1. Apologies for absence
County Councillor C. Williams.
2. Questions from the public
Mr. Wells asked if the Parish Council could request that the proposed cul-de-sac on the ‘dual carriageway’ drawings could be shortened to stop parking. It was agreed that this is a good idea and the Clerk was asked to include this request in the letter to Highways.
3. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (May 2013) and the extraordinary meetings
The minutes of the previous meeting and the extraordinary meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.
5. To agree councillors’ responsibilities
A copy of councillors’ responsibilities is attached to these minutes.
6. Matters arising from the previous meetings
(a) Parish Plan update
ACTION: The Chairman to update the action plan.
(b) Water leaks; Warwick Road, Banbury Road lay-by and Kineton Road
The Warwick Road and Kineton Road leaks have been fixed.
ACTION: The Clerk to enquire about the Banbury Road lay-by leak. (c) Cottage Farm, Banbury Road; lighting issues
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council.
(d) M40 junction 12 extension; to agree response
The Clerk confirmed that she has drafted a letter and sent to councillors. It was agreed that the comments received from councillors should be incorporated into the letter and sent to County Highways.
ACTION: The Clerk to incorporate changes and send to Highways.
(e) Request for grit bin on Church Lane
The Clerk confirmed that a meeting has been arranged.
(f) Horse Chestnut Tree; update
The Clerk confirmed that there was only one resident who requested wood, before the deadline, who had not received any. She also said that only one resident requested wood after it had been distributed. It was agreed that the notice had been displayed for a sufficient time and it was unfortunate that this resident had not responded sooner.
ACTION: Cllr. Conway to arrange for some of the wood that had been put aside for residents, who need assistance with it, to be distributed to the resident who had requested wood but not received it. The Clerk to respond to the resident who requested wood after the deadline.
(g) Naming residents in minutes
The Chairman explained that we are not allowed to name residents in minutes unless the resident gives us permission. Mr. Claxton said that he did not mind being named in the minutes.
ACTION: The Clerk to ensure that this item is on every agenda.
(h) Housing needs survey
The Clerk confirmed that Mr. Phil Ward would be attending our November meeting.
(i) Replacement tree for the Village Green
It was agreed that the tree would not be replaced at the moment.
7. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that the area in the cemetery that is mowed once a year is in need of a cut. She also asked if a morning could be spent in the cemetery tidying up. The hedge between Green Acres Farm and the cemetery needs cutting. The Chairman suggested that councillors work in the cemetery after the Big Lunch.
ACTION: Councillors will work in the cemetery after the Big Lunch. A note to be put in the magazine requesting help from residents.
(i) Complaint re. condition of grave
Cllr. Mrs. Fox confirmed that soil has been added to this grave but it still needs more and the grave needs reseeding.
ACTION: Councillors to look at the condition of this grave.
(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture
The Chairman said that there appears to be more litter along the Kineton Road.
ACTION: Litter pick to be arranged.
(i) Bollard; Banbury Road
Highways have said that this will be fixed before the winter.
(c) Play Area
(i) Refurbishment update
The Chairman said that thanks to the volunteers the roundabout is in place. The next project is the climbing frame. JLR have said that they might be able to assist with a community project and the Chairman has suggested this one.
(ii) Letter to Orbit re. coping stones
District Cllr. Scorer offered to take this forward.
ACTION: Cllr. Scorer to speak to Orbit about this issue.
(iii) Annual inspection of play area
The Clerk confirmed that this would take place in the next 4 weeks.
(d) Drains
No new report.
(e) Footpaths
(i) letter to landowners
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the landowners.
(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; update
(i) Parking along the Warwick Road
Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that JLR have insufficient space for employees car parking on the site. They are running buses to Leamington and are trying to temporarily address the issue by using parking at the Heritage Centre.
(ii) Pedestrian/cyclist access to Bishops Itchington
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she has made JLR aware of this.
(iii) Car alarms sounding on car transporters
JLR have confirmed that this relates to the custom built cars. The Clerk said that she has spoken to the Police and the District Council regarding this and they have both said that it is the responsibility of the other.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to JLR chief executive.
(iv) JLR test vehicles using Pimple Lane
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she has reported this to JLR and passed the registration number of the vehicle seen down this lane to JLR.
(v) Increase in car transporters travelling during the night
JLR have said that there has been no increase in car transporters travelling during the night.
(g) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
(h) Community Forum update
District Cllr. Mills gave a brief update. The next meeting will be in September.
(i) Flood Defence
(i) Severn Trent’s report on sewage; response
The Chairman has provided the Clerk with the evidence.
ACTION: The Clerk to send letter to SDC.
(ii) To agree purchase of a bin for storage of sand to be kept at the VH
The Chairman confirmed that a green, plastic grit bin would be sufficient.
ACTION: The Clerk to order.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
District Cllr. Scorer said that the ‘Hi Fives’childrens groups would be running during the summer.
There are electric charging points in some of the car parks in Stratford.
District Cllr. Mills said that dog fouling is an issue in all parishes.
He said that he has just been told about a proposed new settlement between Lighthorne Heath and Gaydon which would consist of 4800 houses. This proposed settlement would be included in the draft core strategy. The meeting was shown a detailed plan of this development.
ACTION: The Chairman said that he would arrange for the detailed plan of the development to be placed on the website. A note to be placed in the magazine.
9.15pm Cllr. Price joins the meeting.
9. To receive planning applications:
(a) 13/01162/FUL - Gaydon Inn
Discussed at an extraordinary meeting
(b) 13/00163/LBC - Gaydon Inn
Discussed at an extraordinary meeting
(c) 13/01058/FUL - Motor Heritage Centre
Discussed at an extraordinary meeting
10. To receive any correspondence
(a) Local Government Boundary Commission Consultation
Information on noticeboard.
(b) Queen’s award for voluntary service
Circulated via email.
(c) Stratford Parish Liaison Meeting
Circulated via email.
(d) Community Transport Leaflet
Circulated via email.
11. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following bank balances:
Community Account: £6,222.99
Business Account: £10,584.78
(b) New bank mandate form
This was completed and approved and a copy is attached to these minutes.
(c) Internal Auditor’s recommentation
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. She confirmed that the risk assessment had been approved.
12. Signing of the Annual Accounts
The accounts had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they should be approved. The Chairman and Clerk signed the accounts.
13. Signing of the Annual Return and ‘Statement of Assurance’
The Parish Council approved the Annual Return. The Chairman read out the questions which were answered by the Council and it was then agreed that the Statement of Assurance could be signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
14. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Fox, seconded by Cllr. Price.
(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (June/July/August) - £596.13
(b) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Apr-Jun) - £49.48
(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £430.00
(d) e.on - street lighting - £94.96
(e) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - internal audit fee - £136.80
15. Closure of Meeting
Next Parish Council meeting on 5th September at 8pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.