: COUNCILLORS J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), MRS. A. CONWAY, MRS. M. FOX, B. PRICE, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR A. SCORER, D. NASH (SDC for item 2 only), C. HILL (Clerk) and approximately 25 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence

Councillor D. Pirie (holiday), County Councillor C. Williams and District Councillor C. Mills.

2. Questions from the public relating to the inclusion of a new settlement in the Core Strategy

Mr. Phelps asked why the District Council has chosen a green fields site instead of a brownfields site like Long Marsden?

Mr. Nash explained that the Highways Agency had a concern about one of the brownfields sites. The Long Marsden site was rejected by the Council several years ago and those councillors are still on the Council and so it has been assumed that it will be rejected again.

Mr. Brine said that he understands there is a huge amount of pressure for housing but quality housing is what is required. How is the District Council going to ensure that this development is quality built? How is this going to be linked into other housing?

Mr. Nash explained that 3 or 4 bedroomed affordable housing is of better quality than 3 or 4 bedroomed market housing.

Mr. Hughes mentioned the vision for Gaydon residents with the army camp, M40, HS2 and now a housing development. We live in the country but where is the conservation in this area?

Mr. Nash said that because there is already infrastructure in this area this is why it has been chosen. It is an area that is one of the lightest in the District. The District can’t use greenbelt or AONB land.

Mr. McCreadie asked: if this is not adopted what is the backup plan?

Mr. Nash said that if this is not adopted then sites for 1900 houses will have to be found in the service villages.

Mr. Conway asked: when was it decided that Gaydon should be deleted from the 39 service villages? What core strategy meeting was it decided that this new settlement should be included?

Mr. Nash responded: the decision to include this settlement was made on 22nd July on a recommendation from the Cabinet that met on 15th July. Gaydon village has not been removed from the list of service villages. On the 8th February SDC sent a letter to a wide range of landowners who had expressed interest in housing development on their land. 35 expressions of interest were received. SDC then moved to a short list. Peter Brett Associates were then commissioned to assess each site.

This location was chosen due to the migration from Leamington and Banbury.

District Councillor Scorer explained that he has the same concerns regarding the vision for Gaydon. He said that this development must be right. He told the meeting that in Kineton they negotiated with the developer for improvements to the village. He said that he has spoken to both sides; some people want this development and some don’t. He said that he first heard about this proposal on 19th June at 10pm.

A resident asked if there were any compensation packages for residents who want to live in a village and are now being forced to live in a town.

Mr. Nash responded that there would be no compensation arrangements.

Another resident asked if there were any plans for building homes in Cllr. Saint’s village; Tredington. Cllr. Scorer responded that this is in the AONB area.

8.40pm Mr. Nash leaves the meeting.

3. Proposal for the Parish Council to grant dispensations to the Council up to the elections in May 2015 in respect of the new settlement between Gaydon and Lighthorne Heath

It was agreed that all councillors should be granted a dispensation for any matters connected with this new settlement.

4. Declarations of Interest

All councillors declared pecuniary interests in items 6 and 7 as the proposal for a new settlement between Gaydon and Lighthorne Heath could have financial consequences.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June 2013) and the extraordinary meetings

The minutes of the previous meeting and the extraordinary meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

6. To appoint a representative to the Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Working Party

Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that Cllr. Mrs. Conway be appointed to this working party to act as liaison between the working group, Lighthorne and Lighthorne Heath Parish Councils, seconded Cllr. Price and carried unanimously.

7. To consider a response to the Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath new settlement consultation

Councillors agreed to object to this new settlement being included in the Core Strategy for a number of reasons. It was further agreed that the consultation period was unacceptable starting on 1st August, the start of the holiday season, and only lasting for 6 weeks. The Clerk was asked to draft a response and circulate to councillors for comments prior to forwarding to the District Council by 27th September. The Chairman said that a copy of the Parish Council’s response would be placed on the noticeboard and on the website.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a response and forward to councillors for comments before submitting to the District Council. A copy of the letter to be placed on the noticeboard and on the website.

8. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Parish Plan update

No new report.

(b) Water leaks; Warwick Road, Banbury Road lay-by and Kineton Road

The Clerk said that she understands all of the water leaks have been repaired. Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that there is water still coming into the village.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact WCC flood officer.

(c) Cottage Farm, Banbury Road; lighting issues

The District Council have suggested that we liaise with the landowners to try to resolve this issue.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the owners.

(d) M40 junction 12 extension; to agree response

In view of the proposal for a new settlement the Clerk was asked to recirculate this letter to councillors before sending.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward to councillors for further comments.

(e) Request for grit bin on Church Lane

Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that Highways have agreed a location. The clerk said that the cost would be approximately £200. It was agreed that a grit bin should be purchased.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the purchase of a grit bin.

(f) Naming residents in minutes

All residents named in these minutes have given permission to the Parish Council.

9. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that a member of the Wells family has kindly cut the long grass in the cemetery.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Wells family thanking them.

An ex-resident of Gaydon has sprayed the weeds and Mr. Pickering has been cutting the hedge but we need to do more to the remainder of the hedge. The cemetery looks tidy. The Clerk suggested that the Pay-back Team could be asked to cut the hedge. The WI tree near the gate has died. We need to decide whether to replace the tree.

ACTION: November agenda item.

(i) Complaint re. condition of grave update

The Clerk reported that the family have requested that a headstone be erected on this grave. Councillors agreed that the soil was not level or solidenough for a headstone.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the stonemason regarding the condition of the grave.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Pirie had arranged for a group of over 200 people from a geo-caching event to litter pick the village on 3rd August. They reported that our village was very clean and it was tough for some people to find much. It was agreed that they did a very good job.

ACTION: Magazine item.

(c) Play Area

(i) Refurbishment update

The Chairman reported that the climbing frame has been striped by 5 JLR graduate trainees. The old waste bin has been removed and the gate has been fixed by the Chairman.

(ii) Coping stones update

Cllr. Scorer reported that Cllr. Mills is looking into this.

ACTION: District Cllr. Mills to update November’s meeting.

(iii) Annual inspection of play area report

The Chairman confirmed that there are 2 or 3 minimum risks outstanding.

(d) Drains

The Chairman said that he has been told that sewage is getting into the ditch at the back of St. Marks Close.

ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with Severn Trent.

(e) Footpaths

(i) letter to landowners

Cllr. Price reported that most landowners have cleared their footpaths. However, the path down to the cemetery has been ploughed up to the hedge.

ACTION: Cllr. Price agreed to talk to the farmer.

(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; update

(i) Parking along the Warwick Road

The Clerk confirmed that The Heritage Centre received an email from JLR, in respect of their planning application, stating that the cones will be replaced with a low level fence.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Planning regarding the erection of a fence.

(ii) Pedestrian/cyclist access to Bishops Itchington

It was noted that JLR employees are cycling across the field opposite the JLR site and joining up with the footpath to avoid the traffic.

(iii) Car alarms sounding on car transporters

ACTION: The Clerk to write to JLR chief executive.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

(h) Community Forum update

The next meeting will be on 26th September at Wellesbourne Watermill.

(i) Flood Defence

The Chairman reported that he is meeting with the County Flood Officer tomorrow to discuss the bund behind the Kineton Road houses and the clearing of the ditch.

ACTION: November agenda item

(i) Severn Trent’s report on sewage; response

ACTION: The Clerk to send letter to SDC.

10. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

District Cllr. Scorer said that the windfarm enquiry starts on 10th September and will last for several weeks.

County Cllr. Williams report was read out.

11. To receive planning applications:

(a) 13/01878/FUL - Jaguar Lane Rover

The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections to this application.

(b) 13/01068/FUL - Land adjacent to The Gables, Banbury Road

The Parish Council agreed to object to this application for the following reasons: based on the fact that there are Great Crested newts on this site, the parking arrangements for the vehicles are very close to the neighbours boundary, the vehicular access is not appropriate, 4 extra houses adding to the already inadequate sewage system and the design of the development is out of keeping with the existing architecture.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to planning.

(c) 13/01806/FUL - Castle Farmhouse

Discussed at an extraordinary meeting

(d) 13/01737/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Discussed at an extraordinary meeting

(e) 13/01740/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Discussed at an extraordinary meeting

(f) 13/01463 - Chalford, Kineton Road

Discussed at an extraordinary meeting

12. To receive results of planning applications

(a) 13/01058/FUL - The Heritage Motor Centre - granted

(b) 13/01162/FUL - The Gaydon Inn - refused

(c) 13/01163/LB - The Gaydon Inn - refused

13. To receive any correspondence

(a) Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme

Circulated to councillors via email.

(b) Request for a memorial; Mrs. Caine

This was approved. Also see item 9(a)(i)

(c) Starbold Windfarm public enquiry - 10th September

14. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following bank balances:

Community Account: £3,994.36

Business Account: £10,586.77

(b) To agree expenditure up to £500 in respect of printing costs for the new settlement consultation.

This was discussed and it was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council would support this.

(c) National salary increase for clerks

The Clerk reported that an increase of 1% had been awarded to all public sector employees with effect from 1st April 2013.

(d) Clerk’s summons for jury service

The Clerk reported that she has been summoned for jury service in October.

15. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Fox, seconded by Cllr. Price.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (Sept) - £198.71

(b) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (Oct) - £198.71

(c) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Jul-Sept) - £35.18

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £425.00

(e) e.on - street lighting - £94.96

(f) Mr. A. Claxton - printing costs - £13.80

(g) Wickstead Leisure Ltd. - annual play area inspection - £54.00

(h) Royal British Legion - wreath - £65.00

16. Closure of Meeting

Next Parish Council meeting on 7th November at 8pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm.