1. Apologies for absence
Cllr. Mrs. M. Fox (illness) and District Councillor C. Mills.
2. Questions from the public
A resident reported that the car transporters are still operating all through the night and car alarms are still sounding whilst the cars are being transported. He also said that the transporters appear to be speeding. The Chairman asked if the resident could note the dates and times when the alarms are sounding and the Parish Council would then pass this information to JLR. It was agreed that Cllr. Price would also mention this at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting.
7.35pm Cllr. Price joined the meeting.
County Cllr. Williams said that the traffic survey which is currently taking place is being undertaken by JLR.
A resident asked why item 8(c) was shown on the agenda when the fence is already erected. The Chairman explained the planning process.
3. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June 2012) and the extraordinary meetings on 26th May, 9th June and 11th August
The minutes of the previous meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters arising from the previous meetings
(a) Parish Plan update
Cllr. Rickman reported that the committee is waiting for 3 articles and the draft plan will be complete.
(b) Milestone
The Clerk confirmed that the County Council have responded to our letter saying that they are not able to take this matter further. Cllr. Price said that he has not received a reply from the Milestone Society. He would report to the meeting when he has received a response.
(c) St. Giles Church Clock
The Clerk reported that we have written to the PCC and are awaiting a response.
6. Councillor's Reports
(a) Cemetery
(i) Tidy
Our contractor has said that the wet weather conditions are making mowing difficult. An ex-resident has very kindly volunteered to spray the path. A site meeting is needed to discuss priorities of work. There is also a problem with ragwort.
ACTION: A site meeting to be arranged.
(b) Lights/litter/street furniture
An ex-resident will be spraying the weeds around the bench on Pimple Lane. Litter outside garage.
(c) Play Area
(i) Repairs to garage wall
It was confirmed that the coping stones have still not been fixed.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Orbit again.
(ii) Refurbishment
Cllr. Rickman reported that the roundabout has been taken apart ready for shot-blasting and then painting. Unfortunately JLR have accepted another project instead of this one.
(d) Drains
(i) Church Road
The Chairman confirmed that the drain appears to be blocked outside The Nest and Highways believe it is being caused by tree roots. They have said that the road will probably need to be dug up.
(e) Footpaths
Cllr. Price reported that they have been cleared except the one on the Gaydon/Northend border which is normally cleared by the WCC.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact WCC.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch
(i) Cable theft in Kineton
County Cllr. Williams said that this is a huge problem but legislation has now been introduced preventing cash being given for the sale of cable. Cllr. Rickman said that he thinks this should be covered in our emergency plan.
ACTION: For discussion on Saturday
(g) Community Forum attendees
It was agreed that the Chairman would attend if he is able.
(h) Flood Defence
(i) Warwick Road water leak
It was reported that Severn Trent have looked at this leak 5 times and also dug the road up but the leak is still there.
ACTION: The Clerk to pursue with Severn Trent and Highways.
(ii) Lay-by water leak
ACTION: The Clerk to pursue with Severn Trent and Highways.
(iii) Banbury Road pipe
County Cllr. Williams confirmed that the tree which is blocking the ditch will be removed shortly.
(i) Gaydon Liaison Group
(i) Traffic Issues
It was reported that a car from JLR was skidding around the roundabout in the early hours of the morning. A resident has also reported driving, which he considers dangerous along Pimple Lane, by an employee of JLR. Heritage days were reported as being noisy, with motorists attending these events, often speeding near the roundabout.
ACTION: Cllr. Price agreed to mention these issues at the next liaison meeting.
7. Any matters from the District Councillor or County Councillor
District Cllr. Storer reported that Jeremy Wright MP has been promoted to Business and Rehabilitation Minister.
County Cllr. Williams said that he has been appointed to the Environmental Agency Flood Committee. He further added that we have had more rain this year and yet the County is not experiencing many problems.
Fire and Rescue has been rated as one of the best performing services.
The turning off of street lights between 12am and 5am will start shortly.
He said that he has a small sum of money for projects that will benefit the community. The deadline for applications is 26th October.
There will be no implication to Parish Councils regarding the tax reforms for the first year.
8. To receive any new planning applications:
(a) 12/01163/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road
This was discussed at an extraordinary meeting and the Parish Council raised no objections.
(b) 12/01529/FUL - Castle Farmhouse, Kineton Road
Discussed at an extraordinary meeting and the Parish Council raised no objections.
(c) 12/01886/FUL - Strathmore, Banbury Road
This was discussed and the Parish Council agreed to raise no objections.
9. To receive any results of planning applications:
(a) 12/00963 - Land at Pimple Lane - granted.
(b) 12/00461 - Last Cottage, Banbury Road - granted
(c) 12/00274 - Heritage Motor Centre - granted
(d) 12/00816 - Heritage Motor Centre - granted
(e) 12/01075 - Gaydon Farm - granted
(f) 11/01998 - Village Farm Stables - refused.
10. To consider adopting the Code of Conduct
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting the Code of Conduct adopted by Stratford District Council. It was agreed unanimously that the Parish should adopt the same code.
11. Financial/Administration
(a) Clement Keys - Unqualified Audit
The Clerk confirmed that the final notice advertising the closure was on the noticeboard.
(b) Bank reconciliation as at 31st August
This was circulated to councillors prior to the meeting and a copy is attached to these minutes.
12. Correspondence
(a) Omnibus Byelaws - This notice was circulated to councillors via email.
(b) Method of Payment by Parish and Town Councils Consultation
The Parish Council had no comments to make.
(c) NALC Briefing on Local Council Tax Reforms
(d) WALC Localism Day - 22nd September - No councillor was available to attend.
(e) SDC Community Governance Review
The Clerk confirmed that a notice had been placed on the noticeboard and the notice had been mentioned in the parish magazine.
(f) LSP Conference 2012
(g) Appointment of Grant Thornton UK LLP as external auditor.
(h) WALC Annual General Meeting - 7th November
Unfortunately no councillor was able to attend.
(i) SDC Flood Prevention Grants
It was agreed that the Parish should not apply for this grant as there is still money left over from the earlier grant.
(j) WALC Code of Conduct
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Rickman and carried unanimously.
(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk's Salary (July/Aug/Sept) - £477.26
(b) HM Revenue & Customs - PAYE (Jul/Sept) - £119.32
(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £405.00
(d) Royal British Legion - wreath - £65.00
(e) e.on - Street Lighting - £141.66
(f) Clement Keys - external auditor - £144.00
(g) C. Hill - expenses (Jul-Sept) - £77.00
14. Closure of Meeting
Next meeting - Thursday, 1st November at 7.30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.