1. Apologies for absence
Cllrs. Mrs. Fox (holiday), D. Pirie (business commitment), District Cllr. A. Scorer (personal commitment), and County Cllr. C. Williams (Council commitment).
2. Questions from the public
A resident said that he was very disappointed that the County Council are planning to spread the subsoil from the new dual carriageway over the land instead of constructing a bund. The bund could be planted with trees and wildflowers and help to protect residents from unnecessary light and noise pollution.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Mrs. Conway declared a pecuniary interest in item 7(h)(i) as the landowner.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June 2014)
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Village Green; fencing and tree plus letter to Western Power
The Parish Council agreed that the height of the posts would be reviewed at the next meeting. A member of the public said that he would prefer stones instead of posts. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask residents for suggestions on types of tree to be planted on the Village Green via the magazine.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the tree to be mentioned in the magazine. The Clerk to also write to Western Power regarding the refurbishment of the bus shelter.
(b) Banbury Road lay-by; water leak update
It was reported that the water leak is no longer visible.
(c) M40 Motorway (junction 12 improvements) scheme, side roads order and compulsory purchase order; draft response
A draft response was circulated to councillors. Councillors agreed that this response should be submitted. It was further agreed that if the Highways Agency do not respond then the Clerk should follow up on this.
ACTION: The Clerk to send the draft letter and follow-up if necessary.
(d) Fire and Rescue Consultation; response from question
Cllr. Price reported that County Cllr. Williams had confirmed at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting that the fire station would not be on county land near Gaydon village.
(e) Jaguar Land Rover planning application for new road; response from questions
The Clerk reported that the District Council are willing to put 3 conditions on the site; water is not to drain onto the B4100, any parking spaces lost will be recreated on the site and all contractors vehicles are washed before joining the highway.
(f) Overgrown vegetation
Councillors reported that this is mainly by Orbit Housing and the path by the cemetery. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Pay Back Team and arrange for them to meet with the Chairman to discuss further. She confirmed that the cost is usually £250 per day.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the Pay Back Team.
6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal
(a) FORSE update
Cllr. Mrs Conway reported that FORSE are collecting information for their response. The legal advice received has suggested commissioning a number of reports and FORSE have actioned this. They will be sending out a circular updating residents shortly. They are also actively fund raising. The Chairman reported that the District Council has engaged with the PCC regarding the new settlement. Cllr. Mrs Conway said that the chief executive of the District Council is engaging with parishes. It was agreed that these meetings should continue and Cllr. Mrs Conway should represent the parish. FORSE are awaiting a response from the District Council as to why Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath was chosen over Long Marston.
(b) SDC/Bird Group Workshop; 27th June - update
The Chairman and Cllr. Mrs Conway attended this workshop. The Chairman said that the workshop was useful. He talked with highways about traffic implications for Gaydon. There were no traffic projections. He suggested that a new road be created next to JLR to link the B4100 to Kineton. This would reduce the amount of traffic coming into Gaydon. Upgrading footpaths to cyclepaths was also discussed. An issue with the new settlement is how to get school children safely across the B4100. The developer suggested an infant school on one side of the B4100 and junior school on the other.
Cllr. Mrs Conway reported that she discussed health issues and schooling.
Kineton High School will have a new extension. The workshop highlighted the fact that this settlement is not sustainable. The amount of land that JLR is taking is significant and does not leave much room for 3000 dwellings plus facilities. This was highlighted when the developer was made aware of the need for a fire station and showed concern at the fact that this might need to be incorporated on their land.
7. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to cut back vegetation
The Clerk confirmed that she is talking to JLR.
(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture
(i) Light outside Last Cottage; e.on to investigate
ACTION: The Clerk to contact e.on.
(c) Play area
(i) Refurbishment update
It was agreed that the Chairman would look at equipment for younger children.
(ii) Annual inspection of play area; requested
The Clerk confirmed that this has been requested.
(d) Drains
(i) Warwick/Banbury Road; update
County Highways are looking into this. The Clerk was asked to chase them for a response as to when the ditch on the Warwick Road is going to be cleared and also the Banbury Road.
(e) Footpaths
Discussed under item 5(f).
(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; agenda items
Any agenda items to be passed to Cllrs. Price and Mrs Conway.
ACTION: All councillors
(g) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
(h) Flood Defence
(i) Flooding; Old House garden
Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that the County Council has said that this water could be coming from the sewer that runs behind the Kineton Road houses which might be leaking. The way to find out would be to have the pond water analysed.
(ii) Banbury Road ditch; update
See item 7(d)(i).
(i) Emergency Plan
The Chairman reported that Cllr. Pirie is updating this.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
District Cllr. Mills explained the new electoral procedure. All residents will receive a letter from the District Council explaining this procedure to them. There is a new park warden service in Bancroft Gardens. There are new electric scooters available from the District Council to help residents get around Stratford. Activities will be available for school children during the summer holidays. Unitary authorities are being discussed as there is a need for the district and county council to reduce expenditure. Residents and councillors highlighted areas where they believed expenditure could be reduced by the County Council.
9. To consider Stratford-on-Avon District Proposed Submission Strategy
This was discussed and councillors agreed unanimously to object to the soundness of this strategy based on the sustainability of the settlement, traffic, brownfield should be used before greenfield sites and the fact that the document is not up-to-date. The Office of National Statistics produced revised population projections at the end of May and this information has not been used to produce the housing numbers. It was agreed that the Clerk should seek advice from Avon Planning Consultants.
ACTION: The Clerk to circulate a draft response to councillors for comments and then ask Avon Planning Consultants to review the response before submitting.
10. To receive any correspondence
(a) Invitation to an exhibition and consultation event on land at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath; 4/5th July
(b) M40 junction 12; email from Highways Agency
Circulated to councillors via email.
(c) Rural Affordable Housing questionnaire
Circulated via email.
(d) Land between B4100 and B4451; spreading of surplus topsoil generated by the construction of a new dual carriageway
The Parish Council agreed unanimously to object to this. Alan Law, the officer responsible for this application, said at the meeting held early last year that a bund would be possible. A bund would help with noise and light pollution. It was further agreed that Cllr. Mrs Conway would represent the parish at planning meetings discussing this.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond.
11. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,126.62 and Business Account - £10,594.17
12. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Conway
(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (July) - £200.85
(b) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (August) - £200.85
13. Closure of meeting
Next meeting; 4th September at 8pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm.