1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. B. Price (personal commitment), District Cllr. A. Scorer (personal commitment) and County Cllr. C. Williams (no reason given)

2. Questions from the public

A resident reiterated that yellow lines on the 2 ‘stopped roads’ would not stop parking. He said that he was told by County Highways that the roads would be clearways.

3. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (October 2014)

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Village Green; to agree fencing, type of tree and additional parking issues

Councillors agreed the fencing around the Village Green. The Chairman proposed that the type of tree to be planted be delayed until next year, seconded.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask Cllr. Price to provide pictures of the types of tree that has been suggested.

A photograph has been taken of a blue van parked with 2 wheels on the Village Green.

ACTION: A note in the magazine requesting residents to ask their visitors not to park on the Green.

(b) Overgrown Vegetation; footpaths

Cllr. Price has said that the footpaths have been cut back.

(c) Vegetation at the roundabout

Residents confirmed that this has been cut back.

(d) Clearing of the Banbury Road ditch

Legal advice from WALC is that it is the responsibility of the County Council.

Cllr. Mrs. Conway proposed that the clerk writes to Cllr. Fitton at the County Council requesting that this ditch and the Warwick Road ditch be cleared, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Cllr. Fitton.

(e) Escorting lorries to the Banbury Road lay-by: request to Police

The Clerk confirmed that an email has been sent to Wellesbourne. Cllr. Mrs. Conway proposed that we write to the Environmental Health Officer about the lack of sanitary arrangements in the lay-by, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a letter.

(f) District Council; 24 hour enforcement number

The Clerk reported that the District Enforcement Officer, Roger Thatcher, has said that there is no number for general enforcement issues.

(g) Request for the 2 ‘stopped up roads’ to be opened

The Chairman said that County Cllr. Williams has passed him a letter regarding this.

ACTION: The Chairman to read the letter in December’s meeting.

(h) County Officers attending December meeting; confirmation

The Chairman said that he did not think that County Cllr. Williams has arranged this. Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that the Clerk arranges for representatives from County Highways to attend one of our meetings, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for County Highways to attend a meeting.

(i) Traffic Capacity of B4100; letter to County Council

The Clerk reported that the County Council do not have this information.

(j) Improvements to Junction 12; letter to Highways Agency

The Clerk confirmed that she has written to the Highways Agency asking for the cost and timescale of the scheme that will support the 3 lane carriageway mentioned in the draft Core Strategy.

(k) Temporary traffic lights; review

ACTION: December agenda item.

6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal

(a) FORSE update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that the inspector will start his examination on 4th January. FORSE have appointed a barrister to represent them.

(b) To appoint Cllr. Mrs. Conway to speak at the Cabinet Meeting on 3rd November

Proposed Cllr. Pirie, seconded and carried unanimously.

(c) Cabinet Meeting update

The Chairman asked District Cllr. Kettle if he would update the meeting.

District Cllr. Kettle updated the meeting on his speech, regarding GLH and the supplementary planning document, which he made at the Cabinet meeting. He said that we will be contacted by Dave Nash, Senior Planner at the District Council, who has been told by the Cabinet that he must consult with parishes before this document can go to public consultation. He also said that he understood the meeting would not be open to the public.

(d) Representation at the draft Core Strategy hearing

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the inspector requesting representation. (e) Scoping Opinion

Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that we agree a response outside of this meeting, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: Councillors to discuss and agree a response

(f) To consider writing to the Government Inspector requesting that the Core Strategy hearing be delayed until the independent investigation is concluded

The Chairman, Cllrs. Pirie and Mrs. Fox decided not to pursue this.

7. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to cut back vegetation

Cllr. Mrs. Conway proposed that we ask JLR to fund this, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to JLR

(ii) Unauthorised alterations to a grave; letter to be sent

A resident confirmed that these alterations have been removed.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

(i) Light outside Last Cottage; e.on to investigate

ACTION: December agenda item

(c) Play area

(i) Refurbishment update

No new report

(d) Drains

(i) Warwick/Banbury Road; update

Residents confirmed that the drains have been cleared.

(e) Footpaths

(i) Pimple Lane; update from County Councillor

The Chairman to see if this is covered in County Cllr. Williams letter. If not, the Chairman to liaise with County Cllr. Williams.

ACTION: December agenda item.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

(i) JLR employee parking; Police and County Traffic Team notified

Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that we write to Ron Ball, Chief Commissioner, and thank him for this help with this, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Ron Ball, Chief Commissioner

(ii) Christmas parking in Church Road

The Chairman said that this is not a problem and it is only for a few weeks.

(g) To approve the Emergency Plan

Cllr. Pirie proposed that the Emergency Plan be approved, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: Cllr. Pirie to forward the plan to County Cllr. Williams.

(h) War Memorial

(i) To consider applying for a grant towards the repair costs of £1400

Cllr. Mrs. Fox proposed that we apply for a grant, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk and Councillor Price to complete the form.

(ii) To consider quotes for the lighting

Waiting for quotes from the PCC.

(i) Community Forum update

Next meeting; 27th November at Kineton School. 4th December meeting the leaders at Stratford Race Course.

(j) Village Hall Wi Fi

Cllr. Pirie proposed that we ask the Village Hall Committee to write to the Parish Council with a proposal, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Chairman to discuss with the Village Hall Committee. (k) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; update to outstanding items

(i) Car transporters operating during peak hours; email sent to Police

The Clerk confirmed that she has sent an email to the Police.

(ii) JLR Planning applications; no communication with the local community Cllr. Mrs. Conway proposed that we write to Neil Hempstead at the District Councillor making him aware that JLR are not consulting with us, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the District Council.

8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

District Cllr. Mills reported that recent statistics show that we are the only district to shrink and not grow, also our life expectancy is high but we have 2100 children in poverty.

Cllr. Mills apologised for not being able to attend the Cabinet Meeting and explained that he had asked Cllr. Kettle to attend for him and to also attend this meeting to report to us.

9. To receive planning applications

(a) 14/02498/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover (amendment)

No comments or objections.

(b) 14/02781/VARY - Jaguar Land Rover

No comments or objections.

(c) 14/02275/FUL - Aston Martin

No comments or objections.

(d) 14/02709/FUL - Church Cottage

No comments or objections.

10. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 14/02038/VARY - Jaguar Land Rover; granted

11. To receive any correspondence

(a) Meet the leaders; 4th December

Circulated via email.

(b) Community open day at The Heritage Motor Centre

Circulated via email.

(c) Several letters and emails regarding the traffic situation in Gaydon

The Chairman proposed that the Clerk respond to the letters, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond.

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,011.53 and Business Account - £10,594.17

13. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Pirie, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Conway.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (November) – £200.85

(b) Mr. C. Pickering - installing posts on Village Green - £140.00

(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £165.00

(d) Royal British Legion - wreath - £65.00

(e) Smiths of Derby - fee to inspect the clock - £180.00


14. Closure of meeting

Next meeting; 4th December at 8pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.15pm.