PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE, MRS. A. CONWAY (from 8.05pm), B. PRICE (from 8.45pm), COUNTY COUNCILLOR C. WILLIAMS, DISTRICT COUNCILLOR A. SCORER, C. HILL (Clerk) and approximately 5 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
District Cllrs. C. Mills.
8.05pm Cllr. Mrs. Conway joins the meeting.
2. Mr. Jeff Coope, Heritage Motor Centre
Mr. Coope showed the meeting 2 planning applications that The Heritage Centre has submitted for planning approval. The first application was for an extension to the new building to accommodate part of the classic car collection recently purchased by Jaguar Land Rover. He explained that this car collection would be the biggest on display in the world. Jaguar Land Rover is donating some of their land to The Heritage Centre and this building will be on that land. There will be no windows on the back or sides of the new building so light pollution will not be an issue. Cllr. Brine explained the character of Gaydon and the need to protect the village from urbanisation which appears to be creeping towards Gaydon. Mr. Coope assured the meeting that he understood how councillors felt and said that this was not urbanisation moving towards Gaydon. Any lighting in the Heritage Centre would be turned off at 9pm. He further said that he would ask his staff to check to ensure that lights are currently turned off at 9pm with the flood lights being turned off at 8pm unless there is an event. There will be landscaping.
The second application mentioned was for resurfacing to cope with wet weather conditions.
3. Questions from the public
A resident informed the Parish Council that they would shortly receive a planning application for 2 houses on land along the Warwick Road.
The Parish Council were asked if they took part in the new dual carriageway spade digging ceremony. The Chairman explained that we were not invited. County Cllr. Williams said that the developer (County Council) had sent out the invitations.
4. Declarations of Interest
All councillors declared an interest in items relating to the temporary traffic lights as they affect all residents. Cllr. Mrs. Conway declared a pecuniary interest in item 11(d) as the complainant
5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (December 2014)
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Clearing of the Banbury Road ditch; request for clearance
The Clerk reported that WCC have said that it is the landowners responsibility. Cllr. Brine proposed that the Clerk write to The Secretary of State for Transport to find out the terms agreed when the road was detrunked seconded Cllr. Mrs. Conway.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Secretary of State for Transport.
7. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal
(a) FORSE update
Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that FORSE has been actively preparing for the inspection.
(b) 15th December Cabinet Meeting; update
Cllr. Mrs. Conway spoke at the Cabinet highlighting again the traffic issues.
8.45pm Cllr. Price joins the meeting.
(c) Representation at the draft Core Strategy hearing; update
Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that she has attended for 2 days and she updated the meeting. The inspector has asked Gaydon Parish Council “If the JLR allocation is accepted in principle does Gaydon Parish Council dispute the hatched zone”. Councillors agreed unanimously that they dispute this. This disproportionate landtake of our Parish will have a detrimental effect on the environment and sustainability of our community. In the absence of an EIA we can only estimate the effect on the village by high levels of traffic, noise and light pollution. This allocated land does not provide Gaydon with any benefit in terms of breadth of employment opportunities for Gaydon residents or the GLH new settlement.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the inspector.
(d) To consider donating a maximum of £2,500 towards legal representation at the draft Core Strategy hearing Cllr. Mrs. Conway explained that she was unable to represent Gaydon on 22nd January. FORSE has said that we could ask their barrister to represent us. Cllr. Brine proposed that we ask FORSE’s barrister to represent us, seconded Cllr. Price.
ACTION: Cllr. Mrs. Conway to discuss with FORSE.
Councillors discussed a donation toward the legal fees. The Clerk pointed out that there is a small contingency that we could use but it would be difficult for us to fund £2,500. The Chairman asked the members of the public. They responded positively. The Chairman proposed that we donate £1,000, seconded Cllr. Price and carried unanimously.
ACTION: February agenda item.
8. To receive reports from District Councillors
Cllr. Scorer explained his reasoning for voting for Long Marston and said that he believed other councillors were now wishing they had followed him.
A joint working partnership between Stratford, South Northamptonshire and Cherwell is out for public consultation.
9. To receive report from County Councillor
Cllr. Williams passed councillors copies of the emergency plan.
Council tax would increase by 1.99%. The County budget would be set in the middle of February.
(a) Church Road ‘rat run’; Highways suggestions as to how this can be stopped
Cllr. Brine suggested a one way system along Church Road.
ACTION: Cllr. Williams to discuss with Highways and report to February’s meeting.
(b) New dual carriageway; update on minor amendments plus suggestion that the ‘2 stopped up roads’ be stopped up near the roundabout
Cllr. Williams said that the roads will be stopped up as close to the roundabout as possible. Plans had been forwarded to councillors. He said that he is confident that it will not be used for parking. Any minor amendments are very minor and councillors now have copies of the latest plans.
(c) Temporary traffic lights; update on measures being introduced to improve the system
The inappropriate driving in Gaydon has been reported to the Police. A member of Highways, who lives in Gaydon, is reporting on the situation on a daily basis. This is being worked on.
ACTION: Cllr. Williams to update February’s meeting.
(d) Strategic Transport Assessment relating to junction 12 in connection with the proposed 3 lane road; details
Cllr. Williams said that this is proposed for 2021 and would be a north going slip road.
(e) Green space between dual carriageway and village; to discuss planting, protection, management, etc.
Cllr. Williams said that he supports the green space between the dual carriageway and village being used by the community.
(f) Supplementary Planning Document; amendments to new dual carriageway impact on Gaydon
No changes to the original plans for the new dual carriageway.
(g) Bridleway on boundary with Northend; update
This is being discussed.
ACTION: Cllr. Williams to follow up on this and provide an update at February’s meeting.
(h) Education funding
Cllr. Williams said that there is no difference in funding between the north and south of the County. Cllr. Brine explained the situation and Cllr. Williams agreed to follow up on this.
ACTION: Cllr. Williams to investigate and update February’s meeting.
(i) Signage; opposite JLR
The Clerk reported that Highways have said that this is not a safety concern.
(j) Maintenance of verge between Gaydon Village and JLR
Highways have said that this will be sorted when the new road scheme has been finished.
10. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to fund cutting back of vegetation
ACTION: The Clerk to request.
(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture
(i) Light outside Last Cottage
Since the Parish Council has received no recent complaints from residents it was agreed that this would not be pursued.
(c) Play area
(i) Refurbishment update
No new report.
(d) Drains
No new report.
(e) Footpaths
No new report.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
(g) War Memorial
(i) Grant to be submitted
ACTION: The Clerk with help from Councillors to apply for a grant.
(h) Community forum; update
No new update.
(i) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; agenda items.
It was agreed that Cllr. Brine should join Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Price at this meeting. Traffic should be added to the agenda.
4 members of the public, Cllrs. Scorer and Williams left the meeting.
11. To receive any correspondence
(a) Temporary traffic lights; emails from residents to County Council
(b) email re. posts around Village
A resident has tripped on the posts and asked if they could be more visible. The Clerk said that they do have reflective markers on them. Councillors agreed that a note would be placed in the magazine suggesting that the tops be painted white. If any resident has an objection they should contact the Clerk.
ACTION: The Clerk to place a note in the magazine.
(c) Nomination for Royal Garden Party
It was agreed that Cllr. Price would be nominated.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward the forms to Cllr. Price for completion.
(d) Regulatory Committee
Cllr. Mrs. Conway briefly explained the situation and then left the meeting.
It was agreed that the Parish Council support Cllr. Mrs. Conway and would monitor the situation.
Cllr. Mrs. Conway joins the meeting.
(e) SDC list of draft allocated housing sites
(f) 2015/16 Precept
12. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The bank balances are noted on the bank reconciliation which is attached to these minutes.
(b) Grass cutting contract 2015/16
The Clerk reported that our contractor is willing to cut the grass next year for the same price as this year. It was agreed unanimously that we should accept this as the price is very reasonable and the contractor is familiar with our requirements.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the contractor.
(c) National salary increase plus annual payment for clerks
This was noted. It was also agreed that the Clerk’s hours should be increased from 4.5 to 6 per week with effect from 1st April 2015. This is due to the enormous workload created by Jaguar Land Rover with traffic issues, planning applications, parking, etc.
13. To agree 2015/16 budget and to set precept
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a draft budget. Cllr. Mrs. Conway proposed an increase in the precept of 6%, seconded by Cllr. Price and carried unanimously. The budget was approved.
14. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Conway and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (January) – £200.85
(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £105.00
(c) Gaydon Village Hall - annual rent - £1,000
(d) e.on - street lighting - £94.96
15. Closure of meeting
Next meeting; 4th February, 2015
The Chairman closed the meeting at 11.10pm.