1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interests.
Members are asked to declare interests in items on the Agenda in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001
Members are reminded that the code of conduct provides that should they have a prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion they should withdraw from the room and not seek improperly to influence a decision about that matter.
Mr.LIDDINGTON declared an interest in item 8(a) as a friend of the applicant
The CHAIRMAN declared an interest in item 9(b) as the husband of the writer.
3. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (JANUARY 2004)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes of the previous meeting which were accepted as a true record of what had taken place by those present. The CHAIRMAN signed the minutes book.
4. Matters Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting:
(a) Southam Area Committee - a meeting on 10th March 2004 was noted by Mr.CROWE who hoped to attend
(b) Parish plan update - Mr.CROWE gave an update on the progress made to date. Funds had been secured from the Countryside Agency and the Clerk confirmed that the first payment had arrived in the Parish Council's accounts. Mr.CROWE spoke of the public meeting on February 10th and the enthusiasm that had been shown by those attending the meeting. Another meeting had been arranged for 30th March in the Village Hall and it was intended that a committee would be formed on that evening. He said that he had recently attended a workshop where it had been suggested that at least 2 parish council members were members of such a committee.
(c) Milestones - Mr.LIDDINGTON advised members that he was going to paint one of the milestones but had been told by the original enquirer that the County Council were to do it, although to date no painting had taken place. Members had agreed to leave the other milestone as it is beyond any repair.
(d) B4100 matters - The Clerk had written to the County Council re the change in plans for the new island without further consultation with the Parish Council. A reply had been received and was noted. Some changes were noted on the new plans and Mr.CROWE would look at both plans and see where the differences were and if significant would report these back to members for further thought. The Clerk referred to the letter from Mr.Maples MP re the intensity of the lighting and Mr.LIDDINGTON confirmed that some measures had been taken to reduce the annoyance to nearby properties.
5. Councillor's Reports
(a) Cemetery - no new report
(b) Lights/Litter
The Clerk read a letter from the County Council seeking to replace three street lights in Banbury Road with more modern structures. It would mean that the maintenance and electricity supply costs would be taken on by the County Council if the Parish Council agreed. Members thought that residents in the immediate vicinity should be consulted before any decision was made.
(c) Play Area - no new report
(d) Drains - no new report
(e) Footpaths - no new report
(f) Gaydon Site Liaison Committee - no date for another meeting had been fixed
(g) Neighbourhood Watch - no new report
6. Any matters from the District Councillors or County Councillor
No new matters from either Councillor present
7. To receive any new planning applications
No new applications had been received.
8. To receive any results of planning applications
The following results of planning applications were noted
(a) 03/03706/REM - The Villa, Church Road - reserved matters - APPROVED
(b) 02/03150/HAZ - Gaydon Test Centre - REFUSED
9. To receive any correspondence
(a) Consultation document re Burial Grounds Law and Policy
This document would be considered by members and any reply to the consultation paper would be dealt with by the new Clerk.
(b) Letter from Mrs.Rickman re Harwood House crossroads on B4100
Mrs.RICKMAN had written to the Parish Council asking if anything could be done to reduce the power of the lights at the Harwoods House island on the Fosse Way/B4100 junction. Members agreed that this matter was out of the control of the Parish Council. County Councillor Booth agreed to look at the matter and reply to Mrs.Rickman accordingly.
(c) Change in 'Bus Service 77 - a change to the timetable was noted.
(d) Best Kept Village Competition - it was agreed to enter the village into the competition again and the new Clerk would complete the entry form.
(e) WCC seeking Composting Event venue - The County Council are seeking a venue for running a 'composting event'. Mr.PRICE took the correspondence to see if he could help.
(f) Warwickshire CC schools report was noted.
10. Appointment of Parish Clerk
Two applications had been received for the position of Parish Clerk to take effect from 1st April, 2004 and interviews had been held. Members unanimously agreed that Mrs.Corinne Hill of Gaydon Fields Farm should be appointed and the contract of employment was signed by her and the CHAIRMAN at the meeting.
11. (i) Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were passed for payment on the proposal of Mr.LIDDINGTON seconded by Mr.CROWE:
(a) Clerk's Salary - £251.19p
(b) Clerk's expenses £18.88p
(c) Best Kept Village Competition £7.50p
(d) Regent Reprographics (80259) - £15.38p
(e) Kevin Heath - cemetery maintenance - £200
(f) Cornhill Insurance Premium 2004/5 - £309.88
(g) Warwickshire County Council Lighting Maintenance - £322.40p
(h) Mrs.J.Rickman - paper for copier machine - 21.80p
(i) Smiths o Derby - clock maintenance - £155.10p
(j) Powergen Retail PLC - electricity for lighting - £70.24p
12. Closure of meeting
The CHAIRMAN closed the meeting at 9.20pm
Date of next Parish Council meeting - May 4th 2004 (AGM)