1. Apologies for absence


2. Declarations of Interests.

Members are asked to declare interests in items on the Agenda in accordance with the following provisions:

(a) The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001

Members are reminded that the code of conduct provides that should they have a prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion they should withdraw from the room and not seek improperly to influence a decision about that matter.

No interests were declared at this stage

3. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (November 2003)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes of the previous meeting which were accepted as a true record of what had taken place. The CHAIRMAN signed the minutes book.

4. Matters Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting:

(a) Harbury Electoral Panel - Cllr BOOTH said it was unlikely that any further meetings would be held and the item was removed from the agenda.

(b) Southam Area Committee - there had been no meeting recently

(c) Parish plan update - Mr.CROWE updated the members on the progress to date. A public meeting had been arranged for 10th February 2004 and an item had been placed in the Parish Magazine. Some interest from residents had already been shown. He had been in touch with the Countryside Agency and was to be sent an application form. Help had been accepted from Linda Ridgley at WRCC. It was agreed that the forms could be completed at a Saturday morning meeting rather than wait to a regular meeting of the Parish Council. Mr.CROWE also gave details of the funding arrangements.

5. Councillor's Reports

(a) Cemetery - Mr.LIDDINGTON reported having replaced the dead oak with another locally grown oak.

(b) Lights/Litter - Mrs.FISHER said there were no known problems with the lights but there was a problem with litter and it was agreed that a Saturday morning litter pick should be carried out soon. She had also dealt with a complaint of a blocked footpath on the new roundabout on the B4100 which she had resolved with the contractors on the site.

(c) Play Area - Mr.CROWE gave a presentation on possible options for the play area refurbishment. He gave details of the costs and said grants would have to be obtained. Councillor GIBLIN said she might be able to assist with obtaining grants.

(d) Drains - Mr.LIDDINGTON spoke of a problem with a ditch on the B4100 which he had dealt with, with both the complainant and the council officers.

(e) Footpaths - Mr.CROWE reported some problems with some of the paths in the Parish and would mention them to Mr.PRICE on his return from holiday.

(f) Gaydon Site Liaison Committee - there would be a meeting of the committee this month. Mr.LIDDINGTON reported a perceived problem with the layout at the new island which in his opinion would cause difficulties for pedestrians trying to cross the road near to the island. The CHAIRMAN said that the committee would be the place to raise his concerns and in the meantime he would also look at the site.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch - Mr.CROWE was not being made aware of any meetings and would contact the NHW co-ordinator.

6. Any matters from the District Councillors or County Councillor

Coucillor HIGGS spoke of a new business club formed in Kineton and encouraged new members to attend. A recent talk had been given on the Broadband possibilities via satellite and Councillor HIGGS gave the members the details. He did not think it would reach Gaydon.

7. To receive any new planning applications

(a) No new plans had been received.

8. To receive any results of planning applications

The following results of applications were noted:

(a) 03/03075/FUL - Kingsbrooke, Gaydon - two storey extension and orangery - GRANTED

(b) 03/03135/FUL - Building 537 Test Bed Facility at Gaydon Test Centre - GRANTED

(c) 03/02618/VARY - Site adj to the Villa, vary condition to extend - GRANTED

9. To receive any correspondence

(a) an email from a Mr. Caldicott concerning the milestones in the vicinity of the B4100 was discussed. It was agreed that Mr.LIDDINGTON was renovate one with ordinary paint but that the other was past renovation and should be left. The Clerk would reply to Mr.Caldicott

10. (i) Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were passed for payment:

(a) Clerk's Salary - £251.19p

(b) Clerk's expenses - £35.12p

(c) Quinton Parish Council - use of computer - £60

(d) Regent Reprographics (78174) - £32.01, (77498) - £30.75p (78837) - £7.32p

(e) SLCC share of renewal membership fee - £18

ii) Setting of Annual Precept for 2004/2005

The members discussed the budget which had been prepared by the Clerk. ON the proposal of Mr.CROWE, seconded by Mr.LIDDINGTON it was agreed to apply for a precept of £6500 from the District Council for the forthcoming year.

11. Closure of meeting

Date of next Parish Council meeting & Annual Parish Meeting.

The date of the next meetings was set for 4th March 2004 starting at 7.30pm