1. Apologies for absence

Councillor Mrs. Fox (illness).

2. Questions from the public

Mr. Thomas reported that since the roundabout has been resurfaced there is a large area of water at the top of the Banbury Road. County Councillor Williams said that the County Council were aware of the problems and it would be sorted shortly.

Mr. Thomas also reported a light that is out on the refuge along the Banbury Road.

The Clerk said that this has been reported.

Mr. Thomas asked if the condition on the landfill site of planting trees had been met. The Clerk said that the County Council had visited the site earlier this year and confirmed that this condition has been met.

Mrs. Hughes reported that the street light at the corner of Church Road and Kineton Road was out.

The Clerk said that she would report this.

Mrs. Hughes also said that the surface dressing on the Kineton Road that took place last year was causing flooding issues. She has a meeting with Patch Byrne from Highways next Thursday. The Chairman agreed to follow up on this. County Councillor Chris Williams also agreed to follow up on this.

Mr. Wells talked about the new dual carriageway plans which he said do not take into account access for horses or pedestrians. There is a lack of points to cross the road. He also said that the name has been changed from the Warwick Road to Wade Lane. Further points made were that the Warwick Road should be a ‘no parking area’ and would the nature reserve be restricted access or can anyone drive in.

The light by the jitty was reported as out. The Clerk confirmed that this has already been reported.

Mr. Conway asked if the public were permitted to comment on the plans for the new dual carriageway. The Clerk explained that the public can comment up to 5th December. County Councillor Williams said that County Highways will be providing 1and half day public consultation.

A resident commented that we need to see JLR/Heritage Centre planning application in connection with this dual carriageway.

3. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman declared a personal interest in item 11(g) as he knows the resident personally.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September 2013)

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal

(a) District Council Cabinet Meeting; feedback

Cllr. Mrs. Conway represented the Parish Council at the Cabinet Meeting and asked questions regarding allocating development to brownfield sites with rail links instead of green fields. She reported that it was agreed at that meeting that 2 further sites would be assessed for the suitability of a settlement.

8.20pm District Cllr. Mills joined the meeting.

Cllr. Mrs. Conway further reported that there was criticism within the cabinet about secrecy and the credibility of the Council. The Cabinet also acknowledged that they need to liaise with JLR to establish their requirements.

District Cllr. Mills said that he objected to the building of 4800 homes because of the traffic issues and the fact that social housing will be located next to a motorway with a limited public transport network. He further said that just because people are on a housing register they shouldn’t have to live next to a motorway.

The Chairman said that the decision has now been postponed until mid December as the District Council has requested more assessments.

(b) FORSE/Parish Liaison; update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that FORSE are looking at the Community Infrastructure Levy. The document is confusing, confirmed by District Cllr. Mills, and FORSE are looking at securing professional advice. Cllr. Mrs. Conway pointed out that this draft document shows the payment for the Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath settlement as £100 per square meter with the Peter Brett Report suggesting it should be £150.

(c) To consider requesting that the District Council conducts a new consultation

It was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council should write to the District Council requesting a new consultation in respect of the extended development area and the fact that an SEA had not been available during the consultation period.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a letter.

(d) To consider writing to Jaguar Land Rover regarding the settlement

This was discussed and the Chairman recommended that we write to Jaguar Land Rover requesting a meeting. It was suggested that we join with other parishes in requesting a meeting. The Chairman said that he thought it should be just Gaydon. 3 councillors voted in favour of inviting Lighthorne, Lighthorne Heath and Chesterton to join the meeting. This was carried.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the other parishes and Jaguar Land Rover.

(e) Meeting between District Council, Jaguar Land Rover, County Council and developers; update

The Chairman read out the press statement issued by the District Council. County Cllr. Williams explained that the meeting was called by the County Council to discuss the road between Jaguar Land Rover and M40 junction 12. It was attended by landowners (Jaguar Land Rover and the developer), County Highways Officers, County Councillors, District Councillors and Dave Nash, the District Council’s Senior Planner. Cllr. Williams said that he did not attend the meeting.

6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Water leaks

The Clerk said that she understood that they had all been fixed.

(b) Cottage Farm, Banbury Road; lighting issues

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the owners.

(c) M40 junction 12 extension; response/planning application

It was agreed that this would be discussed at an extraordinary meeting as councillors had not had sufficient time to view all of the documentation.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange an extraordinary meeting

(d) Request for grit bin on Church Lane; ordered

The Chairman reported that this will be delivered on Saturday with the grit bin for the sand.

(e) Starbold Wind Farm; update

It was reported that this application has been called in by Eric Pickles MP. A decision is expected before Christmas.

7. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

A report was read out by the Chairman requesting dead tributes to be removed from graves. Hedges need cutting back except the Pickering hedge which has been cut well back. The Chairman reported that Jaguar Land Rover have offered a team of people for a project. It was agreed that the cutting back of the hedges in the cemetery would be an ideal project.

ACTION: The Chairman to contact Jaguar Land Rover

The weeds on the path have been sprayed.

(i) Complaint re. condition of grave update

It was reported that turf has been placed on this grave.

(ii) WI tree

The Clerk said that the Woodland Trust was giving trees to communities. It was agreed that we should apply for some trees.

ACTION: The Clerk to apply for trees

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

See item 2 regarding lights. No new report.

(c) Play Area

Mr. Thomas said that he has found a company that sells second-hand conveyer-belt which could be used for the roundabout. It was agreed that the Chairman would discuss this with Mr. Thomas.

ACTION: The Chairman to follow up with Mr. Thomas

(i) Coping stones; update

District Cllr. Mills said that he has contacted Orbit and will contact them again.

ACTION: District Cllr. Mills to follow up with Orbit

(d) Drains

Mr. Thomas reported that the drain at the bottom of Pimple Lane is often blocked. It was further reported that the recent resurfacing works has put grit into the drains.

(e) Footpaths

There is an issue with the stile by Tollgate Cottage.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the County Footpaths Officer.

Cllr. Price also reported an issue with brashings being thrown on footpaths. The Pimple Lane footpath needs clearing.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the County Footpaths Officer again.

(i) letter to landowners

Cllr. Price confirmed that the letter should be sent to landowners this time of year.

ACTION: The Clerk to send the letter.

(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; agenda items

(i) Erection of fence to replace bollards

It was reported that the bollards have been removed. It was agreed that if cars are not parking on the footways then there is no need for a fence.

(ii) New Settlement

It was agreed that this would be discussed at the meetings with Jaguar Land Rover.

(iii) Car alarms sounding on car transporters

Cllr. Price asked the resident who is reporting this if he could please record the registration numbers of the car transporters that are carrying the cars whose alarms are sounding and Jaguar Land Rover will then be able to trace these vehicles.

(iv) Speeding in Gaydon

It was noted that a car believed to belong to a Jaguar Land Rover employee was seen speeding along the Banbury Road. The Clerk confirmed that she reported this to Jaguar Land Rover.

(v) Jaguar F Type Test Vehicle testing along Pimple Lane

The Clerk said that she has reported this to Jaguar Land Rover and they have said that they will ask their engineers not to test along Pimple Lane.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

(h) Community Forum

The next meeting will be at the end of November.

(i) Flood Defence

Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that water is still coming across her land and entering the drains in Church Road.

(i) Severn Trent’s report on sewage; response

(ii) Meeting with Flood Officer: update

The Chairman reported that he has met with the County Flood Officer and the landowner. The County Flood Officer has advised that a small bund should be built on the Kineton Road side of the ditch and the ditch should be cleared. The County Flood Officer said that this will help the flooding in the village. The County Flood Officer suggested that the next stage would be to extend the existing 8 inch pipe into the field, and partially fill the ditch above the new pipe. It was agreed that quotes should be sought for this work.

ACTION: The Chairman to arrange for quotes.

(iii) To consider funding works to the ditch at the back of the Kineton Road houses at a cost of £750

Two quotes had been circulated to councillors. It was agreed unanimously that the cheaper quote would be acceptable.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the work to be carried out.

8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

County Cllr. Williams reported that the County Council must make drastic savings in the 14/15 budget. They are consulting on this. They will be keeping all of their children’s centres open but will be changing the way they operate. Museums will probably be privatised. He further explained that there is a new emergency planning template.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to send the template to the Clerk.

Firefighters will be going on strike for 6 hours. The relief service will only attend if lives are at risk.

District Cllr. Mills reported that the District is 4th in the country for recycling. He mentioned the New Homes Bonus Allocation.

9. To receive planning applications:

(a) 13/02686 - Chalford, Kineton Road

The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections to this application.

(b) 13/02208/FUL - Hillside, Kineton Road

No objections or comments.

10. To receive results of planning applications

(a) 13/01068/FUL - Land adjacent The Gables - withdrawn

(b) 13/01878/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover - granted

(c) 13/01740/VARY - Jaguar Land Rover - granted

11. To receive any correspondence

(a) Warwickshire Rural Housing Association Annual Report

Details in office.

(b) WALC Annual General Meeting; 13th November 2013

It was agreed that the Parish would not send a representative.

(c) Transport and Highways update

Circulated via email.

(d) WCC Consultation on Shaping the Future

The Clerk confirmed that this would be mentioned in the magazine.

(e) New Homes Bonus Allocation

Circulated via email.

(f) Consultation on SDC Community Infrastructure Levy

The Parish Council agreed to respond to this consultation. It was agreed that any professional advice FORSE receive would be very welcome. It was further agreed that councillors would review this document.

ACTION: Cllr. Mrs. Conway to keep councillors updated on any advice received from FORSE. Councillors to review the document. The Clerk to lodge our response with the District Council.

(g) email from resident re. signs on Village Green, cars parked on Village Green and adopting a 20mph speed limit along the Kineton Road

The Clerk said that the signs on the Village Green have been removed. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the occupants of the School House and explain that parking is not permitted on the Village Green. County Cllr. Williams said that he did not believe the Kineton Road would qualify for a 20mph speed limit. He said that he would put in a bid for this.

(h) District Council Boundary Commission Consultation

It was agreed that if any councillor has concerns regarding this they should email the Clerk. The Clerk would then co-ordinate the responses and circulate a draft response to all councillors.

ACTION: Councillors to email the Clerk if they have any concerns.

(i) Buses using Pimple Lane

The Clerk said that this has been reported to the County Council.

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank reconciliation up to 30th September 2013

This had been circulated prior to the meeting with a receipts and payments worksheet. The worksheet shows the actual expenditure against budget. A copy of the reconciliation is attached to these minutes.

(b) To consider a Section 137 grant of £500 to FORSE to assist towards the Planning Consultant’s fee in respect of the new settlement.

This was proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded Cllr. Pirie and carried.

(c) Website

The Chairman explained that he personally owns the website and displays information for Village Groups. He only displays the information requested by the Parish Council on the part of the website dedicated to the Parish Council. He would be redesigning the home page.

(d) Conclusion of 31st March 2013 external audit

The Clerk reported that we have received an unqualified audit. The notices will be displayed on the notice board.

13. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Pirie.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (Nov) - £215.83

(b) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (Dec) - £200.85

(c) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Oct-Dec) - £111.65

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £165.00

(e) e.on - street lighting - £94.96

(f) Mr. F. Liddington - weed killer for the cemetery - £22.48

(g) FORSE - section 137 grant - £500.00

(h) Warwickshire County Council - rehanging a light fitting - £77.44

14. Closure of Meeting

Next Parish Council meeting on 2nd January 2014 at 8pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.