize).
Advent had been but poorly observed by our people, the weather was dull and damp, the Church stove at Gaydon had long before struck work,and there was no fire in it - these things may account perhaps, for thepoor attendance at the services, but some, no doubt, were not insensible to theglad tiding of the Blessed Day, and found room for their Saviour amongst the crowds of worldly thoughts, and cares or pleasures that beset our hearts. The Anthems were really most sweetly and correctly sung by the choir, and so were the hymns and canticles, Miss Alice Fleming taking with her usual taste and skill the instrumental parts. The offertory was given to the fund for providing a new Church stove, and amounted to £1 8s. 7 1/2d. The decorations at the Parish Church were most tastfully devised and effectively executed. All thanks to the clever and self-denying workers.
At Chadshunt there was no falling off in efforts to brighten the hoary fabric in which so many generations have worshipped, and here again our thanks are due to the few who beautified the place of God;s Sanctuary.
Clothing Club members must pay in their first monthly deposit on Monday, January 14th or 21st, at the School-room, after morning school.