1. Apologies for absence

District Councillor C. MILLS.

2. Questions from the public

A resident complained that when he puts his bins on the grass verge ready for collection they are being used incorrectly by users of the Banbury Road lay-by. He asked if bins could be provided in the lay-by. County Councillor Williams said it is not the policy of the County Council to provide bins in lay-bys. He said that he would arrange for the bins to be collected from part way up the resident's drive.

Concern was expressed about the use of car transporters throughout the night by Jaguar Landrover. This resident said that they were disturbing him and his family as they rattled over drain covers that are below the surface of the road. He also said that car alarms are still sounding on vehicles that are being transported. This fact was confirmed by a councillor. Car transporters are travelling to/from Paragon after 6pm. It is understood that this is contrary to the planning conditions. The Clerk was asked to write to Jaguar Landrover, SDC Planning Department and Councillor McGrath agreed to take these concerns to the Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting.

3. Declarations of Interests

Members are asked to declare interests in items on the agenda in accordance with The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.

No interests were declared.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June 2011)

The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Mrs. Fox asked if the fact that acceptance of office forms had been signed could be added to the minutes under Declarations of Interest. This amendment was approved. It was agreed that the minutes could be signed and were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the previous minutes

(a) Parish Plan update

Cllr. Rickman reported that the questionnaire has been agreed. It will be passed to 3 families as a test case. It is hoped that the questionnaire will be distributed by the end of the year.

(b) Emergency Plan

The Clerk confirmed that she has sent the plan to all councillors. Councillors were asked to review the document and forward any updates to the Clerk.

(c) Village Farm Riding Stables re. Breach of Planning Condition

A planning application has been submitted but it is incomplete. It is understood that SDC Planning are working with the residents to complete the application.

(d) Website Redesign

The Clerk to contact the resident who agreed to do this.

(e) Insurance Cover re. Street Lighting

The Clerk reported that she has sent an email to a Clerk of a neighbouring parish but has not yet received a response. Cllr. Mrs. McGrath asked if we could obtain a quote from Zurich Insurance Co. later this year.

6. Councillor's Report

To agree responsibilities and update:

The following responsibilities were agreed: Cllr. Mrs. McGrath was appointed Vice Chair and lead on lights/litter and street furniture with Cllr. Mrs. Fox assisting. She was also appointed as the Parish Council representative for the Gaydon Liaison Committee, WALC Area Committee and Community Forum. Cllr. Mrs. Fox was appointed lead on the cemetery with Cllr. Rickman assisting. She was also appointed as the Parish Council representative on the County Bus Users Committee. Cllr. Rickman was appointed lead on the play area with Cllr. Mrs. McGrath assisting. Cllr. Price was appointed lead on Footpaths and also appointed as the Parish Council representative for the Gaydon Liaison Committee. The Chairman said that he would liaise with the Neighbourhood Group and provide updates for the meetings. He would also take responsibility for drains.

(a) Cemetery

Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that she believes the hedge needs to be cut back further and also needs laying. The Clerk to ask Cllr. Price if Warwickshire College would be willing to help. The drive needs spraying and an ex-resident has said that he would do this. The Clerk confirmed that this work had been budgeted. Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that we accept this ex-resident's offer of help and reimburse him for materials used, seconded Cllr. Rickman and carried unanimously. Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that she has spoken to several families regarding the condition of their plots and they have said that they will tidy them up. She also said that Cllr. Price had cut an overhanging branch and cleared the steps. It was reported that the cemetery bridge only has one handrail. The Clerk said that this has been reported to highways who are trying to establish ownership.

(i) Signage

Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that she didn't think there was a need for a sign. It was agreed that this could be removed from the agenda.

(ii) Outstanding debt

The Clerk said that she has been assured by MOD that these bills will be paid.

(b) Lights/litter/street furniture

Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that a tile was missing from the bus shelter roof. Cllr. Rickman said that he would sort this. Cllr. Mrs. Fox also said that the no parking sign on the green needs cleaning. She said that she would do this. She confirmed that she has cleaned the telephone box and bus shelter.

(i) Esso Garage Lights

The Clerk said that Highways are looking into this.

(ii) Street lights cost saving measure

This email from Street Lighting was discussed and it was agreed that before asking for further information a request should be made to the Parish Plan Committee that a question regarding street lighting should be included in the questionnaire. Cllr. Rickman agreed to look into this.

(iii) Survey by County Council on street lights

The Clerk confirmed that this has been circulated to all councillors.

(c) Play Area

Cllr. Rickman said that he had looked at the inspection report and subsequently spoken with the inspector. The inspector has explained the repairs needed to take place on the roundabout. Cllr. Rickman said that he would like to engage residents in the refurbishment and set up an active working party. It was agreed that this is a good idea. Cllr. Rickman said that he would place a note in the magazine. Cllr. Mrs. McGrath suggested that we apply for a community grant. County Councillor Williams said that we would not be eligible because we do not have an adopted parish plan. He said that he would send a copy of the criteria for the grants to Cllr. Mrs. McGrath. The Clerk confirmed that she has reported the loose bricks on the wall to the Housing Association. It was agreed that Cllr. Rickman should arrange for the gate to be fixed. The Clerk confirmed that there are funds budgeted for this but that it should not exceed £100.

(d) Drains

It was reported that the machine that clears drains was in the Village yesterday. The Clerk was asked to place a note in the magazine asking residents to keep drains clear of leaves and report any blocked drains.

(e) Footpaths

(i) Church Lane field gate - Cllr. Rickman asked if he could change the gate to allow wheelbarrows to go to the allotments. The Chairman said that if this was agreed then he would like to see a condition that the gate be returned to a kissing gate should livestock be kept in the field again. Cllr. Rickman said that he would send a letter to the Clerk confirming this.

(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting

Next meeting 19th September. Cllrs. Price and Mrs. McGrath would be attending. The issue of car transporters would be mentioned.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

7. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

District Councillor Wixey said that Broadband workshops were taking place and it was important for the Parish to be represented. The Clerk was asked to send an email supporting faster broadband. Documents on housing provision and the Core Strategy are on the website. Parishes are being encouraged to light beacons for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations next year.

County Councillor Williams said that grants are available for flood maintenance. The County Council now has responsibility for flood prevention and Peter Bones, WCC, is looking at balancing ponds at the back of the Kineton Road. The Clerk was asked to find out details regarding the grant. There are no grants available for play areas. Lighthorne Heath medical centre has been reopened. He is Chairman of the Planning Committee and said that if the Parish Council objects to an application then it should be represented at that committee meeting.

8. To receive any new planning applications

(a) 11/01274/VARY - Heritage Motor Centre - no objections.

(b) 11/01275/VARY - Heritage Motor Centre - no objections.

(c) 11/01429/FUL - Jaguar Landrover - no objections.

(d) 11/01355/LBC - Manor Farm - no objections.

(e) 11/01338/FUL - The Stables, Upper Farm Meadow - no objection.

(f) 11/01873/FUL - Aston Martin Lagonda

This was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would raise no objections.

(g) 11/01727/FUL - Byfield, Kineton Road

This application was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would raise no objections.

9. To receive any results of planning applications

(a) 11/01355/LBC - Manor Farm - granted.

10. To receive any correspondence

(a) District Council Grounds Maintenance Consultation.

It was agreed that this is a worthwhile service which the Parish Council would like the District to provide with no reduction in the number of cuts. The Clerk was asked to respond.

(b) Memorial for Mrs. Joan Hare

It was brought to the Clerk's attention that this matter was discussed at the PCC meeting; the memorial is to be in the Churchyard and not the Cemetery. The Clerk was asked to contact the funeral directors.

(c) Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board

Details have been circulated by email to councillors.

(d) Improving Broadband Workshops

The Chairman said that he would try and attend. The Clerk was asked to write to the District Council stating that 'The Parish Council supports faster Broadband in Gaydon as a large number of residents work from home'.

(e) Big Society Fund

Details have been circulated to councillors.

11. Flood Defence Plan

The Chairman said that he had looked at the ditch along by the Cemetery and it is substantially overgrown. He will be talking to neighbours to try to establish whose responsibility it is to maintain this ditch.

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balance

Community Account - £5,238.86

Business Money Manager Account - £10,571.84

(b) Questions raised by external auditor

The Clerk read out the 2 questions which had been raised by the external auditor and confirmed that she has forwarded a copy of the asset register and addressed the comment regarding lamp posts.

13. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by COUNCILLOR MCGRATH, seconded by COUNCILLOR RICKMAN and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill - Clerk's fee - £601.21

(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £405.00

(c) e.on - Street lighting - £94.72

(d) Stratford-on-Avon District Council - election fees - £967.70

(e) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - Internal Auditor Fee - £138.00

(f) Mrs. J. Rickman - paper for magazine - £19.95

14. Closure of meeting

Date of next Parish Council Meeting - 3rd November 2011.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.