Gaydon Parish Action Plan


Parish Council
to identify specific problems disabled people encounter


Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Plan Team
Gaydon volunteers
Gaydon volunteers
Gaydon volunteers
publish details of councillors on notice board, website, magazine
to work at improving its communication
the broadband champion to coordinate broadband improvement
communicate Parish Plan comments to committee of Parish Magazine
review village website: to make it more user friendly; more interactive
to explore other locations for notice boards and sources of funding
to produce a welcome pack for new residents


Gaydon volunteers
Parish Council
to identify possible sites for the preferred developments.
to consider the sites with regard to planning applications.


Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Gaydon volunteers
Gaydon volunteers
monitor any proposals for road development
ask WCC to lower speed limit from 30 to 20mph in village
ask WCC to implement calming measures where appropriate
ask highways to for weight restriction on Church Road traffic
add road maintenance to a councillor's responsibilities;
continue to lobby WCC to repair and maintain roads
gather data on bus needs to support improved service requests
assess the traffic; identify sites for calming measures


Parish Council
Parish Council

appoint a councillor to be flood prevention officer
produce and publish a flood prevention plan,
taking note of appendix 18 of the Parish Plan Report


Parish Council

allocate responsibility for pavements to a councillor
inspect pavements, footpaths, bridleways, report annually
improve footpath and bridleway signs
work reinstate paths after harvest
remove excess vegetation from footpaths
reduce dog fouling on footpaths and pavements
consider using more attractive signage - e.g. dog notices
collect litter from footpaths
prevent parking on pavements
put definitive footpath maps on web OS-ref for stiles and gates
make new path to Children's Playground from the pavement.


Parish Council
Gaydon volunteer
Gaydon volunteers
improve playground facilities (action plan is in place)
needed to coordinate sharing of skills
a volunteer to promote activities within the village


Parish Council
Parish Council
Gaydon volunteers
liaise with County to turned off street lights in early hours
monitor wind farm applications in the area
to form an Energy Efficiency Group


Parish Council
Parish Council
be aware of residents views when considering planning applications
work with Liaison Committee on impact of business expansion.

© JR 2013