1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. A. Scorer (personal commitment).

2. Questions from the public

A resident reported that the Banbury Road lay-by is completely full of trucks in the evenings. He asked if the Parish Council could please ensure that we do not have lorries parking in the 2 ‘stopped up’ areas which will be created when the new dual carriageway is completed. It was pointed out that there is no turning area for the lorries so it would be difficult for them to exit the areas. County Cllr. Williams said that he believed there was a turning circle in the plans for the end of the Warwick Road. He also said that the County Council couldn’t make these areas ‘no parking’ zones. County Cllr. Williams said that he would bring this to the attention of County Highways and ask them to respond to us.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to ask County Highways to respond to the Clerk regarding parking in the 2 ‘stopped up’ roads.

A resident asked what the maximum capacity for traffic on the B4100 was. The Clerk to ask County Highways.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask County Highways.

A resident complained about the number of planning applications from The Heritage Centre and Jaguar Land Rover which relate to changing planning conditions on earlier applications and are difficult to follow. Cllr. Mrs. Conway updated the resident on one particular application which was causing concern. Councillors agreed that it would be beneficial if The Heritage Centre, Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin updated councillors on planning applications, which will be submitted in the next 6 months, at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting.

ACTION: Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Price to mention at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting.

Residents said that it was dangerous to cross the Kineton Road by the roundabout because of the vegetation.

ACTION: The Clerk to bring to the attention of County Highways.

A resident spoke about the housing development on the Kineton Road. He said that there was a need for housing and believed the site to be acceptable to the Village. There is a good mix of traditional village design housing with 35% affordable housing. The development covers 4 acres.

8.20pm District Cllr. Mills joins the meeting.

A resident pointed out that the development is towards the sewage site.

Another resident asked how many other houses are going to be built after this one?

Since we are going to be having 3000 houses at GLH surely these houses should be built in a different location.

The Clerk explained that the GLH houses are all in Lighthorne Heath Parish. GLH is shown as a housing development site with Gaydon Village being classified as a service village which will be allocated a number of houses to be built over the life of the Core Strategy.

A resident asked if houses built recently can be deducted from the number allocated to us.

County Cllr. Williams said that the number is counted once the Core Strategy is adopted.

Residents complained that not all residents affected had been notified. The Clerk to look into this.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council regarding this.

A resident complained that she would be losing her beautiful view and that a playground would be located near her property. She suggested that the houses could be built along the Kineton Road.

Concerns were expressed about the public footpath. Assurances were given that this would be reinstated where it should be.

Residents said that the entrance onto the Kineton Road would be dangerous. The Chairman explained that County Highways would be consulted.

Another resident handed out copies of her and her husband’s concerns. She mentioned the size of the development representing a 15% increase in homes in Gaydon. She said that this should be spread across Gaydon and not concentrated in one area. The 8 poplar trees in a resident’s garden, which borders the development, should have tree preservation orders on them as they are a key landscape feature of the Village. Vulnerable residents should be made aware by the Parish Council of this development. The 2006 Housing Survey stated that there was no need for 4 bedroom houses.

Another resident asked if we need bungalows.

Concern was expressed regarding flooding. The Chairman explained that there was a report covering flooding which should be available on the website.

Another resident asked who is responsible for the clearing of the ditches. It was explained that this is the responsibility of the landowner.

The sewage pipe should be wider to cope with the increase in houses.

There is no site notice.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the District Council.

Residents suggested that a leaflet should be produced and distributed around the village. Also that a public meeting should be called. The Chairman said that if residents wish to call a public meeting then he would attend. However, it is not up to the Parish Council to call the meeting. The developer said that he would attend a public meeting.

A number of residents left the meeting.

3. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Mrs. Conway declared a pecuniary interest in item 7(h)(i) as the landowner and 13(b) as a recipient. The Chairman declared a pecuniary interest in item 13(i) as a member of his family is a recipient.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (July 2014)

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Village Green; fencing and tree plus letter to Western Power

It was agreed that the posts on the Village Green should be stronger and shorter, regular in distance and more should be installed.

ACTION: The Chairman to instruct our contractor.

The Chairman reported that a resident has suggested that we plant a Christmas tree on the Village Green and decorate it at Christmas time. It was agreed that we would await more requests.

ACTION: October agenda item.

(b) Overgrown Vegetation

The Chairman said that he would be able to instruct the leader on what paths need work.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the Pay Back Team to carry out this work.

6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal

(a) FORSE update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that FORSE are circulating information to all district councillors. It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Conway should represent the Parish Council at Monday’s District Council meeting which will be discussing the draft Core Strategy.

7. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to cut back vegetation

The Chairman explained that he is still waiting for a telephone call from JLR. It was agreed that this should be mentioned at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for this to be put on the agenda.

(ii) Unauthorised alterations to a grave

This was discussed and councillors agreed that fences should not be erected around plots. This makes the mowing of the cemetery more difficult. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the registered holder of the plot asking for the fence to be removed.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the holder of the grant.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

(i) Light outside Last Cottage; e.on to investigate

The Clerk reported that she has asked e.on to look at the light.

(c) Play area

(i) Refurbishment update

The Chairman said that we have a new team of 4 members. They would like to improve the climbing frame, add a slide and 2 extra swings and provide some ‘springy’ equipment for younger children. The Chairman to obtain quotes.

ACTION: The Chairman to obtain quotes.

(d) Drains

(i) Warwick/Banbury Road; update

County Councillor Williams said that the Warwick Road ditch is on the work schedule.

(e) Footpaths

ACTION: The Clerk to place a note in the magazine reminding landowners to reinstate footpaths after ploughing.

(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; agenda items

It was agreed that car transporters travelling during peak hours, planning applications and M40 traffic lights should be added to this agenda.

ACTION: The Clerk to request that these items be added.

(g) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

Cllr. Mrs. Conway did not take part in this decision.

(h) Flood Defence

(i) Flooding; Old House garden

The Clerk said that she has asked the County to arrange for the water to be analysed. County Cllr. Williams said that the County can’t do this. It is up to Severn Trent to analyse the water. County Cllr. Williams agreed to liaise with Severn Trent.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to liaise with Severn Trent.

(ii) Banbury Road ditch; update

County Highways do not think that the Banbury Road ditch needs clearing as the water is flowing. County Cllr. Williams said that this ditch is the responsibility of landowners and not the County.

(i) Emergency Plan

ACTION: October agenda item.

(j) War Memorial; Church Clock need repairing

It was reported that the clock is not striking. It was agreed that this should be fixed.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for Smith of Derby to be asked to repair the clock.

8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

District Cllr. Mills reported that the District Council won the small business award. Residents should have received information relating to new procedures for the electoral system.

County Cllr. Williams reported that work will start on the new road at the end of October. M40 improvements will start next April. Cllr. Mrs. Conway asked if councillors have received the 3 reports that were missing from the planning application. County Cllr. Williams said that these have been received. He explained that the land between the new road and Gaydon village would be looked after by the County Council. It will be planted and maintained. He said that it was scheduled to be finished by summer 2015.

9. To receive planning applications

(a) 14/02154/VARY - Heritage Motor Centre

No comments or objections.

(b) 14/01703/VARY - Heritage Motor Centre

No comments or objections.

(c) 14/01806/FUL - 1 St. Mark’s Close

Following a comment from a councillor the Clerk confirmed that she has asked the District Council to ensure that the 45 degree rule has been applied in respect of the neighbouring property.

(d) 14/02038/VARY - Land Rover Jaguar

No comments or objections.

(e) 14/01833/FUL - Land adjacent The Gables

Councillors agreed to object to the application as the site is home to Great Crested Newts and there is concern for their wellbeing.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning.

(f) 14/02195/OUT - land south of Kineton Road

Councillors agreed that this is a well thought out, good mix of properties. However, in December 2010 Severn Trent’s Water Management Report said that the sewage station in Gaydon could only cope with 25 more dwellings. Since then 7 more dwellings have been built with planning permission for 2 more. Councillors agreed unanimously to object to this application based on the size of the development and the lack of sewage capacity. Councillors agreed that a smaller development of maximum 15 houses would be more appropriate. They also agreed that the sewage pipe would need to be widened from this site to the station and that the village 30mph limit would need to be extended towards Kineton. Traffic calming measures would also be required on the Kineton Road. It was also noted that as a service village Gaydon has been allocated a set number of dwellings over the next 20 years in the draft Core Strategy. Councillors believed that the number in this application could exceed the number set for 20 years.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a response, circulate to councillors and respond to Planning.

(g) 14/02055/FUL - Aston Martin

No comments or objections.

(h) 14/02157/VARY - Heritage Motor Centre

No comments or objections.

10. To receive results from planning applications

(a) Land between B4100 and B4451 - granted

Cllr. Mrs. Conway confirmed that she did represent the parish at the Regulatory Committee.

(b) 14/00903 - Heritage Motor Centre - granted

11. To receive any correspondence

(a) WALC’s annual general meeting; 4th November

No councillor is able to attend.

(b) Highways Agency; response

Councillors noted that the Highways Agency has said that the improvements to junction 12 takes into consideration the extant planning permission for 2,600 jobs at Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin beyond these figures will have to stand on their own merit and will have to justify to the Agency that they will not cause a negative impact on the Agency’s network, the same would apply for the County’s network. The onus would be on the developer to show evidence of how they are promoting sustainable modes of travel.

(c) Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

The Clerk confirmed that a notice has been placed on the noticeboard.

(d) M40 Junction 12 temporary traffic management proposal

County Cllr. Williams said that he has received a letter confirming that this will be going ahead. The Clerk to request that the details be placed in the magazine.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the details to be placed in the magazine.

(e) Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath stakeholder workshop; feedback session requested

The Clerk confirmed that no details relating to the site have been received only a request for a meeting. It was agreed that the Clerk should request plans for the whole area for councillors to review and then arrange a meeting with the developer.

(f) letter from agent re. Land south of Kineton Road

A copy of the letter had been circulated to councillors.

(g) Flood Resilience Workshop; 16th September

No one is available to attend.

(h) Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy consultation

It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Conway would review and respond it necessary.

ACTION: Cllr. Mrs. Conway to review and respond if necessary

(i) Committee Structures Consultation

No comments.

(j) Request for a sign to Ellis Machinery

County Cllr. Williams explained that County Highways will not permit a sign to be placed near the roundabout. If a sign is erected County Highways will remove it. Councillors agreed unanimously to support a sign for Ellis Machinery. Cllr. Price explained that large vehicles are taking wrong turnings and this could be dangerous especially if they turn down Church Road.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Ellis Machinery.

(k) Consultation for CIL and Site Allocation Plan

It was agreed that Cllr. Pirie will review these documents, circulate draft comments to councillors and submit to the District Council.

ACTION: Cllr. Pirie to provide draft response, circulate to councillors and submit to the District Council.

(l) WALC newsletter and Parish Liaison Meeting notes

Circulated via email.

(m) County Councillors grant fund

County Cllr. Williams explained that he has a small fund of £5000 for community groups.

(n) Signage at Knightcote Bottoms

Councillors said that they did not know who had erected these signs.

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,011.53 and Business Account - £10,594.17

The Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Conway left the meeting

13. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Fox.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (September) – £200.85

(b) Mrs. A. Conway - cheque replacement - £16.00

(c) Mr. J.D. Zimmermann - materials for clock tower - £35.00

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - replacement posts - £50.00

(e) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £425.00

(f) Accounting Data Services Ltd. - internal audit fee - £136.80

(g) e.on - street lighting - £189.92

(h) C. Hill - expenses (Oct-Dec) - £76.03

(i) Mrs. J. Rickman - paper for the magazine - £17.97

The Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Conway returned to the meeting.

13. Closure of meeting

Next meeting; 2nd October at 8pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.40pm.