It was proposed that Dr. Davies should continue as Madam Chairman and Mr. F. Liddington as Vice-Chairman.
It was decided to repair part of the fencing and re-new completely one side of the cemetary fencing. Mr. F. Liddington kindly offered to carry out the work.
It was proposed to continue the donation of £100 to the Village Hall.
Play area
The grass in the area will be cut each month until September.
Our thanks to Mr. Wheildon for his talk and delightful slides on his travels through Cairo and Jerusalem and other places en route. All proved most interesting and members were refreshed to see the beauty of these ancient historic links with the past, and especially to see the sunshine radiating from the photographs. A vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Davies.
Competition was won by Mrs. Machin 1st and Mrs. Gardner 2nd.
Raffle won by Mrs. Jeffs.
Next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th. July at 7.30.p.m. Speaker Mr. Bentley - Topic - "Weights and Measures".
Competition - A Single Rose.
The 'T' club will meet on Wednesday July 12th. at Mrs. Fellowes house at 3.p.m.
This will take place Thursday July 27th. - watch for final details on Notice Boards in the Village. It is proposed to go to Solihull for shopping, then a country drive in search of our usual tea.
Please let Mrs. Fellowes, Mrs. Holder or Miss Hammond know if you would like to come.
The annual flower show- Saturday August 12th.
in and around Village Hall Gaydon -S chedules available this month