PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE, MRS. A. CONWAY, D. PIRIE, B. PRICE, C. HILL (Clerk) and approximately 9 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
District Cllrs. C. Mills (Planning Meeting) and County Cllr. C. Williams (Planning Meeting)
2. Questions from the public
A resident asked about the Parish Council’s plans for Church Road to become a one way street. Cllr. Brine said that this was one of the suggestions being considered by County Highways as a way to reduce the volume and speed of traffic entering Church Road and to address child safety issues. He emphasised that this is only a suggestion.
A resident said that he has been told by one of the engineers, working on the new dual carriageway that they are looking at putting a vehicular entrance into the green area. Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that the green area is listed in the supplementary planning document as a mitigating measure.
Another resident mentioned that Jaguar Land Rover want the bridleways closed for security reasons. A number of residents and the Chairman said that they walk the bridleways on a regular basis and, therefore, they can’t be closed.
3. Declarations of Interest
The Chairman declared a personal interest in item 11(a) as treasurer of the Village Hall Committee.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meetings (January and February 2015) and the extraordinary meeting held on 24th November 2014
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting together with the minutes for the meeting held on 24th November 2014. It was agreed that these minutes could be signed by the Chairman. The Clerk had incorporated into the January minutes an amendment by the Chairman which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Councillors agreed that these minutes could now be signed by the Chairman. The Chairman signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) Clearing of the Banbury Road ditch; request for clearance
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Secretary of State for Transport.
(b) land adjacent to Gaydon Inn; water cycle report sent
The Chairman confirmed that he had forwarded the water cycle report to Mr. Andy Wilkins (Spitfire Properties).
(c) Bishop’s Itchington Road; removal of fencing
This has now been reinstated.
(d) Warwick Road; access to land once road is ‘stopped up’
The Clerk reported that County Highways are aware of this issue. She understands that County Highways will be liaising with the resident.
(e) JLR letter re. traffic
Councillors agreed that the traffic situation has improved. The letter should be sent to JLR.
ACTION: The Clerk to send a letter to JLR regarding the traffic. (f) Village Green; response from magazine re. painting posts white
The Clerk said that she has not received any responses from the magazine. It was noted that reflectors are already on the sides of the posts which should aid visibility. It was agreed that a reflector should be added to the top of each post, instead of painting the posts white, which would help with visibility.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask our contractor to add a reflector to each post and respond to the resident.
6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal
(a) FORSE update
Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that FORSE will not be responding to the Supplementary Planning Document. The inspector may not be able to respond on the examination in public by the 20th March.
(b) Public consultation on GLH housing; feedback
No councillors attended this consultation. FORSE have said that less than 100 people attended. The Chairman asked the residents if any of them attended. One resident said that he did and was very disappointed; the organisers were unable to answer his questions.
(c) To agree a response to the Supplementary Planning Document
This was discussed and councillors agreed that there is a need for a secondary school on this land, any building on JLR land should be low otherwise it would affect the views from the Dassett Hills, traffic is a major concern. It was further agreed that councillors would pass comments to Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Brine in order for them to prepare a draft response, forward to the Clerk for circulation to councillors before sending to the District Council.
ACTION: Councillors to pass comments to Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Brine to incorporate into the draft response. The Clerk to circulate draft response for approval before sending to the District Council.
The Clerk said that she has just received notification of a ‘drop in session’ in Gaydon Village Hall next Wednesday. Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Brine said that this was too short notice.
7. To receive reports from District Councillors
(a) New Homes Bonus allocation
The Clerk reported that District Cllr. Mills has been told that this money is not available. He is, however, speaking to the leader of the District Council to find out about funding for us. The Clerk was asked to find out from District Cllr. Mills where this money has been allocated and also information relating to the consultation recommended by the Government
ACTION: April agenda item.
8. To receive report from County Councillor
The Chairman read out County Cllr. Williams report.
(a) Church Road ‘rat run’; response from Highways re. one way system
The Chairman said that County Cllr. Williams has said that County Highways have noted our concerns. The stopping of the temporary traffic lights might resolve this issue. Councillors agreed that the stopping of the lights has resolved this issue.
(b) 24 hour lights on the new dual carriageway compound
The Chairman asked a resident if he would update the meeting. The resident said that the lights are now on a timer which is set for the lights to go off at 8pm.
(c) New dual carriageway contractors; Considerate Contractor System
County Highways has confirmed that the contractors are registered in this scheme.
(d) Traffic data; further responses to Cllr. Mrs. Conway’s email
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that County Highways have confirmed that they haven’t got the data. They are unable to tell us the amount of traffic that will be travelling through the T-junction between 6am and 7am Monday - Friday. Councillors agreed that this was unacceptable and should be mentioned in our response to the Supplementary Planning Document.
ACTION: Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Brine to mention this in the Supplementary Planning Document response.
(e) Banbury Road layby; letter to be sent to Environmental Health
ACTION: The Clerk to write to Environmental Health
(f) Footways; repair process
It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Conway would walk the footways with an officer from Highways.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for a Highways Officer to meet with Cllr. Mrs. Conway to identify areas of concern.
(g) Road repairs; pot holes
Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that Church Road has a number of pot holes.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform County Highways.
(h) Temporary Traffic Lights; update
Cllr. Brine confirmed that the lights at the top of Kineton Road have been turned off. All councillors agreed that the traffic situation had improved.
(i) County Funding Option; update
It was agreed that County Cllr. Williams should be asked if there is any funding available for safer routes to schools or transport and whether he will have his usual £5,000 fund to allocate to community projects/groups.
ACTION: The Clerk to request this information from County Cllr. Williams
9. Councillor’s Reports
(a) Cemetery
(i) Request for Jaguar Land Rover team to fund cutting back of vegetation
Cllr. Brine pointed out that this won’t be able to take place until September.
It was agreed that the Clerk should still request this as it might take a while to be considered in JLR.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to JLR
(b) Lights/litter/street furniture
The Chairman reported that he has received a complaint regarding the condition of the seat on Pimple Lane. Cllr. Pirie said that he would look at it.
ACTION: Cllr. Pirie to take a photograph of the seat.
(c) Play area
(i) To discuss the location and number of play areas in light of the recent housing developments
It was agreed that there are no outdoor facilities for adults in Gaydon. Tennis courts would be acceptable or outdoor gym equipment. It was further agreed that the Chairman would liaise with Hayward Developments to find out if the land they have allocated as a play area could be made into tennis courts or another adult facility.
ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with Hayward Developments.
(d) Drains
No new report.
(e) Footpaths/Footways
(i) Felling of tree on Banbury Road
A dangerous tree was reported to County Highways. It was inspected the following day and felled 2 days later. The Clerk said that the service provided by Gerald Brooks in County Highways was excellent.
(ii) Replacement tree on St. Giles Road
Cllr. Price and our contractor removed a tree that was blocking the footway. The tree was on the District Council’s land and so the Clerk requested that the debris be removed. She has also asked if a replacement tree will be planted but has not yet received a response.
ACTION: The Clerk to follow up with the District Council.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch
No new report.
(g) War Memorial
(i) Grant submitted
The grant has been submitted for the repairs to the church clock.
(h) Community Forum; attendees
The Clerk reported that the next meeting will be in June.
10. To receive planning applications
(a) 15/00333/FUL - Prospect Cottage, Church Lane
No comments or objections.
(b) 15/00267/FUL - Banbury House, Kineton Road
No comments or objections.
(c) 15/00371/COUMB
No comments or objections.
(d) 14/02950/OUT - land adjacent to Gaydon Inn
The Clerk said that she is still waiting for the amended application.
ACTION: The Clerk to follow up on this.
11. To receive any correspondence
(a) Request from Village Shop for funding towards a storage area
The Chairman said that the Village Hall Committee has given permission for a shed to be erected on the land behind the Village Hall. However, the size of the shed has not been agreed. The Village Hall Committee will be discussing this and liaising with the Village Shop Committee. In view of this the quote provided by the Village Shop might need to be amended.
Councillors agreed that they fully support the shop. In the longer term councillors agreed that the siting of the shop on a development would provide better storage facilities and a larger shop.
In respect of funding for temporary storage the District Council should be approached in respect of New Homes Bonus Allocation and section 106 payments. County Cllr. Williams should be approached in respect of his £5,000 grant allocation for 2015/16 for community groups.
ACTION: The Clerk to draft a response to the Village Shop Committee.
(b) May Parish Council elections
The Clerk said that she has received the paperwork for residents wishing to
stand at the election. A note has been placed in the magazine and notices are on the notice board.
12. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,362.37 and Business Account - £10,597.87
(b) To review asset register
It was agreed that the church clock should be added to the asset register.
ACTION: The Clerk to establish a value for the clock.
(c) To review annual insurance
The Clerk confirmed that the cost quoted by Zurich Municipal was the same as last year. Councillors agreed that this policy is one recommended by WALC and is very reasonably priced compared to the price quoted by AON several years ago. It was further agreed that the Parish would continue their insurance with Zurich Municipal. Councillors agreed not to include the clock as an asset to be insured since it is housed in the Church tower and unlikely to be stolen.
(d) New bank mandate form
A new form was signed and a copy is attached to these minutes.
(e) To agree date of Annual Parish Assembly
It was agreed that this should take place at 7.45pm on 2nd April 2015.
(f) To agree to apply for section 106 funding
Councillors agreed unanimously that funding for the play area, recreation area and village shop should be sought from developers.
ACTION: The Clerk to bring this to the attention of our District Councillors and the planning department.
(g) Risk Assessment
Cllr. Brine asked if we could add to the assessment the fact that we advertise our minutes on the website and all decisions are made in public meetings. Councillors agreed that this should be added. Councillors also agreed to approve the risk assessment with the above additions. A copy of the risk assessment is attached to these minutes.
ACTION: The Clerk to incorporate the above into the risk assessment.
13. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Conway and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (March) – £205.28
(b) Zurich Municipal - annual insurance premium - £243.80
(c) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Jan-Mar) - £43.50
(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting - £105.00
(e) Warwickshire County Council - annual street lighting maintenance - £231.60
(f) e.on - street lighting - £140.11
14. Closure of meeting
Next meeting; 2nd April, 2015
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm.