PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. BRINE (CHAIRMAN), A. CLAXTON (from 8.03pm), T. HUGHES, D. MORISOT, COUNTY COUNCILLOR C. WILLIAMS (from 8.35pm), DISTRICT COUNCILLOR C. KETTLE, MR. A. WILKINS from Spitfire Properties (for item 2 only), MS. L. THORNE from Atkins Planners on behalf of the County Council (for item 3 only), C. HILL (Clerk) and 9 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr. Alder (work commitment) and County Cllr. Williams will be arriving later.
2. Mr. Andy Wilkins on behalf of Spitfire Properties regarding the Gaydon Inn field
Mr. Wilkins explained that following a meeting with the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton the planning application for the field has been amended. The number of dwellings has been reduced to 15 which include one bungalow and a thatched cottage. He explained that it is difficult to accommodate a play area on the site and so he has met with the landowner of Church Lane field. They have agreed, subject to this planning application being approved, for Spitfire Properties to purchase half of the field and then to sell to the Parish Council for £1 with a covenant to say that it can only be used for recreational or ecological use. Mr. Wilkins said that the County Council has confirmed that they own the Banbury Road ditch. He also confirmed that there will be no street lights on the development. With regard to affordable housing people living in or with a connection in the parish will be given preferential treatment. Mr. Wilkins confirmed that social housing will be allocated by an outside agency. Councillor Kettle said that it is vital that the Parish Council ensures that the housing is offered to Gaydon residents or people with a connection to Gaydon before it is offered anywhere else. The Chairman thanked Mr. Wilkins for attending our meeting.
8.20pm Mr. Wilkins leaves the meeting
3. Atkins Planners, on behalf of the County Council, re. Fire Services Base at Aston Martin
Ms. Thorne explained that Atkins Planners had been appointed by the County Council to look at providing a fire station at Aston Martin. She said that there was a high requirement for providing a fire service for traffic accidents on the M40 in this area. The fire service must now meet a 10 to 15 minute response time. The fire station will be operational from 7am until 7pm. This station will not replace Fenny Compton or Wellesbourne fire stations. There will be 2 buildings on site for crew facilities and appliances. The planning application will be submitted later this year with work starting early next year. The Chairman thanked Ms. Thorne for attending our meeting.
8.35pm Ms. Thorne leaves the meeting and Cllr. Williams arrives.
4. Questions from the public
A resident complained about the speed of traffic on the Kineton Road and suggested a total 20mph policy. Councillor Williams said that 20mph speed limit was only appropriate in the close proximity of a school. The resident said that 250 communities in the UK have introduced it and asked if the Parish Council would look at this information. The Chairman asked the resident if she could email details to the clerk.
ACTION: The resident to email details relating to total 20mph to the clerk.
Councillor Kettle said that if GLH was to go ahead then traffic was a high issue. Funding could be requested from the developer for traffic calming.
A resident said that he was very worried about the overnight parking on the Warwick Road. It was reported that temporary barriers will be erected.
5. Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
6. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September 2015)
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. Councillor Williams said that he was disappointed with the minutes as he didn’t think they were accurate. It was agreed that in future, for the County Council Report section ‘to receive report’, Councillor Williams’ report would be attached to the minutes.
ACTION: Councillor Williams to send his report to the Clerk.
Councillor Claxton proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
7. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings
(a) New dual carriageway plus M40 junction improvements; compensation
Councillor Williams said that the road must be built for one year before you can claim compensation. He said that he would obtain a statement from the County Council.
ACTION: Councillor Williams to obtain a statement from the County Council regarding compensation
(b) Land on Banbury Road fallen tree; email sent to County Council
The Clerk confirmed that this has been done.
(c) Ferndale, Warwick Road; TPOs on trees
The Clerk said that she understands that this is being dealt with.
(d) Meeting with JLR; update
The Chairman and Cllr. Claxton attended this meeting. The Chairman said that Gaydon Parish Council has made it clear to JLR that they would oppose any building on land between The Heritage Centre and Gaydon Village. JLR said that they have no plans at the moment to build on this land. Their planning application covers their current site. There will be an increase in traffic with 1600 employees being transferred from other sites. The car transporters will be moved away from the Gaydon site. The Chairman expressed disappointment that JLR were not invited to the meeting at the District Council to discuss GLH. The Chairman said that he is unable to attend the next Gaydon Liaison Meeting. It was agreed that Councillor Hughes should attend with Councillor Claxton.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the County Council.
(e) Meeting regarding the Gaydon Inn field planning application; to agree proposal from Spitfire Properties regarding play provision
Councillors agreed that the proposal from Spitfire Properties to sell their share of the Church Lane field to the Parish Council for £1 was accepted.
(f) Cemetery; to agree to purchase a tree to replace the WI tree
Councillors agreed that a Crab Apple Tree should be purchased at a maximum cost of £100. The Chairman thanked the residents who had helped with this and said that he would be willing to assist with the planting of the tree.
(g) Meetings with Highways Officers; update
Councillor Claxton had circulated a report prior to the meeting. He briefly explained that he has met with Highways Officers and Severn Trent to discuss the flooding of Church Road. Severn Trent has agreed to clear the pipe in Church Road. County Highways has agreed to carry out some maintenance tasks and has promised to add St. Giles Road to the footway treatment programme for next year.
(h) Parking issues
Councillor Claxton said that the Police are aware of the abandoned car outside the Church. Councillor Hughes reported that at the Community Forum Meeting he brought to the attention of the Police the parking on footways issue we currently have. They agreed to look out for this when in the area.
8. Parish Plan
(a) To review
See separate note.
(b) New priorities to be proposed ready for consultation
See separate note
(c) Bids from GLH that might benefit the village
The Chairman and Councillor Claxton reported that following the meeting with the District Council to discuss GLH the Parish Council has been asked to provide schemes required should GLH be approved. Councillors agreed that the land between the new dual carriageway and the Warwick Road should be purchased by the developer and sold to the Parish Council for £1. This should help to protect the village from further development and create a local green space. Funding for the fabric of the church since GLH will not have a church. A thatched roof on the Village Hall plus funding for Wifi, a new noticeboard and a 20 year maintenance fund. Money for the community shop to assist with the increase in demand. Sport facilities which will be identified by our survey. Traffic calming measures to cope with the increase in traffic. Flood prevention scheme behind the Kineton Road houses. A safe route to school from Gaydon to Kineton if there is not going to be a secondary school at GLH. The need for a bypass was also approved.
ACTION: The Clerk was asked to respond to the District Council
9. To receive report from District Councillor
(a) To receive report
Councillor Kettle talked about the housing numbers in relation to the draft Core Strategy. He said that there was a strong argument for local service villages, whose housing number has been exceeded, to be able to refuse further housing.
(b) Combined authority; update
Councillor Kettle updated the meeting and said that the District Council would be voting on this next week.
(c) Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Implementation Options Consultation
Councillors agreed that we should respond. It was agreed that Councillor Alder would be asked if he could circulate a draft response to councillors and then pass to the clerk for submission.
ACTION: Councillor Alder to circulate a draft response to councillors and then pass to the Clerk for submission.
(d) SDC Core Strategy Modification Consultation; to agree response submitted with form of authority
Councillors agreed to approve the response which had been circulated and then submitted. It was further agreed that a form of authority be signed supporting FORSE.
10. To receive report from County Councillor
(a) To receive report
See attached report.
(b) Banbury Road layby; request for land to be offered for sale to residents
Councillor Williams reported that the County Council would not sell land to residents. He said that they would give permission for the Parish Council to make improvements to the layby subject to prior approval.
(c) Request for a representative from County Highways to attend next meeting to explain additional lane on dual carriageway, plus review lights on roundabout and planting
Councillor Williams said that the lighting on the roundabout would not be reviewed. A resident said that he thought it was part of the planning application.
(d) Flood Risk Consultation plus invitation to Flood Risk Meeting (attendee)
It was agreed that Councillor Claxton would attend the meeting. Councillors would review the consultation and pass comments to the clerk.
ACTION: Councillors to review the consultation. The Clerk to respond.
(e) New dual carriageway tie-in works
Councillor Williams explained that this would take place on 19th October.
The Chairman asked Councillor Williams if he could please arrange for a member of the Parish Council to be invited to the opening of the new dual carriageway.
ACTION: Councillor Williams to arrange for an invitation.
Concern was expressed regarding the huge signage at the Gaydon roundabout.
ACTION: Councillor Williams to look into this.
A resident asked Councillor Williams if the drainage plans he had discussed with him when he was on the Parish Council are the plans that the contractors will be using. CW responded yes.
11. Attendance of forthcoming meetings and allocation of work
The Chairman explained that it is essential for all councillors to assist with easing the heavy workload. Councillor Morisot said that she would attend the WALC Liaison Meeting with the Chairman on 20th October. Councillor Hughes said that he would be able to attend the WALC AGM on 4th November.
12. To receive planning applications
(a) Planning application no. 15/03183/FUL - The Heritage Centre
This application was discussed and councillors agreed to raise no objections. However, they agreed to raise a request for funding towards traffic calming since the traffic to The Heritage Centre is increasing.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning.
(b) Planning application no. 15/03061/FUL - Cottage Farm, Banbury Road
Councillors discussed this application and agreed to object since the new entrance is in close proximity to the layby and could create access issues, visibility issues on a 60mph limit road.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning.
13. To receive correspondence
(a) Complaint re. road sweepers using fire hydrants in Gaydon plus damage to telephone box green
The Chairman explained that the supply of water to properties has been affected. The County Council has now confirmed that the sweepers will be using the fire hydrant at the reservoir. The Clerk said that we are still waiting to hear from the County Council regarding the repairs to telephone box green.
(b) Community Project for Balfour Beatty
It was agreed that Balfour Beatty should be asked to refurbish and clear the Banbury Road layby and remove the tree stump from the village green.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Balfour Beatty
(c) Letter re. footway issues
The Clerk reported that these issues have been dealt with.
14. Financial Report/Administration
(a) Bank balances
The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £4,270.58 and Business Account - £10,603.42
(b) Bank reconciliation
The Clerk to circulate to councillors.
ACTION: The Clerk to circulate to councillors.
(c) Website
It was agreed that Councillors Hughes and Morisot would look at this. It was further noted that a resident has offered assistance.
ACTION: Councillors Hughes and Morisot to discuss.
(d) 2016 grass cutting contract
Councillors agreed that 3 quotes should be obtained for the 2016 contract. The Chairman and Councillor Morisot agreed to review the current contract.
ACTION: The Chairman and Councillor Morisot to review the contract.
(e) To consider amending existing grass cutting contract
It was agreed that the amendments to the cemetery grass maintenance contract proposed by the Chairman should be approved.
(f) To consider creating a Neighbourhood Plan
The Chairman explained his reasons for proposing this. Councillor Williams said that there is an officer at the District Council who could explain the process. Councillor Williams to email the Chairman with the name of the officer.
ACTION: Councillor Williams to email the Chairman with the name of the officer.
(g) SDC Planning Training update
ACTION: November’s agenda item
(h) Transparency Fund
It was agreed that this should be applied for. The Clerk should ask a resident to assist with quotes for the website.
ACTION: The Clerk to complete the application form and submit.
(i) Annual Return
The external auditor has signed the annual return. Councillors agreed to accept and approve the return.
(j) WALC AGM; 4th November
Councillor Hughes to attend and vote for the Parish Council
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to WALC
(k) Training
Councillors Claxton and Morisot to attend induction training.
ACTION: The Clerk to reserve places on the course.
15. Passing of any accounts for payment
The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.
(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (October) – £273.70
(b) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Jul-Sep) - £97.62
(c) British Legion - wreath (section 137) - £65.00
16. Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 3rd November 2015.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 11.35pm.