1. Election of Chairman and Officers for 2012/13
Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed Cllr. Crowe be elected as Chair, seconded Cllr. Rickman and carried unanimously. Cllr. Crowe signed the declaration of office form.
Cllr. Rickman proposed Cllr. Price be elected as Vice-Chair, seconded Cllr. Mrs. Fox and carried unanimously.
It was agreed that the Clerk would remain as Responsible Financial Officer.
2. Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.
7.35pm County Councillor C. Williams and District Councillor C. Mills left the meeting in the interests of probity should the matter be referred to the Planning Committee.
3. Presentation from FRAWT on the Starbold Application
A presentation was given by 2 members from FRAWT and questions were addressed.
The Chairman confirmed that Broadview Energy Ltd. had not approached the Parish Council for representation at any of the council meetings but had given presentations in Knightcote Village Hall.
4. Questions from the public
A resident reported that there were 2 children on top of the wall in the play area. The Clerk explained that the loose coping stones had been reported to Orbit. She said that she would contact Orbit again to ask when they were going to be repaired.
A resident complained that information regarding the Banbury Road pipe had not been forthcoming. The Chairman explained that updates were given at Parish Council meetings and in the village magazine. Residents were also welcome to contact him for updates.
5. Declarations of Interests
Members are asked to declare interests in items on the agenda in accordance with The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.
The Clerk reminded councillors to contact her if they wished to review their declarations of interest forms.
6. Co-option to the Parish Council
Cllr. Rickman proposed that David Pirie be co-opted to the Parish Council. This was seconded and carried unanimously. Councillor Pirie signed a declaration of office form.
7. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (March 2012)
The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chairman.
8pm County Councillor Williams and District Councillor Mills left the meeting in the interests of probity.
8. To receive any new planning applications
(a) 12/00330/FUL - Starbold Windfarm, Knightcote/Bishops Itchington
The Parish Council discussed this application in detail. Concern was expressed regarding the economic and environmental benefit of this development as well as the effect such a development will have on the Burton Dassett landscape. 4 councillors agreed to object to this application, 1 councillor supported the application. It was agreed that the Parish Council would object to this application due to the unacceptable visual impact on the settings of the Burton Dassett landscape. The Clerk was asked to draft a response.
8.25pm Cllrs. Williams and Mills returned to the meeting.
(b) 12/00461/FUL - Last Cottage, Banbury Road
This application was discussed and it was agreed that in view of the fact that this house has flooded in the past the Parish Council would comment as follows: concern regarding the drainage for the water from the new roof area.
9. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Parish Plan update
Cllr. Rickman reported that it is hoped that the plan is published by Christmas.
(b) Emergency Plan
The Clerk said that she will update the plan during the summer months.
(c) Loose kerbstones Church Road
It was reported that these have been fixed. However, there are some broken kerbstones near these kerbstones. The Clerk said that she would report this.
(d) Milestone
It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the County Council asking them to return the milestone.
(e) Drains - removing weeds
Councillors agreed to remove the weeds from drains.
(f) Complaints re. parking on the verge between Kineton Road/St. Giles Road
The Clerk confirmed that a letter has been sent.
(g) St. Giles Church Clock
The Chairman and Cllr. Rickman met with the maintenance engineer to discuss the health and safety issues. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the PCC informing them of this meeting and the issues raised.
(h) Chestnut Tree, Village Green
Councillors confirmed that they had met with the tree surgeon. It was agreed that the tree would be pruned in the autumn. The condition of the tree would need to be reviewed on a regular basis.
10. To agree councillor's responsibilities
It was agreed that councillor's responsibilities would not change. Cllr. Pirie agreed to have responsibility for lights and litter.
11. Councillor's Reports
County Councillor Williams reported on the progress of the Banbury Road pipe. He said that this work should start in June. He also spoke about the enhancement of junction 12 as a result of the traffic accessing Jaguar Landrover. He said that the road between junction 12 and the Gaydon roundabout would be a dual carriageway. The Gaydon roundabout will be rebuilt and this would mean that the flooding issue would be addressed. This work would start early 2013. The Chairman asked if the Parish Council could be kept informed.
District Councillor Mills reported on the election and the different roles councillors had been given.
(a) Cemetery
Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that our maintenance contractor had kindly removed a fallen tree. The Clerk said that she was still liaising with the MOD regarding payment for the RAF graves.
(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture
County Councillor Williams said that he would follow up on the light on the second refuge along the Banbury Road.
Cllr. Rickman said that he has collected litter in the play area.
(c) Play Area
Cllr. Rickman reported that he has a team who are willing to help in the play area.
(d) Drains
Cllr. Rickman said that the drains at the back of St. Marks Close are working.
(e) Footpaths
Cllr. Price confirmed that they have all been reinstated. Signage needs addressing. It was reported that the footway along the Banbury Road needs clearing. The Warwick Road has been cleared but the rubbish has been left. The Clerk to liaise with highways.
(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting
It was agreed that Cllr. Price would be attending the next meeting.
(g) Neighbourhood Watch
The Clerk to liaise with the co-ordinator.
(h) Community Forum update
Next meeting 21st June at Radway Village Hall.
(i) Flood Defence
See item 11.
12. To receive any correspondence
(a) WALC Newsletter
Circulated via email.
(b) Warwickshire Waste Core Strategy
(c) Letter re. changing gate on footpath across Church Lane field
The Clerk confirmed that she has received a letter from the owner saying that the kissing gate will be refitted if necessary.
(d) Jaguar Landrover Community Project
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting an email from Jaguar Landrover offering help with community projects. Councillors agreed that the play area would benefit with help in rebuilding the roundabout and the climbing frame. The Clerk was asked to respond to JLR. It was agreed that Cllr. Rickman should organise this work.
(e) email re. draining water onto the highway
The Chairman explained that a resident was removing excess water from his pond via a hosepipe and pump into the nearest drain. This allowed the pond to accept flood water should we have a heavy downpour. It was agreed that this was a good idea and would reduce the risk of flooding. The Chairman said that he would have a word with the resident who sent the email.
13. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Risk Assessment
This was circulated prior to the meeting. It was accepted and forms part of these minutes.
(b) New Bank Mandate form
The Clerk to arrange for a new bank mandate form.
(c) Draft accounts
The Clerk had circulated these prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they should be sent to the internal auditor.
14. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Fox and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill - Clerk's fee - £407.20
(b) Stratford-on-Avon District Council - Parish Plan Survey - £1159.50
(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £405.00
(e) WALC - annual subscription - £113.00
(f) e.on - Street Lighting - £94.72
(g) Mrs. J. Rickman - magazine paper - £12.50
(h) GeneSys Developments Ltd. - website domain fee - £51.06
(i) Warwickshire County Council - annual street light maintenance - £204.90
(j) Smiths of Derby - servicing of clock - £200.40
15. Closure of Meeting
Date of next Parish Council meeting - 28th June 2012 (to be confirmed)