1. Apologies for absence
Cllr. J. Rickman (holiday) and District Cllr. A. Scorer (personal commitment).
2. Questions from the public
A resident said that he has been in contact with the County Council regarding the clearing of the Banbury Road ditch. He has agreed to remove the trees and the County Council has agreed to clear this ditch. The responsibility for clearing de- trucked roads is the County Councils. County Cllr. Williams said that it is not the responsibility of the County Council. He said that he would seek legal advice. The Parish Council asked the Clerk to also seek legal advice.
ACTION: November agenda item.
Vans drivers are using a resident’s driveway for defecation. The resident was told to inform the Police.
A resident reported a lorry parked at night on the Banbury Road with no lights. The Police were alerted and escorted the lorry to the lay-by. It was agreed that the lay-by has no facilities and so the Parish Council would request that the Police escort vehicles to the motorway services instead.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask the Police to consider this.
A resident asked what measures the County Council was taking to prevent parking on the ‘stopped up’ roads on the new dual carriageway.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Mrs. Conway declared a pecuniary interest in item 8(h)(i) as the landowner. Cllr. Mrs. Fox declared a pecuniary interest in item 14(b) as a recipient.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September 2014)
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Village Green; fencing and tree plus letter to Western Power
The Chairman reported that we have received requests for a Christmas tree to be planted on the Green or a Cherry tree. Councillors suggested a Perry tree, walnut or Indian Bean. A local business has said they will donate £100 towards this tree. The Clerk to ask the District Council tree officer her view.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask the District Council their view.
The letter will be sent to Western Power in the next couple of days.
ACTION: Councillors to look at the posts on the Village Green and pass comments to the Clerk.
(b) Overgrown Vegetation; footpaths
The Clerk confirmed that she has contacted the Pay Back Team but is awaiting a response. Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that any resident is welcome to trim the paths. (c) County Highways response re. parking in the ‘stopped up’ roads
Cllr. Williams said that the areas would be marked with double lines. This would be enforced by the District Council. Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that this would not stop people parking. The District Council offices close at 5pm and no one is available at the week-end. County Cllr. Williams said that there is a 24 hour enforcement number.
ACTION: Cllr. Mills to let the Clerk have the 24 hour District Council enforcement number.
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that page 16 of the draft Core Strategy says that this road will become a ‘three lane highway’. County Cllr. Williams said that he had not read all of the Core Strategy and Cllr. Mills said that he had not read the Core Strategy; so neither was aware of this proposal. A resident asked County Cllr. Williams why he never supported the parish or residents. He always appeared to work against them.
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that we should write to the County Council requesting that the 2 ‘stopped up roads’ be reopened. County Cllr. Williams said that the planning application has been approved.
ACTION: November agenda item.
The Clerk suggested that we ask the County Council Highways Officers to attend a Parish Council meeting to show residents all the minor amendments that have been made to this scheme and to address our concerns. County Cllr. Williams said that he would try to arrange this for the December meeting.
ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for County Highways Officers to attend the December meeting.
(d) Traffic capacity of B4100
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she is concerned about the traffic capacity of the B4100. She has asked what the traffic capacity is and the County Council is unable to tell her. When the motorway is closed, and it has been closed 5 times this year, the traffic is directed to the B4100. With increasing volumes this needs addressing. County Cllr. Williams said that 5 closures this year was rare. It was pointed out to County Cllr. Williams that for 5 minor accidents the County Council is investing in lights, against the wishes of this Parish Council, on the new dual carriageway. They should be addressing this major issue. It was agreed that with the predicted increase of traffic on the M40 then surely there is likelihood that closures will increase not decrease. The Clerk was further asked to write to the Highways Agency to ask them for a quote for the improvements to the M40 which will be inevitable if the ‘dual carriageway’ is to become a ‘three lane carriageway’. The Clerk pointed out that these costs would have to be borne by the developer since the Highways Agency has made it clear that any works to the M40 necessary for the development are the responsibility of the developer.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to County Highways and to the Highways Agency.
(e) Vegetation at the roundabout
Residents told the Clerk exactly where the vegetation issues were.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask the District Council to cut the vegetation back.
(f) Planning application; land south of Kineton Road; process update
The Clerk reported that the District Council extended the date for the responses to this application because not all residents had been informed and the site notice had not been erected when it should have been. She understands from the District Council that all residents affected have now been notified and the site notice is on the gate.
(g) TPO on Popular Trees at The Leys
The District Council tree officer has said that she will review this but her initial view is that the trees should not have preservation orders on them. TPOs are for specimen trees and Populars are not considered specimen trees. She will contact us if she believes preservation orders should be placed on them.
The Chairman asked if anyone had any objections to a change to the order of the agenda with the report from the District Councillor next as District Cllr. Mills as another engagement this evening. There were no objections
9. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
District Cllr. Mills reported that the District Council is working with the Police to tackle rural crime. The District Council has closed down a property with multi occupants. The Clerk asked who receives the business rates from JLR and Aston Martin. County Cllr. Williams said that the money goes directly to the Government and then a percentage is given to the District Council.
8.50pm District Cllr. Mills leaves the meeting.
6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal
(a) FORSE update
Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that FORSE are astounded that the District Council’s legal adviser could review their submission; a barrister’s report and 3 specialised reports in a couple of days.
(b) District Council Meeting; update
Gaydon’s submission to the soundness of the draft Core Strategy was excluded from the document that was sent to councillors incorporating all the responses on the Thursday before the meeting. It was only included when the Clerk made the District Council aware of the error and so was sent out the morning of the Council meeting. Cllr. Mrs. Conway represented the Parish Council at this meeting and read out her statement.
(c) To consider representation at the draft Core Strategy Government inspection hearing
It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Conway would represent the parish at this hearing. The Clerk to inform the District Council.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the District Council
7. To consider supporting Lighthorne Parish Council in their complaint to the external auditor
It was agreed unanimously that the conduct of the District Council in relation to the draft Core Strategy should be investigated. The Clerk was asked to let Lighthorne Parish Council know that we fully support them.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to Lighthorne Parish Council.
8. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to cut back vegetation
The Clerk said that she has still not received a response. It was agreed that the Parish Council should ask Jaguar Land Rover for a donation of £750 to cover this work.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to Jaguar Land Rover
(ii) Unauthorised alterations to a grave
Councillors agreed that the Clerk should write to the owner of the plot.
(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture
Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that the flag pole needed a spare part. The canvas has rotted and we were advised to purchase a counter-weight. Councillors agreed that this was a necessary expenditure. Thanks to Mr. Thomas for fitting the part.
(i) Light outside Last Cottage; e.on to investigate
The Clerk reported that e.on have looked at the light and said that they are not able to repair it. They have confirmed that it is not the bulb. They have said that they could replace the lamp and have agreed to send details to the Clerk.
Number 2 Kineton Road is out. The Clerk to report.
ACTION: The Clerk to report this light.
(c) Play area
(i) Refurbishment update
No new report.
(d) Drains
(i) Warwick/Banbury Road; update
The Clerk reported that the drains will be cleared in the second week of October.
(e) Footpaths
The Clerk confirmed that she has spoken to one landowner regarding the reinstating of footpaths and a note has been placed in the magazine to remind landowners. The footpath on our boundary with Northend requires clearing and the County Council agreed 2 years ago that they would investigate the width of this footpath since the owner has erected a fence. The Clerk said that she has been chasing this but is not getting a response. County Cllr. Williams said that he would talk to Richard Barnard.
ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to speak to Richard Barnard regarding the clearing of this path and the width.
(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; update
Cllr. Mrs. Conway confirmed that she had attended this meeting.
(i) Planning applications were not discussed. The Clerk was asked to pursue this with the District Council since the Localism Act states that businesses should be liaising with the local community.
ACTION: The Clerk to mention to the District Council
(ii) Car transporters travelling during peak hours
This was brought to their attention.
(iii) Community Work
(iv) Parking
Considerate parking in Gaydon at Christmas time was mentioned.
(g) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
Cllr. Mrs. Conway did not take part in this item.
(h) Flood Defence
(i) Flooding; Old House garden
The County Council has said that this is as a result of the high water table at the beginning of the year.
(i) Emergency Plan
It was agreed that Cllr. Pirie should forward this to County Cllr. Williams.
ACTION: Cllr. Pirie to forward to County Cllr. Williams.
(j) War Memorial; Church Clock need repairing
Smith of Derby has looked at the Clock. The Clerk is awaiting a report.
ACTION: November meeting agenda.
(k) Community Forum update
Next meeting; 27th November at Kineton School. 4th December meeting the leaders at Stratford Race Course.
(l) Village Hall Wi Fi
ACTION: November agenda item
9. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
County Cllr. Williams said that the Windfarm appeal has been dismissed.
The Fire Service operating from Jaguar Land Rover has been approved.
Amphibian netting has been erected to catch the newts on the site opposite JLR.
Still investigating a unitary authority.
10. To receive planning applications
(a) 14/02275/FUL - Mercury Lodge, Kineton Road
No comments or objections.
(b) 14/02272/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover
No comments or objections.
(c) 14/02157/VARY - Heritage Motor Centre
No comments or objections.
11. To receive results from planning applications
(a) 14/01703/VARY - Jaguar Land Rover; granted
(b) 14/02055/FUL - Aston Martin Lagonda; granted
(c) 14/01833/FUL - land adjacent The Gables; refused
(d) 14/01806 - 1 St. Mark’s Close; granted
12. To receive any correspondence
(a) Highways Agency; revised drawings (junction 12 M40)
ACTION: Councillors to review the map.
(b) Electoral Review of Warwickshire
County Cllr. Williams explained the reasoning behind this.
(c) Articles relating to the history of Gaydon
ACTION: The Clerk to pass this information to the resident who is speaking at the Mens Evening.
(d) PCC; lighting for the maintenance of the church clock
Councillors agreed that the Parish Council should be paying for this. It was further agreed that a second quote was necessary. The Clerk to ask the PCC for a second quote.
ACTION: The Clerk to request a second quote for this work.
(e) Local Flood Risk Strategy Management
The Clerk said that Cllr. Rickman has advised that the County Council already has this information.
(f) Warwickshire Flood Summit; 16th October
Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that she believed these workshops were a waste of public money. This was agreed unanimously.
(g) WALC Parish Liaison; 29th October
No councillor is able to attend.
(h) Community Forum; 27th November
See item 8(k).
(i) WALC newsletter
Circulated to councillors via email.
13. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,011.53 and Business Account - £10,594.17
(b) External auditors report plus closure of audit
The Clerk reported that the audit has closed. There were no issues that needed to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council. A closure notice will be placed on the noticeboard.
Cllr. Mrs. Fox left the meeting
14. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Pirie, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Conway.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (October) – £200.85
(b) Mrs. M. Fox - reimbursement for flag pole material - £46.20
(c) Grant Thornton LLP - external audit fee - £120.00
Cllr. Mrs. Fox returned to the meeting.
15. Closure of meeting
Next meeting; 6th November at 8pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.