1. Apologies for absence

District Cllr. C. Mills (District Council engagement) and County Cllr. C. Williams (holiday).

The Chairman asked if the agenda could be rearranged to allow District Cllr. Scorer to report and then leave the meeting as he has another commitment this evening. There were no objections.

8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

District Cllr. Scorer updated the meeting on the draft Core Strategy. He said that he had attended a District Council workshop with the Lighthorne Heath developer and key stakeholders. He said that the workshop asked for councillor’s thoughts on the development and how it could be enhanced and incorporated into the community. He encouraged the Parish Council to think about what Gaydon would like from this development and to feed these ideas into the workshop on 27th June. Cllr. Mrs. Conway mentioned that the ONS mid population figures, which were produced by the Office of National Statistics at the end of May, predict a significantly lower population figure than the District Council has predicted. Cllr. Scorer said that the District Council has used a consultant to predict the figures it has used in the draft Core Strategy.

Cllr. Scorer reported that the paddling pool at the Stratford Recreation Green has been refurbished. He said that District Cllr. Mills in his role as Chairman of the District Council has raised over £7,000 for his nominated charity. District Cllr. Jackson is the new chairman.

8.15pm District Cllr. Scorer leaves the meeting.

2. Questions from the public

The Chairman said that if residents wished to comment on items on the agenda they could do so by raising their hand and the Parish Council would listen to their question.

3. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Mrs. Conway declared a pecuniary interest in item 7(i) as the landowner. The Chairman declared a pecuniary interest in item 14(d) and (e) as a recipient.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (May 2014)

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Village Green; fencing and tree plus letter to Western Power

It was agreed that post and rail fencing would not be acceptable. The Village Green needs to be seen as an open space. Councillors agreed that small posts with the tops painted white for visibility would be acceptable.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for a quote for this work.

The Chairman reported that the damage to the green by Western Power has been rectified.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Western Power confirming this and also requesting the refurbishment of the bus shelter.

(b) Verge damage towards Gaydon Barns

The Chairman said that the damage to the verge had been rectified.

(c) Play area; residents working party

No resident has come forward to be involved in this project. It was agreed that the Chairman should investigate the purchasing of equipment for younger children.

ACTION: The Chairman to look at equipment for younger children.

(d) Gaydon Inn field; security and litter

The Clerk said that she has spoken to the agents of Punch Taverns and made them aware of this issue.

(e) Banbury Road lay-by; water leak update

The Clerk reported that the County Council has said that this is a low priority. However, we have been reporting this leak since at least August 2012. It was agreed that this is the responsibility of the County Council and they should arrange for the repair.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the County Council.

(f) Faster Broadband update

The Chairman reported that a new box has been installed and faster broadband is scheduled to arrive in Gaydon in September. The closer you live to the box the faster the speed of your broadband.

(g) M40 Motorway (junction 12 improvements) scheme, side roads order and compulsory purchase order; draft response

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a response.

6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal

(a) Cabinet Meeting; update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that she spoke at this meeting. However, it was still agreed that this settlement should be included in the draft Core Strategy.

(b) District Council Meeting update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that the meeting was extremely heated. District Cllr. Scorer supported housing at Long Marston but unfortunately GLH was approved.

(c) FORSE update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that FORSE are putting together notes to assist residents in deciding on whether to sign a petition opposing the soundness of the draft Core Strategy. The District Council has said that it would prefer one document with signatures as opposed to lots of individual letters. They are seeking legal advice and are asking each parish to raise £10,000 towards this.

7. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that the cemetery needs a tidy-up. An ex-resident has said that he will weed the paths. The Clerk asked if the ex-resident could please get a VAT receipt for the weed killer he purchases.

ACTION: Cllr. Mrs. Fox to ask the ex-resident if he could get a VAT receipt.

(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to cut back vegetation

Cllr. Price said that he did raise this at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting. The Clerk confirmed that she has followed his advice and sent an email to Jaguar Land Rover.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

(i) Light outside Last Cottage, Banbury Road

The Clerk said that she has been advised by other parishes that e.on might be able to repair this light. It was agreed that the Clerk should request a quote.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact e.on.

(c) Play area

(i) Refurbishment update

See item 5(c).

(ii) Annual inspection of play area

ACTION: The Clerk to request.

(d) Drains

The Chairman said that between the Gaydon Inn and The Heritage Motor Centre there are at least 7 drains that are blocked with mud and leaves.

ACTION: The Clerk to report to Highways.

(i) Banbury Road; 2 sinking drains

The Clerk reported that Highways are aware of this.

(e) Footpaths

(i) Letters to landowners

It was confirmed that all footpaths are now clear. The Chairman suggested a note in the magazine thanking landowners.

ACTION: The Clerk to put a note in the magazine.

(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; update

Cllr. Price said that JLR confirmed that they have no plans for a four wheel drive track behind the village. Their park and ride scheme is very successful. They tried using the back entrance to reduce traffic congestion but this was not very successful with their employees and they will not be using it again. JLR is not manufacturing and so no additional employees will be needing housing. Aston Martin will be employing more people. Next meeting in September.

(i) Proposed fire station; location

Cllr. Price said that County Cllr. Williams confirmed that the fire station would be on JLR land. This was not disputed by JLR.

(ii) Parking on Village Green

Cllr. Price reported that JLR said that this was a vehicle that was being used by their camera crew. They have advised employees that they are not allowed to park on the Village Green.

(iii) Car transporters operating during peak hours

JLR said that this is not happening. They also said that the noise created by the car transporters will go away once the dual carriageway is built.

(iv) Community Funding

It was agreed that the Parish Council would ask JLR to fund a traffic feasibility study on the Kineton and Banbury Roads to find out what traffic calming measures are appropriate.

ACTION: The Clerk to find out from County Highways the cost of a feasibility study.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

(h) Community Forum

No new report.

(i) Flood Defence

Cllr. Mrs. Conway did not take part in this discussion.

(i) Flooding; Old House garden

Cllr. Price reported that JLR have said that this is not water coming from their land. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Michael Green, the flood officer, to resolve this issue.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask Michael Green to contact the resident.

(ii) Banbury Road ditch; update

The Chairman said that this ditch does need clearing. Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she would talk to the resident.

ACTION: Cllr. Mrs. Conway to talk to the resident.

(j) Emergency Plan

Cllr. Pirie said that he would look at this.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward the template and current plan to Cllr. Pirie.

9. To receive planning applications

(a) 14/01239 - Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors discussed this application and agreed to ask the following questions: what arrangements have been made for the water which will be coming off this site, confirmation that the number of parking spaces that are being lost will be recreated on the site, plan of the area where the new parking spaces are going to be located, all construction vehicles should be cleaned before exiting the site, the vegetation between the road and Gaydon should provide sufficient cover to ensure that we are not looking at another road or parking lot, how are the car transporters, test vehicles, buses and delivery vehicles going to access the site and confirmation that they will not cause traffic congestion by being held up at a security point.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council.

10. To receive any correspondence

(a) Fire and Rescue Consultation

The Clerk was asked to find out what overlap there would be between shifts to ensure that we have 24 hour cover.

ACTION: The Clerk to investigate.

(b) Dual carriageway discharge of planning condition;

This had been circulated via email. It was agreed that the Parish Council would state that they believe the lighting on this dual carriageway is unnecessary, obtrusive, inappropriate for a rural area and a total waste of public money.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond.

(c) Funding for rural projects

Circulated via email.

(d) Overgrown vegetation blocking footways

The Clerk reported that she has made Orbit aware of this. It was agreed that a note should be placed in the magazine asking residents to ensure that they keep the footways clear.

ACTION: Note in magazine.

(e) Signs on Village Green

A resident said that he had removed the sign from the middle of the Village Green and reported it to the agent. The Clerk said that she too had spoken to the agent.

ACTION: A note in the magazine.

(f) Stratford-on-Avon District Proposed Submission Strategy

The Clerk said that she has one hardcopy of this document, which is in the office, and several copies of the guidance notes and forms that need to be completed to lodge a comment against the soundness. It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Conway and the Clerk would circulate to councillors prior to the next meeting a list of considerations.

ACTION: A note in the magazine. July agenda item.

(g) Invitation from Beattie Communications to the Strategic Masterplan Framework Workshop; 27th June

It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Conway would attend this workshop. It was further agreed that it should be requested that the following facilities are incorporated into the housing development: a medical centre with facilities for minor injuries and a helipad, primary school, secondary school in the centre of the development, leisure facilities, places to walk, cycleways, pedestrian access from Lighthorne Heath village to the new development, small retail area, police station. These facilities should be built as part of the development and not at the final stage of the development.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Beattie Communications.

11. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,827.26 and Business Account - £10,592.32

(b) Bank Mandate Form

The Clerk explained that the bank has requested a new form. The form was signed and a copy is attached to these minutes.

(c) Internal Auditor’s Recommendations

This was circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed that a risk assessment should be carried out shortly.

12. Signing of the Annual Accounts

The accounts had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed unanimously that they should be approved. The Chairman and Clerk signed the accounts.

13. Signing of the Annual Return and Annual Governance Statement

The Parish Council approved the Annual Return. The Chairman read out the questions which were answered by the Council and it was then agreed that the Annual Governance Statement could be signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

The Chairman did not take part in this discussion.

14. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Pirie.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (June) - £200.85

(b) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Apr-Jun) - £54.80

(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting - £430.00

(d) Mrs. J. Rickman - reimbursement for magazine paper - £19.99

(e) Mr. J. Rickman - reimbursement for work to church tower - £35.00

(f) e.on - Street Lighting - £94.96

15. Closure of meeting

Next meeting; 3rd July at 8pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm.