1. Election of Chairman and Officers for 2011/12
Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed Cllr. Crowe be elected as Chair, seconded Cllr. Price and carried unanimously. Cllr. Crowe said that he would accept the role as Chair but would be willing to resign if another councillor wanted to accept the role. Cllr. Crowe signed the declaration of office form. It was agreed that all other roles would be discussed at the September meeting when a full council should be present.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Questions from the public
There were no questions from the public.
4. Declarations of Interests
Members are asked to declare interests in items on the agenda in accordance with The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.
Interest forms were completed and handed to the Clerk. No interests were declared.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (April 2011)
The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by THE CHAIRMAN.
6. Matters arising from the previous minutes
(a) Parish Plan update
The Chairman reported that the parish plan is moving forward. The Committee has finalised the draft questions and is in the process of asking advice from external bodies.
(b) Emergency Plan
The Clerk was asked to update the plan with the new councillor's details and circulate.
(c) Village Farm Riding Stables re. Breach of Planning Condition
The Clerk reported that Enforcement have spoken to the landowner and requested that the Nissan hut be removed. The landowner is currently deciding whether to apply for retrospective planning for the hut. Enforcement have given the landowner 2 weeks in which to consider this. The CHAIRMAN said that the consent for planning permission for the bungalow stated that the Nissan huts should be removed and this should have happened by now. The Clerk reported that a caravan has now appeared on the site and it is believed by residents that it is providing a second dwelling on the site.
(d) Website Redesign
The Clerk was asked to get an update for the next meeting.
(e) Insurance Cover re. Street Lighting
The Clerk reported that due to the fact that the majority of our lights have overhead cables there is a risk that they would have to be replaced with metal columns and underground cables (estimated cost of £8000 per street light). Our insurance company have provided a quote for cover of £2400. WALC have confirmed that some parishes are not insuring their lights because of the high premium demanded by the insurance companies. COUNTY COUNCILLOR WILLIAMS said that Fenny Compton and Kineton have insurance cover for their lights and we should liaise with them to find out how they are managing to do this. The Clerk was requested to do this.
7. Councillor's Report
(a) Cemetery
The Clerk reported that she had been contacted by the RAF regarding maintenance of the graves in the cemetery. They said that they appointed a contractor to maintain these graves 3 years ago. They are looking into the matter and our 2 outstanding invoices have been forwarded to the RAF again with a request that they be paid.
(i) Signage
THE CHAIRMAN said that he would look into this.
(b) Lights/litter/street furniture
(i) Esso Garage Lights
The Clerk reported that Environmental Health have confirmed that these lights do not cause light pollution because they are not near a property. She has been advised to contact Highways.
(ii) Appointment of Flag Officer
It was agreed that the resident who kindly performs this role should be asked if he wishes to continue.
(c) Play Area
No new report.
(d) Drains
No new report.
(e) Footpaths
No new report.
(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting
Next meeting in September. COUNCILLOR MCGRATH pointed out that there are no signs to the Heritage Centre. She also mentioned the fact that the roundabout has been resurfaced recently but pot holes are already appearing.
(g) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
COUNTY COUNCILLOR WILLIAMS reiterated that the County Council must make savings. He said that the County wanted to bring the library service into the 20th century. There is a possibility that 16 may close but local communities could take on the task of running the library themselves. Youth services are being reformed and run by local communities. Significant changes are being made to the Police Service with PCSO's handling community work. The planning application at Kingston Grange has been granted. COUNCILLOR MCGRATH asked if the County Planning Team addressed the concerns raised in our objection letter. COUNTY COUNCILLOR WILLIAMS said that they were addressed and we would be receiving a written response.
DISTRICT COUNCILLOR MILLS told the meeting about a scam with Air Ambulance collections and urged residents to be alert. Olympic Torch Bearers are required. Details were passed to the Clerk. The Clerk mentioned that we would like to receive hard copies of planning applications. The recent planning application for Kingston Grange did not include all of the documentation. COUNTY COUNCILLOR WILLIAMS explained that this was because of the amount of documentation involved with this application. The Parish Council reiterated that they needed all of the documents associated with the application to be able to form a decision on the application. COUNTY COUNCILLOR WILLIAMS said that we could contact him if this happens again with a County application and he will ensure that we receive the documents.
There is a grant available from the District Council to help Parish Councils fund a projector. The Clerk was asked to find out about this.
9. To receive any new planning applications
(a) 11/00535/FUL - Edge Live, Warwick Road
COUNCILLOR MCGRATH reported that Highways had objected to this application because of a traffic issue. The Parish Council agreed to respond as follows: we would like the traffic implications pursued. We have no objections to the development of the site but agree with Highways objections.
10. Flood Defence Plan
The Clerk was asked to contact Severn Trent regarding the water leaks identified by a landowner. THE CHAIRMAN said that he was meeting with a resident regarding the ditches along the Banbury Road. The Clerk was asked to contact Peter Bones at the County Council to find out the progress made on the flooding issue with the Warwick Road and also Geoff Turton at the District Council regarding the Banbury Road pipe. She was also asked to say that Gaydon does not know if it will need any additional funds until we understand what work will be carried out in relation to the Banbury Road and also what is recommended for the Warwick Road.
11. To receive any correspondence
(a) Letter from SDC re. flood grant
The Clerk was asked to respond by saying that we are pursuing various options.
(b) WALC May Newsletter
Circulated to councillors by email.
(c) Letter re. Cemetery Plots
A letter has been received from an ex-resident saying that he no longer requires the 2 plots that he has purchased in the cemetery. The Clerk to update the plan of the cemetery.
(d) Annual Inspection Report of the Play Area
The Clerk confirmed that the report would be left in the office.
12. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balance
Community Account - £6,456.33
Business Money Manager Account - £10,570.00
(b) New bank mandate form
A new bank mandate form was completed. The Clerk was asked to arrange for Councillor Rickman to complete and then forward to HSBC. A copy forms part of these minutes.
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by COUNCILLOR MCGRATH, seconded by COUNCILLOR PRICE and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill - Clerk's fee - £203.80
(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £405.00
(c) e.on - Street lighting - £94.72
(d) SLCC - annual subscription - £72.00
(e) St. Giles Church - bird proofing - £250.00
14. Closure of meeting
Date of next Parish Council Meeting - 1st September 2011.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.