1. Apologies for absence

Mr. J. Crowe, Mr. F. Liddington.

  1. Signing of Declarations of Office and Election of Officers for the forthcoming year - Chairman, Vice Chairman, Finance Officer, Committees, Responsibilities

MRS. S. FISHER nominated MR. J. RICKMAN to continue as CHAIRMAN, which was seconded by MR. B. PRICE. There being no further nominations, MR. RICKMAN was duly elected. MRS. S. FISHER nominated MR. J. CROWE for the position of VICE-CHAIRMAN, which was seconded by MR. B. PRICE. There being no further nominations MR. CROWE was duly elected.

The following appointments were approved:

Responsible Finance Officer - Clerk, Mrs. C. Hill

Play Area - MR. CROWE


Defined Footpaths - MR. PRICE

Lights/Litter - MRS. FISHER

3. Declarations of Interests.

Members are asked to declare interests in items on the Agenda in accordance with the following provisions:

(a) The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001

Members are reminded that the code of conduct provides that should they have a prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion they should withdraw from the room and not seek improperly to influence a decision about that matter.

No interests were declared at this stage.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (4th March 2004)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes of the previous meeting. The CHAIRMAN signed the minute book.

5. Matters Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting

(a) Southam Area Committee - MR. CROWE was unable to attend the meeting on 10th March 2004.

(b) Parish Plan Update - Meeting took place on 30th March. MR. CROWE reported that they now have a list of potential committee members. Next meeting is scheduled for 19th May in the Village Hall.

(c) B4100 matters - The Clerk read a letter from The County Council, which was in reply to our letter, concerning the change in plans for the new island. The Parish Council was disappointed by this reply and, in particular, expressed concern regarding drainage, the crossing at the roundabout and speed limit extent. It was felt that the speeding traffic situation should be reviewed after The County Council have carried out the vehicle speed survey in 6 months time. It was agreed that, in the meantime, no further action should be taken. The Clerk was asked to thank the County Council for their letter but to mention that the Parish Council were unhappy with their response.

(d) Consultation document re. Burial Grounds Law and Policy. No comments were made.

6. Councillor's Reports

(a) Cemetery - no new report

(b) Lights/Litter

It was agreed that the three street lights in the Banbury Road should be replaced with more modern structures. The three lanterns belong to the parish and it was decided that these should be advertised in The Village Magazine. The Clerk would liaise with The County Council and arrange for the lights to be replaced and the lanterns stored in the parish office.

A litter bin in Church Lane is being used as a dog waste bin. It was agreed that this should be replaced by a dog waste bin. The clerk would arrange for this.

(c) Play Area - Still looking for sponsorship. MR. CROWE said in his note that he would be contacting the Housing Association with regard to the wall between the play area and the garages. Bricks have been knocked off this wall.

(d) Drains - no new report.

(e) Footpaths - Path near cemetery is becoming overgrown. MR. PRICE said that he would cut it back. He reported that most of the stiles were in reasonable condition although the stile near the sewage works would need replacing in the near future.

(f) Gaydon Site Liaison Committee - no date for another meeting had been fixed. It was felt that we should contact Landrover to try to arrange a meeting.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch - MR. CROWE was unable to make the meeting. MR. PRICE said that he would like every incident in the village reported. It was explained that if the resident does not want the incident reported then the Committee is unable to mention details.

7. To consider any matters brought from the Annual Assembly

(a) Litter problems in St. Marks Close/St. Giles Road area - MRS. FISHER

said she was trying to arrange a meeting with the Housing Association.

(b) Pot holes in Church Lane - A note from The Highways Department was read out. It said that there were no plans at present to resurface Church Lane. The Parish Council felt that this was unacceptable. It was mentioned that there was a pot hole outside the home of a resident who uses a mobility scooter. It was agreed that the holes are dangerous and the road needs resurfacing.

(c) Tree obstructing sign in Pimple Lane - The vendors have been contacted and asked to remove the tree.

(d) Problems with lorries leaving the Motorway looking for Kineton Road Ind Estate, Southam - A letter from The Traffic Group said that they would not signpost Southam from the M40/B4451. Traffic calming measures in Bishops Itchington make the main road less suitable for lorries. County Councillor BOOTH said that the lorries should be using the Banbury junction from the M40 to reach Southam. He said he would enquire as to whether it would be possible for Kineton Industrial Estate to change its name to Southam Industrial Estate. Another suggestion was to signpost Southam from the Banbury junction.

8. Any matters from the District Councillors or County Councillors

District Councillor HIGGS said that he had received a complaint about the stables next door to Village Farm. Apparently it was being claimed that the material being used on the ménage was of a toxic nature.

He had also been contacted by a resident in The Kineton Road regarding a burst water pipe.

The next business meeting would take place at The Swan Hotel in Kineton on Friday, 14th May at 5pm. John Maples MP would be present.

9. To receive any new planning applications

The following planning application had been received and considered:

04/00946/FUL - Land adjacent to The Gables - objection to the application sent.

The Clerk read out a letter from The Planning Department which informed them of a minor amendment to 03/03706/REM - The Villa, Church Road.

10. To receive any results of planning applications

No results had been received.

11 To receive any correspondence

(a) Review of planning procedures

This document had been discussed and comments sent to The District Council.

(b) Audit Commission questionnaire

The questionnaire had been discussed and returned.

(c) Change of address on bank accounts

A letter had been sent to the bank requesting the address be changed on the bank account to the address of the new clerk.

(d) New bank mandate form

The Clerk asked if the Parish Council could complete a new bank mandate form.

12. Gift for retired Parish Clerk

It was agreed that a small gift should be purchased for MR. MOODY.

13. Village Green

The flower bed around the flagpole was being maintained by Mr. & Mrs. Brown. It appears that they are no longer maintaining this area. The Clerk was asked to write to them.

Mr. Layton has said that he is no longer able to raise the flag. The Parish Council would try to find someone willing to take on this role.

14. Office Equipment

The photocopier needs updating. It was agreed that this should be discussed at the beginning of next year when the budget is being prepared. The Millennium Group should be asked it they would contribute towards this.

15. To receive the Annual Accounts

The Clerk handed out copies of the receipts and payments to members.

The Parish Council were pleased with last year's audit. They felt that the fee charged for the audit was reasonable. The Clerk was, therefore, asked to contact Michele Johnson to ask if she would audit the accounts for 2003/2004.

16. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were passed for payment on the proposal of MRS. FISHER seconded by MR. PRICE

(a) Clerk's salary - £255.00

(b) Clerk's expenses - £12.09

(c) Regent Reprographics (81841) - £10.62

(d) Kevin Heath - cemetery and village greens maintenance - £237.50

(e) Mr. M. Moody - final expense account - £32.50

(f) Powergen plc - electricity for lighting - £70.24

(g) WALC subscription 04/05 - £79.00

(h) Mrs. J. Rickman - paper for copier machine - £23.96

17. Closure of meeting

The CHAIRMAN closed the meeting at 9.25pm

Date of next Parish Council meeting - 6th July 2004.