1. Apologies for absence

Cllrs. D. Pirie (business commitment) and J. Crowe (business commitment).

2. Questions from the public

The public raised no questions.

3. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. J. Rickman declared a pecuniary interest in item 14(e) a reimbursement to a family member.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September 2012) and the extraordinary meeting on 6th October.

The minutes of the previous meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the previous meetings

(a) Parish Plan update

Cllr. Rickman reported that a copy of the draft plan has been placed on the website. The censor figures will require updating. A note is to be placed in the magazine informing residents that the draft is available on the website. Public meeting will take place on 21st November in the Village Hall.

(b) St. Giles Church Clock

It was agreed that Cllr. Rickman would liaise with the PCC regarding the health and safety issues.

ACTION: Cllr. Rickman to liaise with the PCC

(c) Chestnut Tree Village Green

It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Rickman should meet with the tree consultant to discuss the maintenance of the tree.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange.

(d) M40 Junction 12 expansion

County Cllr.Williams explained that the County has been unsuccessful in securing grants for this work. They will be applying for more grants.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to keep the Parish Council updated.

6. Councillor's Reports

(a) Cemetery

(i) Tidy

Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that a tidy-up session took place at the end of September. The rotting grass cuttings have been moved to the end near to the road. The mound needs reworking and it was agreed that any plant not specified on the original plan will be removed. The WI tree is dead and will need removing. The gate requires painting and the hedge will need cutting back. An ex-resident has sprayed the path.

ACTION: The Clerk to talk to Cllr Crowe regarding the painting of the gate.

(b) Lights/litter/street furniture

No new report.

(c) Play Area

(i) Repairs to garage wall

The coping stones have still not been fixed.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Orbit.

(ii) Refurbishment

Cllr. Rickman reported that he is waiting for a resident to confirm whether he is able to arrange for the roundabout to be shot-blasted. .

Ellis Machinery has given the Parish Council £200 towards this cost.

ACTION: The Clerk to mention in the magazine and write to Mr. Ellis (d) Drains

(i) Church Road

The Clerk confirmed that this would be repaired shortly.

(e) Footpaths

The Clerk confirmed that WCC Footpaths Team would be looking at the Pimple Lane bridleway as the new landowner has erected a fence and the entrance needs clearing.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

It was reported that car batteries have been stolen from a property in Gaydon.

(g) Community Forum attendees

29th November at Kineton High School.

(h) Flood Defence

(i) Warwick Road water leak

It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Severn Trent regarding this leak.

ACTION: The Clerk to pursue with Severn Trent.

(ii) Lay-by water leak

ACTION: The Clerk to pursue with Severn Trent.

(iii) Banbury Road pipe

Cllr. Williams confirmed that the trees in the ditch will be removed.

(i) Gaydon Liaison Group

(i) Meeting update

Cllr. Price confirmed that JLR have addressed the speeding issues reported to them. Next meeting on 3rd January.

7. Any matters from the District Councillor or County Councillor

Cllr. Mills reported that the District Council has signed up for a food ratings scheme. There will be free parking in Stratford on certain Christmas shopping evenings.

ACTION: The Clerk to place details in the magazine and on the noticeboard.

The District Council is asking for nominations for excellent buildings.

The Community Forums are trying to get parishes to work together.

90 new houses are to be built in Kineton.

Cllr. Williams confirmed that the County Council will not be raising council tax for 2013/14.

Lighthorne Heath Children's Centre has an open evening on 22nd November from 6.30pm to 8pm.

The County is asking companies to tender for the improvements to the Broadband service.

8. To receive any new planning applications:

(a) 11/01338 - The Stables, Gaydon - Planning Appeal

The Clerk confirmed that notification has been received from the District.

(b) 12/02131 - Church View, Church Road

Discussed at an extraordinary meeting and the Parish Council raised no objections.

9. To receive any results of planning applications:

(a) 12/01886/FUL - Strathmore, Banbury Road - refused.

(b) 12/01529/FUL - Castle Farmhouse - granted.

10. To adopt the Emergency Plan

The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a draft emergency plan. The Parish Council agreed to adopt this plan.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward a copy of the plan to the County Council.

11. To agree to fund £188 legal fees in connection with the Banbury Road pipe

The Clerk reported that a resident had incurred legal fees as a result of the pipe being installed. It was agreed that since this work benefits a number of properties the Parish Council would fund £188 from the grant it received from the District Council.

12. Financial/Administration

(a) Bank balances

Community Account - £7,407.93

Business Account - £10,581.23

8.50pm the member of the public left the meeting.

13. Correspondence

(a) WRCC: Housing Needs Survey

It was agreed that this will be discussed once the Parish Plan has been adopted.

(b) WALC newsletter - circulated by email

(c) Letter re. cemetery

Cllr. Crowe had circulated a draft response which was approved.

(d) Road Safety Initiatives for your Community - circulated via email

(e) Community Computers 2012 - circulated via email

(f) Police and Crime Commissioner election - notices will be placed on the noticeboard.

Cllr. Rickman did not take part in the approval of 14(e)

14. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Fox, seconded by the Chairman.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk's Salary (Oct/Nov) - £412.65

(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £165.00

(c) e.on - Street Lighting - £46.70

(d) Moore & Tibbits - legal fees - £188.00

(e) Mrs. J. Rickman - reimbursement for paper - £21.95

15. Closure of Meeting

Next meeting - Thursday, 3rd January at 7.30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.