PRESENT: CLLRS: MR. J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), MRS. M. FOX, D. PIRIE, C.HILL (Clerk) and 7 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr. Price, District Cllrs. Mills and Scorer and County Cllr. Williams.
2. Minutes of the previous assembly (March 2012)
The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they were a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the CHAIRMAN.
3. Any matters arising from those minutes
The Clerk reported that there were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
4. Reports from councillors:
i) Councillor responsible for Cemetery; Cllr. Mrs. Fox
The cemetery has been tidied up but there is more to do. The gates have been painted, the mound tidied but the hedges need attention. Recently vehicle tracks were discovered across the cemetery. We have informed the Police.
She thanked our contractor for keeping the area tidy.
ii) Councillor responsible for Litter, Street Lighting and Furniture; Cllr. Pirie
Cllr. Pirie reported that there were no major litter issues. The street lights were being repaired by the County Council when necessary. No additions to street furniture.
iii) The Chairman reported on the footpaths
We are determined to make sure all footpaths are kept marked and passable.
iv) Councillor responsible for the Play Area; the Chairman
The roundabout has been taken to pieces. All parts have been shot-blasted and repainted. It will be reassembled shortly when the weather gets warmer. The loose coping stones are a concern and they have been repeatedly reported to Orbit.
Thanks to Tim Wells, Andy Thomas and other residents who helped with the play area.
v) Report on the Flood Defence Plan; the Chairman
The Council is continuing to work on flood prevention measures.
5. Reports from the District Councillors
The Chairman read out the report, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.
6. Report from the County Councillor
The Chairman read out the report, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.
7. Reports from any Parish Organisations
There were no reports.
8. Any matters raised by electors of the parish present
No matters were raised.
9. Closure
The meeting was closed at 7.45pm