: COUNCILLORS J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), MRS. A. CONWAY, MRS. M. FOX, D. PIRIE, C. HILL (Clerk), 2 representatives from Spitfire Properties and 7 members of the public1. Apologies for absence
County Cllr. C. Williams, District Cllrs. C. Mills and A. Scorer and Cllr. B. Price (holiday).
2. Proposal to Co-opt a resident to the Parish Council
Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that Mrs. Annette Conway be co-opted to the Parish Council, seconded Cllr. Pirie and carried unanimously. Cllr. Mrs. Conway was welcomed to the Parish Council. A declaration of office form was signed.
3. Questions from the public
Spitfire Properties explained their plans for the Gaydon Inn pub to be converted to a single dwelling and 3 detached properties to be built in the car park. They said that they would be holding a public consultation for residents next week.
The representatives from Spitfire Properties left the meeting.
A resident reported another water leak on the Warwick Road.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Severn Trent Water.
4. Declarations of Interest
The Chairman declared pecuniary interests in item 12(f), 12(j) and 12(l) reimbursements to himself and a family member.
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (January 2013)
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters arising from the previous meetings
(a) Cottage Farm, Banbury Road; lighting
The Clerk reported that she has spoken to Planning and there are no restrictions on this site regarding lighting.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council to see if they could request that shields be placed on the lights.
(b) St. Giles Church Clock; health and safety issues
The Chairman confirmed that we are waiting for the PCC to confirm whether a faculty is required.
(c) Parish Plan; update
The Chairman reported that the plan has been forwarded to the District Council for adoption in April. It was agreed that councillors should meet on a Saturday morning to discuss the action plan.
ACTION: The Clerk to co-ordinate.
(d) M40 junction 12 extension update
The Clerk informed the meeting that she has been told there will not be a public consultation. County Council Highways representatives will be meeting with the Parish Council and an information evening will be arranged in April for residents in the Village Hall.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange the information session and advertise in the magazine and on the noticeboard. Plans to be displayed on the website.
(e) Planning application no: 12/02452/FUL - Gaydon Farm
The Chairman represented the Parish Council at the Planning Committee Meeting. He explained that he was passed a copy of a report written by Severn Trent which states that there have been no reported capacity issues within the catchment. The application was granted.
ACTION: The Chairman to collate information relating to complaints by residents regarding sewage.
7. To receive any new planning applications:
(a) 13/00150//FUL - Ireland Farm, Banbury Road
This was discussed at an extraordinary meeting and the Parish Council raised no comments or objections.
(b) 13/00309/FUL - 1 Churchside Cottage, Church Road
The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections.
(c) 12/01500/FUL - Land running from the A423, south west of Wormleighton
The Parish Council agreed not to comment on this application.
(d) 12/02069/OUT - Land east of Southam Road, Kineton
The Parish Council agreed not to comment on this application.
8. To receive any correspondence
(a) Request for grit bin on Church Lane
The Clerk reported that Barnfields has asked for a grit bin on Church Lane. Highways have said that a bin could be placed on Church Road/Church Lane junction or by Briar Cottage.
ACTION: Councillors to look at locations suggested. May agenda item.
(b) email re. 5000 houses near Gaydon
The Clerk said that District Cllr. Mills attended the council meeting which was discussing this proposal and reported that it was not considered. It was noted that the District Council have employed a housing consultant for advice on the numbers required.
9. To consider and approve further work to the Horse Chestnut Tree on the Village Green for health and safety reasons
The Chairman, Cllr. Mrs. Fox and the clerk met with David White, who is a qualified tree surgeon. Mr. White has advised that the tree should be reduced considerably or felled because of the decay in the trunk. Councillors decided that the tree would look unsightly with just a trunk. The Clerk reported that she has received 3 quotes for the felling of the tree. Mr. White's quote of £700 offers the best value. Cllr. Pirie proposed that we ask Mr. White to fell the tree, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Fox and carried unanimously. It was further agreed that residents should be offered the wood. Cllr. Mrs. Fox asked if we could give residents plenty of notice for the electricity
shut-down that is required to allow the work to take place safely.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask Mr. White to fell the tree. Councillors to discuss on a Saturday morning the process for distributing the wood. The Clerk to place a note on the noticeboard once the date for the felling has been confirmed.
10. Flood Defence update
This was discussed under item 6(e).
11. Financial/Administration
(a) Bank balances
Community Account - £4,899.85
Business Account - £10,583.08
(b) To review asset register and insurance policy
The Clerk had circulated, prior to the meeting, a copy of the asset register. Councillors agreed that the value shown for fences should be reduced to £300 since the cemetery gates are shown separately. It was agreed that Zurich have provided a reasonable insurance quote and councillors agreed that the parish should remain with them.
ACTION: The Clerk to amend the asset register.
(c) New bank mandate form
ACTION: May agenda item.
9.05pm The Chairman left the meeting.
12. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Fox, seconded by Cllr. Pirie.
(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk's Salary (Feb/Mar) - £254.75
(b) HM Revenue & Customs - PAYE (Jan-Mar) - £117.19
(c) e.on - Street Lighting - £140.11
(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £105.00
(e) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Jan-Mar) - £30.00
(f) Mr. J. Rickman - reimbursement for tree work - £300.00
(h) Mr. T. Wells - reimbursement for materials for roundabout - £117.60
(i) Warwickshire County Council - street light maintenance - £215.10
(j) Mr. J. Rickman - reimbursement for repairs to gates and roundabout - £540.00
(k) Zurich Insurance - annual premium - £243.80
(l) Mrs. J. Rickman - reimbursement for paper for the magazine - £17.45
9.10pm The Chairman returned to the meeting.
13. Closure of Meeting
Next meeting - Tuesday, 7th May at 8pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.